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Tuesday, February 03, 2015
12:20 am CET - Virgo Gold Saint minihitsukimi - Just needed needed to say something
Hits: 26213
I write here knowing that no one actually reads these, I write here to simply vent. I apoligize if any soul wanders here and finds my ramblings for I know it's just a ton of nonsense.

I must start by saying that I am me and that thought shames me. I am a shy person who wishes he could speak up and try to make friends or could find more people who he could help or people he can just be with even if it's in silence. I am an introvert who is afraid to go out of his way, I am indecisive and have practically no self esteem about any skills I may or may not have.

I am me, I am mini and I am pathetic. I currently am sitting all but in tears as I type this, as I fear tomorrow just because of a class I have. I am plagued with anxiety and uncertainty.

I don't want to blather on too much at one time, I don't want to throw all my baggage here. I just.. needed to say something.. to anyone.. even if no one would listen. Thank you anyone for your time and thank you anyone who has put up with me even if a little. I am sorry that I am who I am.

Just a confused and lost soul