Shinobi Blogs

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Wednesday, August 04, 2010
07:05 am CEST - Magical boy Hyuugan - cuz all the kewl people are doing it.
Hits: 16845
uhhhh anyway what has happened recently is I broke my phone.. well the screen anyway, its a horrible BB storm.. the first generation it was really hard to type with at first but I got used to it and now I'm pretty much godly with typing on other peoples phones. Well the repairs for it is 400$ because I was to cheap to buy insurance. Might as well get a new phone.. maybe the Iphone but I don't want to be like everyone else. I miss my phone a lot even though its been maybe 2 days. I guess I'll go see what my options are tomorrow. If only I had tons of money... But meh I have to save something to buy my brother something for his birthday.. maybe a PS3 but it will actually be mine... hehe

Anddd I'm planning a war for SL because tons of people here a beaching about the rp on this site, so I'll try to do something about it.

Abyss kashi spud piece <3 xD


Wednesday, May 26, 2010
06:29 am CEST - Magical boy Hyuugan - Updayte Awn Hyuugan
Hits: 14496

Well here is another blog now that I know at least one person read mine haha.. I'll keep it to the point and a simple update. I've finished university and I'm on summer for now. I broke my laptop so have to use crappy home computer. I'm currently living like a hobo and painting houses and stuff.. (crappy painter xD). Uhh I got a new room its green and huge biggest room in the house hehe. annnd that's all because I'm bored of typing now.

ooohh and shout out to my Kashi ;)

foul is fair and fair is foul :)

Saturday, July 11, 2009
04:22 am CEST - Magical boy Hyuugan - Boredom >>
Hits: 16238
Salut! ^^

just writing because of extreme boredom after being busy with school and work. Anyway, the main reason why I decided to write is because of my pwnsome scholarship to university/ graduation from high school (so happy). but to much work, Exams were sucky but where about 3 weeks ago. Either way it has just been chaotic for me but ive missed sl. heh getting a bit old tho wonder if ill ever leave heh

foul is fair and fair is foul :)

Sunday, February 15, 2009
10:46 pm CET - Magical boy Hyuugan - First Blog.
Hits: 13337
I always wanted to buy one of these.. now I have one :)

Hello anyone reading.. I just turned 18 a while ago an yep, its awesome I am able to do anything I want :]. As for valentines day I went to go see a movie with a girl(hopefully soon gf) and that's pretty much it..

foul is fair and fair is foul :)