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Wednesday, August 27, 2014
01:51 am CEST - Professor Atticus - She got a big booty so we call her big booty.
Hits: 11784
I write like trash. Things like this--the personal things, the things that really matter to someone else, when you're trying to convey a point..I really just can't do it. It's not in me. My brain is so god damn scattered sometimes that I can't bring myself to convert that thought into something that someone else can understand. I can come across as corny or..I guess I'm not sure. Too much. It's one of those times where you really wish you could read with someone else's eyes.

Don't remember where I heard it, probably some internet forum, but..You ever realized that you've never really seen your own face, just it's reflection in the mirror? That's kinda what it feels like.

You have this entirely different context for when you read something. New interpretations, new meanings, bounds of knowledge or the lack thereof, gaps of-context really is the best word-that just entirely escape you.

Want to know a gap of mine? I really don't know the oceans. I'm a history major, by the way. Geography is sort of implied. Personally I find it sort of pathetic. Something I need to fix, which I guess I will after I debate on if I'll submit this.

It strikes me as I read through my paragraphs that I use the word/letter "I" a whole lot. It's sort of depressing, honestly. Am I that bad with word choice for someone with what I think is an expansive speaking vocabulary?

This whole post--nay, this blog. It's like a tribute to vanity if I just write about myself, which I guess is half the point! Isn't that sad? You don't really care what I'm writing about. There's not going to be new and original content on this essay. It'll be the same trash you can not read anywhere else. Kind of makes the cynical jerk in me come out.

Makes me wonder who I really am. Is there anything going on in this head of mine or is it just the same pretentious bull that I'm bleeding onto this page right now?

I guess that just means I have to set a goal to not meet since this is one of my..lesser days when it comes to mood or feel.

Guess that means I'll quote an article. One of the type that gives me man-tears. You know the sort, just copy and paste this section and google it. I'm sure it'll come up. Or I'll source it for the sake of being academic, eh?

" I’m a firm believer in the idea that super-heroes teach you things, and it’s usually a pretty simple lesson. Superman teaches you to be nice and to be a good person, because that’s the way you make things better for everyone. Batman teaches you that if you’re determined enough, and if you try your hardest, one man can change the world. Those are great guidelines, not just for storytelling, but for life.
But Spider-Man’s lesson is a little less sugar-coated, and a little more human. Spider-Man teaches you that you’re going to screw up. It’s going to happen, and it’s going to be bad. You’re going to make bad decisions and it’s going to feel like they’re going to crush you. It’s going to hurt. But Spider-Man also teaches you that the only way to get through it is that you never, ever quit. It’s not easy, but even if it seems impossible, you can beat anything that stands in your way. You can become the person you want to be."

I think there's something for all of us to pull from that. Have a nice day, I suppose.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014
12:32 am CEST - Professor Atticus - "Soup Kitchen. Brownie. Blasphemous. Asanine."
Hits: 10652
I guess I'm just writing here because I've been around the better part of a decade and I think this might be the only think I haven't bought. A blog. It's a place to write out thoughts about..things. Anything, really.

Typically, I'll end up writing about horribly, horribly nerdy things like D&D, Comics, movies, and video games knowing myself. But I guess there's always room to write a little something about history or philosophy or..really anything else. Guess that just makes me a man of varied interests. Or boring, you decide.

This little--I hesitate to call it an intro post, but I guess it is--intro is completely stream of consciousness at the moment. No thoughts really run through my head, it's just one of those days where you..write. Kind of makes me wonder why anyone would read this.

Are you stalking me?
Are you here to laugh?
Or are you someone just generally interested in a louse like me?

I find all of those sort of..unlikely.
More likely Nobody'll ever read this.

I guess I'll just say here's where I put my thoughts, whatever they might be. Thanks for reading, nobody. I'll probably update infrequently, only writing when I have something to say. Maybe I'll post schoolwork and ask someone to rate it.

For now I guess I just want to write about myself because I'm a jerk like that.