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Monday, October 12, 2015
06:57 pm CEST - Anbu Taicho Uchiha_Takara - Forum Notice
Hits: 19923
Please send me a message if you are trying to register on the forum.
We get hundreds of spam accounts per day and we have to manually go through and approve.
If you are seeking approval let me know.


Uchiha Sasuke

Sunday, February 19, 2012
02:16 pm CET - Anbu Taicho Uchiha_Takara - Dear SL
Hits: 16325
I never sleep.

Yours Truly,


Monday, February 13, 2012
01:36 pm CET - Anbu Taicho Uchiha_Takara - Oh my goodness
Hits: 21823
I just went through all of my forum posts and did a lot of internet looking. So much nostalgia <3

This is all. Enjoy.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011
02:08 pm CEST - Anbu Taicho Uchiha_Takara - Finals are over
Hits: 27604
Everything will return business as usual.
Passed all my classes, off for a quarter, back here as usual.
Business as usual.

Thursday, September 08, 2011
05:34 am CEST - Anbu Taicho Uchiha_Takara - Finals this week
Hits: 21313
Will be a delay in logging in.
Not too much, and then I'll be back after the week's end mostly and active again.

Sunday, August 28, 2011
03:51 am CEST - Anbu Taicho Uchiha_Takara - If I'm not here for two days...
Hits: 43996
That most likely means my power went out from the storm and I will return afterwards.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011
12:56 am CEST - Anbu Taicho Uchiha_Takara - Earthquake.
Hits: 43486
I hope everyone on the east coast was okay.
We had some aftershock tremors here in my location.

Saturday, July 23, 2011
06:57 am CEST - Anbu Taicho Uchiha_Takara - Well this is an awkward way to say it...
Hits: 15665

But I guess over the long time of me having disappeared I had missed being here. Needed something to do, and having gone so long without being here I'm going to return.

If I turn into another, dig me up from under what is covering the better part of me. Sing this song. Remind me that we will always have eachohther when everything else is gone...

Wednesday, October 10, 2007
03:34 am CEST - Anbu Taicho Uchiha_Takara - Goodbye for now...
Hits: 13286
As I have been around for a very long time in the summer, as well as the previous years playing this game; I know quite a few people. As I cannot go around, and thank you all individually, or say a goodbye to you all; I wish I had the time to do so, although it's limited. So I hope this may suffice for the time being.
October has seem to sneak around the corner pretty damn quickly, and I will be leaving for college on Friday morning to embark on a whole new journey of my life. It may be quite some time I have before I can log back in, or log back in for a decent enough amount of time to talk to you all, but I wish you all the best.

Clanmembers, friends, and in general, those I have found close to me, embark into your future with a sense of pride, and determination with what you want to do....and pursue it. Let your dreams take wing. As Confucious has once said; "A Journey Of A Thousand Miles Begins With A Single Step."
Take a step toward the path in which you believe is the most important, and do not find yourself as a hindrance to anyone; let alone let people talk you out of what you believe it.

I will miss you all, and will try to get on as soon as I can.
I will be on tomorrow, and once more on Friday.
However, I bid you all; farewell.

If I turn into another, dig me up from under what is covering the better part of me. Sing this song. Remind me that we will always have eachohther when everything else is gone...

Tuesday, September 18, 2007
04:05 pm CEST - Anbu Taicho Uchiha_Takara - I'm here without you baby...
Hits: 13205

Even in the darkest, or the time where you feel the most lonely; you can grow stronger. Friends, loved one, or those who you have ever cared about may seem to be abandoning hope within you but don't let it drag you down.
Solitude, although it can be a painful emotion indeed, can help one sort out their emotions if they keep their head held high. Otherwise, they may begin to think of things that will ultimately destroy you.
If you feel down, simply think of the future. Life is a long, unyielding road of adventure, and although one may feel down now; it'll get better.

Keep you head held high, even if you feel lost or alone.
Best of luck.

If I turn into another, dig me up from under what is covering the better part of me. Sing this song. Remind me that we will always have eachohther when everything else is gone...

Tuesday, August 28, 2007
06:13 pm CEST - Anbu Taicho Uchiha_Takara - End of break is nearing...
Hits: 13576
One more final month of working at that stupid bread place, and then I'll be completely finished for good. I'll be working Tuesday-Sunday every day up until October 1st; which is when I finally end working. After that, all there is left is packing up the remainder of my belongings to move into my apartment. I'm hoping out of all the places we went too; I can move into the Westpointe apartments. It's in walking distance from the mall, so I can easily go to work. Aside from that, it's pretty comfortable when brought down to the living quarters.
Luckily, they supply us with a refridgerator, stove, phone lines, and cable; but we furnish the apartment ourselves. If Irony has it.. my neighbor moved to college, and his family is leaving for California in three weeks. So they're generously giving me things that they're not taking for example: His desk, bed, bureau, ect.
Then the living room furniture to take with me as well. I've been looking forward to leaving for a very, very, long time now; I cannot wait until October 17th.

If I turn into another, dig me up from under what is covering the better part of me. Sing this song. Remind me that we will always have eachohther when everything else is gone...

Friday, August 10, 2007
10:31 am CEST - Anbu Taicho Uchiha_Takara - GONE FOR THE WEEKEND
Hits: 13297
I'll be in Pittsburgh! YAY!
Housing day!

If I turn into another, dig me up from under what is covering the better part of me. Sing this song. Remind me that we will always have eachohther when everything else is gone...

Tuesday, August 07, 2007
08:50 pm CEST - Anbu Taicho Uchiha_Takara - Different lives...
Hits: 13400
We both lead different lives; I think its about time we start to say our goodbyes.
We both live in a world of lies, but I think tonight you better have realized;
That I moved on, and there is nothing else I can say; perhaps things were made better this way?
Tonight I'm telling you, this is the end; we've had all those arguements, and I'm starting to bend.
Forget about how you wanted it, forget about me; I don't want you any longer cause now I'm free,
Can't you see the troubles you've caused me?
Can't you understand I need my chance to breathe?
I'm cutting these ties tonight, and I'm moving away,
Away to the place, where I am free,
Free to live,
Free to love,
Free to be what I want, with the people who care; not the people who will laugh, and stare, even be ignorant enough to tell me how to live freely.
I've got my freedom, to do what I want, do what I say; things were always better this way...
Now that I'm free... with the only one that has ever been meant for me.

Note: I was bored when writing, so this just all came out. =

If I turn into another, dig me up from under what is covering the better part of me. Sing this song. Remind me that we will always have eachohther when everything else is gone...

Saturday, August 04, 2007
11:04 am CEST - Anbu Taicho Uchiha_Takara - Tracey's five am, response to Shikki. 'Why do women take so long to get ready?'
Hits: 13308
You have asked the question of why... women take so long to get ready. Well, your friend Tracey has read over this and came to provide you with an answer! There is this thing called a time-dimensional portal in which is a gateway between our planet and an alternate realm. Only the women can gain access to this portal, because we have been granted the ways of agents. What type of agents you ask? Special operation agents from with the intel from headquarters; codename 'Venus.'

While most of us may be involved with a relationship or a friendship or even family issues, those aliens from the alternate realm may attack anytime. When you arrive, we must use such an excuse as "I'll be a minute, I'm brushing my hair" or "I need to find my shoes." This is because we are actually...fighting off those aliens in the realm.
Shikki, I hope you take this sincere piece of information and have your question answered. I must go off and hide before headquarters has figured out I made this piece of information public.
Agent 1068760, Out.

If I may assist with the answering of another question... please feel free to ask.


If I turn into another, dig me up from under what is covering the better part of me. Sing this song. Remind me that we will always have eachohther when everything else is gone...

Wednesday, July 18, 2007
09:26 pm CEST - Anbu Taicho Uchiha_Takara - Otakon
Hits: 13523
Tomorrow early morning until Sunday I will be considered missing due to the anime convention in Baltimore, Maryland: "Otakon."

I'll be heading down and standing in the prereg line for a few hours until we're let in for badges. If you're in that line, I'm the one who'll be blasting the stereo. =P

We're staying down at the Hampton Inn and believe it or not friends from this site are going to be staying with us! o.O Including... Db who is spazzing about the bus ride. xD

Friday and Saturday at the convention I will be cosplaying as Haruno Sakura prior to the time skip. I'll be taking pictures, hanging out with people, and entering the Naruto Gekitou Ninja Taisen 4 Tourny.

Heh, whoever is going, hope to see you down there. If not...
Enjoy your weekend. ;)
Tracey, out.

The last cherry blossom to bloom, is the most rare and beautiful of them all.

Saturday, July 07, 2007
08:31 pm CEST - Anbu Taicho Uchiha_Takara - Just for fun...
Hits: 13492
Naruto stealing from other shows... conspiracy? Or not?

last cherry blossom to bloom, is the most rare and beautiful of them all.

Monday, July 02, 2007
11:14 pm CEST - Anbu Taicho Uchiha_Takara - Memory
Hits: 13783
Eighteen, the border line that must be crossed upon be deemed the title of an 'adult' in the United States. Two days from now, I'll be crossing that line and stepping over onto what we may call a new life. High School has ended, the final summer to spend with my friends has finally risen from the future to present day. Time sure flies, doesn't it?

Everything now, the times I've had, struggles, the changes; all a memory now. October will evidently become a fork within the road upon my life and I will journey to a brand new end of life. The past can be left to crumble...saving those only meant to be remembered. The time has come.

The last cherry blossom to bloom, is the most rare and beautiful of them all.

Thursday, June 28, 2007
06:39 pm CEST - Anbu Taicho Uchiha_Takara - A journey of a thousand miles, begins with the single step.
Hits: 13757
Whenever you hear the word, what's the first thing to cross your mind? Oppurtunity? Success? Wisdom? Love? Heh, or even the ending.. ""

Each and every one of us are gifted to even venture in such the journey. Time and fate however, is not always the most precious of things to go along with that journey. Our time can be limited, or very long depending on fate's role of who we are and how we live within this world.

I've been packing up my belongings and going through my old items that used to define me. It is.. funny how these things no longer have a meaning to me, nor do they longer define my persona. I am seeking... a new home, a new job, a new life from what I have had in my past. I find it rather sad how the things that once meant the world to you, will never continue too; although, some might.

This October... that journey of mine will take a new course, hopefully fate will be more patient with me.
The last cherry blossom to bloom, is the most rare and beautiful of them all.

Friday, June 22, 2007
03:17 am CEST - Anbu Taicho Uchiha_Takara - This one night...
Hits: 13928
Never did I think I would be alone,
The evening summer nights reminded me of what I wanted,
Both of us hand in hand walking along the beach,
Stars illuminating overheadcast their light below,
Bare feet buried into the white sand,
Now here I am standing alone,
Connected by nothing but a space,
How I wish I could stand here before you,
Being able to be there...seeing you face to face,
You are the only to hold my damaged heart,
Even though we are quite distanced apart.
All I wish now is if you were on that beach here tonight,
You may call it an ignorant bliss....
But right here under these stars...
I'd like to have our first kiss.
However, here I stand... alone again.

The last cherry blossom to bloom, is the most rare and beautiful of them all.

Monday, April 16, 2007
04:27 am CEST - Anbu Taicho Uchiha_Takara - Hold me tonight.... say it's alright...
Hits: 13156
Daylight fades, night comes; day out...
This past week has been all around chaotic for me, starting at the beginning of the week even...
Being immobile and on crutches is one way to have me lose my sanity. I feel like a caged hawk; shackled behind bars; yet so close to freedom. I've been stuck all week here, and indoors to face the chaos of the 'family.' More like three beasts going after eachother fighting for dominance...I'm sick of it.
I've lost my friend in a car accident; as if crutches and being caged inside wasn't good enough..
I was at his funeral on Tuesday....death I know is inevitable, yet why does it hurt so badly?

Topping off my eventful week; my aunt was put into the hospital as well. She's been kept in there for about three days. My mother asked me if I wanted to come to the hospital....yet it's too soon. It brings back horrid memories...

Last night, I finally found my peace. I crawled outside my window and sat on the roof, gazing at the stars. Never have I realized how relaxing the night was. I laid there, gazing up at the stars pondering over thoughts of my life. I felt peace for chaos.
Sunrise came up after a few hours, and I went inside to sleep.

I just want so badly to feel loved, or acknowledged...
Just a bit of affection toward me rather then what I get. Even a congratulations... it's all I'll ever ask for.
Yet, never will I ever see that....

I want to go to college as soon as I am able...I mean nothing in this house.
Time might set me free...

I love you guys. The people that care about me... I love you all more then you'll ever know.

Tuesday, April 03, 2007
03:20 am CEST - Anbu Taicho Uchiha_Takara - Define a mistake..
Hits: 13749

Is one mistake, or even two enough to condemn a person for their lifetime? Mistakes can be made everyday, and some may be bigger then the others. Yet, why must having made one mistake determine what to make of a person? Nobody is perfect, although many people strive to be. Think of it this way...couldn't we love other's for their imperfections? Imperfections can ultimately create someone close to what we see as, "perfect."
Take a deep look within yourself, and take the thought....
"Could what I be doing really be a mistake?"

Ponder over this, and possibly sympathize with a person you may have judged in the past, or even who you may be judging right now. Does a mistake... really, make such a huge impact on decision?

Why don't you find out?...

The last cherry blossom to bloom, is the most rare and beautiful of them all.

Sunday, March 11, 2007
09:43 am CET - Anbu Taicho Uchiha_Takara - It's 4:37 am O.o;
Hits: 13766
It's incredibly late...and I'm not exhausted at all...
Everyone has been writing so I thought I'd join them and babble on about nonsense. :3

I'm overpowered by my thoughts, and have a few things on my mind...yet for some reason, it may be the first time in years I feel relaxed. These, thoughts of mind eased me through my first relaxed sleep in a few weeks.
To know ultimately, that there is someone that cares, has a very calming effect of the mind. Even if they are on the whole opposite side of the world, or a few hundred miles away.
I'm scared about college...and how things are going to turn out.
I'm scared about these issues at home, and it's outcome.
In general, I am afraid of everday things.
Yet, you ease my fears and make me smile.
To those people who mean the most to me, I'll always be here for you. <3

The last cherry blossom to bloom, is the most rare and beautiful of them all.

Monday, February 05, 2007
01:30 am CET - Anbu Taicho Uchiha_Takara - Nini....
Hits: 13929
Listen Nini, if you wish to carry on with your blogs feel free too; however, before you dare inquire life is meaningless or a waste of time....get off your sorry, self-loathing little butt and take a venture outside.

You claim that I "act tough" and you hardly even know me, so how dare you make such accusations. You don't even know my past experiences, let alone who I am.
Everyone else who knows me, tell I act tough?...Do I....have a problem? You know the real me so I wish to hear it.
Am I a sinister, tough, little liar?
I think not. Until you prove me wrong, I'd wish for you to leave me be.


Tuesday, January 16, 2007
03:38 am CET - Anbu Taicho Uchiha_Takara - To Sri...
Hits: 16702
Thanks for posting the guitar tabs >>;
I'm working on them now xD


Sunday, December 24, 2006
04:54 pm CET - Anbu Taicho Uchiha_Takara - Happy Holidays Everyone!
Hits: 14503
I wanted to wish everyone here a safe and Happy Holiday.
Take care of yourselves!
Tracey :3


Thursday, November 30, 2006
06:06 am CET - Anbu Taicho Uchiha_Takara - For those who don't read the forums...
Hits: 14705
There will be a anime convention this summer called Otakon, if anyone is interested in going, I'll let you know all about it.
Check the forums >.>
...and because I am here, Incubus has released a new album called "Light Grenades."
For those who don't know them, you should check them out.
