Shinobi Blogs

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Tuesday, October 07, 2008
12:18 am CEST - Lord Shin - Overrated
Hits: 1454
Soo.. Yeah. I went to my sister's wedding on Saturday. It went alright I guess. Everyone was all worried it was going to rain during the wedding, I thought it would've been cool, but it ended up raining that morning instead.. Damn weather. Anyway, the wedding went off pretty well, lots of giggling, not very traditional/formal.. Kinda expected it. I had to wear a tux because I was in it, kept me warm thank God. Only problem was that the best man ended up leaving for a really stupid reason. Doesn't matter. On the way home I had apparently decided to get a ride from the wrong person because we ended up getting lost. If we had kept going where we were, we would've ended up at the friggin' beach. That would have been pretty cool.. And now the week has rolled back around. I hate mondays..
I don't fail, I just defer success.

Sunday, September 14, 2008
05:20 am CEST - Lord Shin - Would you kindly...
Hits: 2855
So, it's like the third.. fourth.. Whatever week of school and I've learned that the teachers suck terribly. One of 'em is incompetent beyond belief, and I don't want to go into detail.. Too lazy. The other annoys the crap out of me.

For like the past three weeks I'd finish up all my homework in class before he'd even started the notes, and afterwards I would sleep. Well he'd keep nagging about me to wake up and stuff.. I didn't take him seriously. So, like two days later he'd ended up calling my house and I was kinda like wtf. when I get to school the next day I'm called up into the dean's office, by the same teacher.. For the same reason. I mean really, he doesn't even give me a detention or crap like that. No serious warning. But he does go behind my back and friggin' do all that. Laaame. So, for like the whole week of clase I end up staying awake the whole time. He calls my parents again and tells them how I'm doing so much better and I even got a B on a test.. or something to that effect. Well, here's the thing; Everything that he took credit for, by getting me to stay awake, I had ALREADY DONE when I was still sleeping through the class. The test was like during the second week. Friggin' lame. And... Yeah. I'm done.

I don't fail, I just defer success.

Saturday, August 23, 2008
03:44 am CEST - Lord Shin - I Don't Know
Hits: 1914
First week of school!! Is over.. And it wasn't bad, lame, but not bad. Yeaah... That AP class I was complaining about a blog back or so.. I got out of, woot! Good thing too, the teacher was hella political. Not the class for me. Anywho, my schedule is basically: CP Physics, CP English/Lit, Beginner's Art, American History, Algebra II, and Spanish 3! I suck at Spanish too.. My teacher takes pride in making every sentence as friggin' confusing as possible. After a summer of not using the language, I come back to him speaking as he would to someone who had been learning it since birth.. Not easy. >>; Find it rather sad we already had a fight the first week of school. Not even a fight.. Lasted like thirty seconds. Some teacher friggin' teleported from the other side of the school, not even sure why the hell he was over at this part, and broke it up. Pretty lame.. And that's about it.. Yeah. Later.
I want to set an example, you know... for kids and stuff.

Thursday, August 14, 2008
10:19 am CEST - Lord Shin - You tricky bastard, you!
Hits: 1818
Alright.. School starts in what, like 4 days? Well I got my schedule about a week ago and I got a great surprise! -__- I got stuck in the AP course that I didn't want to be in. Now, this wouldn't be a problem if there hadn't been a Summer Worklist thing that I had "accidentally misplaced". And I'm not going to even be able to drop out of it.. Shit. So, in the course of four days I must read The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Fallen Angels, and some play called A Raisin in the sun.. But guess what, there's more! Oh joy! I have to write a crapload of stuff for it too. Like definitions, summaries, questions all that nonsense.. And I have some newspaper thing where I need like twenty articles or something. I'm hoping we saved some of the newspapers or I'm screwed. Well, sounds like an eventful weekend. So I wont be around.. Till like Next weekened or somethin'. Like this whole rant, it doesn't matter, I just like to complain.
I'd rather be hated for what I am, than loved for what I'm not.

Sunday, July 20, 2008
11:38 am CEST - Lord Shin - Inside the Fire
Hits: 1788
I'm sure it wouldn't be a punishment if you enjoyed it, Rin. Eh.. So lately I've had nothing to do. I have crappy internet where I'm at so I prefer not to use it. And to top it off I'm like forty minutes from the nearest town. If it weren't for music I might have gone mad by now.. So anyway, today I was able to hang out with a few friends and they wanted to have some movie marathon thing, so I kinda just went with it. We saw three movies: Jumper, Cloverfield and Be Kind Rewind.. The last two sucked in my opinion. I suppose Cloverfield wasn't that bad, but the ending blew I thought. I have to start some driver's ed or training or classes.. Or something about driving soon. Not really sure what it is. The thing to help me get my permit, let's leave it at that. I guess I'll finally be able to drive. Probably should have started sooner but oh well.. And that's all I have to type really. Later.
I'd rather be hated for what I am, than loved for what I'm not.

Wednesday, July 02, 2008
04:26 am CEST - Lord Shin
Hits: 1749
Glad you thought that comment through, Sri. Seeing as there are probably hundreds of women on this game, though I doubt that more than like 100 people even read the blogs, that you could have phrased your idea a bit better.

Soooo, I'm in a good mood. I'm out of summer school! Why? Cause it's like halfway through and I'm failing terribly so my teacher's said I might as well drop and take it during school.. Sweet. Eh, I had to sign some lameass contract to actually get out, but I'd say it was worth it. Just don't expect me to be on during the week, when the school year starts. Err... Other than that not much has been going on.

Time keeps moving, even if you're standing still.

Monday, June 23, 2008
08:17 am CEST - Lord Shin
Hits: 1778
I start summer school tomorrow! Damnit.. School sucks. Eh, if I'm lucky and sick enough to miss the first day they just kick you out.. I'm hoping to get some random, non-fatal illness. Maybe a cold or somethin'.. Oh, Rin, Reaper Creeper is indeed awesome.

And Kamui, what the hell? Yeah.. Shadow tagged me so if you meant someone else, throw something at him.

Time keeps moving, even if you're standing still.

Sunday, May 18, 2008
08:47 pm CEST - Lord Shin - I didn't know it was possible..
Hits: 1548
To have a twelve digit phone number.. It's pretty trippy, I mean, has anyone ever gotten a call from a twelve digit phone number? It's kinda annoying. People have been calling and hanging up like two seconds after.

Anywho, so this is like the last full week of school for me and what do the teachers do? Shove at least 6 different projects into it. I was already trying to skim by, but now I have to do them to pass? That's a low-blow education system! Meh, its irritating when you think that it'll be easy and relaxing until school is out, but then get tricked. Ah well, just blogged outta boredom.

Time keeps moving, even if you're standing still.

Thursday, May 08, 2008
07:56 am CEST - Lord Shin - Speaking of Meowing
Hits: 1851
Yeah, we recently got this cat because my brother was all mad about not having a pet.. or something. Anyway, he basically picked up a stray that he found wandering outside, with no collars or anything. No one reported a missing cat or asked or anything so he ended up keeping it. Now, if you know me, you know that I dislike cats... a lot. And this one has made my opinion much worse. She goes around picking fights with all of our dogs. She'll wait by the door and hop on them after they walk inside. We need to get her friggin' declawed. She's scratched me up a few times. Eh, oddly enough though, we found the owner. It was our neighbor, and when we found out it was his he wouldn't take it back. I was like "Dude, wtf". So, now we're stuck with the cat from hell and my brother still likes her from some reason.. Well, I just needed to vent about that.

Oh, and we got these exit exam grades back today and I did surprisingly well for sleeping through two and a half hours of it. At least I passed. Now, all I need is the credits and I can graduate. Of course, credits are the hard part especially when you're failing math.

Time keeps moving, even if you're standing still.

Sunday, April 06, 2008
06:44 pm CEST - Lord Shin - What's New?
Hits: 1805
Yo everyone, it's been a while. To those who don't know who I am, hello. Anyway, I had been messing around on an alt recently until a friend of mine convinced me to ask Neji about my account. Sooo.. Yeah, great story, I know but I just felt like writing something. Anywho, I just wanted to say hello and that I'm back.
~Until I write again..
Time keeps moving, even if you're standing still.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007
08:05 am CEST - Lord Shin - I'm done..
Hits: 2306
Life has been hectic lately.. I've barely had time to do anything fun. I blame school. It's the friggin' reason for all my problems.. Yeah, the title isn't cause I finished something.. Well maybe it is, depending upon how you look at it. But, what it means is that I'm done with SL. Yeah, I've said it a couple times before, but if anyone has noticed.. Or cared for that matter, that I rarely get on as it is, that I'm probably going to stop playing all-together soon. Well, it's been fun, to say the least.. Great memories, great friends and just great things in all. But all things must come to an end, even good ones.. Eh, I'll possibly be on AIM, if you know my AIM account lucky you, if not you're even luckier. Well, to think I've been on here for more than a year and now I'm done.. Hmm, didn't think I'd last this long, kinda thought it'd be more of a summer thing to do. But, surprise surprise. To those of you who have been my friends for who knows how long, I just want to say thank you.. Its been fun and I've met a lot of amazing people.Anywho... My final blog.

Time keeps moving, even if you're standing still.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007
01:48 am CEST - Lord Shin - Jump for joy, boys and girls, it's that time of the year again!
Hits: 2356
Soo... Officially, school has started for me. Time for me to start hating life again! =D Though the last period today was kinda weird, the lights started flickering and the power randomly went out.. But, what can I say, I live in California. It's bound to screw up.

Anywho, my summer is over and I'm kinda bummed over that. Ah well, I'll get back into the rythm of things eventually... That is, if my school isn't stupid like they were today. So, my school starts at 7:45, and I live like 15 minutes away. In summer I'm used to getting up at noon or so.. Yet, for the first day of school they wanted us to show up at 6:45.. What's up with that?! So, guess what time I had to wake up, 5-friggin-30. Now I'm tired, and done with this blog... Till I write again.

Time keeps moving, even if you're standing still.

Wednesday, June 06, 2007
07:36 am CEST - Lord Shin - Whats the measurement of a... Angle thingie? I should have payed more attention. >_>;
Hits: 4555
Summer school sucks. It's been extremely boring and tedious. Its not even the work that bugs me, its the fact that I have to stay there for five friggin' hours! I get like a ten minute break but that is about it. Hell, I'd probably do fine if they gave me a book, for the subject >_>;, and the assignment then sent me home. That quick 30 minute process would be much easier and probably better for me. Gah, I'm never doing this again thats for damn sure.

Time keeps moving, even if you're standing still.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007
06:51 am CEST - Lord Shin - [Insert Witty Title Here]
Hits: 2462
Yep, I'm in the final stretch of school. This is my final week, and ironically enough it's Finals Week, anywho this isn't going to be fun. I mean, I even have a Final in P.E. its an Essay! An essay in a Physical Education class seems kind of ridiculous to me, but whatever. It's actually the only test I'm worried about though. This weekend was kinda of uneventful. Though earlier today I saw Pirates 3. I thought it was pretty good. Next monday, I start summer school! Oh joy! I'm starting to get reluctant over the summer itself, its a bit depressing to me. Ah well.. I'll get over it eventually... Till I write again.

Time keeps moving, even if you're standing still.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007
04:49 am CEST - Lord Shin - Return of that one guy?
Hits: 2246
My friend moved to Japan today.. I kind of realize how it feels now to have your friends move away... It isn't fun. I mean, I'm usually the one moving away and not being able to talk to previous friends due to idiotic mistakes of my own, like not getting phone numbers or some sort of e-mail address. He said he MIGHT come back junior or senior year. Maybe, maybe not. I hope none of my friends move anymore though, I don't feel like losing more friends... Till I write again.

Time keeps moving, even if you're standing still.

Friday, April 13, 2007
04:40 am CEST - Lord Shin - O_o
Hits: 1926
You lie. And if this ends up being a blog conversation thingy.. That would be awkward.
Time keeps moving, even if you're standing still.

03:09 am CEST - Lord Shin - Errm.. What the hell?
Hits: 1923
Am I repeatedly getting called an emo by some guy whose never met me? Or is that a general statement you're making? Fill me in here, or you might end up having people jump to the wrong conclusions..
Time keeps moving, even if you're standing still.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007
12:58 am CEST - Lord Shin - Grab your sanity and run for your lives!
Hits: 1742
Yeah.. I have no reason to be writing this except boredom. I guess I could talk about easter, but that would be pointless seeing as I slept through half of it, literally. My nephews came over from New Mexico, they're still here too >.<, little psychos. I mean no offense, they're fun kids, I mean except for the fact one doesn't stop drooling and the other is hyper as a friggin' jackrabbit. Anywho.. Spring Break ended, and the torture known as school has returned, I know I exagerate, but what can I say I dislike school a lot.. I seem to have lost my motivation to get on Shinobi Legends, I mean I get on ocassionally, but only to talk to friends or check up on clan affairs. This is also probably the biggest blog I've written so far.. A little sad compared to others, but I'm not of the creativity type. Hmm well I guess I'm out of things to write, I'll post something again, eventually... Till I write again.

Time keeps moving, even if you're standing still.

Wednesday, February 28, 2007
11:57 pm CET - Lord Shin - Didn't think my blog would be restored
Hits: 2536
As some of you may know..And some may not care >.> My account was deleted..I started to regret it, and thanks to Neji, even though I messed up a little, it's been restored! I'm just a little surprised that my blog is still here. Anyway, I just wanted to say that....Till I write again. ~TheShinobi
Time keeps moving, even if you're standing still.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007
04:59 am CET - Lord Shin - Eh? Schools are out to get me.
Hits: 4274
Apparently, my grades are in the clear and I do not have to get grounded ^.^ But the only problem is I can't see my grades, the school says I owe $30 (Total Lie!) and I can't see my grades till I pay them back. I think the school is just trying to get money from us, but then again I think school is the root of all evil >.> Well I feel so much better knowing I wont have to retake a class next year....And that I wont be grounded till I'm out of highschool....Till I write again.

Time keeps moving, even if you're standing still.

Friday, January 12, 2007
12:21 am CET - Lord Shin - Anyone order a small blog with a side of boredom?
Hits: 4360
I got to stay out of school today, but I was practically under room arrest. I couldn't go out of my room and I had to be very quiet so I wouldn't wake my brothers. I hadn't been able to get food or drinks yill about 3 PM. Basically I'm not even sure if it was worth it...Till I write again.

Time keeps moving, even if you're standing still.

Saturday, January 06, 2007
04:17 am CET - Lord Shin - Since When?
Hits: 2242
Another year has gone by and things continue to change. Happy New Year everyone I know I'm like 5 days late, but I've been busy so deal with it. Anywho, what does the new year bring? More school work for me as well as more nuisances, but it wont be all bad. Well I can't wait for summer, I realize it's quite a ways away, but it's something to look forward to. Only time shall tell what the new year will reveal...Till I write again.

Time keeps moving, even if you're standing still.

Thursday, December 28, 2006
09:01 am CET - Lord Shin - Ignorance is bliss...
Hits: 2475
When the truth kicks you in the face and screams at you, yet you don't even acknowledge it, what does that make you? I believe I was ignorant and I was reluctant to admit it was true, not wanting to believe it, but you can't escape the truth...What is the truth these days anyway? Just some tale someone spins, hoping others believe it, and when there are so many people believing in it they call it truth and all else is wrong? Well surprise surprise, I actually used my blog and proved myself wrong...Till I write again.

Time keeps moving, even if you're standing still.

Wednesday, December 27, 2006
11:10 am CET - Lord Shin - Thought I'd get a blog.
Hits: 2419
Well I have this blog, now the only question is, will I ever use it? I doubt it, whether I forget or I just can't think of anything to write. Merry Christmas and whatnot, I realize it's late, but as they say "Better late than never". Either way, I'll have to write something eventually, we'll just see what happens.
Time keeps moving, even if you're standing still.