Shinobi Blogs

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Wednesday, July 20, 2016
01:27 am CEST - Skitty - So this pesky Cardinal bird...
Hits: 4120
Decides that it's perfectly fine to come knocking at the window for nearly four or five hours despite how many times I would startle it away. The bird also decided to eat some berries and dirty up the window since it's not a clean eater... Jerk.

Re-started the home search task not long after coming back from vacation (which was not long enough). So far there is two houses we are looking at, though really one since one of them state "Under Contract", and both seem to be eligible for the Fannie Mae HomePath. The one house that is Active seems like it might have some high taxes which might put a damper on it.. The whole home buying process is a giant pain and then after that would be packing/moving... UGH. A necessary and unavoidable evil.

Starting my third job as full time this weekend. My first job is becoming like my second: per Diem. Really wish there was a suitable part time there but wasn't (I'll keep looking). If it wasn't for my second job, I may not have ended up doing this.. But when someone decided to piss me off, shit like this happened. Unexpectedly, my third job had called looking for a full time overnight position amidst the stress and before I could even start applying elsewhere which I took as a sign. (Shuddup, it has better pay anyways)

Come September, my father will be visiting... One can only imagine how that will go seeing as we can hardly talk on the phone for five minutes without exploding at each other. The man makes the world turn red and objects end up broken. The one positive out of this is that I have a friend I'm excited for him to meet since they will put him in his place. And I'll have my popcorn ready for the event.

And maybe with all this change.. I can visit my home town some time soon. I really miss everyone there and the memories that it will always hold for me. Especially the food!


♡ These things you cannot know ♡

Saturday, August 15, 2015
05:40 am CEST - Skitty - Another blog
Hits: 10889
For whatever reason, a small blip of drama decided to unfold at my primary job today for basically no good reason other than one relief staff complaining of doing too much work. Which happened Monday and rolled right into Thursday and Friday for some added days. In my opinion should have been done and over with by Tuesday at most. Because we are adults and we build bridges to get over that sh*t. Hopefully by next week it will have died off like the last issue before it. Though I must say that this place has SO much less drama than my prior primary job. Still pretty useless for it but oh well.


First year of marriage is complete. [Insert cheering] We managed to survive! Buwahahaha!

AND so not functioning on enough sleep to continue.


♡ These things you cannot know ♡

Wednesday, July 29, 2015
05:15 am CEST - Skitty - Do you ever feel unfufilled?
Hits: 21175
Been filling like that these past few months. Both jobs lack anything to help with that. Have been thinking of being a volunteer firefighter but with both jobs, it would have to wait a bit longer. Which sucks when all you feel is this.

No luck in regards to getting a different part time job. And the change in pay over in the fast food world will not get me to apply. People overlook the long term consequences for the short term benefits. And other fields are crying for more money too. Which is understandable but the problem will only continue to repeat itself. Higher the pay, higher the costs. When money is involved, nothing is for free. Just my thought for that as everyone around me is talking about it.


♡ These things you cannot know ♡

Sunday, June 21, 2015
04:44 am CEST - Skitty - Restless even as the Sandman beckons.
Hits: 13174
Between odd working hours... No chance. Besides when I do try, like tonight, my mind will not stop. Ever seen that picture of a Dad v. Mom going to bed? That sh*t is the damn truth and it blows.

So today my son attended a birthday party. He certainly enjoyed as his butt would not sit down for anything except food. Needless to say he now believes that being near edges is fine and that mommy dearest will always catch him. Little brat lifts his arms as he steps forward because he knows he's going to get caught. GRRRRR. But thankfully it tired him out so much that at 8PM on the dot and he was knocked hard.

Started looking for a different part-time job, hopefully in a very different field than what I am in currently. It'll be refreshing and a lovely break. Applied already at one place, hoping to hear back soon. If not, the next will be to check out a temp agency to learn some new skills~! Boo-Yah!


♡ These things you cannot know ♡

Wednesday, April 22, 2015
01:08 am CEST - Skitty - Another year, another birthday.
Hits: 17946
It's funny how things can be going well and then *BAM* those thoughts come. Often wondering where your life would be if you didn't pass away five years ago now. It's not as bad as when it first happened, but it still comes. And now that she's with you, it makes me wonder how life turned out like this. Looking into those eyes and knowing it all, but pretending to still be the same. Makes you wonder what life has in store for all of this to have happened. What use will this be in the future? Only time will tell..

My biggest wish during these times is to have pictures to flip through of all the adventures we went through in the happy times. Before the distance grew and things spiraled out. Damn these sad times! Damn them...

Ahhh, I hate my birthday the most but not as much as before. Progress, I suppose.

♡ These things you cannot know ♡

Tuesday, November 25, 2014
05:50 pm CET - Skitty - Finally!
Hits: 13155
The Internet is back on! One downfall to owning pets is when they are in that evil chewing stage of their life. Espeically today. Since one fur ball decided to take it upon them to chew up all the baby bottle nipples drying in the kitchen.

Through some random luck lately, I have been presented with an online college. It comes with a free laptop, like I don't have one already, and aid in scholarships. Considering it, yet the price still has me on the fence. As my husband knows, I will go above and beyond to get things for the cheapest price I can. Which he will often laugh at me for and even when buying gifts, he has to assure me that it was on sale. Yes, I have my issues, though they will typically make people laugh rather than want to lock me up in a ward. (Like many of the individuals I work with.)

It's funny how easy it is to reconnect with people. Even if you can't recall what severed the connection to begin with. It makes me miss the ones that I have no way of reconnecting with, especially since not many knew of them and lead me to the big fat question of: Why did people talk to me out of everyone here? I'll take the honesty, I don't care how unpleasent it may be. Already been told about one, which is pretty funny to me.

Holidays. Love and hate them. Love the gifting, hate the crowds and traffic. It's like people forget the rules of the road when it comes to this season! Seriously, someone was driving down the wrong lane one day, which might also be the same car that almost crashed into my mother-in-law's car about two hours earlier. (White Jeep, both times.)

GOOD NEWS! We're down to just ten cats now! A major feat since we nearly had twenty. What a year, eh? Two dogs died, one new dog (not really wanted), and a pregnant cat. You can almost make a song out of that...

So, the trip to Atlantic City was alright. Since neither of us was much of a gambler, there wasn't too much thrill of doing that all day. We were able to go to an Aquarium where you could pet the sting rays, they were pretty cute and friendly. They also felt weirdly soft. Next trip should be better, setting it for a log cabin with a nice jacuzzi. I also need to buckle down and seriously set up a trip back to my hometown and a brief visit down to see my other best friend.

Alright, enough of this lady's whimsical ramblings! Until the next assault.

Koji, Shikki is probably being held captive in his apartment by his roommates while devious things proceed to be done to his body.

♡ These things you cannot know ♡

Wednesday, September 24, 2014
03:19 pm CEST - Skitty - It's been seven months.
Hits: 12274
It's amazing how much time has flown by so far. So many people tell us that since our first kid is so good that the next kid will be a terror. Who knows what the future will bring?

It's funny really that I can just point my finger at my son and he'll hush up then bust out in a smile. He's already trying to work on his charms when he gets in trouble. Lord help us, haha.

If there's one thing I hate the most in the world, besides stupid people, is sneaky people. How could anyone just go a one-night stand with the INTENT of getting pregnant?! With no regard to who the father is and his life nor to how the hell you're going to take care of that baby. I understand the desire to have a baby, but not like that. That's just setting yourself and everyone else up for a f**ked up life. People, stop thinking of your desires and think about the bigger picture. Plan stuff out, even the unexpected. Jeez. This is why I don't get along with stupid, sneaky people.

**Whether you believe in otherworldly things or not, that's your choice. So if you don't, you can just disregard the next portion.**

Some of my co-workers and I have gone to see a psychic that I had found on my hunt for a Tarot Reader after talking to one of my co-workers in regards to such things. (It's really interesting how all of this comes back to the here and now.) After speaking with my co-workers about everything we learned, all that can be said is that we're going to be a "Psychic" house, we just seem to be drawing in people that have something about them that's not normal. It's crazy and interesting. Through this, we found one of our own can actually read people, one can often know when someone is going to die, one can tell if there's something about someone, and some of the others can feel/see spirits. It's a small world for all of us to be working under the same roof.

Also, as a group, all of my co-workers and I are participating in a diet. I must say, this is my best set of co-workers yet. We really do work like a team.

On that note, I'll leave with saying this:
The Truth is a beautifully harsh reality, while the Lie is just a honey-coated fantasy.

♡ These things you cannot know ♡

Tuesday, August 05, 2014
05:14 pm CEST - Skitty - And he lives!
Hits: 12384
I was just checking to make sure you're still alive after your very exhausting and dangerous adventure!

BIG NEWS: Mike and I are getting married this coming Moday. We got our license yesterday which didn't seem to take as long as they said it would.

I doubt you can make it here for the ceremony, Shikki. I know Aria can't, super sad face. The only bad part of living away from your best friends, they can't always come to super awesome events like these.

Aria believes I should wear a dress. I'm still debating on that since I personally dislike dresses and clearly I should not be wearing white, buwahahahaaha!

Downfall: The list of people and places that need to be notified of the marriage and the name change, etc. O. M. G. It's too long!

Also, I'm so in love with my new agency, the hours, our individuals, and everything. There's one co-worker there... SHE HAS SO MUCH ENERGY! It's insane but helpful, it's funny to watch her go until she tires herself out.

After a few more months, I'll be looking back to going to school for a bit. I would prefer to jump into classes already in regards to computers so I can just figure out what I want to do already instead of taking the pre-courses and basics first. Sigh. One can only see what the future brings.

♡ These things you cannot know ♡

Friday, July 18, 2014
02:13 pm CEST - Skitty - Happy Birthday Neji!
Hits: 10084
So far, the job is going alright. There are pros and cons to each agency, but the new agency I joined with has a lot more options. Those options now have me questioning on whether I do want to get my CNA instead of going back to school for technology, it's amazing the things some people don't know about.

There's a fun and interesting game we played during orientation, which was a personality quiz. You were either: a Director, Socializor, Thinker, or Relator. Once playing that game and finding the results, it's actually helped to explain so much in regards to the relationships you hold with people and how easily we might misunderstand each other because we don't know what the other person is.
(Relator ♥)

On a side note, it is staggering how this game is now, socially. What happened to people answering random messages instead of just tossing them to the ignore pile? Yes, there are still those very inappropriate people out there, but that does not mean everyone is like that. Honestly, if you're drawing those types of messages, I'd suggest you take another look at your bio section and avatar. You may not view them as how they view it. Just hearing and seeing how people ignore messages of people they never met or talked to before is saddening. I'm sure you have all been told the rule: "
Don't talk to strangers!" But how in the hell do you plan to make friends unless you talk to strangers? The person you're meant to spend the rest of your life with could be that one message you decided to ignore instead of answer and you cycle through endless relationships due to that decision.

That was a bit more than a side note. Oops. I suppose that should be:
"What grinds my gears!:" section, buwahahaha.


♡ These things you cannot know ♡

Friday, July 04, 2014
06:27 pm CEST - Skitty - ...Silence...
Hits: 23854
It's starting to get creepy not hearing from Shikki since he left for his monster hunt vacation. Well, hopefully you turn out to be the one to find the beast.

This damn Tropical Storm ended up cancelling the fireworks for later this night in celebration of the 4th. And a lovely get together with my old co-worker and his family. The day is not wasted! Saved by a large bottle of wine and some very good deals at Sears.

Oh! I got the job with the better pay and hours, thank goodness. Starting the job the 14th and I can't wait to start the overtime there. Secretly recruiting fellow co-workers from my current job to come over to the new one, which seems to be working. Next is to start planning for the CNA class and go from there~.

I do hope that you find this holiday weekend well, stay safe and have fun!

♡ These things you cannot know ♡

Wednesday, June 04, 2014
05:50 pm CEST - Skitty - Well now,
Hits: 11588
The interview went well, they are submitting all my paperwork for the job, which is awesome. Though I had promised to apply for a different place inside my current agency, I've already been told that I'll probably get the job from a manager. I must say that my current manager needs to take a chill pill, stressing because my co-worker and I had told her we're looking to leave. He already got hired at another job and his last day is soon. Siiiiiiigh. I'm going to miss working with him, no one else will be as fun. We're planning play dates between our kids though. ♥

I have to say, I've never experienced anything as awkward as introducing a random person, via FaceBook, from another country to porn. Easiest way to not have to answer questions, for whatever reason the person wanted to ask. Got questions? Google.

Zumba, zumba, zumba~

Unfortunately, stuck with fasting blood work after midnight AND I'm working an overnight. I just don't know when to quit tormenting myself with this stuff. Buwhahaha!

Shikki! Have you gotten my pictures yet or are you still hunting that beast?!

Anyways, I'm going to leave at that and use my hyper-ness to torment others than you folks.

♡ These things you cannot know ♡

Tuesday, May 27, 2014
06:02 pm CEST - Skitty - Yay!
Hits: 13453
Going for a job interview later on today, wish me luck! The hours are perfect and the pay is more than my current job. Hopefully everything works out, then I'll have two full-time jobs for a bit. Really only planning to keep one until the benefits kick in for the other one. Honestly, I will miss all my co-workers and the individuals from my job when it happens, but my son is more important. ♥

Finally sucked it up and got another set of piercings, whoo! Also heard about a great deal on tattoos out in Newburgh, $850 flat for as much ink as you want for 12 hours. Buwahaha, my co-worker hasn't learned yet to not mention sales/deals around me.

On another note, has anyone else tried to find themselves on background websites or anything? Because I seriously cannot find myself or my brother whenever I use a website. I can find my dad and anyone else just fine. So, wtf?

It's interesting to see that some people are coming back, it might be more fun around here. And it's great that the blogs aren't as dead anymore.


Pssst, is the world coming to an end?!
♡ These things you cannot know ♡

Tuesday, May 20, 2014
06:01 pm CEST - Skitty - I vote for a medal too!
Hits: 12427
Back to work now, so even busier between the baby and overtime.

Sigh, missing the maternity leave already.

Met a cute set of 4-year old twins today. The girl had such pretty blue eyes and the boy had a nice pair of brown eyes.

The weather is getting to be so nice out! Hoping to get some kind of beach time later on. Though I have to ask, what's up with this "Cold Water Challenge" business? I understand that you young'ns should be outside more but what kind of challenges must you constantly come up with?

Went bowling for the first time in about three years. I have to say, Texas seems filled with a lot of people that don't know how to swim.... You can come up with your own comments there. xD

I need to figure out how to post pictures up in the blog. Sad face.


♡ These things you cannot know ♡

Monday, April 14, 2014
03:13 pm CEST - Skitty - Sweet!
Hits: 11341
Any idea when you may venture to the East Coast or will I have to make plans to go back to the West Coast? You help name the baby if it's a boy again. If I have a girl, I already have names and I won't budge on that. (Really hoping to have a girl next time.) Hmm... Shikki, the Godmother. Can I dress you up as the Fairy Godmother? It'd give the little ones a good laugh!

Really? How much longer are you in University for? Do you plan on transferring to another higher education to continue? Keep us posted on if you get the place!

For some reason, I always thought you were older than me. Congrats on turning 21 soon! Hopefully you can remember most of your birthday. Buwahaha. This is the first year since getting a job that I'm not working on my birthday. Beer is more for men. I prefer my wine. Ooooh, a wine trip sounds lovely. But FREE is the best kind of alcohol of all!

When someone shares the news of having broken up, isn't it normal to ask what happened? Not to ask if you're sad? Well, you'll definitely get an amazing girl in the future to marry.

Holding a baby and typing is not ideal, but it put him right to sleep oddly enough.

WELCOME BACK TO BLOG KOJI! Help keep it alive with our random chatter.

Hmm, I have trips to plan in the future. One back to my hometown, for the food! (And people. But mostly food.) Down south to Texas and going to attempt Kansas. Then, a lovely wine trip with a bestie.

If you find Sasquatch, get an autograph for me! I'm a fan of his skills of eluding humanity.

♡ These things you cannot know ♡

Thursday, April 10, 2014
05:18 pm CEST - Skitty - If that's the case,
Hits: 11788
Does that mean you're able to conduct marriages as well? Might as well get a two for one kind of deal on the Marriage and Baptism!

No, no. He picks the Godfather, I picked the Godmother. Plus I get to pick the Tooth Fairy.

Did I mention that the pregnant cat had her kittens? Five furry fluffballs. Two that we're keeping. One is black, adding to my black cat army. So far, I have four black cats. Jinx, Gypsy, Spooky, and Smudge (Sludge). One day.... I'll have a whole colony of black cats! Buwahahaha!

Back to business. So glad that Spring is here, but dreading the Summer to come now. It's bound to be blistering hot or full of Hurricanes.

Hey Shikki, I call dibs on being your kids' Godmother! And on being there for the wedding when it happens. Because. It will so happen.

Oh, truce maybe? The next kid you can be the Godfather of. Planning to wait until this one starts some type of schooling. Pleaseeeeee~?

♡ These things you cannot know ♡

Sunday, March 30, 2014
10:46 pm CEST - Skitty - To the Godfather,
Hits: 10614
As you now know, Lawrence was the winning name after he was born earlier this month. Cutest thing ever, based on what others are saying anyways.

A TON of hair on his head. It makes me think bald babies look weird now. Also, been noticing a lot of bald babies in commercials now. Odd how one thing can make you notice stuff like that. Still waiting to see what his final eye color is going to be. So far it has stayed like a dark blue/grey.

You should get the chest piece of a giant rainbow unicorn, it'd be fitting! And have an awesome story behind it. Every tattoo should have an awesome story behind it for you. She is a lucky lady in deed to have you wooing her in the most romantic ways.

Now, I only pick the Godmother. Mike has the choice for Godfather, so go call dibs on him. Still have to figure out when and where we're going to get him Baptized and whatnot. My Godmother is already picked, so you can't call that option either if you can't get to him on time for dibs for Godfather! Or, you could be the Secondary Godfather? Only on a verbal accord though. I don't think they have Secondary Godfathers on paper yet.

♡ These things you cannot know ♡

Monday, February 17, 2014
08:04 pm CET - Skitty - I'm not so sure.
Hits: 12298
Three years ago, I do believe I was still against having kids. Only within the last year or year and a half, did my mind change on that. So, for you to have called dibs wouldn't make any sense back then.

Though now you're bring back how weirdly everything has changed since then. It's mind-boggling to look back and see all the changes. Mind you, I never thought I'd be pregnant-bonding with a currently pregnant cat. Now there's one for the Crazy Cat Lady books.

Picking the Godfather and the Godmother will be interesting enough. (Yes, I see your dibs on that. I'm just stating that it'll be interesting.)

You know what could have saved you some time on buying one of every flower in the flower shop to figure out her favorite one? Randomly start talking about getting a flower-themed tattoo and see which she favored. Depending on how you felt about actually getting a tattoo. Though I'm sure the flowers all made her fall for you even more.

I'm sure all the flowers are very kindly buried until a few feet of snow now due to all the crazy winter storms we've had in the U.S. lately. You know, since they are starting to name them like they do hurricanes.

♡ These things you cannot know ♡

Tuesday, November 19, 2013
05:53 am CET - Skitty - It's been about a month... Or two, but who's counting?
Hits: 28652
I'll just go for the best part: I'm having a baby boy!

Thank you, thank you. A girl would be fun to dress up and all, but I'm being told regularly that boys are easier--YAY!

Bad part, we are still in the process of coming up with a first name. Animals are easy to name, humans? Not so much. (Though I could be a cruel mother and give him a ridiculous name.) Never thought a baby would have so much fun kicking its mother's bladder...

Soon I shall be going on another adventure down to South Carolina! The traveling never ceases. :D

And now I'm going to go munch on some newly acquired candy in bed.


♡ These things you cannot know ♡

Monday, September 16, 2013
04:02 pm CEST - Skitty - I see Shikki is back.
Hits: 13813
Welcome back from the dead Shikki, even as a ghost.

In regards to emotionally attacking people because you dislike them or what they have done in the past is really silly. You can just dislike them from afar and ignore talking to them. Really, this bullying (and cyber-bullying) has gotten out of hand. Clearly when we pity the loss of those that were bullied into taking their lives, it must not mean anything to some of you. You must just click "Like," "Share," or "Re-tweet" just to join the current blip of trending posts. Get your heads out of your asses and learn that this is merely a website to roleplay, connect with others, and "level up." If you hold this site in such high regards, that you feel this is more real than reality, you need to rethink your perspective on life. This digital world can disappear in an instant, yet the real world is still there for you to exist in even after this digital world is gone. Think about it well.


On another note, I'm finally in college. Somehow managed to place into the college-level courses without having been in school for nearly four years, especially mathematics. Which surprised the hell out of me, yet I'm slowly able to figure out what the teacher is going on about. Hopefully I can pass both classes then fret over the next ones. Of course, that may not be until Fall of 2014...

And the reason for this is, my estimated due date is February 26th. Though I've got that gut feeling of mine that says it'll probably be in March. When October comes, I'll be able to find out for sure. The waiting is driving me crazy. (Seriously hoping for twins, shhh.)

It's crazy to think back to 2012 versus now, to see how many things have changed in so little time.
♡ These things you cannot know ♡

Tuesday, March 19, 2013
02:28 pm CET - Skitty - Very true.
Hits: 16078
I do change numbers a lot. Almost as much as I change where I live.

Managed to figure out how long a number or place usually lasts. From one year to at tops two years. Then something happens to get either or changed.

About that Pandora, I don't know if you have to make your own radio. My boyfriend, I believe, just listens to the stations they have. Though I did add variety to the ones I listened to. It'd take a while for the variety I added to be played though, since it'd keep playing other music to see if I liked those. Oh well, it's a free app. Enjoy it while it lasts, since it's already being limited to 40 hours per week now.

Ugh. Don't talk about the cold and the snow. It's like snow after snow after snow here. My tiny car is not made for snow driving.

Oh, another very important thing for kids to know: Don't bring strangers into your house. Even if their car slides into a ditch in the middle of a snow storm.

Reason: They may be rude and when you walk in the door after getting food, you hear something you never thought you'd ever hear from strangers in a house they don't know. Which automatically tells you how they roll. Ick.

So, if you want to be a kind person, just drop their butts off at a gas station and wish them well. I know, it sounds terrible. But you'll kick yourself if you don't listen to me.

♡ These things you cannot know ♡

Monday, March 11, 2013
05:37 pm CET - Skitty - Pfft.
Hits: 18317
Someone has to be the bad person in the blog. I accept that role with grace and the usual apathy~.

We stopped talking because you're so busy, busy, busy with school and friends. This blog is dying off, it's amazing that anyone has bothered to even look here anymore.

Pandora is a bit touch and go. Using the County section and getting Hip-Hop/R&B songs is NOT what someone wants to hear. Or having picked a station thinking it was going to ONLY have songs by that artist. Puts a sour taste in anyone's mood. Just putting that out there.

Instagram is the new FaceBook. For me anyways.

♡ These things you cannot know ♡

Thursday, February 21, 2013
06:44 pm CET - Skitty - I don't like stories.
Hits: 19380
You should keep it to yourself. And definitely never tell Shikki. He is a mean old man. >w >

On another note:


My old shy, shy friend. You've left me long ago with no further way to contact you.

*slaps everyone whom reads with two pillows*

That is all. <3

♡ These things you cannot know ♡

Wednesday, July 27, 2011
12:52 am CEST - Skitty - July 11th
Hits: 20746
Happy belated Birthday, Zippy.

Did you have as much fun on your day of birthday as I did?

I can only hope so.

Anyways, I've been back in Texas for about a week now. Still getting adjusted to being back here. I went to Illinois for about a week then impulsively went to Florida to see Snakey~
♥ Got a tad lost on the last bit of the trail, but I got there with that neat little free standard app on my phone. Yay for progress! xD It was really nice, the traffic was awful. I would do it all again though.

Got my shower fixed up a bit, new shower head. I forgot I broke one of the handles, I got so use to it that I nearly asked my dad why in the world was he changing the handles. In the end, the handles were super corroded on the inside that those too had to be replaced and now I have part of a wall that had to be cut through. And the guys left a mess, tch.

Had to get a freaking piecing of wood cut so my cats would stop going in my closet. I had them broken of this issue long before I left, but my aunt and uncle aren't big animal people.. So I can imagine them being left to do as they wished while I was away. Water and swatting at their fleeing furry butts isn't working, so I had to bug my dad to cut a piece of wood to stick in the way.

I have no plans to travel again soon, but you never know. Can someone just tell me how the Harry Potter stuff ends? I've been asking and all anyone says is to watch/read it or some BS silly conclusion to how they'd see it ending (i.e. Ron and Harry poking each other
xD) and I'd rather not sit through the movie. Lately, I've been awful with my movie watching attention span. And I remember the last HP movies just boring me due to having lost track of what's going on. So please, some just ruin the movie/book and tell me what the heck happens? I'll give you a cookie! XD

But now, I must go help wash a doggie. Peace!
♡ These things you cannot know ♡

Tuesday, June 21, 2011
02:15 am CEST - Skitty - Sorry, but I like the top too..
Hits: 16158
So go cry over it then come back when I care ;P

Anyways, trying to find a lawyer again before time runs out. Fun, fun..

Plans to leave Friday for Illinois and some fun~

Mostly worried about my kitties, my uncle is not an animal man. And my male kitty is a scared-y cat. Jeez..

Also.. nothing wrong with being old! Then again, I'm barely older than you Shikki.

I've had white hairs due to having my friends dye my hair. Mhm.. Those were always fun, never really cared about it and it still tended to look decent.

Careless and luck..?


♡ These things you cannot know ♡

Thursday, June 02, 2011
08:34 pm CEST - Skitty - Well..
Hits: 15458
Too bad Shikki.

You're not always going to be the one on top.

Wifi is hooked up, randomly downloaded a game during mass boredom, it's pointless but I can't stop.

That damn chihuahua is getting annoying.. Worst idea to accept her on my dad's part.

Dun, dun, dun. Still waiting to head up north, not sure who the hell is going or what now. But if that woman goes, I'll think about staying. An entire house to myself for possibly a week. Sounds grand to me!

But that'd mess up my job, so.. who knows.

I'm really thinking of getting muzzles for the animals. That way if they chew on stuff, slap it on and they'll figure it out.

The place next door has vacated

♡ These things you cannot know ♡

Monday, April 25, 2011
06:26 pm CEST - Skitty - Happy Day After Zombie Day!
Hits: 13683
Find that rude? I don't care. It's all for fun, no need to huff and puff over things~

Didn't do what I wanted to do, but I had pizza so I don't care much.

Listened to more lies and tales spun from that woman's mouth. Some of it is recorded. Mostly because I was told to, it may or may not come in handy later. Though she did avoid the main question, so she's still hiding stuff.

My father's business is doing decently. So, it may be able to stable out into something good. Which is fine either way.

Those of you who lead normal lives, keep them that way. Life seems like a Wonderland these days. Something new always coming to shake up the foundation of your life.

Getting the hang of my new phone, though it is annoying when it automatically can switch to a different conversation and end up sending the wrong person the wrong message. Or forget to reply all together. Zombie Farm is kind of fun, but being based on Relative Time is a bit annoying. Might start playing Okami in a few days, depending on how things go really.

Still waiting to buy a GPS for my car, after that.. Depending on a few things, I may just visit a few people. Only a few and if they're on my way to another destination. Which will leave the Mid-West and East side of the country. Should be fun~

Eh, I'm bored even further now.


♡ These things you cannot know ♡

Sunday, April 10, 2011
02:13 am CEST - Skitty - Hmm..
Hits: 13919
Got an iPhone. Which means... I've got a new number yet again! Seriously, it's beginning to seem like I change numbers at least ONCE every year. Such a hassle.

Also, switching lawyers for the house case. To probably kill two cases with one lawyer since the current one will not go against another lawyer. Ah well.

A relative of theirs let loose that they might be doing something even worse. I'd say what but I don't feel like going over their stupidity even more.

Checking into if my brother had a child. There are chances for it, but I don't know if the advertisement has gone out or not. It's hard to get the full facts from my dad sometimes. Well, maybe a lot of the time.

He's started up a business. Just strolled in and said:
"J&R Landscaping!" Which is a bit startling, since normally he talks about it but unable to find good people for a business to start up. But he has found one and so far he's getting everything done that's needed.

For some reason my cat is suddenly turning into a random meowing stalker. Might eventually figure out what's going on, but until then. Stalker Kitty Alert!

Really looking into investing into a GPS now. So maybe in a month or so, I'll just call and see when they can install one from the Scion dealership around here.

I've informed my dad that I may take off randomly on a road trip. For once he seems reasonable and called me a liar for saying I hate flying on planes. Which I entirely do, but not for the "Oh, my god! We're gonna crash!" fear. It's just bothersome to me and I'd much rather prefer driving.

Hmm.. Not sure what other news to update on. Just haven't been here for a while.

♡ These things you cannot know ♡

Sunday, March 20, 2011
10:44 pm CET - Skitty - Ugh..
Hits: 13527
Got my ipod the day after the last blog. Went in, went out. Pure simplicity. Just how I like it.

Only have a bit over 400 songs and will eventually get around to getting more. Really wish I didn't lose that SD card with a bundle of my music on it. It'd come in handy to upload now and copy to it.

Got another cat, I think he's adjusting fairly well but I've yet to really get him introduced to the dog. Hopefully that doesn't go too bad. One day I'll have to take all the animals in to get bathed then bomb the house. Fleas are eating them up thanks to the damn donkey in the back. Even when I doused my female cat in flea spray, they came right back not long after, though the product says it will work for 30 days.

Helping to quick-pack for my dad's leave. He really can't tolerate being down here with my
mother and I don't blame him. She's not my cup of tea either. Give her an inch and she'll take a mile and all that bubbalou.

Currently attracted to using strange words.

HATE. Cricket stores. Honestly, it's completely stupid how they only sell phones and phones products. Should it break, you've to call their insurance claims service then get a claim number
then go back and they'll get you a new phone. But you'll still have to pay, even if you have that 5$ insurance crap. Same goes if you have to change your name.. (Of course through a different process) For some reason they messed up my name; Kristian. It was correctly printed on the cruddy ID paper I had at the time. Only reason I noticed was when I paid online and it wouldn't accept payment due to names/addresses not matching. What a hassle..

Have to start preparing my dad's taxes for the long form which will take some doing and a working calculator with enough space to enter all the prices. Though I will have to take time to shred all the ATM receipts which should be fun. I have to do it since he's going back up to get work done on his arm and deal with more cases up there.

Seems like the work never ends.

Random pieces of mail or other documents keep popping up as I shift through the clutter the accumulates around here. Mostly due to that woman moving everything in her 'cleaning' which is honestly just snooping in my book.


That's it, I have to go. Stuff to be done now.


♡ These things you cannot know ♡

Thursday, March 10, 2011
06:06 pm CET - Skitty - Let the fun begin!
Hits: 13395
Dropped the search for a college around here or an online one for what I'm looking for. Might continue another time when things require less attention.

So, mailbox is still down. Guess are pause of no revenge on the mailbox made them move theirs further down.


Now we're gonna have TWO game rooms on our street!

Anyone looking to come play? (Not)

Honestly, they are just digging themselves into a big damn hole with this.

1 - My dad's finally pushing the lawyer to go to court with it

2 - There's a crap load of illegal stuff with these properties.

3 - They got served a paper by Cameron County to
stop selling/leasing/offering to sell ANY pieces of land until they begin the subdividing process with this property. (Also no building permits will be given to them too; they were going to build apartments)

4 - They are now changing their auto junkyard into a game room (Which I'm 99.9% sure is illegal)

5 - The guy never once told us (even when we stayed in their house) that he was on the Offenders list.

So, with them opening an illegal game room while they are not suppose to be leasing anything (renting counts as leasing, yes or no? I'll have to look at the paper again) and not to mention once my dad leaves he's asked the county to patrol at night down our street in case they decide to pull anymore crap.. = BIG LOAD OF DONKEY POO (Which thankfully they have cleaned up but seems to be coming back, poor donkey.)

And that's just part of this mess. There's another side but it deals with stuff that most people don't believe (i.e. Tarot Card Lady).

Oooh, which reminds me! A few days ago I almost died. Death and I can't seem to get enough of each other.

Anyways, I was following my dad (pfft, never a good thing) and got stuck behind some cars. Sped up to catch him. A semi was turning into the same lane as me, barely ahead of me and I was going... maybe 70 or so and the semi was probably pushing the same. Regardless, I hit the brakes in time. It probably would've caused a pile-up and I'd be dead for certain. Due to the body of my car (mostly plastic; Scion), speed, and the surrounding cars. (One behind and two on the side plus the semi)

But I wasn't scared, just annoyed that the semi nearly caused me to ruin my car. Which I should wash soon... once we're done playing musical cars! (We have all three again, the red car is done for repairs and is even more customized)

2009 Benz with 2011 tail-lights. I thought by digital that they were gonna be like this one car I saw.. But they aren't.

Managed to find one thing that
didn't talk about saviors and whatnot in a church store. Man, that took some work! My dad would've either bought one for me on his own or he'd just keep bugging me until I got something to put in my car. (Don't ask, part of the other side to the aforementioned legal issues/drama)

And apparently, my dad's gonna get married in like eight months. Told him to play "Marry Me" by Train. It's what the damn song is for! Use it!!!

But.. If they do get married and plan some kind of wedding (only been to one, barely remember it) I am absolutely, positively, no matter what!!! I am
not wearing a dress nor being a one of the people at the front. Ain't happening... Though it may change depending if they bribe me. >.>; (Like you wouldn't do that too!)

Might be getting another German Shepard puppy in a week or so. They're still pretty young from what we saw. We're gonna get a female to later breed with the male we have now.

Huh.. I've never dealt with an actual puppy.. just older dogs/puppies. Weird I guess.

Thinking of getting a bra for my car, help change it to my liking. My dad is warning me of what could happen.. but I think I may still check into it.

I-pod.. Might be getting that soon. I'll have to check some stuff, but when I do.. I may bug some people for music to put on there. (Don't recommend the hard-core rap please, I like to hear the lyrics. No offense, just how I am.)

Well.. That's all for now. Nothing seems to be changing but things are changing, weird but true to me.


♡ These things you cannot know ♡

Wednesday, March 02, 2011
07:13 pm CET - Skitty - Quack-o~
Hits: 14846
Jeez.. March already, huh?

Time is a-flying~!

So, car show was a no-go. My dad's car got backed into a few days prior to it. It's in for repairs for now while he's trying to sort out the insurance policies. And lemme tell ya, insurance companies looking for loopholes are awful.

Of course, not long after that, our mailbox gets whacked. Yup, whacked. It was pre-thought out. Half of it was already sawed through but unfortunately wasn't in viewing range of our cameras. They are a crafty crew, that's for sure.

Now there's banging and random noises nearly any hour of night and day.. Good thing I can at least sleep through that~ Just like a dead person. Sadly, I tend to wake up feeling like a truck had ran me over. But showers take care of that easy

Gonna look into getting an i-Pod. It'll be the first one I ever have.. Very sad to know, but true. Ever since my MP3 got jacked in 8th grade, I didn't bother with another one. Just used music phones. But I'm getting tired of radio commercials and I haven't bothered to buy a CD holder for my car, so I think I'll just get an i-Pod and hook it up. Then, I won't have to deal with annoying old songs. But I need one with a music identifier app or whatever..

Unfortunately, my dad keeps bugging me about college. Mostly from what the tarot lady said. And it's not gonna stop for a while. Bah-hum bug!
xD Might look.. but actually going through with it.. I'm just lazy when it comes to that. Especially if I wind up in TSTC. They annoyed me when we went there not long after we first arrived, because you have to take a public speaking kind of class and I hate public speaking. Not my thing at all. Dammit.. this is where I might need that GPS system.. They put the colleges in randoms spots around here. (In my opinion.)

Finally got my taxes done, and glad I don't have to pay. Might be able to get more hours for work which wouldn't be too bad. At least I could save more with it.

Still mostly just waiting for cases to settle and once they do, who knows~ I might just hop off to randomly travel the country. Seriously, just hit the highway going the other way and just take random turns. I'd get lost as hell, but oh well. I think it'd be fun to try anyways.

Drama-Rama for the family~! Dunno what happened, but now everyone is trying to spend time with grandma. Might be for the house or something.. Though I have heard that she flipped off one of my uncles and aunts because they never visited her. And it's highly funny and awesome that she could remember that plus flip them the bird.
Might have to look into getting my windshield replaced so my dad will stop bugging me about it. I admit, it's a pretty long crack.. But the glue is still holding and you barely notice it until the light hits it in certain ways.

Meh, and Twitter is lame.
xD Haha, nah. I wouldn't know, don't care for those sites much anymore. (Avoiding certain people)

♡ These things you cannot know ♡

Sunday, February 13, 2011
02:00 am CET - Skitty - FORGIVE ME! ; - ;
Hits: 17606
I didn't mean to. And you do the same to me anyways.


Still snooping around for whether it's right or wrong.

Oh well, I'd do it again~

Now to await interviews in which I will secretly giggle at your nervousness, Shikki. Because you'll do fine!
Overachiever! *cough, cough*

Baby, shoot me up
To numb me down~


I've been on here too much recently.

Hmm.. Really thinking of bugging my dad into going to the island. Was thinking of going to my cousin's party.. BUUUUUT I'd probably wind up drunk off my ass for the first time.

Trying to kick soda.. Which is hard when you're in the mood for sweets and a certain adult buys a lot of it. >____0;

All the Top Hit songs seem to be mellow these days.. Like "Rhythm of Love".. I can't think of the others I was going to use as an example.. DAMN YOU BRAIN!

And for a nice rarity.. I agree with Shikki.

You can never post enough blogs!

Bye~ Gonna go soaring again with a better stock ♥ ;]
♡ These things you cannot know ♡

Tuesday, February 08, 2011
06:58 pm CET - Skitty - Takers...
Hits: 17601
Man, that movie was craptastic.

You could tell it was fake!

Same with:
The Boys of Ghost Town

Jeepers Creeper, Jeepers Creeper 2, The Boys of Ghost Town, Takers, and The A-Team.

Didn't have the good stuff for
Jeepers Creeper but we did when we got to Jeepers Creepers 2. Soooo much better. I remember when I first watched those movies as a kid and they scared me. xD

But now it's like: Those graphics suck! and Why wouldn't they just drive as far as they can?

Most movies are like that but.. not as obvious now I guess.

Fell asleep on Shikki and
The A-Team. Didn't mean too.. But I was comfy and I had too much. xD

Oh, people are sooo lucky I'm not one of those people that take the mail that went to the wrong address and snoop. Got some other people's mail and my weirdo dad was being stupid and saying I just just keep the stuff (there was a big one with certificates?) but decided against it. I mean, I'd like my important mail to get to me too. (Though so we both wouldn't feel like jerks, I thought of giving it to my mother and have her open them. She wouldn't care.) >___>

Anyways, gave the stuff in and everything.

Saw the tarot reader yesterday, her husband translated for me. It was cool and damn good. (Plus adorable dogs)

Go figure it'd take a death and a tarot reader for my dad to finally get the picture I've been trying to drill into his freaking thick skull!

My mother and I? No love. Pure hate.

Dunno when I realized it, maybe in elementary school?

Oh, she's good at acting for other people. The tears and sob stories, Boo-freaking-Hoo! I see through it and know she's trying to win people on pity and turn them for her own use.

Anyways, after that my dad told me some of the stuff she's been saying. She's been hinting that I did stuff with one of my dad's buddies.. Which I must use caps on this: EWWWWWWWWWWW! NO WAY IN HELL!

That's just seriously gross and stupid. But she's just trying to pit us against each other like she did my dad and brother. Look where that went? Right, someone died. I'm sure she knows I don't bend to her works and it pisses her off. But she has to be nice, otherwise no house for her, but maybe a lovely well-forgotten nursing home. Cruel? Let me know when you've lived with her for over ten years.

Some of the stuff the tarot reader told me is seriously freaking me out.

Next subject before I spill the beans of other stuff of the reading.

So, the whole issue with the sale of the house is moving along for now.

Apparently the surveyors only did a Meets-and-Bounds rather than a full survey. But the paper we got confirms that a full survey took place. Anyone smell anything rotten?
:D I do!

But all in all, we basically have to agree on what we want from the legal actions we can take. Should be fun!

I seriously am hating all these people that just want money or anything else. It's stupid.

Just stop spending your money on silly vices and you'll have enough to pay your bills.

Buh-bye gonna go enjoy soaring ♥
♡ These things you cannot know ♡

Thursday, February 03, 2011
11:58 pm CET - Skitty - Be happy
Hits: 17555
Sorry to burst you're shiny bubble...


The "Jailbait" comment wasn't for you.

You're the second person that thought it was referring to them.

The highways are closed!

Now old 83 and the Frontage Road have more traffic than usual.

And I can't enjoy flying to places.

I do get lost! The only reason I don't really get lost here is because everything eventually leads back to one of the main roads to use: Old 83, Highway 77, or the Frontage Road.

For some reason my dad thinks I'm looking into getting a tattoo..

Even though I basically yelled at him that it was piercings!

He's skulls to thick.. Maybe I should hit him... Hm.

Anyways, car is fine now. Took it in and all that. Gotta read the freaking papers the dealership in Illinois gave us and see what's covered.

My dad's hounding me about the crack in the windshield even though I got some guy to use that liquid stuff on it.

I swear there was something else...

Oh, and happy birthday to Mizu! (Even though I probably don't know you)

Can't wait for homemade Frito Pie!

Anyways, I'm heading to a warmer part of the house now.

Buh-bye! And keep warm

(Submissive Jailbait!)
♡ These things you cannot know ♡

Wednesday, February 02, 2011
09:20 pm CET - Skitty - Jailbait! <3 ;D
Hits: 17731

Yes, I'm sure everyone gets that I've trashed your life and I'm cruel black-hearted bitch.

So, must I be in a lot of your blogs?

Also, you've ruined whatever holiday spirit I had and just the holidays in general.

Remember me to kick my dad if he EVER gives Gimp the idea to do Burger King again.

Upset stomach all day. Horrible.

Might go to that tarot card reader soon. Waiting to find out if she speaks/understands English at all. I hope so because she's good from what I've heard.

I will never ever understand family relations!

The whole second-third cousins, removed cousins, and all that junk. It's too confusing and when I start to get an understanding someone shoots it all to hell again.

Gotta do my taxes soon!

Snapped at my dad, he thought he was still paying the bills. Guess he's use to it, but he's not paying them with his money. It's mine. :D The bills are just in his name.

It's sooooooo damn cold here. I'm forced to wear shoes instead of sandals. *fake-dramatic sigh* Or be able to walk around bare foot.

Hmm, I've got two things I feel like saving for at the moment. Dunno which I wanna get first. I could just get them both but I'd rather just save on the side rather than take money out of an account.

So, Snake Bites or GPS for my car, what'cha think?

Anyways, this blog place has been decently busy rather compared to before.

Get it?

Got it?


Bye-bye all of you lovely pieces of eye-candy freaks!
;X ♥
♡ These things you cannot know ♡

Friday, January 28, 2011
05:13 am CET - Skitty - Time for D&D
Hits: 17743
Shikki you'll get in you super-freaky-lazy smarty pants!

Well yeah.. Okay, what is auburn?

Since the new Mr. Google doesn't know, I gotta ask here.

I want those tacos!!

And we got more cookie dough. SUPER YAY!

I'm starting to forget what/when I eat


I mean NEVER EVER eat turkey burgers. They are gross beyond belief.

But turkey tacos aren't bad.

I have the tendency to twitch when in an altered state. Any one know why, please share.

Wheee, we got a truck finally he'll stop considering my lovely car a truck! For it's not a truck!
(I think...)

So, my dad found this awesome tarot card reader, and he said she was good.

I think he wants me to go try, I wouldn't mind. It's an interesting thing.

Oh, guys, what's up with the whole look-over-with-one-arm-on-the-wheel-while-the-other-is-casually-on-the-gear-shift that in movies looks cool?

Had that happen twice and was: WTF? What just freaking happened? In a weird way.

Oooh, any one else super sensitive if you're being looked at? I am. Sometimes I'm spacing out and my gaze ends up on someone but I don't realize it (obviously spacing) then when I snap to, their staring back.

Or when my cat's trying to quick attack me. I know her so well it's creepy. Well not really, she does surprise me.

I'm drawing blanks now.

Bye-bye you bodacious freaks
♡ These things you cannot know ♡

Wednesday, January 12, 2011
04:00 am CET - Skitty - DOOM!
Hits: 13618
It's awesome you're back~


Finally got my Wii up and going.

Honestly, pick a good college that's closer Shikki and you can play the thing.

I hate jumping with Pikachu!

I wanna be a Vulpix or something cute, not his yellow ugly self.

Sorry.. but it's just overly shown that I just have to hate him.

Either way, I'm only on cause a certain someone needed DP.


Everything's not so bad lately.

Slept like I was a bear today, guess my body just knew it was super cold outside.

And a toast!

To what.. I don't care, just gives me an excuse to drink.



Well yeah, that's all.

Bye you lovely freaks
♡ These things you cannot know ♡

Friday, December 31, 2010
05:47 am CET - Skitty - Shikki share! >:O
Hits: 14756
Haha.. The "Garage Sale" blew.

Basically my dad gave like all the money to my Uncle.. and Aunt?

Idk if they're married or not, apparently she's pregnant.. I never would've thought it.

Oh and Shikki.. You can roll up my lost days and smoke it!

And gimme your expensive drugs! I'll get rid of them for ya << >>

Yeah.. that's it.

Anyways... Happy Holidays and all that junk.

Party it up and enjoy your stupidity!


I has a question!

Are we real because we believe we are or because of the flesh bags we wear?


Whelp, I'mma go now.

Be back on say.... IDC!


Love ya Shikki {not! JK}

♡ These things you cannot know ♡

Sunday, December 19, 2010
02:11 am CET - Skitty - Huff 'N Puff!
Hits: 16307

No, there normally are super long blogs here.

Guess Shikki hasn't gotten his busy-lazy bum on here to update his eagerly awaiting fans!



What is a garage sale that does not have a garage?

A yard sale right?

So why do people still call it a garage sale?

The mysteries of human brains!

I kind of want to poke a brain but I'm sure I'd rightly vomit after.

Authors need to dump the vamp stories.

They're getting stale and seem like knock-offs to the Big Twilight series.

Pooh.. I miss Light! Weird yet cool friend that I hadn't made speak in public. How cruel.


Zim-boy, I'll try to send one of the blankets soon depending on how the Sale goes.

Dun, dun, dun!

Anyways, I'm gonna go kill some brain cells.



♡ These things you cannot know ♡

Saturday, December 04, 2010
12:09 am CET - Skitty - Ya know
Hits: 16373
Shikki is basically the only one posting a blog almost-frequently.. though the time delays vary.


Fear my rabid kitten!


Too lazy to bother with more.

♡ These things you cannot know ♡

Friday, September 17, 2010
06:59 am CEST - Skitty - Save Me!
Hits: 13520
I swear that woman just wants to hear herself talk!

As soon as someone is up, her mouth starts moving.

And sometimes when
no one is around.

She is so annoying!

Yes, I realize some of you think that everyone should love their parents.

Quite frankly, I only love one.

The other could croak today and I wouldn't mind.

Except with having to get rid of her stuff, that I would mind because she has a lot.

Long story about it, not gonna go into it here.

Anyways, she's bugging me to talk to her about my
feelings and junk like that.

Puh-lease! If I'd want to talk to someone about that I'd go to my friends, not a hag-wanna-be-mother.

I think I Auto-Ignore people that just continue to talk without getting to the point.


I mean... You keep talking about the same thing.. JUST SAY WHAT YOU WANT!

Not that hard, unless it's personal. I might understand then.

My dad is sooooooo lucky not to be down here dealing with her.

Honestly, I wish I was born deaf.

If there's a problem,
someone has to yell for me.

So, if I was deaf, I could just happily ignore them.

♥♥♥ Ciao!
"You are the best thing in my life."

Monday, July 19, 2010
05:42 am CEST - Skitty - Really....
Hits: 14667
Once again..

The Worst Drivng Ever has been topped (my opinion)

Had to go to Wendy's for Frosties

Driving back home,

I turned onto a ONE WAY road

See a car coming TOWARDS me

Got confused, wondering if I was on the right street

I was.

The person was just a idiot or drunk

Or, Both!

Jeez, if you're trying to be the Worst Driver Ever

Please stop.


"You are the best thing in my life."

Saturday, July 17, 2010
08:47 pm CEST - Skitty - Seriously!?!
Hits: 14821
I stand corrected..

TODAY was the worst driving ever!!!

On the Expressway,

My lane merges with another.

I let one car through

Didn't see the other car AS the lanes were merging

And there was a car in the other lane..

Yay for ALMOST being in a car sandwich!


Tilting, the world into a twirling mess.

03:27 pm CEST - Skitty - Jeez...
Hits: 14806
Worst driving ever!!!!

Seriously, I've had a lot of almost accidents lately..

But after seeing this guy today, I wonder if those might not always be my fault.

The car looked like crap, no way around it.

He's driving like maybe 30?

Hits a stop light, sits there for a bit

Then turns.

What's wrong with this?

He's in the farthest RIGHT lane, as he turns LEFT!!!

"What the F-?"

I dunno why I was watching him..

Just curious about that dude....

There's a bit more, but that's mostly it.


Tilting, the world into a twirling mess.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010
09:15 am CEST - Skitty - Grawr~
Hits: 13408




:D Made Levi dye my hair black

Dunno what else to do.


This is mostly nothing.

Tilting, the world into a twirling mess.

Saturday, June 05, 2010
05:42 am CEST - Skitty - Jeez...
Hits: 13129

Just three more days...


I only have a chance of failing one Final...

Just got to finish the evil report.

I plan to tell my teacher that I hope to
NEVER see him again.


Tilting, the world into a twirling mess.