Shinobi Blogs

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Saturday, January 02, 2016
06:20 am CET - 自殺 Ghost SkiiLove - On the last night of 2015
Hits: 19788
Clearly, it was NOT a good night to allow me to cook ANYTHING. Ended up making extra crispy pizza at work for dinner. Then decided to nearly ring in the New Year blazing. (Hahaha) I swear that my friend said 35 minutes, not seconds... Weeeeeeeeeeell. 7-8 minutes after being in the microwave, we both notice the horrible smell. Turns out that it melted straight through my friend's tupperware and was starting to stick to the glass in the microwave.

My friend: "You can't even tell what this is!"
Me: "I told you that I like dark stuff."
My friend: "I just bought this tupperware.."
Me: "Uh... So that's a book and tupperware I owe you now? Got it."

Both of us ending laughing so hard we nearly pissed ourselves. Of course, our boss walked in and asked "What is that smell?" And we both fell into a fit of laughter again. Needless to say, I don't think I will be allowed to cook/nuke anyhting any time soon at work.

So yeah... Left 2015 with a great night of laughs. Bahahahaha!


{♥} She whispered, "I'm a walking suicide.." {♥}

Thursday, December 24, 2015
03:32 am CET - 自殺 Ghost SkiiLove - Deer Lord...
Hits: 13597
No one at my job is allowed to tough electronics anymore! They are always breaking it or messing it up so bad..

Example one: Coworker trying to play a DVD in the DVD Player which worked a millon times before. Suddenly: DOES NOT WORK!

Fix: Borrowing a DVD player from someone else.

Example two: Coworker trying to change the channel and ends up having something pop up on the TV plus almost unplugging the cable cord. (Touchy TV)

Fix: Yelling to stop moving it and banning her from touching any electronics any further.

While it is usually an easy fix, it's hilarious how they can mess up these things. And the constant puns<3


Get this damn holiday over with and let's fast forward to January already!


{♥} She whispered, "I'm a walking suicide.." {♥}

Monday, December 14, 2015
05:37 pm CET - 自殺 Ghost SkiiLove - Sooo....
Hits: 16993
Friday, I had my first ever nosebleed. That was a hoot! Ended up with a fever and an elevated blood pressure to boot. Ended up going to the most useless Urgent Care to get checked out. Doctor wrote it off as too dry/hot air and a viral infection... Oh well, doubt it will be anything to kill me any time soon.

So, my son is already turning into a wise ass. Will I regret this in the future? Oh most definitely! For the present, it is amusing and I can still trump him. Bahahahahaha! I have to give my son props for destroying some of the decorations while his father was trying to put up the tree. <3

And sadly, they only had Santa outfits in his size this year. Would have enjoyed the elf outfit most.... Damn Toys R Us!

May the holidays be ever in your favor. Not.


{♥} She whispered, "I'm a walking suicide.." {♥}

Saturday, November 21, 2015
05:49 am CET - 自殺 Ghost SkiiLove - This year, I am Krampus.
Hits: 16316
Not the Grinch or Scrooge. But Krampus. The holiday spirit has died from what it was last year and it's really hard not to snap at those that are enjoying it. Just because I feel the holidays need to get done with already doesn't mean they should be ruined for others. Even though... the Christmas music is already playing at work....

Maybe a vacation is needed. Or a new job. Both would be nice, mostly the new job over the vacation though. Applying for a part-time job tomorrow for AAA which should be interesting as a change fromm my current two jobs. Yes, that would lead to three jobs for a short time but gotta dip that toe in the water first before cannon-balling in full force. Perks are pretty good for the job, even at part-time they are offering medical coverage. Downside, they may not have overnight hours which would be SUPER. Not everything can be perfect. (insert dramatically sad face)

WHEN IS SNOW GOING TO FREAKING FALL HERE!? Somewhat patiently waiting to toss my son into a giant pile of son this year. Cruel? Nah. And also, secretly hoping to be able to build a snowman around him. This is all I want from winter. (And to be able to call out due to snow.)

Best part of my primary job: PUNS.
The assistant manager and I drop puns like crazy, which the manager does not often understand. 10 x even funnier when she doesn't get it.

Soooooooooooo. Um.
Bed now.

Ciao to all you sane people!

-♥- She whispered, "I'm a walking suicide.." -♥-

Sunday, September 13, 2015
07:39 am CEST - 自殺 Ghost SkiiLove - It's truly amazing...
Hits: 12263
How one can function weekly going 24 or more hours without sleep to just purely work. The things your body does to try to force you to sleep.... Making you cold easier to seek warmth and snuggle up, tempted into that coziness to rest your eyes but a moment. Even now rest is such a cruel tease.

It's interesting to see watch as friends struggle to stay awake just to chat with you as you work. Most last until about 3-4am which is understandable since your body is weakest at that time. And oddly, it makes you super hunger after midnight. I feel like I haven't eaten at all even though I ate before going back into work from the other job. Crazy... The crap we endure to make ends meet these days.

Also, Public Announcement:

I am owner of Sis-chan. Victory is mine!

Someone needs to make some coffee...

Nope. Focus is done.


-♥- She whispered, "I'm a walking suicide.." -♥-

Sunday, February 22, 2015
06:43 pm CET - 自殺 Ghost SkiiLove - Relaxing is for the weak.
Hits: 32135
Work demands you even when you believe yourself to have a lovely weekend to yourself for a change. Clearly, both jobs seem like the world will fall apart if you do not sacrifice all of your time to it. Not even to have off on your child's first birthday, though he will not care or remember it. But that's what happens when you're a grown up with morals.

Time flies so much faster when you spend your time working it away, only to look up and notice it's already the beginning of another year. Always hoping it will change as you pay off the bills that cause you to work tirelessly in the first place.

Moral of the story: Avoid making bills, enjoy life outside of work.

Hoping to plan for a better vacation later on this year. As long as nothing else surprising happens, we should be good to go. One can only hope it isn't as terrible as the last vacation...

Death to
-♥- She whispered, "I'm a walking suicide.." -♥-

Thursday, December 11, 2014
04:37 pm CET - 自殺 Ghost SkiiLove - Sigh.
Hits: 16946
Back from the long... long... trip to Texas. On Wednesday, I found out that my mother was residing in Hospice and not doing well. She had apparently been there for two months and didn't want anyone to know. She passed away Saturday while my brother was on the phone with me, still being around four hours away. I guess I can never say a goodbye face-to-face it seems. At least, life doesn't want me to.

A few positives, I got to see my half-brother after about four years from the last time... Which was the death of our brother. And I met his new wife, great woman. She's far better than the last one. Of course, they got to meet my son as well. My son met his grandfather for the first time.

For the longest time, I believed my life existed as it was. Only to find out it's the complete opposite of everything I was ever taught. And the question that roars its head the most is: "Why?"

Why did any of this have to happen? Why does this life have to be so messed up? Why do people have to lie and keep secrets? And of course, the most common one: Why me?

How much more is there to take until it's the final breakdown?

As you can tell, I'm in a severe morbid mood.

Lost. So very lost. Humpty Dumpty is me, only the pieces won't stay.


-♥- She whispered, "I'm a walking suicide.." -♥-

Monday, February 03, 2014
10:31 pm CET - 自殺 Ghost SkiiLove - My dearest Shikki,
Hits: 14579
If you would list out some names, I'd love to hear them and see if my significant other will like them. We're still having issues over picking a name, where I'm often jokingly threatening to name the kid a terrible name if he doesn't pick one soon.

Terrible name ideas:

- Ralph
- Earl
- Morty

You know, through this pregnancy it's been funny to see who notices that I'm pregnant or just thinks I've randomly just decided to gain a bunch of weight. It seems that a lot more believe I've just decided to gain a bunch of weight before finding out that I'm actually pregnant. Buwahaha!

The countdown is on for when he finally decides he wants to come out and bets are going on when it will be. I still believe there's going to be a nasty blizzard and he's going to decide right then that he wants to see the world. It doesn't help that where I live is basically getting snow weekly or some kind of storm.

Which leads me to say: 2014 is going to a hell of a year, since our snow is already this bad.

Also, don't attack the flowers. We need those for Valentine's Day.

-♥- She whispered, "I'm a walking suicide.." -♥-

Monday, May 23, 2011
06:05 pm CEST - 自殺 Ghost SkiiLove - Really..
Hits: 13960
Been a while since a blog was here I believe..

Sad, poor Shikki was keeping it up nearly all by himself.

Now it's barren, you can almost imagine a tumbleweed blowing through.

Two months.. And I still wonder, but happiness is there. Regardless of the silly problems life seems to be enjoying to press upon my surroundings.

Funny really. I got a peek into another side of the world I lived in up north for years before my father. And the place I saw it at turns out to be a recommended place to visit. It's a wonder..

I was never good with being forced to learn things or go places. I fight hard every step of the way, nearly immovable and it tends to piss people off extremely. Which I just find amusing, since they should know by now that I won't respond to force. I am born under the bull.

Hmm.. It's looking like I'll go back up to that state that has caused mixed feelings for me. Though I only seek to connect with very few friends that haven't struck out in my book. Though that could cut down on some of the fun to be had.. Things change, probably most of them have gone away for the summer and I can slip in then back out without much attention. It's what I'm good at, and how I've constructed my life to be.



-♥- She whispered, "I'm a walking suicide.." -♥-

Tuesday, February 22, 2011
03:36 am CET - 自殺 Ghost SkiiLove - Duh..
Hits: 15447
You're highly loved Shikki, get over it man.

And Zippy, I'm not talking about that kind of 'drunk.' To me that's just buzzed. Being drunk in my book means not remembering anything at all from the previous day.

But you're right, I'm not good at it. 'Cause I don't drink a lot and I prefer things that don't make me vomit.

Finally had to retire these super awesome p.j. bottoms. Got them my Sophomore year when I was living with Dan, his mom got them for me.

SOOOOOOOO comfy. But now I keep tripping over myself in them and they became very torn up since then.

Unfortunately, I didn't have much options for the new pair.. Which are
Texas Pride-ish ones. Stab my heart right now and burn my eyes. Ugh, I hate spirit for something. It's so annoying.

Also, Canadians and Out-of-State drivers (aka Winter Texans) suck at driving. PLEASE, learn how to move out of the way for a fast approaching car. It'll make people want to cut you off less

Car show coming up.. Not looking forward to it. Especially since it's being dumped on me to do it. Car stuff is not my deal, though I am learning some random stuff from my dad now.

Oooh, I absolutely LOVE wearing my sunglasses when I'm messed up and listening to one of the compromised stations. It makes things seem all old-school. You know where new media tries to replicate the old with.. Sepia? Kinda like that. It's awesome.

Fun stuff and all. Think my dad really wants to go back to the tarot lady, don't blame him much.

But anyways, we might be buying another house or not, a lot of factors to look into for a solid answer. Though after a while we will probably need the other house.

Hmm, yeah.. that's it. I'm bored of here now.


-♥- She whispered, "I'm a walking suicide.." -♥-

Thursday, January 20, 2011
05:01 am CET - 自殺 Ghost SkiiLove - SHIKKI
Hits: 15518
The cookies are all gone.

We have oatmeal though. (We need more chocolate chip cookies!)

Um.. shoot, I was gonna say something else but can't remember.

Oh well, anyways, I'm slowly selling some accounts.

Bored of this site and all.

Talk to me if you want, I don't really care~♥

Except for some people, damn sure they know who they are.. If not, I may not make it clear for you.

The perfectness that is L-A-Z-Y~!

Oh right.. Your blankets.

I keep forgetting

The days just blur together.

I'll send them soon. (AKA: I'll try to remember)

Might get another cat.. just figuring on how long to wait.


I'm bored now.

Buh-bye you luscious freaks ~♥ ;]

P.S. Gaia
-♥- She whispered, "I'm a walking suicide.." -♥-

Sunday, June 20, 2010
05:20 pm CEST - 自殺 Ghost SkiiLove - AFI - "Miss Murder" (Heh...)
Hits: 15358
Did you ever suspect....? That it would end like this....? In a way you couldn't stop? Probably not. Can you remember our conversation from the other night when we were talking about prices...? I think you're right to think that if there was a price for my life, it'd be worth it for the release. I'm not sure anyone really knew me.. There are some that have a really good chance at knowing. But if you looked at me, forget that about our friendship, what would you really see? Most people will probably think I did this because of my brother, that's on partly true. When she made me that scrapbook, she picked out a picture that I loved and hated... It was of a young happy me.. I saw that she had potential to become something, but that got ruined over the years. I always tried to forget the past, but I never really could forgive and forget. But the real reason is, I can't face losing any more people. In just a month or so after, I could have lost two more people close to me wouldn't have known for a long time.. The one I don't want to lose most is my father... He's getting old. I don't think I was ever meant for this world. I don't enjoy people a lot, even as a kid. I'm usually cold, wouldn't you agree? It must match my soul. I love you, but I don't love this world and most of the people in it.

-♥- She whispered, "I'm a walking suicide.." -♥-

Saturday, October 17, 2009
10:42 pm CEST - 自殺 Ghost SkiiLove - The truth is here..
Hits: 13028
I do not belong
Soon I will be gone.


I am done now.
If you wish to contact me look for:

CrimsonSkyJutsu, Raine, TheWhiteFangofKahona, or BabyKyubi.

My stuff will not be given away to the mass but to their rightful owners so I suggest you do not bother me.

Seeing as I won't return, except for once in a blue moon.


-♥- She whispered, "I'm a walking suicide.." -♥-

Sunday, October 11, 2009
04:26 am CEST - 自殺 Ghost SkiiLove - Oh goodness..
Hits: 13422


Raven. Beast Boy. Shower. Alex.


Hot Pink...

NEVER did I think it'd be that much fun to torment someone.. but it was.


Definately would have been funnier with a certain person (Melanie!)

♫ You've brought me to my knees ♫

Tuesday, October 06, 2009
10:28 pm CEST - 自殺 Ghost SkiiLove - ♪~♫
Hits: 13430
"Scream, Shout
Let it all out!

These are the things I live without."


I'm scary... buwahaha (Scary and stupid)

'Tis true, I scare off so many people.


You people should look up the band: Say Anything!

And become an addict like
Gatsuga & myself.

Fuego, Fuego!

♫ You've brought me to my knees ♫

Monday, October 05, 2009
06:12 am CEST - 自殺 Ghost SkiiLove - I am very happy Aria.
Hits: 13352
I love you Aria! xD

Free your mind woman! And care not for the opinions of others!


Well.. that's a bit ironic.. since you DID listen to me.

But that's besides the point!

Well I really don't have a point..

Bah! Good night to you stalkers

♪ Her tears don't fall, they crash around me. ♪

05:10 am CEST - 自殺 Ghost SkiiLove - Too funny..
Hits: 13356
Aria: "You seem so sad. I can just picture you, "*cheerfully* My mom has bone cancer!"

Me: <<; -coughs to hide the smile-

Aria: "That's something.. I'd do."

Me: >>; Hehehe
♪ Her tears don't fall, they crash around me. ♪

Sunday, October 04, 2009
07:57 pm CEST - 自殺 Ghost SkiiLove - << Fear Thy Random!
Hits: 13352
Teen Titans

Do not doubt them!

For they are awesome!

Oh.. and I..

Love everyone.. >>

Almost everyone, but still!

♪ Her tears don't fall, they crash around me. ♪

02:06 am CEST - 自殺 Ghost SkiiLove - >> Yes.. I have a 'blog' now.
Hits: 13271
Beware these words I speak.
They taint your ears and poison your heart.

♪ Her tears don't fall, they crash around me. ♪