Shinobi Blogs

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Friday, February 20, 2009
07:02 pm CET - Nidaime Mizukage Shigeo - Pri. >>
Hits: 13481
I've taken a month-long break as it's like going on vacation to the Bahamas or something and coming back to find out that some mutt got into your home and defecated on every surface possible. I don't like what's happened, and by Jove I'm going to at least try to fix it.
Because I can.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009
05:51 pm CET - Nidaime Mizukage Shigeo - Disgusting.
Hits: 13483
As some of you may have noticed, I have been absent from the site for quite some time; I have returned, however, due to some decidedly irritating news.

Though I will admit that the roleplaying on this site has never been what I would call the best one could find, it has generally been fun. Unfortunately, it seems that a number of people have taken it upon themselves to become "gods," or something like one, with little to no explanation or story as to how it happened...just "poof," and they think they have power. I take some offense at this, being a moderately skilled roleplayer and understanding the importance of a backstory and so forth.

As such, I issue a notice to all those who deem themselves powerful: I will find you. I will beat you. And then, good friends, you will learn what it truly means to have strength.

Until then, have a nice day.

Because I can.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008
04:02 pm CEST - Nidaime Mizukage Shigeo - I'm a god? ._.;
Hits: 14985
I beat Gyu in a PVP when she attacked me. >> No joke, go look at her bio.
Because I can.

01:21 am CEST - Nidaime Mizukage Shigeo - Why, you ask?
Hits: 15005
The community is ticking me off, what with the immaturity and the overdramatic pre-teen girls, and just general stupidity almoest everywhere I look. This combined with absurd college courses(6 days to write a 7-page paper) and idiotic cousins makes me understand how serial killers are made. -_-;
Because I can.

12:56 am CEST - Nidaime Mizukage Shigeo - I think....
Hits: 14999
I need a break from this site. -.-;
Because I can.

Wednesday, May 07, 2008
07:36 pm CEST - Nidaime Mizukage Shigeo - D:
Hits: 14192
That sucks, doom....and I'm not looking up things that are any weirder than what you look up. >>
Because I can.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008
01:31 am CEST - Nidaime Mizukage Shigeo - Sounga
Hits: 13793
I left Kirigakure no Sato to join Neo Akatsuki for a zone fighting tournament; after it finished, I returned to leading Kiri. ^^
Because I can.

Monday, April 21, 2008
04:23 pm CEST - Nidaime Mizukage Shigeo - I'm baaaaack.
Hits: 13854
Right, I've finished teaching those Neo-ites what for about zone fighting; if you were a former Kiri-nin, and wish to rejoin, I am once again leader. :3 Hoping to see you in the halls once more, kiddies!
Because I can.

Saturday, April 12, 2008
08:40 pm CEST - Nidaime Mizukage Shigeo - Sakuren and Tenshi....
Hits: 14472
Shut up about Stargate. -.-

On another note, I'm going off to live with my granddad while I go to college, who offered me free room and board and to pay all of my college fees. .__.; I was like 'zomgsh want'. So yeah. >>;

Because I can.

Saturday, March 08, 2008
08:44 pm CET - Nidaime Mizukage Shigeo - Tau
Hits: 14425
They're lame. :D
Because I can.

05:47 am CET - Nidaime Mizukage Shigeo - Tau
Hits: 14422
I'm the first to have both. .-.
Because I can.

Friday, March 07, 2008
05:49 pm CET - Nidaime Mizukage Shigeo - So...I'm the first. >>
Hits: 14411
Kaguya Ichizoku and Uchiha em both now. :D
Because I can.

Thursday, February 28, 2008
07:51 pm CET - Nidaime Mizukage Shigeo - Doom....
Hits: 14305
That's why I used it. -____-
Because I can.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008
04:44 pm CET - Nidaime Mizukage Shigeo - I'm so freaking scared. .___.
Hits: 14617
I watched that movie Hard Candy...urgh, so freaking disturbing. ;__; Go watch it if you haven't. >>
Because I can.

Friday, February 01, 2008
05:49 pm CET - Nidaime Mizukage Shigeo - King...?
Hits: 14534
Eh, he's not worth my time. ~.~ I have other things on my mind anyways, like tournaments. :3

You lot go hang him or something. >>

Because I can.

Sunday, January 20, 2008
06:00 am CET - Nidaime Mizukage Shigeo - Tau
Hits: 15229
It's doubtful he will....but if he tries to rebuild, I have a feeling it will get knocked down again. XD
Because I can.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008
10:45 pm CET - Nidaime Mizukage Shigeo - Azrael! >:O
Hits: 15531
How could you! that without me! :3
Because I can.

Wednesday, January 09, 2008
11:26 pm CET - Nidaime Mizukage Shigeo - ...Er?
Hits: 15431
You know what? Life goes on. Deal with it and find someone else to play with, as those people probably weren't worth the time and effort.

Who plays at school? >.>;

Because I can.

Monday, January 07, 2008
09:39 pm CET - Nidaime Mizukage Shigeo - Forum bans....
Hits: 15606
Speaking of those, why isn't that yammering twit alko gone yet? -___-
Because I can.

02:44 am CET - Nidaime Mizukage Shigeo - Crimson Mirage, eh?
Hits: 15572
Put it in the Library, Abyss. God knows it needs more intelligent additions.
Because I can.

Sunday, January 06, 2008
11:51 pm CET - Nidaime Mizukage Shigeo - :D
Hits: 15631
Nice tale, Abyss. Kudos to you and Kon.
Because I can.

Thursday, January 03, 2008
03:13 am CET - Nidaime Mizukage Shigeo -
Hits: 14999
I've already posted my thoughts on this once, a while ago...but whatever. Everything will be solved soon enough.
Because I can.

Monday, December 24, 2007
09:33 pm CET - Nidaime Mizukage Shigeo - Back at ya!
Hits: 14609
A Merry Christmas to you as well, Fiyona. ^__^
Because I can.

Monday, December 17, 2007
02:35 am CET - Nidaime Mizukage Shigeo - Genkais, bad?
Hits: 14567
Preposterous! Neji wouldn't make something bad. You heard from a faulty source, Strife.
Because I can.

Sunday, December 16, 2007
04:01 am CET - Nidaime Mizukage Shigeo - Cooro...
Hits: 14554
Then let it die. -____- We don't need stagnating clans cluttering up the list.
Because I can.

Saturday, December 15, 2007
08:57 pm CET - Nidaime Mizukage Shigeo - Revival? >__>
Hits: 14644
What's with people reviving clans? Yeesh...let the dead rest in peace people. : It's because of these annoying actions that the clan list is so cluttered.
Because I can.

Friday, December 14, 2007
05:56 pm CET - Nidaime Mizukage Shigeo - Kekkei Genkai, eh?
Hits: 14733
I'll probably get one of the doujutsus....and come up with a believable reason as to how I got it. >:3
Because I can.

Monday, December 10, 2007
03:29 pm CET - Nidaime Mizukage Shigeo - Welcome to Spamalot. -___-
Hits: 14810
Is it just me, or have the blogs all gone to hell as well now? I know you can use them for anything, but...come on, people! Complaining about 'DP being too hard to get'? Discussing rather inaproppriate topics that I shall not repeat?

Stick to AIM and don't kill off the blogs with idiotic spamming. -___-

Because I can.

Sunday, December 09, 2007
05:47 am CET - Nidaime Mizukage Shigeo - Hmmm.
Hits: 14866
Truthfully, I'm a bit sad to see Darksoul's antics stop; he was doing a wonderful job of slimming down the number of clans on here....I wish more would be done about that problem. Oh well.
Because I can.

Saturday, December 08, 2007
01:03 am CET - Nidaime Mizukage Shigeo - Doom...
Hits: 14864
The difference between the ranks is the experience that comes from playing the game and learning what you should and should not do. Academy Students, being newcomers, are often arrogant and belligerent, backsassing anyone and everyone who speaks to them.

While some Students do keep this rather unappealing trait throughout their stay on this site, a few manage to see the error of their ways after some time and become more respectful, literate, and generally much nicer people to be around.

Because I can.

Friday, December 07, 2007
04:33 am CET - Nidaime Mizukage Shigeo - Skinless...
Hits: 14915
Short of comitting genocide on all the godmodding, rude Academy Students in the game, I cannot think of any way to deal with them. Just ignore them all and be grateful for the rare gems that come along.
Because I can.

Sunday, December 02, 2007
08:24 pm CET - Nidaime Mizukage Shigeo - LoB=EVIL.
Hits: 14509
I've tried MSN, Yahoo, and AOL emails now...all failed. >:( Stupid new game being evil...
Because I can.

Thursday, November 22, 2007
06:58 pm CET - Nidaime Mizukage Shigeo - ....
Hits: 14555
Yeah, okay bravo psycic. Now, here's the real blessing you should be saying when it comes time to gobble that turkey:

Good friends, good meat, Good GOD let's eat!


Because I can.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007
01:44 am CET - Nidaime Mizukage Shigeo - Gage.....just....
Hits: 14932
No. Stop talking. :| If people constantly petitioned something as pointless and selfish as that, I have little doubt that Neji or another mod would mute them. If you didn't get chosen as a mod, suck it up and deal with it. Yeesh.
Because I can.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007
07:46 pm CET - Nidaime Mizukage Shigeo - >.>
Hits: 14900
Eh, see ya Sounga. :P Maybe you'll come back for LoB.
Because I can.

Thursday, November 08, 2007
03:23 pm CET - Nidaime Mizukage Shigeo - Tracey! :D
Hits: 15098
Not a bad story. Definitely interesting, and I can't wait to see the next chapter. ^_^

Though, there were a few minor spelling and grammatical errors, and some things that were unclear or seemed off to me. Jen, for example; something about her just seemed kind of...shallow, and I couldn't really get into her. And I hope to see the angel idea clarified next chapter, too. >.< But then, I suppose I'm just being nitpicky. Also, there were a few instances where you used the same adjective several times in a sentence. For that, you could try a Thesaurus. ^^

Well, I'm tired and cranky right now, and even though that was a sloppy critique, it's the best I've got for you. I hope it didn't come out as harsh. :3

Because I can.

Thursday, November 01, 2007
11:12 pm CET - Nidaime Mizukage Shigeo - My Halloween...
Hits: 14826

Got almost 6 pounds of candy goodness. :3 With lots of Bit O' Honey things. Mmm boy, I love me some Bit O' Honey.

Because I can.

Sunday, October 28, 2007
08:19 am CET - Nidaime Mizukage Shigeo - Doom...>.>
Hits: 15250
Clanvertising in blogs? That's low, man.
Because I can.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007
11:35 pm CEST - Nidaime Mizukage Shigeo - Pri :O
Hits: 14602
Haha, it's a compliment. :P
Because I can.

08:42 pm CEST - Nidaime Mizukage Shigeo - Nice, Pri! XD
Hits: 14602
You should become Dethklok's lyricist. XD They'd love you!!
Because I can.

Friday, October 12, 2007
01:50 am CEST - Nidaime Mizukage Shigeo - Better yet...
Hits: 14554
It has these characters:

Shigekun Genryusai Yamamoto
Sajin Komamura
Jushiro Ukitake
Komamura Unmasked
Yoruichi Shihoin
Soi Fon
Rukia Kuchiki
Kaname Tosen
Shunsui Kyoraku
Renji Abarai
Kenpachi Zaraki
Ganju Shiba
Gin Ichimaru
Toshiro Hitsugaya
Momo Hinamori
Byakuya Kuchiki
Mayuri Kurotsuchi
Hollow Ichigo
Sosuke Aizen
Tatsuki Arisawa
Kon(Seriously, what the hell?)
Bonnie the Boar

That's the complete list. :3 12 Captains...not bad at all.

Because I can.

Thursday, October 11, 2007
04:17 am CEST - Nidaime Mizukage Shigeo - Totally.
Hits: 14644
This game is just has all the Captains. :D Maybe minus one, but's awesome. XD
Because I can.

03:49 am CEST - Nidaime Mizukage Shigeo - Bonnie! Where is my precious Bonnie?! :3
Hits: 14644
So, I went and bought the new Bleach DS game....and it's pretty damn fun. :D

It's got an impressive 28 characters, each one with a different fighting style. The voices for each character are quite nice, as is the music(especially the opening theme!) Up to four people can fight at one time, regardless of whether or not they have the game themselves thanks to Download Play. :3

Best part though? IT HAS GANJU. I am a happy man. :3

Because I can.

Sunday, October 07, 2007
02:51 am CEST - Nidaime Mizukage Shigeo - Pri!
Hits: 14643
Even if you mean PB&J in a pervy sense, whipped cream and strawberries still owns it. >.> Yours is just weird. XD

...I want a cookie. :D

Because I can.

12:51 am CEST - Nidaime Mizukage Shigeo - >:O
Hits: 14654
Psh, PB&J is for nubs.

It's all about whipped cream and strawberries.

Oh, you mean for eating. >.>;

Uhhh....yeah. .___.

Because I can.

Wednesday, October 03, 2007
11:07 pm CEST - Nidaime Mizukage Shigeo - OMGWTFHALODS? :O
Hits: 14977
Just look. o___O

So awesome.

Because I can.

Saturday, September 29, 2007
03:51 am CEST - Nidaime Mizukage Shigeo - Ouch.
Hits: 14924
I feel for you, Puppetmaster...the zones seem to be going downhill lately, and there are very few skilled fighters. v_v

I have yet to fight you, now that I think about it. >.>

Because I can.

Monday, August 20, 2007
01:34 am CEST - Nidaime Mizukage Shigeo - Oi, Pri...
Hits: 15237
I suppose you could always try polygamy. XD Failing that, I hear steamy affairs are quite popular nowadays.

No, but seriously. That really sucks.

Because I can.

Monday, August 06, 2007
10:33 pm CEST - Nidaime Mizukage Shigeo - Sweet Jesus, it's been a while.
Hits: 15174
So yeah. My stupid internet is down, and I have to come to a friend's house to get on. Sucks, don't it? XP Ah well, no worries... Not now that I'm a GRAND HOKAGE!! Yeah baby, yeah!

...Ahem. Yes. Well. I will most likely not be getting on too often, so crying and mourning all around and whatnot. Then time for partying with the cake and drinks and the games and such.

Because I can.

Saturday, July 21, 2007
04:36 am CEST - Nidaime Mizukage Shigeo - Hahaha NO.
Hits: 14889
I've been having these weird thoughts is any of this for real?

Anyways, being serious. One thing that really irks me on this site is that you try to have a nice, simple fight in the zones....and then bam, your opponent suddenly turns Super Saiyan 256.7, gains the power of all 9 bijuus, and grows Jack Thompson's head out their wazoo(Note: mild exaggeration).

I'd just love to see more normal shinobi appear: not ones with Kekkei Genkai, or tragic backstories, or demons; just everyday, average shinobi.

I know my ranting won't change anything...but I'll rant nonetheless. Why?

Because I can.

Monday, July 16, 2007
07:08 pm CEST - Nidaime Mizukage Shigeo - So.
Hits: 15002
I decided to get a blog. Rejoice if you like me, go rot in a ditch if you hate me.

I went to go see Transformers a short while ago. Great freaking movie, lemme tell ya...good special effects, decent plot, and a good bit of comedy. The end hints at a sequel too(Huzzah). Good times, good times.

Anyways, a word of advice to all those looking for jobs: STAY AWAY FROM RESTAURANTS. It's an ugly, dirty business, and the pay isn't too great either.

I can't think anything else to say. TTFN.

Because I can.