Shinobi Blogs

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Tuesday, October 07, 2014
04:08 am CEST - Aranea
Hits: 19312
I know no one looks at the blogs anymore. Hell - no one remembers who I am because of name changes. But that's neither here nor there.

I wanted to be able to post this anonymously, to vent with the satisfaction that maybe there will be someone who comes across this, that my words and feelings have managed to come across the vast distance of the internet and that they would then feel something.

I'm going through a break up of sorts, so to speak. Where the man I am in love with has decided to end things between us, where we had no defining relationship... Who also isn't aware that I'm in love with him. Essentially I have been used like the napkin that you pick when you clean up after a frenzied private one-on-one session, then tossed to the side like a dirty secret when your parents walk in unexpectedly.

My friend told me that I need to put the past behind me... But get this. I've been here for eight years now. This site has played a tremendous influence in my life. I haven't been able to fully turn my back on this game... No matter how hard I tried. I couldn't put the past where it belonged; this site is like a time warp. It reminds me of things that I haven't experienced since I was a young pre teen. Deaths, relationships, heart breaks, losses... This game has taught me to grieve but with him... I'm in denial.

It hurt too much when we broke up four years ago. It hurts too much to face it now. I want to say that I would prefer to pretend I don't care and let things go by, but I can't do that. I cling too tightly to the idea of loving him, the illusion of a relationship that doesn't exist, that it has been rooted to my existence.

I'm not gonna die. I keep telling myself this. One person shouldn't define me.

But this... This burden... It's like I'm deteriorating.

You just take my breath away...

Sunday, July 27, 2014
12:30 am CEST - Aranea - REDID THE SEXY LIST
Hits: 11739
2. Rikudou
2.1 Warren
2.2 Nightfall
3. Hono
3.141592654... Nathan (because he cried)

This is law.

You just take my breath away...

Monday, July 07, 2014
05:11 am CEST - Aranea - the Sexy List because I said so.
Hits: 26228
1. Renkai
1.5 Abyss
2. Rikudou
2.5 Nightfall
3. Hono
3.141592654... Nathan (because he cried)
4. Sabu
5. Jubaku

Argue it out, this is law. <.<

You just take my breath away...

Monday, April 28, 2014
05:47 pm CEST - Aranea
Hits: 11300
You just take my breath away...

Thursday, August 08, 2013
07:31 am CEST - Aranea - Congrats!
Hits: 18582
To Koji, for becoming the new Raikage.

I envy you players for having an established RP status ;-;

You just take my breath away...

Thursday, April 18, 2013
06:17 pm CEST - Aranea - I have not...
Hits: 14567
... posted a blog here in the longest.


My life has been excessively eventful, but I feel proud to be the 20-year old girl living on her own, alone, with no help from family and working full time, extra jobs, and going to school full-time all at once.

Sucks though when you get paranoid and think that someone who you're hiding from is trying to find you...

Other than that, I have no purpose for this blog.

You just take my breath away...

Thursday, July 21, 2011
11:42 pm CEST - Aranea - Muahaha!
Hits: 15008
I love being in NY for the pure fact that there are so many bargains available! I was able to see HP7-2 in 3D for $6, not $15. There's a special on Tuesdays for all movies to be seen for $6, so I was like, HELLA YEAH =D

But yeah, the most 3D thing was Voldemort's death. It was like burnt paper.


And when they were protecting Hogwarts.

You just take my breath away...

Thursday, February 10, 2011
04:47 am CET - Aranea - <3
Hits: 18069
So, after much delay, I decided...


So, I forced myself to audition for my school's musical.

This was me pre-audition:


I actually would like feedback, kkthanks.

(Disclaimer is included in video.)

You just take my breath away...

Friday, January 21, 2011
02:41 am CET - Aranea - Break Me, Then Fix Me
Hits: 14569
"Break Me, then Fix Me"
Only because I felt like writing this...

Dammit, Priya, can't you just accept how wrong this whole thing is?

But she couldn't. As her eyes continued to appreciate the vision in front of her -- this man, eight years her senior, who was returning it -- she found that with every passing second, it became harder to look away.

"I'll take you out to all ten thousand lakes," Ryan promised.

That was his name.


The intricate mental image of them making out, hotly, in the middle of a beautiful lake caused shivers to run up and down her spine. The electric charge between them was becoming too great.

How the hell did Jerry expect her to stay away from this charismatic older man, who's life seemed to be in balance?!

Screw it, I can't talk any sense into you.

About damn time her conscious gave up on her.

Her hand brushed against his, and her chocolate eyes gazed into his own. Her innocent, eighteen years young, untouched by stress face grew closer to his. The confusion they shared passed between them. There was something taboo about this relationship. There was something totally wrong with it.

"It's not just you," Ryan reassured as he noted Priya's hesitance. "I feel it too. I don't know what to do about it, but still -- I know how I feel."

A soft exhale transpired between them both. They were stiff, but suddenly relaxed. It was as if this deep connection they established over the loss of her former love - his abandoning her - was telling them that it was okay to go through with this. And they closed the space between them with a kiss.

Let them be confused together.

And Priya would be damned if they weren't together. Her hand trailed over his arms with a feather-like touch, displaying her innocence to him. Although she was very experienced, he was eight years her senior. He mastered the tricks she had only dreamt of; being with him was a bit scary. Damn it, why was it she was shaking like a virgin all over again?

Ryan shifted so that his hand fell over to the other side of her legs, dangerously brushing against her thigh, but not so all at the same time. She was close to whining -- she wanted for him to touch her, ravish her, make her scream in ways she didn't get to do before. He almost smirked against her lips, knowing exactly what he was doing to her. She was an impatient little girl, but he didn't mind.

He now controlled the situation and her body completely. With his body in the dominant position, there was no way she could refuse him. So, easily, he finally brushed his hands over her skin, mimicking the method she had used, only that the effect was intensified with her.

Priya's chest fluttered. Her breathing pattern was abnormal. When she exhaled, it sounded like a shuddering, struggled piece. He looked down at her, concern washing over him. And she saw it in his eyes. His clear, beautiful, honest eyes.

She couldn't bite back the words anymore.

"I love you."

He kissed her, unphased by her reaction. "I love you too."

You just take my breath away...

Saturday, January 08, 2011
01:31 am CET - Aranea - FINALLY
Hits: 13020
Dooms and Wind are back! I missed you guys like crazy! <3

Yes, Wind, I remember you. :3

But oh my god. Now I don't feel so alone on here anymore. xDDD

Thank you guys for coming backkkkkkkkkkk~ I'm sure the rest of the SL Community will be thanking you later when this place finally livens up some more.

You just take my breath away...

Saturday, January 01, 2011
01:43 am CET - Aranea - Hey, now Bruno Mars....
Hits: 14138
Was not when I was with the guy you aren't totally convinced is straight; that was when I hooked up with my hot Columbian co-worker who after two weeks from our hook up, quit. <_<;

Speaking of the guy you aren't totally convinced is straight!!!! Totally pissed me off today. Yes, I texted him. Yes, I know I'm retarded for doing it. Shaddup.

Anyway, we seriously were furiously texting like.. 100 different things at each other. Apparently, he's been seeing this girl on and off for a few months now (note, it's been three since he broke up with me, wtf?) He already calls her his girlfriend. Like. Seriously? I was with you for seven months, practically worshiped the ground you walked on, saved you from everyone's critique, and you couldn't call me your girlfriend, but you call a tramp you've been with on and off your girl? SERIOUSLY? ARE YOU STUPID?!

Then he tried to make it like he did me a favor by being with me for the extensive amount of time that he was with me, and then breaking up with me. ARE YOU >insert excess profanities here< ME?! He claimed that if he didn't do it the way he did, I wouldn't have been so positive like I am today.

Me? Positive? Pfft. FAR FROM IT. I told him "The only reason why I'm even as open as I am is because I'm constantly trying to keep myself from falling apart everyday." Then I began describing why I had to move out. And then, my downward spiral after I moved out. And then, because of my downward spiral, my brothers took me back to my mother's house. AAAAAAAND then I admit it:

The months I spent with you were the best, and at the same time I hate it because I have to rely on someone for it [happiness]. And you know how you claim you know me? Hun, you've barely begin to see the complexities of it all. You never knew I was in a bad state, and never guess it either. I hate admitting you were the best. Because all I feel is the need to get it back. See it now?

Then I continue my rant, because he claimed that the sooner I accept it, the more I'll begin to calm down... ><

I'm not that predictable. When I accept it, I reject it, and continue being delusional. I know this because I've gone through it before. Do you realize now that the way we broke up was the worst thing to happen to me?

Like. Seriously? He's three years older than me, and still so dense? WHY >insert more profanities here< GOD IS HE SO >insert even MORE profanities here< STUPID?!

*sighs* And I'm stiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiill loving the idiot. Even with his stupid "girlfriend".

Sagar, can you slap me silly soon? Or send CJ to go snipe the idiot before I send myself to Hell?

You just take my breath away...

Thursday, December 30, 2010
06:25 pm CET - Aranea - DAMN YOU
Hits: 14308


But now, I do have your Christmas present. PS. It's pink. xD Nah, that isn't it, but I do have something for you. CJ too, but don't let him know.

Blargh, I hate NYU. It's so... close to my Aunt's house. And I'm so glad you didn't apply to UMass Amherst or UMinn, or any of my schools. :3 I may never see you! D:

You just take my breath away...

Wednesday, December 29, 2010
02:05 pm CET - Aranea - So it's supposed to be fun...
Hits: 13713
Well, for Christmas, I got...


(Yeah, apparently, people here still don't believe I'm 17. So eat it >.>; )

I had applied as an Early Action candidate for them. I'm just glad I got accepted - it's really good there. But sadly, I'm unsure if I'll actually be attending the school. Don't get me wrong, I love it and probably wouldn't want to trade it for the world... Probably.

Thing is, there's another school I would die to go to: UMinn Twin Cities. I've been on their mailing list since I was a freshman in High school, and honestly, I like open space. Open space is gewd.

If normal circumstances were provided, I'd go to UMass within a heartbeat. But nooo, I never have normal circumstances provided. I always get Priya-circumstances to be provided.

I know of UMinn because of one reason and one reason only: my ex fiancee. Sweetheart, that he was, but he was also attending the school at the time of our dating relationship. He doesn't live in that state anymore, but I became enamored with the school, so it was one of those
Hey, why not? impulses when I received their application with a fee waiver.

NOW my ex fiancee's friend from High School and I are kind of friends. I wouldn't say we're close friends, but he knows a lot about me because of my ex fiancee. I, on the other hand, do not know much about him other than a few things here and there, but nevertheless I still talk to him when I get the chance.

So now, the friend is convincing me to choose UMinn when I get accepted. Not if, but when. My god, I dreamt about it last night. The 10000 lakes... Fishing on the weekends... It would've been beautiful.

But I still have to wait a few more months before deciding. I need to get accepted first before attending. >>;

You just take my breath away...

Friday, October 15, 2010
01:30 am CEST - Aranea - I can't even understand how..
Hits: 13466
... after a week from seeing him (my ex -- I had some problems and the sad part is that I could only turn to him when it came to people that were in my city)I was doing fine until today.

Well, until about half an hour ago.

Earlier today, I was with the student teacher that I have an infatuation with. Apparently, one of my friends who knew him also saw us talking, and is utterly convinced that we were flirting and it was mutual. So, it was partially true from what I know since I was being flirty (but then again, I am almost a flirt, so I cannot be held accountable).

Regardless, it made my day sort of. It's kind of a nice thought when you think that a 22 year old could have possible interest in you, a 17 going 18 year old. Almost as if there was something that could still be appealing.

And then, there's this college friend that also likes me. So 't was a double bonus.

Until I got home, on Facebook (damn this social network), and saw a post my ex had on his status with another girl.

I felt a flare and a stab in my heart, because it felt that he still cared for me and that I was still accepted in his life, yet, it just... grah, I'm at a loss for words.

I hate falling in love. It hurts too much, and it feels like the pain will never go away.

You just take my breath away...

Wednesday, October 06, 2010
11:52 pm CEST - Aranea - Never thought I'd be saying this...
Hits: 14621
The past two weeks have been weird, in short. My friend has three guys lined up for me, who are apparently dying to go out with me (I find it hard to believe still), I hooked up with a co-worker (I actually have no idea how that even happened..) and I have a crush on this student-teacher in my school (and my friend/teacher apparently thinks that the flirting is mutual, although I don't even realize that there was flirting on my end).

I like the attention, but it's weird not having my ex-boyfriend around. Not having a text message to look forward to, or a Friday of beautiful memories to remember. I mean, it's my first technical long-term relationship that FELT real, so I guess I took it (and still am taking it) a bit harshly.

I think I'm doing considerably well. Seven months of dating, and after two weeks, I'm starting to be lively again. Hell, I started singing again (Shut it Shikki). In fact, I heard the acoustic version of "Just the Way You Are" by Bruno Mars, and I seem to beam.

Sigh. I still miss my old routine. It was fun.

You just take my breath away...

Wednesday, September 29, 2010
12:53 pm CEST - Aranea - Nyahh x.x
Hits: 13054
In NY, there's been like, icky looking skies/weather, and rain when it's ready to pour down and ruin our good clothing. .-.;

My friend (one of my best friends when it comes to school) decided to drop out of our AP Environmental Science class to transfer into Bio! She's leaving me!
That sunnova--

It was sad though, because this is how it went:
Friend: "Priya, I'm going to transfer into AP Bio!"
Me: "YOU! You lied! I thought you loved me, but just like >insert recent ex's name<, you lied! You never did care about meee!"

Of course, I was laughing, but she stared. Stunned almost, as if she didn't believe I could make a joke about it so soon. <_<;

Ohhh! I started reading the History of Hell, as per request of one of my teachers whom I so lovingly call Grandpa (although he is the same age as my brother). It's really niceee. :D


I wrote a story like, three or four years ago titled "Eien Megami"? I'm writing another story, based off of some characters from here (Rorek, myself, ShadowWind) similarly titled, although I kept the title to english despite the fact that the character's names are in Japanese.

And now, for school!

You just take my breath away...

Sunday, September 26, 2010
03:05 pm CEST - Aranea - Goodness Gracious...
Hits: 13122
As if I didn't have so much on my plate with a part time job, full time AP Classes in my senior year, I decided that I wouldn't leave after all (only the mods knew of this thought) and finally became active again.


My head is spinning. But I'm pretty sure I could fit it in. I have one less thing to worry about, which was probably to most time consuming as well as energy consuming.

I missed my buddies on here! D:

But not so much, since we all were talking while I was gone.

Speaking of which! Little big brother, you need to do something for me!

And as for everyone else: yeaaaaaaaaaaah, I'm baaaack :3

You just take my breath away...

Thursday, February 18, 2010
08:17 pm CET - Aranea - Strange Revelation...
Hits: 15817
I'm hoping that this isn't just a girl thing (it's almost as bad as watching a group of teens watching chick flicks...)

I finally caught up with the
Nana series, which ended at Ch. 84 as a result of the creator falling ill.

I don't want to ruin much, but considering that it's a fairly good series, I must (just a bit).

At the death of one of the beloved characters, I found myself crying. Why is it that we suddenly grow attachments to such series?

Like, for Bleach, I have a horrible attachment for Grimmjow and Orihime. In Nana, I have an attachment to Takumi, Nana, "Hachi", and Ren.

I'm not even gonna bother listing the others.

But the point remains: do we often grow these attachments with fictional series to replace something that we find is missing in our lives?

The death of this character struck a chord - and even now, I'm still crying, almost as hard as the creator intended for the characters to do.

You just take my breath away...

Wednesday, February 17, 2010
04:57 pm CET - Aranea
Hits: 15118
So I'm finding that the Blogs are practically dead. <_<;;

What a shocker. But then again, it's saddening. A lot of the people that used to blog like, two years or so back, were really good people. And now, I realize that most of my good friends from the past are people I don't talk to as often as I like.

For example, people that I've called brothers are all in different states. Of course, that never stopped me before, but now it's even more difficult to stay in touch with them; school and work and SL being factors that tear me in different directions.

I just hope that this game can be as great with popularity as it used to back in the day.

You just take my breath away...

Thursday, December 31, 2009
05:03 pm CET - Aranea - I think it's time the blogs become useful, don't you think?
Hits: 12865
Mother flubbin' buttwipes! ><

Okay, now that the spazz is out in the open, let me inform you all on why this is such.

Despite what good I try to do with this character - be active, friendly to those who deserve it, etcetera - there are rumors about me that I simply don't understand.

Imagine being insulted and spoken about to the point that someone actually believes that you're a nymphomaniac.

Yeah, I know.

But frankly, what I've been doing (which was to simply ignore everything and move on) has done nothing to assist me with these idiotic fools. They continue to ruin things that shouldn't even be brought to that aspect, and I can't help but become angry.



You just take my breath away...

Monday, December 07, 2009
09:44 pm CET - Aranea - Hyperventilation
Hits: 12464
It's just a new song that I randomly wrote in like... ten minutes, during Physics (which is strange)...

Verse 1:
Moving so slow
Without a care in the world
And although I want to leave
Remembering you sets me free (from this darkness)
Dancing so carelessly
Falling so quickly
But left alone with nothing
It drives me to insanity

But time seems to suffocate
And close in tightly
Although you say that everything will be okay
This light shines too brightly

Verse Two:
Breathe deep
These shadows stay
Regardly of what you keep
It haunts and preys (everything)
Grasping too tightly
Never wanting to let go
And racing hearts that beat
Drives me to insanity

So brightly
It shines
Right into my eyes

You just take my breath away...

Saturday, November 28, 2009
08:47 pm CET - Aranea - I know this is late but...
Hits: 13110
Happy Thanksgiving to you guys. <,<

At least you guys could've enjoyed it.

You just take my breath away...

Wednesday, November 18, 2009
11:44 pm CET - Aranea - So, why exactly...
Hits: 12515
am I so hesitant to tell my mother again about the trip to tour Europe?

We spend about 12 days in total. Excluding two days (the going and then coming back), we spend ten days in Europe. We fly overnight to England, spend the night and three days there, then on the fourth day we go to Paris, spend two days there, take a night train and arrive in Florence for a day, then go to Assisi, then Rome for two days, and then head back home.

In total, it's now $2295.

I don't know why, but I have a pit in my stomach. ._.; I think it's not even related to the price; maybe I'm scared to leave by myself?

You just take my breath away...

Sunday, November 15, 2009
02:19 am CET - Aranea - And only for this purpose...
Hits: 12670
@Tele; That sounds like what happened to me in middle school. Dude; charge 'em $5/assignment. They'll back off.

And don't worry about the whole stupidity with labels. They're just idiots, and can't find any other way to express themselves or better their flaws other than making others feel bad about themselves. =

But I finally got my chinese cake. I've been craving it for two full weeks.

And yeah. <<;;

You just take my breath away...

Thursday, November 12, 2009
12:11 am CET - Aranea - A bunch of updates...
Hits: 12745
Are evidently necessary. <_<;

@Tele; I honestly don't know what has happened. Don't you ever wish that you could just turn back the clocks and stand still in time?

And when the hell did you start calling me Pri? O-o;

But on another note...

I found out something strange. Normally, we all know how mothers react when you're a teen; you can't do this or that, you can't go here or there, etc...

My high school is a bit different than what most might be familiar with. Due to overcrowding (all thanks to being a part of the NYC system), we were divided into 7 major "institutions", or as we call them "Small Learning Communities" (subbed; SLCs).

So there's two major SLCs (the top, and always competing): Pre-Med (my SLC), and Humanities. Now, supposedly, Pre Med is supposed to be strong in science and mathematics, and Humanities in History and English. However, due to our Regents scores (I guess you can call them State Finals, to try and get the same feel..), it's in reverse. I'm the top student for English; upholding more of the Humanities' name than Pre Med.

And I'm buddy-buddy with Humanities Teachers. (Yes, yes, I'm actually getting to a point..) There's this trip that happens every year; to travel/tour all of Europe. It's normally a week and a half long, and we stay in big-name Hotels, yada-yada-yada...

My mother is, strangely enough, allowing me to leave for a week and a half. The trip this year is occurring in March. So, fair warning (since I'm pretty certain that I am gonna go), I won't be online for two weeks. <_<; Gotta prep for stuff in advance, and yeah. So, yeah. >>;; My first by-myself (meaning without family) out-of-country experience. Oh joy.

Cause I've seen you cry way too many times when you deserve to be alive... Alive...

Saturday, November 07, 2009
08:29 pm CET - Aranea - Remember when...
Hits: 12610
We used to fill the blogs with a bunch of nonsense? <_<;;

Oh. Joy.

Back to the good ol' days.

Where the crapperths is everyone?! >____>;;;

Cause I've seen you cry way too many times when you deserve to be alive... Alive...

Wednesday, November 04, 2009
08:29 pm CET - Aranea - So like...
Hits: 12588
It's boring. <_<;

The Gardens need more spazziness. I can't believe how much of a drama-magnet its become.

And god damn friggen Trolls.

Just... trolling. <_<;;;

And I'm at a loss for words. Truly, currently am.

If only.

Cause I've seen you cry way too many times when you deserve to be alive... Alive...

Saturday, October 03, 2009
01:15 am CEST - Aranea - ... Bloody hell.
Hits: 13064
So, school's school. But it took me a while to realize that 1) Holy crap, it's school again, and 2) I can't goof off like I normally do.

I'm signed up for too much crap. And the worst part? I can barely keep calm. There are so many irritating things, and not even meditation is working anymore.

Even at the moment, writing this blog is becoming more and more awkward. I remember back when we didn't even blog in the blogs - it was a complete outburst to the world, and all of us that partook in the incident acted like idiots.

I wish I could go back to those days. ._.;

I'm anything but what I used to be, although that person does seem to occasionally come out from the dark tomb that she decided to hide in. It's almost as if I'm become nothing more than the facade that I had wished to play, and now I just want to be normal again.

At the moments that I normally joke and play along, I get upset and furious. I'm different now, and self-loathing.

Apparently, my school didn't have effective Peer-Tutoring, so because I was getting tired of having everyone asking me the same question five billion times over, I decided to open up the program yet again. Atleast this way, everyone will ask me the question once.

I might go insane. e.e
Cause I've seen you cry way too many times when you deserve to be alive... Alive...

Monday, September 21, 2009
11:39 pm CEST - Aranea - So...
Hits: 15100
... <_<;;

For some reason, it doesn't feel that school has started. It still feels like vacation, and I'm still goofing off.

I don't know why people are still so stressed, but now I'm getting frustrated - for different reasons, obviously.

Someone I know, and I think am beginning to care about, is going to be leaving. Not like, leaving me, but leaving for a purpose. It's something I don't want to just blurt out to the world, but this kid has been on my mind day and night.

It feels like it's hard to let go of people now. Too many people are disappearing, and there's nothing I can do about it except whine and complain.

Cause I've seen you cry way too many times when you deserve to be alive... Alive...

Saturday, September 12, 2009
02:20 am CEST - Aranea - Crapperz.
Hits: 16661
So school started the 9th (You can feel the love can't you?)....

But distracting me from school is my stupid house problems. I'm not gonna bother ranting about them personally here, mainly because I'm trying to deal with them on my own - but I will say this.

It's driving me INSANE!!!

But, as for school; Thank God for Physics and Math. <3

My two all-time favorite loves have saved me from insanity, although I am not far from it.

That's it for now. More work to do - Junior Year is awesome, especially with Psychology.

Cause I've seen you cry way too many times when you deserve to be alive... Alive...

Friday, September 04, 2009
12:50 am CEST - Aranea - Yes! I got #4!
Hits: 14676
So my brother had to leave for Washington today.

There's a Game Expo going on in Seattle, so my brother got like, five friends up there.
He's gonna be gone for the weekend.

It's his first time on a plane. I'm so proud of him. <3 xD

That's all. >>

Cause I've seen you cry way too many times when you deserve to be alive... Alive...

Wednesday, September 02, 2009
05:33 pm CEST - Aranea - :O
Hits: 15840
School starts on the 10th in NY.

Are you kidding me? e.e

I have to wait a whole week. x.x

That's all. :3 [Since there's no other blogs (Thanks to Miya for doing yesterday's)]

Cause I've seen you cry way too many times when you deserve to be alive... Alive...

Wednesday, August 19, 2009
02:35 am CEST - Aranea - You got to your feet, scratched your head, and started to gather the life you dropped all around me <3
Hits: 21929
Every. Bloody. Time.

Stupid attachment issues. Just because a man, yes - man, that I dearly love(d) has not been able to keep in contact with me since October, I suddenly feel more and more compelled to just quit.

But how much am I giving away?

How much am I going to, inevitably, lose?

It's not as if I don't have others who love me, which raises even more problems.

Due to the fact that there is another that still is in love with me brings pain to my heart. It means that I'd have to hurt him yet again for the third time. And I don't want to. I care about both of them, but I don't know which I love the most.

They say, "Time apart makes the heart grow fonder" but is that what I really need? It simply invites doubt to permeate through my thoughts.

What if I only love him because I think I love him?

Or what if I truly do love him?

I can't take it anymore.

Cause I've seen you cry way too many times when you deserve to be alive... Alive...

Tuesday, August 18, 2009
06:52 am CEST - Aranea - So...
Hits: 22601
Apparently I've changed.

No, really. Apparently, I have. o.O;

Well, I could understand that concept. I have become a tad... dull? And rough. I'm always waiting to snap at someone, apparently.

*groans* Gah.


It's nearly 1 AM.

And the stupid thing that the stupid boy sent me to do won't be done. <<;
So it's all blargh.

Cause I've seen you cry way too many times when you deserve to be alive... Alive...

Saturday, August 15, 2009
10:14 pm CEST - Aranea - Holy isht...
Hits: 22217
So anyway. <<;
I got myself a new and better 'pooter.

Believe it or not, my old one I had for approximately six years.
I know.

How the eff did it work?


I beat it so hard that it had to function. >_>;

But yeah.

I guess that is all for now.

Cause I've seen you cry way too many times when you deserve to be alive... Alive...

Friday, July 24, 2009
09:21 pm CEST - Aranea - Oh boy..
Hits: 18354
So, my brother Junior is getting a little wierd but slightly more sensitive towards me. I think it's because he found out that I had a boyfriend even though I didn't even tell him anything.

It's strange how they don't remember a thing about him.
But I'm afraid to admit to my own brother (who's very close to Wind's age) that my boyfriend is so-and-so at that age.

He always told me to focus on work and deal with the opposite sex later.

But this specific person just makes me focus even more than I could by myself.

I don't think I'll be able to explain that to him.

UGH! ><

'Cause you're everywhere to me, and when I catch my breath, it's you I breathe... [6.22.08]

Thursday, July 23, 2009
02:49 pm CEST - Aranea - Can you honestly believe that...
Hits: 18435
After one whole friggen year with Wind, my brother didn't even realize that I had a boyfriend for that long? O.o;
And you know what's funny? The 21st on this month marked his 2 year anniversary with his girlfriend, and the 22nd of the month before marked my 1 year.

Crazy dates. >> Why are we always in the damned 20s?

But anyway. It was hilarious. He came up to me while I'm on my pooter (I forgot all about my custom made background which was drawn for Wind and I) and he asked, "You have a boyfriend?"

I just blinked at him excessively before I finally realized what he was talking about. (It was 1 in the afternoon. Gimme a break)

Thank god he didn't press on about the situation. Last year when I was really upset with my mother, we got into a fight and I blurted out everything about my relationship with him, including the age difference and they nearly tossed me out of the house.

But man, it gave me good lyrics and one hell of a dream. =D

And I'm sleepeh. Again.

I've seen you cry way too many times when you deserve to be alive...

Monday, July 06, 2009
01:47 am CEST - Aranea - Just because I had nothing to do all day....
Hits: 14096
I had started to think about life, and philosophy and all of that. I honestly can't tell you why, except that I found that almost all of my life, I've lied to someone about something minuscule to the larger picture. It dawned on me in the past few weeks that some people can't tell the difference from reality and a white lie, no matter how many times they claim they can.

What makes us any different?

Are we supposedly so superior to such weaknesses? Or have we done just that and succumbed to the lies we've told to live in this fantasy life that would come about from the lies?

It's never easy to tell a lie from the truth. But how do you know that the lie is a lie?

You don't.

And the whole trust factor comes in here. <<;

I've seen you cry way too many times when you deserve to be alive...

Saturday, June 06, 2009
10:38 pm CEST - Aranea - Wow... Is this place....
Hits: 16386
Dead? O.o

No blogs for this month so far? Jeebus Christ, this is unbelievable...

So school's nearly over in New York. << We just have this next coming week, and then State Finals for two more weeks and the 26th we go back for report cards and that's it.

(Wow. Lots of ands)

I hope summer comes by and leaves quickly. I'm a bit of a workaholic now that I think about it. >>;

And everyone else knows what else I'm hoping for... <3

I guess that's it from my mouth. <<


I've seen you cry way too many times when you deserve to be alive...

Thursday, May 14, 2009
04:02 am CEST - Aranea - *yawns*
Hits: 13597
So, I'm officially tired of everything.

I'm getting my Learner's Permit soon, which means Priya-gets-to-drive... <<

*watches Shikki flee* O.o;

Anyway~ my AP Global Exam is tomorrow so.. I can't really sleep. Too nervous/excited. Since I have an AP exam, I'm excused from all my classes. So I get to teach some classes! Whoopie~

Guess that's all for now. Ciao!

I've seen you cry way too many times when you deserve to be alive...

Monday, April 13, 2009
02:51 pm CEST - Aranea - You know those marketers that hold up the signs in the streets?
Hits: 13110

I was that person for a few hours.

It was flippin' fun though. ^^ I was getting bored after like, ten minutes (bus stops are frequent reminders of the time that passes) and I asked my co-worker to start her car.

She looked at me kind of funny-like, but did it anyway. So I blasted the music and rolled all the windows down. But damn it, it was 50 degrees yesterday, so it was hard to hold up a sign with like a 10 degree wind chill at 5-15 mph. ><

So my brother (don't ask why) suggests that we play some 'good' music and I dance throughout the whole traffic line.


But I ended up doing it.

It was sh-weet! ^^

I had like, on average of every stoplight, ten college guys honking. ^^

It really lightened up my spirits. Because holding up that damned sign and making sure it doesn't fly away hurts after a while.

I've seen you cry way too many times when you deserve to be alive...

Sunday, March 08, 2009
10:59 pm CET - Aranea - And then...
Hits: 13029
Wow. I haven't been blogging in a long time...

A lot has happened apparently, including somethings I wish never did occur.

But the highlight of my drama is the following:

My mother is trying to arrange my marriage. What's worse is that the person she is choosing is one of my friends. Oh yeah, he's my Math teacher too.

I haven't told him about what the hell is going on, but I think he suspects it. What brings the situation down to the 'screw-this-I'm-outta-here' level is that my mind is so easily influenced that I think I'm actually considering it.

Two words: Bah. humbug.

I've seen you cry way too many times when you deserve to be alive...

Friday, February 20, 2009
04:25 pm CET - Aranea - Yowzers.
Hits: 13029
I know we can all get very irritated by the inane acts of the newbies, but Shiggie-miggie, give 'em a small break. Actually, give yourself a break.

Go to the mall or maybe take a week off. ._.; Do something.

How do you think I never snapped?

But besides that intriguing event... today's my birthday! And it sucks so far.

I'm turning 16 for crying out loud. It's not supposed to suck! Last night I called one of my friends (my teacher, actually) and found out my other friends are either in trouble or out of town. So now I'm stuck with my nit picky, overly irritating mother.

Oh joy.

I've seen you cry way too many times when you deserve to be alive...

Sunday, January 25, 2009
09:33 pm CET - Aranea - There are...
Hits: 13036
Just a few things that I would like to get off of my mind right now.

1. My internet is being weird.

It's all because of the fact that I have to use Wireless instead of LAN. If I had LAN, it would've been a little less irritating.

2. My birthday is coming up.

Holy cow. My birthday. I'll be sixteen.


ShadowWind better get here. ._.; Not being able to speak to your boyfriend for a few months is very irritating. Distracting. Yet, it's a great way to motivate me sometimes. <_<;

I dunno. It's strange.

I'm done babbling now. Shoot me if you must.

I've seen you cry way too many times when you deserve to be alive...

Sunday, January 18, 2009
03:07 am CET - Aranea - You know...
Hits: 13349
What's sad?

In NYC, we can't get snow days. Because of that damned stupid mid-winter break. I mean, NO ONE ELSE, (And I seriously mean no one) gets mid winter breaks. Like, seriously. NONE!

It's annoying.

And that stupid Chemistry mid term on Thursday might be my downfall. But I work my butt off in that class!

Calculus got me thinking strangely. o.O; Last night, I opened the Calculus textbook for the FIRST TIME (I'm a sophomore, not allowed to have Calculus until I'm a senior) and I read about 300 pages of information and did every exercise in there.

Then I fell asleep. And dreamed about a very strange problem. It asked for the inverse function. I think it was floating around something like this:

f(x) = (x^2 - 1)

So I guess the inverse function would be the square root of (x-1).

For some reason, the imaginary numbers were jumping around in my head too. And I woke up with answers. o.o

That is all.

I've seen you cry way too many times when you deserve to be alive...

Tuesday, January 13, 2009
09:08 pm CET - Aranea - Holy bu- ooh~ cookie...
Hits: 13343


Anyway, I'm really nervous. e.e I hope he can come...

I've seen you cry way too many times when you deserve to be alive...

Sunday, January 04, 2009
02:50 am CET - Aranea
Hits: 13434
I saw Rorek today. >>
Not really saw, but conversed with.

I was so friggen happy.

Oh, Shik, why not hitch a ride with Rorek or ShadowWind? >>;;;

I've seen you cry way too many times when you deserve to be alive...

Saturday, January 03, 2009
03:16 pm CET - Aranea - I think...
Hits: 13557
That I'm lyke, ungrounded. o_O Technically, I've been grounded since July. o.o; No wait, since June. Mainly cause I got into an argument w/ my mother and lyke, it went out of proportion. Yeah.

This morning, at lyke 8 (for me), my mom woke me up and gave me the wireless adapter for meh 'pooter. I was lyke, say what? But I was sleepy. I thought I was dreaming.

And then I saw chocolate. o-O

(Well, that sounded odd.)

On my desk! I mean, she said she left chocolate for me. Ferrero Rocher bish. <_<

Actually, I've been told I'm more like Cadbury Fruit and Nut. <_< God only knows why...

Damn. I ramble. Ta-ta. ♪

I've seen you cry way too many times when you deserve to be alive...

Wednesday, December 31, 2008
07:47 pm CET - Aranea - Oh dear...
Hits: 13361
It seems that I missed a lot. o.o

Stupid school. e.e

@Sakuren - I almost forgot how enjoyable your blogs were. >>

Anywho. I'm tired. Sick. Bored.

Oh! Sonic Chronicles for DS isn't half bad. o_O I was surprised myself. It's like, FF mixed with Sonic.

And Sonic for XBOX 360 that's gonna come out made me cry. In joy. It's probably the most beautiful thing I ever saw. Really.
It reminded me of how I felt when I first played Sonic Adventure 2 - when Shadow first came in. I was so joyous that my brother thought I had peppers again. <__<

Christmas wasn't half bad either. New Pen-Tablet (BAMBOO-status!) for my 'pooter. My brother gave me his Twilight series (top condition), and I read all four book in 24 hours. o.o It scared me.

Oh! And there was something hilarious in Sonic Chronicles. <<
WARNING: Extreme Sonic Fan about to ramble!
So, Omega was missing, and somehow Eggman is a good guy (not ruining much). So Shadow, Tail, and Eggman are going around Metropolis and they found Omega! Omega wakes up and sees Eggman, and wants to kill him, but Tails interferes and says no. Then Omega says, "ORANGE CREATURE HAS GONE MAD. MUST DESTROY." and I started cracking up so loudly my mom thought I was on cocaine.

I often pondered if I was though.

That is all. =3


Shikki, get your behind here for my birthday. You too Miha!

Ciao. <3

I've seen you cry way too many times when you deserve to be alive...

Monday, December 15, 2008
09:07 pm CET - Aranea - Damn
Hits: 13508
I haven't blogged in such a long timeee.

School's hectic, and if you could figure out what I say next, good job. e.e

Meh ekhi bachi nahi hoo. <_<

Inproper spelling, but w/e.

Big lil' bro should get it. <_<

I've seen you cry way too many times when you deserve to be alive...

Monday, November 24, 2008
09:56 pm CET - Aranea - Sometimes, I just feel like ripping people to shreds
Hits: 13279
So, believe it or not, I actually had an ex-boyfriend in my school! *le gasp* Yay me.

So I wasn't feeling well for the past two weeks and today I felt bad for ignoring him. Bad mistake. It ended up into a HUGE argument and then he insulted Wind [ShadowWind]. So I slapped him.

And then he started insulting me and actually said (And I quote) "Do you honestly believe that a 22 year old can care about a 15 year old?" and I slapped him again.

I never felt like hurting someone so badly in my whole entire life.

I've seen you cry way too many times when you deserve to be alive...

Wednesday, November 19, 2008
09:00 pm CET - Aranea - o_O
Hits: 13409
Meh? Added to the dictionary?

That is so friggen cool. =3

I've seen you cry way too many times when you deserve to be alive...

Tuesday, November 11, 2008
06:03 pm CET - Aranea - >>;
Hits: 13337

Other than being completely happy that Obama won and NOT McCain, I am even more extremely happy, as usual. =3

>__> For some reason, in school, I feel smart. o.o

That is all.

I've seen you cry way too many times when you deserve to be alive...

Thursday, August 28, 2008
02:19 am CEST - Aranea
Hits: 14293
And howdy to y'all too. >_>

What is this I hear about nukes?

And haha. Miha is still afraid of cats. =3 MUAHAHAHHA.

School's starting school. and I hate to be the geeky nerd, but I CAN'T WAIT. Seriously. I hate not being able to do anything. I need to be occupied. e.e

Thank god I'll be getting a job after my birthday. Woohoo.

I guess that's it.

Ooh! I got my guitar, but for free. It's an electric, it's a Lyle, and I named her Susanne. She's SHWEET! =3

Oh. And I got a belly button piercing. =3

Okie. Tootles.

I've seen you cry way too many times when you deserve to be alive...

Tuesday, August 12, 2008
05:14 am CEST - Aranea
Hits: 13730
So school will be starting will be starting for me in a few more weeks.

I really feel like a nerd for saying this, but I WANT SCHOOL TO START NOW!!!!!!!

Really badly. I miss school. I have no life without school.


THis never leaves this site. <_<

I've seen you cry way too many times when you deserve to be alive...

Tuesday, August 05, 2008
06:21 pm CEST - Aranea
Hits: 13334
How tempting is the fact that I can get a guitar in two weeks sound?

Pretty tempting to me, lemme tell ya.

Oh jeebus. I want that baby nowww. e.e

It's a normal acoustic, but she's so BEAUTIFUL!

I named her Sarah. >>;;


The people in the store said I could!


She is really hot though. Can't wait to take her home.

Oh! New story I'm working on. Have a looksee.

I've seen you cry way too many times when you deserve to be alive...

Saturday, July 26, 2008
04:01 am CEST - Aranea - Anyway..
Hits: 13654
Don't worry, sadly, I'm still alive and kicking despite all the horrible sins I must have committed to be deemed to the torture of never speaking to my loved one. >>;;

My. That's one long sentence.

Anyway, I've been working hard, and I feel that I won't be sleeping tonight. I guess I'll sneak out to see Wall E at my friend's place or do some Chemistry.

I've gone back to being Wiccan. Apparently, due to more intensive research, I'm more advanced that I should be. Strange. I didn't think it'd go even into the magick realm.

I miss Wind a lot. And everyone here. I never thought that I'd be away from SL for nearly a week! I mean, this is madness! Insanity, to say the least.

Oh! This organization I'm in, DRUM (Desis Rising Up and Moving) is having a picnic and they want me to perform. And perform = singing. So, when the picnic happens, I am totally getting my friend to videotape it and put it on YouTube for me. It's the least I could do, to bring back some life.

I think without Wind now, my hormones are more and more out of hand. That means I just need to talk to him soon, or else I might do something regretful. Thank goodness I resisted for some time. Apparently, now some good-looking males decided to appear in my presence.

Well, I'm done with the summary of my week. Ciao guys!

I've seen you cry way too many times when you deserve to be alive...

Monday, July 21, 2008
04:39 am CEST - Aranea
Hits: 13583
If I enjoyed it? O_o;
The hell is that supposed to mean?

Anyway, I've apparently been so HORRIBLE that they wanted to kick me out and put me through family court. o_O;

The hell?

And now they know about Wind. Grr. They want to talk to him and interrogate him. Pretty much know if he just wants to get in my pants or if he does love me.


I've seen you cry way too many times when you deserve to be alive...

Saturday, July 19, 2008
03:59 am CEST - Aranea
Hits: 13534
You know, I hate being grounded. o.O;

Like, not the grounded that they forgot.

THe overly enforced grounded. .___.;

Sucks like crap.

I miss my cellie. ;_;
No more phone calls...


I've seen you cry way too many times when you deserve to be alive...

Tuesday, July 15, 2008
10:01 pm CEST - Aranea - New!
Hits: 13379
Another one! >>;

Let The Flames Begin - Paramore

Later on I'll redo 'em. <<

I've seen you cry way too many times when you deserve to be alive...

Friday, July 11, 2008
03:32 am CEST - Aranea
Hits: 13501
It feels as if Lukey has joined again. o.o;

So anyway, I've finally decided to stop being a chicken and post a (horrible) version of my singing. It was something I just wanted to get over with.

Breathe by Michelle Branch. e.e
Then I'll do some MCR.

I've seen you cry way too many times when you deserve to be alive...

Wednesday, July 09, 2008
01:42 am CEST - Aranea
Hits: 13559
I decided to continue working on my singing. e.e

Stupid singing.

I'll be doing mostly Evanescence, Paramore, My Chemical Romance, some Coheed and Cambria (what? Problem?), Armor for Sleep, and a few All American Rejects.


I've seen you cry way too many times when you deserve to be alive...

Sunday, July 06, 2008
09:51 pm CEST - Aranea
Hits: 13660
I'm thinking about writing stories again.

When I had tried to pick up "Eien Megami" again and try to finish the first book, it just didn't flow.. I mean, how many stories do you know involve some sort of revenge? Every one of them. And there were still places that were missing something and I couldn't put my finger on it.

But for some reason I'm actually thinking of writing about SL. Everything that happened since I joined SL two years back. .__.; I just don't know if I should..

And if I do, I have to include every. little. detail. e.e

I've seen you cry way too many times when you deserve to be alive...

Saturday, July 05, 2008
08:02 pm CEST - Aranea
Hits: 13557
My mom is like, literally driving me crazy.

Even though I'm already halfway there.

But like, my mom (being a hag) continously gets tooth aches because her glucose levels are high, and every time it happens, she moans and complains. So we ran out of Listerine. She wanted me to go get some. Problem is, she wants the BIG bottle that's like 8 bucks and the only place near us that I can get it is a 10 minute run away. So I ran.

I'm also asthmatic. So by the time I got to the register, the lady looked at me and was like "Oh, dearie, are you alright?" Now, if I was bi again, I'd be like 'YES! HOTTIE!' But. I'm not. <_<

So we joked, I ran out, took another ten minutes to get home, and now here I am still heaving like a dead horse. .__.;

I need to get out of here.

I've seen you cry way too many times when you deserve to be alive...

Wednesday, July 02, 2008
06:22 pm CEST - Aranea
Hits: 13594
Technically speaking, oh dear Lukey, a boy being attractive AND intelligent is actually possible. >>

When you go to a school like mine, atleast.

And dear. You are just special. e.e

Sooo anyway. I woke up this morning at 7, went back to bed, and woke up at 10. O-o; I just want pizza now...

NO! Shikki, I am NOT preggiesz. <_<

I've seen you cry way too many times when you deserve to be alive...

02:54 am CEST - Aranea - ...
Hits: 13586
Sri, you just make me want to slap you sometimes.

Just 'cause a girl is good at a game doesn't mean she has to be ugly or a middle aged pedophile. e.e

And if you say anything concerning myself due to the fact that I'm actually good, you're gonna get a beating. I think.

I've seen you cry way too many times when you deserve to be alive...

Tuesday, July 01, 2008
06:26 pm CEST - Aranea - So, pray tell - what did you say again?
Hits: 13488
One Word: DAMN.

Okay, so I'll try to be brief. As many of you may have already seen, a certain person (
♥) and I finally got together after, what, three years? now. Officially, since the 22nd, so, by date its only been a week. But apparently, due to an extensive age difference of 7 years, his mother refused to allow us to stay together. Atleast, in the way that I'd be moving there when I'm of age. She's afraid of him getting into trouble because we're "illegal". However, after three hours of sorting everything, we decided to make a compromise...

I'll still be wearing our ring. We'll still be together on SL. We just need to wait. And god damn, I am not a patient person.

I wonder if some of you would be critics...

Monday, June 30, 2008
05:41 am CEST - Aranea
Hits: 13450
Calm DOWN Lebby!

And today was all meh. e.e
I didn't get to talk to my baby all dayy He said he was going to see his mom though, but I don't get why he CAN'T pick his phone up at THIS hour. e.e
I'll stop being a whiny bum now.

... <.< He owes me though.

I've seen you cry way too many times when you deserve to be alive...

Sunday, June 29, 2008
10:02 pm CEST - Aranea
Hits: 13505
Sri's just on his man-period. >_>;
I've seen you cry way too many times when you deserve to be alive...

Saturday, June 28, 2008
11:13 pm CEST - Aranea
Hits: 13626
Lebby isn't old.

I am. ;_;


I got 20 bucks in tips today.

And I don't know why.

And that's all. <3

My mom is letting me move to Minnesota after I graduate. <3 I think Lebby knows why I want to be there. <_< As well as everyone else.

I've seen you cry way too many times when you deserve to be alive...

Thursday, June 26, 2008
05:50 pm CEST - Aranea
Hits: 13514
>.> Well, I got my report card today...

Spanish Level 2 -- 98
Algebra 1 H -- 100
Living Enviroment Biology H -- 80
Global History 2 H -- 90
English 2 H -- 90
Aerobics -- 80** [Not averaged]
Advanced Strings -- 100

My comments:
LivEnv = Oh Hell no! That lil'... >>; Dropped me 8 points.

Overall Average : 96.00%

>.> Now to prepare for Chemistry... e.e

I've seen you cry way too many times when you deserve to be alive...

Wednesday, June 25, 2008
02:40 am CEST - Aranea
Hits: 13475
@Bro #2: Now, why would I lie to you? >=]

And for everyone! If you haven't seen the good news yet, please look at my bio. =3 Graci.

I've seen you cry way too many times when you deserve to be alive...

Monday, June 23, 2008
04:55 pm CEST - Aranea
Hits: 13551
It was only once!

I've seen you cry way too many times when you deserve to be alive...

02:48 pm CEST - Aranea - Deathie...
Hits: 13545
Pri is my actual name. <.<

@ Lulu: I KNOW! But a;; they ever let me do is go to white. >>; Next time I'll go to black! Or maybe that orangey brown thing in the middle!

I've seen you cry way too many times when you deserve to be alive...

05:12 am CEST - Aranea
Hits: 13581



I've seen you cry way too many times when you deserve to be alive...

02:06 am CEST - Aranea - Gaara-chan..
Hits: 13607
WHY?! o___O;;
I've seen you cry way too many times when you deserve to be alive...

01:27 am CEST - Aranea
Hits: 13606
*cries* You always ruin my confidence.

I've seen you cry way too many times when you deserve to be alive...

12:50 am CEST - Aranea
Hits: 13597
Speaking of bein' a creeper...

1. Is it creepy if the girl does that?

and 2. REAPER CREEPER!!!! <.< "The World Ends With You" = Awesome game.

I've seen you cry way too many times when you deserve to be alive...

Sunday, June 22, 2008
10:37 pm CEST - Aranea - Shadow.
Hits: 13630
You party poopin' Jussy-Juss. <___<
I've seen you cry way too many times when you deserve to be alive...

09:33 pm CEST - Aranea
Hits: 13647
You go do that! But first, be her friend. >.>;
I've seen you cry way too many times when you deserve to be alive...

05:09 am CEST - Aranea
Hits: 13678
@Miya: Gracias! Anyway, after I get my new acoustic guitar, I'll record the babeh and post 'er on here. =3

@Abyss: Awwwwwwwwwwwww. =3 Cuteness.

I've seen you cry way too many times when you deserve to be alive...

02:17 am CEST - Aranea
Hits: 13690
Happy Birthday! =3

And noww.... for something that I'd love to announce. =3

I finally got back to song writing. And no, it's not like my icky ones from before. It's all... whoa o.o And it sounds good. I just need to get my guitar and then POOF! awesome-nessity. =3

I call my lovely creation "Stand Still". =3

I'll wait for you,
and I'll wait for you,
until you say my name.
I'll wait for you,
and I'll wait for you,
until we meet again.

I'm not so lonely,
I just choose to be.
I'm not dumb,
or insanely naive.
So let me stick to my dreams,
and watch you follow yours.
I'll even stand out and wait,
until it starts to pour!

I'll wait for you,
and I'll wait for you,
until you say my name.
I'll wait for you,
and I'll wait for you,
until we meet again.
Cause it's not that small,
of a world we live in.
So I'll wait and wait,
until we meet again.

The light pours down,
and spills onto the floor.
I heard floorboards creak,
until I reach the door.
And once again,
I hear the voice that touched my heart,
In a fright,
I searched until I found a part-!
A piece of me,
I thought I left behind.
If I see your smile,
Maybe then I'll realize...


Sit tight, and don't worry.
I'll be back, in a hurry.
Cause I'll stay, until the end.
And I'll stay, for a friend.
Just like you, are to me.
And like birds, we'll be free!


Cause it's not...
that small...
of a world...
we live in...

Oh screw it.

So I'll wait and wait until we meet again!!!

Yeah. Sure. Can I go now?

<.< It's kinda wierd but I may end up editing it later on. =3

I've seen you cry way too many times when you deserve to be alive...

Wednesday, June 18, 2008
08:30 pm CEST - Aranea
Hits: 13800
Bhaiyya, remember when I used to complain about my mom? >__>

Funny crap happened two days ago (hence my never-logging-on-status).

She was being... well, y'know, and I finally got fed up with her crap so I actually yelled at her. I completely just broke. Like... CRASH!

And yeah.

Junior came down and said he could hear me all the way up there and then he and I started arguing. He ended it though by threatening to punch me.

I come from a very odd family. e___e

Like for a good thirty minutes in the beginning was my mom yelling.
Then I bursted out.

And then she started "crying" for my brothers to get down there to talk to me.

And then me and Junior started arguing.

And then I had a second breakdown and took a shower.

And then I ignored everyone.

And then everything was back to normal. o__O; I tell ya - it's sad sometimes.

I've seen you cry way too many times when you deserve to be alive...

Sunday, June 15, 2008
12:27 am CEST - Aranea - <.<
Hits: 14054
Yes she does. We're part Venezuelian. .__.
I've seen you cry way too many times when you deserve to be alive...

Saturday, June 14, 2008
05:33 am CEST - Aranea
Hits: 14124

Sounga's younger than me? O.o


*feels old*

I've seen you cry way too many times when you deserve to be alive...

02:48 am CEST - Aranea - Oh goosebumps.
Hits: 14142
So, I have this nice white top that splits just after my chest to expose my abdomen. <_< And it's all fly-ie too.

But anyway

I wore it to school. School = NEVER GOT HIT ON

Went to Jackson Heights for a meeting and was walking around. Saw SEVERAL hot guys (couldn't flirt cause my mom was there) and I got hit on twice.

Freaky part = they're old enough to be my dad.
No lie.

My mom cussed one of them out. xDD


I was like, oh my god. xD

But yeah. << No more whore time.

I've seen you cry way too many times when you deserve to be alive...

Thursday, June 12, 2008
10:36 pm CEST - Aranea
Hits: 14300
Yes I do. =D
And yes, I must.


Cause I'm awesome like dat.

I've seen you cry way too many times when you deserve to be alive...

02:10 am CEST - Aranea - KOJIMAPALOOZA!!!!!!!!1
Hits: 14404

Just look

My brother is Yascear. =D

*has a feeling people are gonna bother her for Kojima-san's autograph* <__<

I've seen you cry way too many times when you deserve to be alive...

Tuesday, June 10, 2008
02:12 pm CEST - Aranea
Hits: 14392
Are you guys serious?

[TWI!! I'm still here! =3]

Why would anyone want to leave SL? Well, Shiggie, I can understand your situation but, c'mon. ._. That's, like, practically understood to happen. Get over it, ne?

*ish never leaving* ._. I made too many friends here. I love this game anyway. It's home to me <3

I've seen you cry way too many times when you deserve to be alive...

Saturday, June 07, 2008
12:32 pm CEST - Aranea
Hits: 14078

You did not just say you NEVER heard of Doomsday.

It came out like a month ago o.o in US.

And Gaara. >__> I saved my ticket stub. It was THAT epic. =3

I've seen you cry way too many times when you deserve to be alive...

Tuesday, June 03, 2008
01:51 am CEST - Aranea
Hits: 13579
I love how we're having a conversation about Mr. Big. >__>
I've seen you cry way too many times when you deserve to be alive...

12:51 am CEST - Aranea
Hits: 13572
Gaara, was Mr. Bigg really small? <__<
I remember that on Oprah, and I want TO KNOW! e.e

I've seen you cry way too many times when you deserve to be alive...

12:26 am CEST - Aranea
Hits: 13576
yes you are! ><

I've seen you cry way too many times when you deserve to be alive...

Monday, June 02, 2008
12:58 am CEST - Aranea - I understand this is overused ALOT but....
Hits: 13521

I think I'm in love. o_o
Yes, with S'mores. But I mean. Grah, you know. >.> And whoever has my AIM knows who it is. =3

I've seen you cry way too many times when you deserve to be alive...

Sunday, June 01, 2008
09:56 pm CEST - Aranea
Hits: 13608
Thank you!

The Odyssey was what I was trying to remember x__x
Thank you m'dear. =3

Tonight = S'mores =3

I've seen you cry way too many times when you deserve to be alive...

Friday, May 30, 2008
02:49 pm CEST - Aranea
Hits: 13508

Dude. [a.k.a Shikki]

Have I ever damned told you how much I effin' hate Jacob?

Like, he called me clingy.

And then he made me look like an idiot and meanie-butt in front of my brother

And he thinks I still like him

When I have a goddamn boyfriend.

I tell you, he's flippin' conceited.

I've seen you cry way too many times when you deserve to be alive...

Thursday, May 29, 2008
12:04 am CEST - Aranea - Gaara-chan
Hits: 13473
I had braces before. >>

Not that painful.

If you're scared, take Aleve/Advil/Pain Relievers about 30 minutes - 1 hours before you go to get them on and you won't feel much. The first few months are killer on your gums. I couldn't sleep - but then I got used to it. =3

I've seen you cry way too many times when you deserve to be alive...

Wednesday, May 28, 2008
10:42 pm CEST - Aranea - Cuz...
Hits: 13554

It's totally a word.

Infact, Vietcong is the "National Front for the Liberation of South Vietnam". >__>

Have fun. =3

On a side note - SL is allowed back on the school computers. o-o I was like, holy crap.

I've seen you cry way too many times when you deserve to be alive...

Sunday, May 25, 2008
07:18 pm CEST - Aranea - Bro...
Hits: 13559
I was like, omfg HINDUMOBILE FTW!!!

But anyway. >> yeah, they're totally awesome. And I was like, 'the hell!? I BARELY got wet. Everytime I did, it would just dry. >> But a dude did flip me over and put ice down my shirt and pants. xDDD I did the same to him afterwards.

I've seen you cry way too many times when you deserve to be alive...

02:06 am CEST - Aranea
Hits: 13538
The picnic was EFFIN' AWESOME! Lyke, omfgwtfbbq~!!!!


We had reached madd early though, so I had to help setup. I remember when my teacher drove his car onto the grass to unload some stuff, he was honking his horn and we all were like whoo! And I yelled out "WHOO!!!! HINDUMOBILE!!!!"

>>; Only desis will get that joke.

So I had soaked our Pre-Med director with ice-water, soaked Jacob, got the senior (Kabir) who had also soaked the same director, and a bunch of people. I rarely got hit with water. =3

And all the hindu's know the tablas. >>
They brought 'em out!!!! But not the TABLA tablas. Like, those other ones that we gotta hang out our neck. I can't remember the name.
But anyway!!!!!!!!!!!! they started playing the hottest beats e.e I couldn't resist - I was dancing like crazy. And even after my hot shower, my body is still humming from all that winding.

So anyway, I finished dancing for a good hour and was dead tired - first person I see is Jacob. I go lean against him, and then he said shit, and then we fought. So now, on Tuesday, I'ma slap the crap outta him. He claims I'm too clingy and should stop - but if I do, it's like changing who I am. I can't do that crap.

I've seen you cry way too many times when you deserve to be alive...

Friday, May 23, 2008
10:37 pm CEST - Aranea - And then...
Hits: 13513
Dude. o.o Tomorrow is like, the Pre-Med picnic for my school. It's at Shea Stadium Flushing Meadow Park =3

Long name for a park though >__>

So I gotta get watermelons. ... >____>;;;;

And then I gotta grab mah camera. And take that picture I promised Miha. <__< And make mah mommii jealous of how much I love my teachers more than my family. =3

I'm so awesome like that. >__>

I've seen you cry way too many times when you deserve to be alive...

Monday, May 19, 2008
01:48 am CEST - Aranea
Hits: 13587
Dude. >>
Donuts on graduation = pwnage.

But you can't forget about prom. =3

Ah. If I was a dude, I'd be fantasizing about girls in small skirts... <__< but since I'm not, I'll just go and find some more skirts for me to wear at the next dance =3

I've seen you cry way too many times when you deserve to be alive...

Saturday, May 17, 2008
07:15 pm CEST - Aranea
Hits: 13444
Is it just me...

Or did that make no sense whatsoever?! >>;

I've seen you cry way too many times when you deserve to be alive...

Thursday, May 15, 2008
10:51 pm CEST - Aranea
Hits: 13473
Okay, talk about flippin' hectic. o_O The past two days have been hell on my emotions.

Like, for example [NO NAMES], yesterday I came home from school and I was relaxing with my boyfriend when our friend messages me and starts telling me that my relationship won't last for a week, blah-blah-blah. You know what I'm getting at. So, it made me feel worse and I told boyfriend who suddenly (of course) got pissed off. I was able to calm him down, I think. I hope they didn't start fighting...

And then today was horrible. My teacher and I got into a fight, and I haven't been able to apologize for causing drama as of yet. I felt so bleh. e_e He talked about me behind my back though to the entire class. which is soo not right. So, I'm going to talk to him about that.

I mean, my teacher is technically a good friend of mine too. I trusted him with a lot of stuff, and he knows me VERY well. For him to do that just made me even more pissed and I went back into the classroom FUMING. It wasn't cool.

Yeah. .~.

I've seen you cry way too many times when you deserve to be alive...

Wednesday, May 14, 2008
10:33 pm CEST - Aranea - 3.141596269... >__>
Hits: 13524
That is as much of pi as I can remember...

and Gaara, I'm talking about that time where you tackled me. >> And it turned all kinky-ish. <__<
And you rolled away. >_____>;;


I'm eating carrots for the first time in two years o-o I feel proud.

I've seen you cry way too many times when you deserve to be alive...

01:37 am CEST - Aranea
Hits: 13616
*tackle-hugs Gaara* >>;;

Speaking of hugs, remember what we did in that place at the time, in public? <__< I remember. Kinda. Was it in Rice? Or sand? <__<

And HA! I don't have braceeeeeees =3 I don't need 'em anyway <__< I'm purrfect =3

And it did kinda rhyme.

I've seen you cry way too many times when you deserve to be alive...

Tuesday, May 13, 2008
11:20 pm CEST - Aranea
Hits: 13621
I have until the flippin 16th of June. e____e More waiting...

I got my report card today =3
And the scores areee...

Spanish Lvl 2 -- 90
Math -- 99
Biology -- 88 [I dropped 3 EFFIN POINTSSS]
Global History 2 -- 85
English Honors -- 95
Advanced Strings -- 100
Overall Average: 95.89
Haaa =3

I've seen you cry way too many times when you deserve to be alive...

Monday, May 12, 2008
01:30 am CEST - Aranea
Hits: 13650
Happy Mother's Day. .__.;
I guess..

I don't know.
Honestly, I never really liked mother's day. I mean, is there a Daughter's day? HM!?

Bleh. >> I still got my mom's present.
$100+ Gold Chain from Zales. =3

I've seen you cry way too many times when you deserve to be alive...

Saturday, May 10, 2008
09:30 pm CEST - Aranea
Hits: 13644
It seems I haven't really WRITTEN a blog. ._.;

I dunno. I seem to get out of my emo mood before I can actually write a blog. Strange, isn't it?

It amuses me too. I mean, it's kinda funny.

Now I have no clue what to write. ._.;

Oh, by the way, I decided to try to actually stay alive in this goddamn place so I created another account. >>

Her name's Sakiko. Introduce yourselves to my alter ego =3

I've seen you cry way too many times when you deserve to be alive...

Wednesday, May 07, 2008
10:50 pm CEST - Aranea - I gots the case of the... MEEP!
Hits: 13682
Okay, yeah, I know that title sucks, but it's related.

So, my math teacher and I were making copies of a Math B test he had to give his other class earlier today. He asked me to help (obviously - why else would I be there?) so I was fixing up the papers that were already done and filing them when he had to move behind me. (The copy machine and table were close to each other - that's why he only wanted one person to help). But seeing how he's fairly bigger, when he brushed past, his hand had touched my butt.

Not only that, I MEOWED after he did that. It was just, OMG. >>

That is all.

I've seen you cry way too many times when you deserve to be alive...

Thursday, April 24, 2008
12:02 am CEST - Aranea - To move away from the "chefs"...
Hits: 13262

I was reading a Final Fantasy XII fanfic, and came across the most pervy-ish and hilarious parts! =D

Fran: *holds up a book* YOU DO THIS?! You Humes actually participate in such things?!
Balthier: (Oh shit... What should I say!?) Um... We do it as often as possible.
Fran: As often as possible? *twitches* As often as... you?
Balthier: *winces because Fran threw the book at his groin* Not everyone does. They can't all be like me.
Fran: (Thank the Goddess)
Fran: So you actually use your... you put that thing inside...?
Balthier: *inwardly cursing Ashe's pregnancy* Yes.
Fran: Does it not hurt her?
Balthier: I've personally, never had any complaints
Balthier: BASCH!? She went with Basch?! What the hell has he got that I don't!?
PLUS He's OLD! He's OLD!!
Balthier: Yes! The 'egg' is inside the woman! A male needs to comes along and fertilize it!
Fran: Fertilize it?
Balthier: He gives it that special ingredient to make it grow!
Fran: *looks horrified* You males put your manure in...?
Balthier: Manure?! We’re not talking about horticulture Fran! Don’t think of fertilizing in the terms of the earth! We’re talking reproduction! When the egg is seeded the egg turns into a baby and the baby grows inside the woman’s womb! Then she gives birth!
Fran: How does a man fertilize it if its inside her?
Balthier: ( I would actually write what Balthier is thinking, but I am too scared of what might happen to me)
Penelo, Vaan, and Larsa are currently rolling on the floor and laughing.
Balthier: They do this... by making love.

I've seen you cry way too many times when you deserve to be alive...

Monday, April 21, 2008
01:40 am CEST - Aranea - >.>
Hits: 13319
I cook! Sometimes >>

But I get lazy and tend to order food =D

Like, yeah. <,<;

Sometimes I cook stuff that I didn't even think about. Like dreaming of... *ahem* <___<;;;

But anywho.

idk. ._.

I've seen you cry way too many times when you deserve to be alive...

Saturday, April 05, 2008
07:51 pm CEST - Aranea - I almost forgot about this blog... o.o
Hits: 13570
Okay, so a tiny lil' update that is of importance - I chopped off my hair. >.>

Well, not completely, but, persay, I kind of did. It grew fast, somehow, so now its just above my shoulder. .__.



Only 21 more days until he comes to New York =] YAY!

I've seen you cry way too many times when you deserve to be alive...

Thursday, March 06, 2008
11:04 pm CET - Aranea - OHMIGOD!!!!!
Hits: 14129
I GOT INTO THE ADVANCED STRINGS CLASS!!!!!!!!! YAAAAAY Now, I get to look at all the hot boys =3

Oh. My friend who plays the (ancient) Bass got stitches on his cheek. I feel so bad for him - I cooked to try and make myself feel better. But the bum went and forgot to take the food, so I'm pissed =3

I've seen you cry way too many times when you deserve to be alive...

Saturday, March 01, 2008
06:38 pm CET - Aranea - Mandark. >>
Hits: 13748
Doom: xDDDD I DID THAT TOO! Well, I wrote Azn on the board next to my name with "Woot" in red.

Oh! Oh! We were doing Domain Restrictions and rational equations and my "Daddy" found that we had to reject it. So he circled it, wrote REJECTED underneath it and then I wrote lozr. >>

Lukey Boy: >___> I don't know what to tell ya.

Shiggy: Niice. <______<
I've seen you cry way too many times when you deserve to be alive...

Tuesday, February 26, 2008
11:23 pm CET - Aranea - Meow <<
Hits: 13717
Dudeeee. I play the violiiin. >> And I only started in January, so really I've been playing for almost 2 months now and like... I already finished all the songs from September to now and I got really bored so I took some random sheet music which SO happened to be "My Favorite Things" for the Advanced Group and IT SOUNDED HOT! Soooo hot, infact, that if I can play "The Pink Panther" (directly from my teacher) he'll try and change me to the Advancies =3

Isn't that just hot? >___>

I've seen you cry way too many times when you deserve to be alive...

Wednesday, February 20, 2008
03:16 pm CET - Aranea - Happy Birthday To Me! =3
Hits: 14024
Today's my biiiiiiiiiiiiiiirthday. I am so haaaaaaaaaappy. Cause today's my biiiiiiiiiiiiirthday. =3

Idk. << I'm a crackhead this morning =3

I turn 15 today! =3

I've seen you cry way too many times when you deserve to be alive...

Saturday, February 16, 2008
09:47 pm CET - Aranea - Nameless
Hits: 14248
A little poem I wrote out of boredom. =3

Unique dance filled with dynamic glee
controls her modest smile.
Her faint chuckle and infantile squeals
echoes and remains for miles
in his heart.

It was he, with meticulously chosen words,
who placed that smile upon her face.
It was he, with simple brush
who cannot diregard her taste
which remains in his heart.

It was she too, with cautious speech,
who was rewarded with the forbidden fruit.
It was she, who turned simple to sultry,
that treasures this as her eternal loot
which remians in her heart.

It was they, together, who had lusted for
the other's care and heart.
Almost fearful that forever forgotten
shall they be should they part.

Yet let it be knwon that
labor such as this shall not go unrewarded.
For they've stolen each other
remaining together and
sheilding what they had always wanted;
a place in someone's heart.

I've seen you cry way too many times when you deserve to be alive...

08:00 pm CET - Aranea - zeh Pri is back!!
Hits: 14262
I soo thank whoever made my brother leave his modem on in the room today. x___x My heart is literally racing; one whole month without internet can kill someone like me.

Eh, not much surprisingly. o___O

I've seen you cry way too many times when you deserve to be alive...

Sunday, February 03, 2008
06:06 am CET - Aranea - Chapter 5~!
Hits: 14295
“It’s been more than a week. It’s been more than two weeks. Kami,” Rorek thought as he bit into his lower lip with his outrageously defined canine, “it’s been more than a month! Why can’t she remember? Why won’t she remember her own brother?” He tore the page off of the calendar, revealing the new month. It was the seventh month of the twelve month year; the very first day. She couldn’t remember a thing, which continued to scare him. What if she never remembered? What if she could never recall her fighting skills or medical knowledge? What if she became the cause of their deaths? “No, damn it,” he scolded, “the first step to failure is doubt. Don’t even go down that road.”

That was how they lost Seph the first time. He’d be damned if he lost Rin too.


“Do I have to Rorek?” Rin whined; as if she was still seven.

He let out an insufferable groan. He didn’t like when she was like this. “Yeah, you do. The place has been pretty messy, and I’m pretty certain that we have some old stuff in that basement. Just do this favor while I go into town, please?” Rorek asked. He hated when he had to resort to asking. Before, Rin would just listen - no questions asked. She was as curious as a cat with nine lives.

She let out a groan of her own, “Fine, fine, fine but only this one time!” She stalked off to the staircase at her right, exiting the kitchen. “Bloody boys and their incapable ways of cleaning…” she murmured.

“I heard that!” Rorek yelled after her. He heard the small giggles she couldn’t stifle as he grinned; no matter how much he despised not having the old Rin around, the new one was fairly intriguing. As if Rin actually had a childhood worth remembering.

He blinked before shrugging that last thought away as he scooped the jacket off the wooden chair and walking out of the house; allowing the screen door to clatter to a close.


She coughed; waving her hand to clear the dust-filled smoke. Damn the stupid basement. Damn Rorek’s incapable ability to clean it. Damn the world!

After she had her fill of silent damnations, she finally opened up the cardboard box; the light from the ceiling reflecting off of the silvers and small treasures. Her grey eyes reflected the luster from the ‘treasure’ as she scooped her hand into the box. She halted before shifting it over to one side. “What’s this..?” she thought before feeling the fine and old leather underneath her fingertips. She brushed against the spine of a book before grasping it; taking some effort to pull the heavy thing out of the box. “That’s odd,” Rin thought; her eyebrows knitted together. “The book has a lock on it. I should tell Rorek about it…”

She continued to sift through the boxes of goods and old treasures; safely putting them away at the same time upon the, now clean and polished, wooden shelves in the basement. Like a small child, her grey eyes widened considerably as she came across a jewelry box; the design etched into the silver piece so precise, delicate, frail, and intricate. Curiosity had gotten the better of her and, after some serious mental debating, she opened the box slowly only to hear soft chimes of music.

“A music box?” she thought before looking closer. Inside, there were three small panels along with a mirror. Two of the panels, however, she found wouldn’t budge. Deciding that she’d rather not sit down all day to get those open, she settled for the middle panel which was already shifted slightly to indicate it was unlocked. Using her index finger, she slid the panel towards her body slowly; as if she was diffusing a bomb. This makes no sense since she hasn’t even touched a bomb, let alone been near one. ”If Rorek counts as a bomb, I’m the bomb expert,” she thought a bit sourly. All her thoughts of bombs, however, disappeared into a small poof as she laid eyes on the most beautiful ring she’s ever seen.

“Kami,” she whispered as she picked up the small ring delicately between her fingers, “damn. This is amazing.” The ring’s band was of silver, but it was so thin it seemed like a miracle that it didn’t break with the designs were made upon it. The intricate designs looked almost like metal chains as she examined the ring closely; watching how the design seemed to wrap around the band effortlessly. Upon the band, besides the design, was a beautiful gemstone - reflecting off different colors and different shades.

“It couldn’t hurt,” she murmured to herself. Deciding quickly, she placed the ring on her right third finger slowly before admiring its beauty in the light until…



Rorek whipped his head up; staring at the house. “No,” he thought, “she can’t be in trouble now.” He acted against what he thought; dropping the bags with eggs and flour in the yard as he dashed into the house as his instinct suggested to. Didn’t he lock that stupid voice named “Conscious” and “Instinct” in a closet with chains and locks? His pale sage eyes immediately detected the various colors of lights filtering through the floorboards of the house. “What the hell is going on in that damned basement?!” he thought.

Rather than thinking of a logical reasoning for this, he simply bolted down the stairs - or jumped down; whichever appeals to you - only to find Rin trying to pry something off of her finger with no avail. Her face was flushed as she was breaking out into a sweat; apparently in pain. Rather than standing around to witness this, he immediately rushed to her side and pulled the ring off of her third finger while coaxing her. “Breathe; in… out, in… out,” he murmured as he held her against his chest; arms wrapped in care that only he could pull off.

He felt her pulse die down from its adrenaline hyped state along with her breathing against his arm. She was calming down; her muscles also relaxing from its tense state. “What happened, kiddo?” Rorek asked.

She didn’t growl. She didn’t whine. She didn’t argue at the nickname ‘kiddo’. What was wrong?

She inhaled sharply and exhaled with the same fervor as before as the sweat dripped down her face, only to meet at her chin and drop down. Wait, it wasn’t sweat. It was tears. She was crying! Rorek gently placed his mouth near her exposed neck; giving soft blows of air as she continued to breathe .It was only a matter of moments before she became a slobbering mess - shivering and shaking as tears streamed fluently from her eyes as her lower lip quivered. What could’ve done this to her? He looked down at his pouch where he held the ring; it couldn’t be possible…

Could it?


He growled as his grey eyes flickered red; staring at the persons in front of him. “I said,” he started; drawing his masamune, “return the memory.”

One of the four figures in front of him stepped forward, only to be held back by two others as a different one approached. “I told you,” they said; the voice charmingly sweet and musically beautiful. “no.” The person quickly drew a sword of their own. Without wasting time, Seph lunged at the person in question as they mirrored him. Every one of his attacks was countered!

“Damn it,” he thought as the person blocked yet another one of his attacks with the blade, “I’m trying everything I can without my actual powers; it’s no use.” His eyebrows knitted in thought as he gripped his sword tightly at the hilt and becoming nimble on his feet. “That’s no excuse,” he thought once more as he finally found the opening he wanted. “They had no right to take away her memory.” At that final thought, he finally used the opening to his advantage; placing the masamune’s tip dangerously to the skin - nearly piercing the exposed flesh near the clavicle of their body.

“Well done, Seph,” the voice rewarded as the light became greater and greater. “Though, we will not grant your wish.”

“Why not?!” Seph asked - furious.

“We have reasons to believe that Takeshi is not dead,” one of the other voices confirmed; a voice much deeper.

“Well, of course he’s not dead! Why else would I be here?! We need Rin’s memories restored!” Seph complained as he emphasized each statement with a swing of his blade.

“She needs to rebuild herself,” the musical voice said. Seph’s eyes landed on her and widened considerably. “She needs to be reborn.”

“No,” Seph murmured; his voice filled with malice, “she doesn’t. She is capable on her own alongside Rorek. But so help you four if you try to separate Rin from Rorek, I will personally return here with my small army and destroy each and every one of you.”

The four figures stood stilled. They wouldn’t put that past him; he had done it once before when he first arrived except, he didn’t need the small army when he had his true abilities. They locked his abilities away and said it would be returned to him when the time was right. The figure in front of him nodded; her light brown hair swaying with her head. “Very well,” she said, “we will not separate them. But we will place her memories in a powerful ring - one that she has already discovered. Once she is able to place the ring on without pain coursing through her blood will she regain every little tid bit of her memories. In clarity as well."

He bowed graciously, which surprised the woman, “Thank you.” A small pause endured before he stood properly; only to disturb his posture by stuffing his hands in his pockets, “Eien.”

I've seen you cry way too many times when you deserve to be alive...

05:59 am CET - Aranea - Chapter 4~!
Hits: 14288
Rorek slowly bit into the sandwich as Rin frolicked about in the kitchen. There was only one thing that bothered him; Rin does not frolic. She was an avenger, just like him. They shut themselves off from meaningless emotions at the right times but Rin knew that perkiness didn’t suit her at all. She was never perky. Not even as a child. She never frolicked. Repeat: never. But he enjoyed the sandwich greatly - at least she didn’t know he could actually cook.


“I’m going to take a swim, Rorek!” Rin yelled behind her as she flipped the towel over her shoulder.

“Just be damned careful!” He yelled. Chuckling silently, she walked out and sighed - feeling the sun’s heat burying itself within her skin. She, quickly, placed the towel on the grass and slipped out of her sandals before diving into the deep lake. Its crystalline feature was hardly destroyed as she rose from the depths of it; taking a huge gasp of air. She opened her gray as but was immediately hit was pain. “Wh-what..?” It felt like something was being wrenched out of her entire system. She didn’t allow the gasp of pain to tear through her throat and quickly did what was instinctive; get back in the water. Slowly, she reopened her eyes and found that under the water, she was comfortable. She didn’t feel pain or anything for that matter; simply the swish and sway of the waves. She closed her eyes and smiled yet, it wasn’t too soon that the smile was ripped from her features.

Bits and pieces of whatever they should be called flashed through her eyes.




A boy with silver hair and gray eyes.


A couple.

A strange boy.




She reopened her eyes; startled as she climbed out of the water - gasping. “What… the hell was that?!” she muttered to herself as the water droplets danced off her hair and onto the blades of grass.

Damn, this was going to be a long day…


Seph sighed as he observed his younger sister frolicking. She does not frolic, as Rorek’s thoughts stated earlier. He could do nothing except enter her sleeping state, to try and do something. Then again - it’s no use. Takeshi’s magic was much more powerful compared to his…

But maybe, Takeshi wasn’t the one who did this?

“That only means…” Seph inwardly groaned. “Oh fuck.” Only they would do this…

The Goddesses.

I've seen you cry way too many times when you deserve to be alive...

Saturday, February 02, 2008
09:02 pm CET - Aranea - <__<
Hits: 14252
Hiiiii =3

I miss you alll... Well, all that I just fool around with. << Yes, Doomy, in both ways. =D

Anywho, my brother was a bit of a jerk and told my mother that I was online alot so they BOTH disconnected me. My mother made sure her room was locked, blah blah blah. .__.;;

My teacher's birthday is coming up! =3 I got him presents and... *drumroll* cake!

Mehhh... nothing mu- OH! I was writing in Global History, right, and like my professor pointed at my handwriting. I thought he was going to say it was sloppy, but he was like "No! NO! It is beautiful! It's like mine!" and I was like, What? So I looked at a sample of his handwriting then mine and was like Crap, I write like a teacher. >>;;

That's all.

I've seen you cry way too many times when you deserve to be alive...

Sunday, January 20, 2008
01:16 am CET - Aranea - Gaara...
Hits: 14366
If you could Ninja Poof though, it'd be awesome!

And I think that if we keep titling these blogs "Gaara..." it's going to sound as if we're all *ahem* y'know. <_<;

Itsumademo matteru, here in the rain ~ I will bere waiting for you here in the rain. [Hitomi No Kakera]

Saturday, January 19, 2008
08:35 pm CET - Aranea - ♪ I've Seen You Cry Way Too Many Times! And You Deserve To Be Alive! Alivee... ♪
Hits: 14494
I've got "Emergency" by Paramore stuck in my heaaad x___x

It's official. I'm singing that song for my teacher's birthday! =3
His birthday is the tenth, but I'm singing it to him two days before because the tenth is a Sunday <_<;

He's probably going to NOT appreciate it that I'M singing for HIM but, meh, he's evil sometimes.

he's so evil that's I'm not getting the 100 on the report card! He's giving me a 99! A EFFIN 99!!!! >< I wanted the hundred. I DESERVE the hundred. But nooo. He had to be mean.

And I forgot why I was blogging. xD

Itsumademo matteru, here in the rain ~ I will bere waiting for you here in the rain. [Hitomi No Kakera]

04:48 am CET - Aranea - Aside from the 'omfgitsgaara'sbirthday' festival...
Hits: 14477
I've been very depressed lately. For three days now, I've barely gotten enough sleep - at max, it's 6 hours.

And I'm still here, waiting. Waiting for what? Why, waiting for my boyfriend to log on. Yes, everyone, despite all those things I still like him.. and I don't know why I would subject myself to this...

I'm sleepy...
Itsumademo matteru, here in the rain ~ I will bere waiting for you here in the rain. [Hitomi No Kakera]

Wednesday, January 16, 2008
02:35 am CET - Aranea - Duuuuuuuuuuuuudes
Hits: 14864

"Shikki and I are coming out of the closet, folks. >.>"

And if you want my myspace, ask me. :3

Itsumademo matteru, here in the rain ~ I will bere waiting for you here in the rain. [Hitomi No Kakera]

Sunday, January 13, 2008
09:04 pm CET - Aranea
Hits: 14511
Right now I'm too lazy to think of a title for this inane blog. Between school and this newfound drama at home, I feel compelled to run to boyfriend. x.x For all of you who didn't get the good news, I'm back with Fang.

You guys who've been my friends probably noticed this but I never go back with my ex's. I don't even know why I don't. Perhaps I have this strange logic embedded within my conscious? I think that it might be that, but who knows?

But yeah - I'm back with Fang. And I can't believe it either. It feels like from the time my finger was nearly amputated off to now has been a complete dream. It doesn't feel real and yet it does. I know, it's a contradicting statement, but that's what it is.

It's only going to be a few more weeks until my birthday =] Rorek's supposed to be visiting and you have no clue how long I've been waiting for this. I almost got really really scared too, but he's my friend - he wouldn't judge me harshly, right?

Heh, there's a lot bunch of things I want to spill out, and all of them are somehow not related to the other without making myself completely clear.
Itsumademo matteru, here in the rain ~ I will bere waiting for you here in the rain. [Hitomi No Kakera]

Wednesday, January 09, 2008
01:40 am CET - Aranea - Chapter 3~!
Hits: 15557
“Damn it,” he thought as he gritted his teeth and scooped her body into his arms. “What the hell happened to her?” Rorek immediately regretted letting her leave his sight. He made a promise to Seph that night before they all disappeared…

The silver haired boy crossed his arms over his chest as he placed a foot atop of the darker haired one - their eyes clashing against each other while Rorek huffed with pain. “I won’t be able to…”

“That’s bull shit Rorek, and you know it,” Seph spat. He narrowed his eyes as a few strands of the silver locks fell in front of his eyes, “You’re taking care of Rin when you guys leave me here to fight Takeshi; got me?”

Rorek nearly protested, but knew that Seph would feel offended. Rin was their only hope left - no, his only hope. She stood for everything they wished they had; cheery personality, clueless attitudes, mocking, and plain fun. They were never like that, which was why the two boys were so close. Rorek could only give a very stiff nod before Seph moved his foot. Before he disappeared, Seph looked back and gave Rorek a thumbs up, “Don’t worry - everything will be fine.”

Don’t worry - everything will be fine; yeah, right. Rorek felt a chill and looked around; he swore he felt… no, he was just imagining things. Deciding to no longer dwell upon the strange presence he felt, he lugged Rin’s body completely into his arms and took her inside the house carefully.

He knew for damned sure that Seph had to be dead and was not by the lake, watching his sister intently.

“After I fix Rin up, I’m going to go get some sanity pills…"

”Must… stay awake…” Rorek thought as he tried to keep his pale eyes open. His head bobbed a bit, causing his dark hair to fall out of place. He needed to stay awake. He found out one thing - Rin had a pulse. It was barely there, but keyword was that it was there. If she had a form of a pulse, she was alive. He needed to make sure she woke up…
But it wasn’t before long that he fell out of the wooden chair - drifting slowly into dream land.

He sighed; hands stuffed into his body as his materialized form walked through the walls and observed the two resting forms of his family. He inwardly smiled - they always did look so peaceful asleep. But his happiness quickly turned into worry as his gray eyes looked over his sister’s body which was unusually pale in complexion. “Her aura’s barely here too…” Seph thought to himself as he took a step forward; observing his sister in detail. Her light brown hair had grown decently long as they fell out of place onto her face. Her eyebrows were very thin and her lips were full for such a child. He never thought his sister would be so beautiful. “She’s almost like our mother…” he thought and smiled imwardly. Kami, their mother was ‘the finest thing to ever walk these lands’. Rin’s long eyelashes hovered over the slits of her gray eyes before they fluttered open. “Thank kami, she’s alive…”
She lifted herself from the bed slowly and Seph smiled. But when she fully opened her eyes, his heart clenched. ”What’s this?”

Her eyes weren’t focused on him. They weren’t focused at all.

No, she wasn’t blind. She just couldn’t see him.

Almost as soon as she noticed Rorek, she rolled out of the bed and shook his body. Her eyes brimmed with tears instantly and Seph simply stared in horror. This was not his sister. His sister was strong. Emotionally. What the hell was going on!? Rin continued to shake Rorek until his eyes fluttered open and she sighed.

“Damn it! You scared me, Rorek!” Rin cried as she sniffled.

“Goodness, Rin, you’re awake! What happened outside?” Rorek asked as he held her by the shoulders. She simply tilted her head.

“What’re you talking about?” Rin asked. Something’s really not right…

Rorek stared at her; dumfounded. “Rin…I found you outside, like I always do on his birthday, but instead you were on the floor nearly dead,” he replayed.

Rin blinked as the silence started. A few seconds ticked away. Then a whole minute. She finally opened her pretty little mouth and squeaked, “Who’s birthday?”

Rorek’s eyes never narrowed as low as they did today. He shook her hard, “What do you mean, who’s birthday?! Your brother’s birthday, god damn it! How can you forget?!”

Seph simply stood there; shocked. He swore his materialized heart stopped too. Did she just not know who he was?

Rin winced at the grip Rorek had one her shoulders, “Rorek, you’re hurting me… and you’re yelling. You said you’d never yell.” Almost instantly, Rorek stopped - his face white. His hands quickly fell from her shoulders as she sighed. “But really, what are you talking about? Your birthday isn’t until three months from now. I don’t have any other brother,” she said softly.

“Kami, what the hell have you done?” Seph thought.

She lost her memory.

Itsumademo matteru, here in the rain ~ I will bere waiting for you here in the rain. [Hitomi No Kakera]

Sunday, January 06, 2008
11:05 pm CET - Aranea - So what did you think I would say? No you can't run away, you can't run away...
Hits: 15498
The title is like.. a part of the bridge for "For a Pessimist, I'm Pretty Optimistic".

And I don't know why, but everytime I listen to this song, it reminds me of the one person who simply turned around and became totally different then he was before.

Yeah, he's an SL player. And those who knew me very well can probably guess who it is.

"I put my faith in you, so much faith and then you just threw it away..." <-- Kind of describes how it feels to have someone you can consider a good friend just get up and hate you.

I don't even know what the hell is going on - does he hate me? Does he have a reason to hate me? Am I not mature enough to be his friend? So many questions ran through my head all day when I see his name pop up on my Friends List, and it sickens me.

Why do I care? It's not like he's Rorek.

Itsumademo matteru, here in the rain ~ I will bere waiting for you here in the rain. [Hitomi No Kakera]

Saturday, January 05, 2008
10:57 pm CET - Aranea - Chapter 2~!
Hits: 15479
The sunlight filtered through the small crack of space in her covers, causing her to squint and groan. She had a pounding, irritating headache and for only one reason – today is the day that Seph would’ve been 21. “So, seven years really did pass…” Rin thought as she swung her long pale legs from under the covers and rolling out completely; too lazy to get up from the floor.

Her body ached all over. Well, of course it would, since she fell out of her bed and onto the floorboards. Rorek ruffled his hair with a towel; his face glistening with a few droplets of water and his face adorning a pink hue. “Bastard used the hot water before me…” Rin thought as he looked down at her.

“What are you doing on the floor, hon?” Rorek asked with a cheeky grin. An undeniable pang of hurt hit her as she remembered who else used to wear that grin.

“Seph…” Almost as soon as she thought of him, she groaned and sat up; rubbing her head due to her headache. “I fell out of my bed, Rorek. Why else would I be on the floor?” Rin snapped. She was half expecting a perverted remark from him, but he did no such thing and instead, tossed his towel onto her head; earning a disapproving growl from her.

“There, there, don’t get your panties in a bunch,” Rorek coaxed. “There’s still plenty of hot water left for you; go take a shower.”

Without waiting for another word, she stalked into the bathroom. She, almost disgustingly, stripped off her clothes once the door was locked securely and allowed herself to bathe in the hot water. As the water rained down on her, she hung her head in shame; strands of her light brown hair attaching themselves to her cheeks and the nape of her neck. She hated today with all her might…

Because today was the only day that reminded her of him.

Today was his birthday.

So far, she hates it with all her might.


“I never thought I would get a day off from training…” Rin thought aloud as Rorek bit into his food.

“Neither did I,” Rorek said as he stuffed his mouth with some food, “but it’s a good thing that you can get some more rest – you’ve rarely slept for the past week.”

Disgusted with his force of habit, Rin took her pillow and threw it at him; nearly making him choke. “God damn it,” Rin cursed, “ you’re eighteen! Stop talking with your mouth full.” Without waiting for his response, she jumped off of her bed and walked out the door; need some fresh air.

Rorek watched as she walked out of the room and chuckled, “Damned sixteen year olds think they know everything…”


Stifling a yawn, she plopped down on the grass; staring at the reflection in the water. Her bangs fell over her eyes which looked bored, making her look away. She felt way too light headed for her own good, but something was wrong…


Rin opened her eyes with a start and quickly looked around. It couldn’t be… “Seph?”


Rin gasped. Seph… “You’re alive, Seph?”

“Look in front of you.” She did so and saw a materializing form in front of her. There was no mistake; her brother is alive. He’s been alive. She cringed; she was feeling a bit sick now..

Never the less, the tears welled up in her eyes, “Where the hell have you been!?” Quickly, she rose and noticed how his features changed over the years; his eyes seemed much older but his hair remained the same –despite the loss of shine.

His materialized form, mockingly, placed his hand on his hip. “In hell.”

Her heart clenched too tightly, her air seemed to suffocate her, and everything around her blurred.

Kami… am I dying?

Everything turned black instantly, and the last thing Rin heard were her thoughts. “Thank you, Kami… Thank you for keeping my brother alive… for me…”


Rorek tapped his foot impatiently. Rin was usually back after twenty minutes of her tantrums on Seph’s birthday. Something was most definitely wrong…

Refusing to wait any longer, Rorek barged out of the room and house and it wasn’t before long that he started looking around for any sign of Rin’s light brown hair. “The lake, yeah, the lake…” Rorek thought to himself as he ran over to the back of the house where a lake was located. A few leaps over some shrubs and five minutes of running, he finally met with the lake – its clear blue water glistening under the sun. He stopped in his tracks; too stunned. What made him stop wasn’t the lake…

It was Rin’s frail and pale body splayed across the grass lifelessly.

Itsumademo matteru, here in the rain ~ I will bere waiting for you here in the rain. [Hitomi No Kakera]

10:55 pm CET - Aranea - Chapter 1~!
Hits: 15479
The traveling young duo sighed in unison as they hovered near the campfire - seeking the warm they needed from the harshly cold night. The girl shivered, “Rorek…”

He snapped, “Shut up, Rin. Just, shut up.”

Refusing to be scolded at a second time, she kept her mouth shut. It was then that he gave her the fruit - the last of the few they were able to collect. Rin shook her head, causing her brown-black hair to fly and nearly burn over the high flames of their campfire. “You eat it - I’m not hungry.”

Rorek narrowed his pale sage eyes, “You’ve claimed you weren’t hungry for nearly a week. I want you to eat, not become thin.” The young girl nearly glared down Rorek as she sighed.

“Just because you don’t see me eat doesn’t mean I don’t,” Rin stated as she huddled inside of her brother’s dark warm jacket. It’s been about three weeks - or is it a month? - since she has seen her brother. Last she had seen him was when he had saved her and Rorek… but, most likely in exchange of his own life. All she could recall was a splatter of blood and her brother’s stubborn way of saving her and Rorek. Rin stood and she took a step to spin around. “I’m going to go to bed, Rorek,” she said, with a yawn. “Make sure to put the fire out when you go to sleep.” Feigning a stretch, she curled up inside of her sleeping bag - relishing in the warmth that had continued to occupy it. However, it wasn’t even a whole minute as she fell asleep.

“Damn it, go!”

“Ha, Rin, c’mon, we gotta go back home.”

“Who the hell hurt you?!”

“Shhh… don’t cry; everything’s going to be all right.”

“Are you deaf?! Go! Save Rorek - don’t worry about me!”

“I said go - now!”

A young boy in his mid teens gave a gentle smile as the wind caressed his face and caused his slightly long silver hair to sway and dance - the glimmer in his eyes indicating his childish personality. “Rin... Rin... Rin... Rin... Rin...”

“Rin…. Rin!” a voice yelled into her ear. Gray eyes opened with a startle as she felt the coldness once more - yet, for some reason, it was more focused in lines on her cheeks. She held in a groan - she dreamt about her brother; how they were before that day… and she cried in her sleep. She missed her brother so much…

“Seph…” she murmured, though Rorek cocked his head as his hands fell from her shoulders. She looked up at Rorek in a daze; her original gray eyes morphing to mirror his in a split second. She, almost mechanically, shook her head as her eyes softened back to their natural color. “Rorek, I’m sorry…” she started, but quickly faltered; unable to wash the small pang of hurt from his face.

He rose from the crouched position he had taken when she was writhing in her sleep. Back turned, he walked away. “Don’t be,” was muffled and choked as he walked farther and farther from her position.

All Rin could do was sigh and lay awake in the small makeshift bed – refusing to experience the reoccurring nightmares of that night.

The night… when she lost all of her family.


Rorek shifted continuously in his bed which was out of Rin’s sight. He was uncomfortable and he couldn’t shake away the arrow of hurt that had been shot. Why did he give a damn?

Because… he lost his family too.

But all he could remember is Rin’s tearful eyes when she felt the blood splatter onto her tear-stricken face and her paling face. It wasn’t fair for her, as a child, to be experiencing such hurt and loss. But was it fair to him? He couldn’t justify if it was or not. All he knew is that Seph would want him to take care of their little sister.

She was all he had left, and he was all she had left. They just need to live together and make it work. Can they?


Fast Forward!

A unison of harsh breathing echoed in her ears as sweat adorned her much more feminine features. Her partner, Rorek, stood completely poised with the blade in hand as he huffed slightly and barely breaking a sweat. Compared to him, she was weak. She needed to be stronger. She needed power. She wanted Seph back but knew it probably wasn’t possible.

“What are you waiting for, kiddo!? Attack!” Rorek yelled. She didn’t comprehend though; as if their language was completely foreign to her. She closed her eyes and felt as the wind made her light brown locks dance and splay across her face before taking the sword within her right hand and placing it above her head; blocking the incoming blow from the intrusive attack.
“Didn’t I tell you not to call me that?” Rin asked as she opened her eyes slowly and tilting her head back to see Rorek’s new position behind her; sword scraping against sword as they spoke.

“It was the only way, hon,” Rorek replied with a smirk. It wasn’t like him to be so reserved or loose; he needs to settle on a damned personality.

“Have it your way then,” Rin murmured as she deftly pushed his blade away with hers and aiming to hit his stomach with the hilt. He intercepted the attack with his gloved hand and, fluidly, moved his blade to touch her throat. Without thinking, she brought her free hand to catch the blade; the sharp and sleek metal cutting into her hand as she winced.


“Baka! Why did you do that!?” Rorek yelled as he cleaned her small wound on her hand; expecting her to cry in pain or just damned cry.

Instead, she looked over his shoulder with a sad look in her eyes. “I wasn’t thinking but acted on instinct. So, really, I have no clue why I did what I did,” she answered monotonously.

Rorek sighed and immediately disapproved his mother-hen-attitude when it came to Rin. He started the wrap the bandage gauze on her hand and before long, quickly knotted it and placed her metal-plated glove on her left hand. “Don’t always listen to instinct,” he said. She didn’t bother asking. He didn’t bother clarifying. They knew what he had meant by that and immediately he regretted it.

“Don’t always listen to instinct.”

Seph had acted on instinct.

And now…

He’s dead.

Itsumademo matteru, here in the rain ~ I will bere waiting for you here in the rain. [Hitomi No Kakera]

06:18 pm CET - Aranea - Book I; Jihi - Mercy ---> Prologue
Hits: 15482
And now!!!!!!!!! The amazingly short but somehow satisfying Prologue of Eien Megami: The Series Book I; Jihi - Mercy! Hope you can enjoy it. >:3


Laughter rang through the air in a musical form as two bodily forms chased each other in the most childish way - tag. The girl tripped but landed softly in the tall grassed field; her giggles still playing on the high notes as the boy rushed over to her and held his hand out. “Come on, Rin-chan,” the boy coaxed as she grabbed it.

“Yeah, I’m coming,” the girl replied as she blew her rather longish bangs out of her eyes. Smiling at him to assure she was alright, the two hurried to the large house nearby - their home.

“Iie! Stop it! Takeshi-kun, what are you doing?!” the girl’s near high pitched voice cried out as the saline tears wetted her gray colored eyes. “Stop!” The one known as Takeshi was not that much older than her, perhaps two years, but looked close to teenage years. His evil smirk made its appearance and etched itself into her memory as she raised her hands up; as if it was to block the blow he was to deliver with the katana. The scraping of metal against metal rang before the girl looked up to find someone that was nearly dead - her older brother.

“Rin, run!” he yelled to her as the two blades lost contact while Takeshi stumbled backwards. He turned around and glared at his baby sister; gray eyes versus gray. His silver hair nearly made him evil, but his gentle smile reassured everyone that he was still a child. The glimmer in his eyes had vanished, leaving only malice which nearly made her skin crawl. “Are you deaf?! Go! Save Rorek - don’t worry about me!” he yelled once more.

“Demo… Se-”

“I said go! Now!” he barked; causing her to cringe before turning swiftly and grabbing Rorek’s near lifeless body - both limping out of the large mansion like house together. Rin looked back to see her brother once more, but was met with the splatter of blood as Artemis - a dear friend - helped them escape with teleportation. The fountain of tears stopped as she felt herself slowly disappear from the area with her hands clasped together.

“Please… Kami… let my brother be alive…”

Itsumademo matteru, here in the rain ~ I will bere waiting for you here in the rain. [Hitomi No Kakera]

Friday, January 04, 2008
04:56 am CET - Aranea - Bra-boy...
Hits: 15649
I need a damned good cry.

And no. I've been moping.

Itsumademo matteru, here in the rain ~ I will bere waiting for you here in the rain. [Hitomi No Kakera]

04:40 am CET - Aranea - Yes, tear jerkers.
Hits: 15651
Things that make the subject who requested the said topic cry.

... My Immortal sounds a bit good right now.

Itsumademo matteru, here in the rain ~ I will bere waiting for you here in the rain. [Hitomi No Kakera]

04:34 am CET - Aranea - >.> Calm down?
Hits: 15654
*nibbles on zeh chocolate*

<< I don't want calm. I want tear jerkers. And now.

Itsumademo matteru, here in the rain ~ I will bere waiting for you here in the rain. [Hitomi No Kakera]

04:19 am CET - Aranea - ♫ And now I'm wondering, just who would I have been, to be the one attached at all times to your hip? ♪
Hits: 15665
Getting bloody rejected for about the umpteenth time in school just makes me want to kill something...

I need chocolate. Emo songs. badly. and
Itsumademo matteru, here in the rain ~ I will bere waiting for you here in the rain. [Hitomi No Kakera]

Thursday, January 03, 2008
01:24 am CET - Aranea
Hits: 15128
One: It's blogs - we can rant as much as we want.
Two: The only real reason why you didn't even know is because you, my dear friend, are an idiot
Three: Again, we feel like it.
Four: Some Acads are smart, we're only bashing on the idiotic ones.
Five: Who gives a damn if they read it anyway?
Six: We'd do something about it if we wanted to stop being lazy, but then again, they are ignorant.

... >>;

Itsumademo matteru, here in the rain ~ I will bere waiting for you here in the rain. [Hitomi No Kakera]

01:16 am CET - Aranea - Doom...
Hits: 15132
Tsuki was talking about the Acads who did NOT reset. As in, they started off completely n00b like, claim they have Mangekyou Sharingan and all that jazz.

It's completely unfair to those who are veteran players such as myself, Tsuki, Lebis, etcetera.

But fact remains that they must create a background and build up as they gain ranks in the game - Acting like their rank.

It's like... a five year old acting as if they're eighteen and doing the stuff that well.. you, me, Nami, and all of our 'chat' people spoke about. Wrong, right? ... That sounded weird. xD

But really, it's just like you're acting way older when you don't even know the basics. Like signing up for Advanced Chorus when you can't sing or distinguish your pitches.

Itsumademo matteru, here in the rain ~ I will bere waiting for you here in the rain. [Hitomi No Kakera]

Tuesday, January 01, 2008
05:10 pm CET - Aranea - Stupid effin New Years....
Hits: 16228
My... New Years... was like... omfgwtfthisisnottherightdamnedthingforafreakinNewYearsforcryingoutloud!!

Like, goodness -.- My mother made me miss the balldrop cause she was yelling... Stupid woman was 20 minutes late for the realization that we both missed it.

And my brother drank. Well, who wouldn't drink once they're legal? but he drank SAKE! HOT MOTHER EFFIN SAKE! I WANTED SOME! ;___;
But somehow, constantly inhaling the scent of sake for about 1+ hour can really... get you preppy... and make you have some weird reactions a few hours later X___x I should've snuck into his room when he passed out and drank some... I hope he has more saved...

Itsumademo matteru, here in the rain ~ I will bere waiting for you here in the rain. [Hitomi No Kakera]

Monday, December 31, 2007
06:27 pm CET - Aranea - And I did it!!!!!!!!!!!!111111!!!!!!1111one <<
Hits: 15818
Oh! I soooooo beat the system! With 30 minutes remaining on the clock, I had gotten my Oro Kill for the morning, and finished 32+ turns when there was 20 minutes left. xD Soooo awesome. And my friend didnt have faith in me. How typical.

Spectacularly, I got hit on my secondary account. xD It was sooo lame too. Whoever wants to know, I'll tell yer.

Oddly enough, though I'm a
Retired Sensei, I ended up taking in a student. Another score for zeh Pri! I'm gonna train Miyako in a few summoning techniques and Medical Ninjutsu. .__. Again, I so rock.

Ah! And I finally finished most of the outline for my Eien Megami series. x___X Can you believe I was up till Midnight doing it? Yeah, most likely you can. >>; The series is going to be 8 Books. x.x I'm trying my hardest - maybe I can ask Lebis to help co-write.

And uhm... idk. x.x There was something else...

Oh yeah! I was going to post teh names of the eight 'books'. Yeah, mhm.
They are as follows:

Book I --> Jihi - Mercy
Book II --> Dentou - Tradition
Book III --> Shougai no Tomo - Lifelong Friend
Book IV --> Yuuwaku - Temptation
Book V --> Musuko - Son
Book VI --> Musume -Daughter
Book VII --> Dokutoku de Shinjitsu - Uniqueness with Truth
Book VIII --> Kazoku - Family

Muahz. Yup, that's them. However, VII is still a bit choppy - I admit, I'm not good most of the time with Japanese x___X Not everything is final except Books I - VI; the remaining two may or may not be included...
Itsumademo matteru, here in the rain ~ I will bere waiting for you here in the rain. [Hitomi No Kakera]

Saturday, December 29, 2007
05:44 am CET - Aranea - "You are such a nympho.." "I beg your pardon, but I prefer the term VIRGIN nympho, thank you very much."
Hits: 15620
Yes, that was nearly a conversation xD Between Miha and I; I'll fill anyone on the details later.

I seem to have my eighteenth birthday party planned :3 As well as a new story. oh! I'm rewriting "Eien Megami" - completely new characters and plot line as well as settings. I'm going in detail folks!

Nuff of my late night update. night.

Itsumademo matteru, here in the rain ~ I will bere waiting for you here in the rain. [Hitomi No Kakera]

Thursday, December 27, 2007
02:22 am CET - Aranea - Well~,,,,
Hits: 14312
Tau <_< I think anyone who is sane has played Assassin's Creed; including moi. I owned the game since it came out. >.> Loved it when I saw the graphics and the first ten minutes of gameplay <3

Away from that; I thought today was going to be my doom x.x Don't ask why this day is even of important significance, but it is. Ohhh it is.

I wrote to Rorek today <3. Yes, I'm still in touch with him. And for those who are even THINKING of it, NO! I am not in love with him; gosh. Probably I love him a little, but most of my love for him is sibling love. Nothing more.

Tomorrow I gotta finish my reports so I might not be online. Never know.

Itsumademo matteru, here in the rain ~ I will bere waiting for you here in the rain. [Hitomi No Kakera]

Saturday, December 22, 2007
01:56 am CET - Aranea - "Well, look what we have here..." "I can't believe she and him are together..." "Hey, didn't you like him?" "Er... about that..."
Hits: 13997
Ah, a long awaited update. Who would've known Christmas is coming so fast? I remember- back last year- the one most memorable memory of all; December 26th was the day I had been with Apo and told him that I loved him. On the 28th, we got married on SL. But now it seems to be a day I'm dreading; I don't want to really remember that day...

Away from that topic, yeah so the title of this blog was actually a conversation between three people. I liked two boys in my school; one named Jacob and the other named Saqif. I had told Jacob I had a crush on Saqif even though I had been crushing on Jacob for much longer. Today we had a party ninth period for the people who attended the concert (in other words, it was me, Saqif's girlfriend, Jacob, and our other friend). The other girls were writing "Vishwani ♥ Saqif" all over the board and I was like "Wait, they're going out?". Now, Vishwani is my friend and she's very smart 'n talented, so I thought 'Eh, okay. I didn't stand a chance anyway'. But I didn't like Saqif as much as I liked Jacob, which is why I'm so flirty around the boy whilst I'm shy around Saqif. Jacob is the one who I'm not afraid to let loose and have fun while I am not even friends with Saqif.

So our other friend, Rabea, and I were talking and - well - here's our conversation:
Me - Er... I got something to tell you
Rabea - Hm?
Me - Well... let's just say I didn't like Saqif THAT much.
Rabea - So who do you like?
Me - *makes some signs to indicate it was Jacob*
Rabea - Oh my gosh!
Me - Ple~ase don't tell him!
Rabea - I won't, promise!

Yeah, it's kind of fuzzy, so that isn't really word-for-word.

Itsumademo matteru, here in the rain ~ I will bere waiting for you here in the rain. [Hitomi No Kakera]

Wednesday, December 19, 2007
01:18 am CET - Aranea - Time for an Update!
Hits: 14316
Today was just... omfgwtfawesomeshytnessity!!!

My friend Raveena came over and we had a couple of drinks but it was fun! She was all tipsy nd shyt, like, wow.

I'm still a bit buzzed, so yeah.

Itsumademo matteru, here in the rain ~ I will bere waiting for you here in the rain. [Hitomi No Kakera]

Saturday, December 08, 2007
11:37 pm CET - Aranea - Looks like I'm back?
Hits: 14416
Friday was friggen hectic. I swore I'm continuing to relive it...

Remember that problem? Involving my teacher?

Yeah, so I was sent to the Guidance Counselor and Social Worker, and we had a meeting on Friday; 4th period.
But see, I was smart. I found a notice from Abramowitz (Guidance COunselor) that was directed to my teacher asking to meet with him and I automatically knew it was about me. Idiot wouldn't even admit it after I so nailed him on the topic! But anywho...

3rd period I had him and like... he was being... how should I put this? Crude? Eh. I was kind of hurt then.

But 4th period knocked me over. I was told to go to Mrs. Williams' (Social Worker) office and I did. Around five minutes later, HE shows up with Abramowitz. Now, the only reason why I even HAD to go to Abramowitz and Williams was because the trip (that was supposed to be today) included me being around teacher for nine hours. I feared I wouldn't be able to control myself soo... I went.

But back to the original moment. Yes, so we had small talk ( or rather, they did. I was too busy braiding the ends of my scarf and not breaking down out of embarrassment) and then we cut to the chase... And that was what hurt. I mean.. I didn't expect hearing "It is unethical, it would never work, and plus I'm going to be engaged" would hurt that much. Okay, so maybe it was the getting engaged part. But other than that, EVERYTHING hurt. Like... I was expecting a jab with a pen (the pens you gotta click to write with) without the point to my chest. I got it with the point and with much more force than I expected. So he continued to break me while praising me on my intelligence and brilliance and the same time...

THen he left the room. Not in a snooty way, but he left the room. And I broke down.

From fourth period which was... like 9 o clock going to 10 up until this instant, I can't stop thinking about that. And it still hurts...

Hell, I even DREAMT it last night. Now that has to say something.

My friend, Fazia, knew about the situation and she accidently said Love instead of like... I can't imagine how much pain I'd be in if I was in love with my teacher...

But other than that, I'm dandy. Jus' felt like postin' this. Sayonara.

Itsumademo matteru, here in the rain ~ I will bere waiting for you here in the rain. [Hitomi No Kakera]

Saturday, December 01, 2007
03:33 am CET - Aranea - In Which... I Cry.
Hits: 13941
Yeah. I think I need another cry. x.x I had a weird dream too...

Let's just say I ended up being married off to him. Yes. weird. Like... in Indian movies, girls are usually married off to the guy who's parents agree with her parents to allow them to be joined. Normally, neither has a say.

But anywho; I didn't get to talk to him about it. I'm probably going to have to portray it through my story he'll be reading...
Itsumademo matteru, here in the rain ~ I will bere waiting for you here in the rain. [Hitomi No Kakera]

Tuesday, November 27, 2007
10:54 pm CET - Aranea - Er... Something... very weird
Hits: 14036
Warning: If you're going to read, please try to understand. Don't send me PM's about how stupid I was/am or crap like that.

There's no way to beat around the bush with this topic. I like my teacher. Not like, he's cool but like... something is attracting me to him. First of all, I know the consequences; student-teacher relationships are illegal and yada yada yada. But tell that to my feelings, not the sane woman.

I told him. Yes. I actually was brave enough. But let's rewind.

It's the beginning of 9th period, and I go up to the Monitor Hall where the teachers go on breaks in and whatever. When I take the shortcut, I let out a sigh of relief; there's no SIGN of my teacher around. I turn around the corner of the desk and put down my stuff and all of a sudden my teacher comes from one of the rooms connected to the M.H. I just freeze; dropping my stuff on the floor and quickly look away. I had no clue why, I still don't either. I sat down and breathed; I have been talking about him in gym with a girl I trust. I had told him the day before that I had a problem: "IthinkIlikeoneofmyteachersandthoughIknowtheconsequencesIcan'tstopfeelinglikethis." He even tried to guess! He named every teacher but himself. I had felt like a whore, slut, prostitute; everything in the book. And I just.. broke down. I talked it over again during my break down with Shabari [a girl who I trust completely as well] and she asked me, "Do you think you can get over... him?" And I replied truthfully. I had no clue.

After the breakdown, I place up my act and be 'cheery' around him. We ready to leave and I tell him that I have something important to tell him. We walk from the fourth floor down to the floor where the teachers normally exit and I'm about to go out there with him but he stops me and claims there's a camera there. So I tell him, and this is how it went. [Me in grey, Teacher in Red]

"Okay, so you remember that thing I told you about yesterday?"
"Yeah. Who is it? Belmonte?"
" NO!!"
:Then who?!"
"Damn it, it's you!"

After that he just paused. I couldn't believe I just blurted it out. And I think... I think he thought I was joking. And I'm not. Damn it, I was not joking at all! He gave me a gruff "Bye" and I just ran in the opposite direction. I didn't want to look back at all.

*sighs* I'm pathetic. I can't even control who I like... I'm gonna go cry. Later.
Itsumademo matteru, here in the rain ~ I will bere waiting for you here in the rain. [Hitomi No Kakera]

Sunday, November 25, 2007
11:25 pm CET - Aranea - Concerning the Storyy.... [Pt. II]
Hits: 14093
Okay, so I decided to change the theme thingy ^^
It's back to adults.
Lily - 18
Jason - 21
Aria - 20
Ryan - 23

^^ And I have the chapter up on my site thingy on FictionPress.

The first chapter isn't a chapter; it's the character profiles. I posted it so I can update it throughout the story until I'm finished.
Itsumademo matteru, here in the rain ~ I will bere waiting for you here in the rain. [Hitomi No Kakera]

05:33 pm CET - Aranea - Concerning the Storyy...
Hits: 14086
Okay, so I did four characters. >.>;
Lily Roys [Narrator/Main Character]
Jason Lorus [Second Main Character]
Aria Rits [Third Main Character]
Ryan Lorus [Fourth Main Character]

>.> And I started the first chapter. I hate doing fics where it's like.. teenage/high school life but it seems that its perfect for the drama. .__. Idk.

Itsumademo matteru, here in the rain ~ I will bere waiting for you here in the rain. [Hitomi No Kakera]

01:37 am CET - Aranea - Update Time! >.> *gasps!*
Hits: 14122
So my Thanksgiving sucked; no turkey, half a steak. Then again, I haven't been eating a lot lately...

Crap, I'm hungry. But I don't want to become the female-Naruto and start having a weird fetish for Ramen. x.x

On a different note, yeah, I've felt really... weird. ._.; Ever since a specific night (I could name the date, but I don't feel like it), I've rarely spoken to Fangie. ._.; For all of you that I've talked to about him and my ol' problem; yes I told him. He said he felt the same way...

I don't know what the hell to do, truthfully. x.x I really like him so it's kind of weird... And seeing how there's the age difference, that brings up another situation.

And Rock Band = ftw. <,< They have Coheed & Cambria! ;__; I love Coheed...

I got "Welcome Home" (Coheed song for those who don't know) on Expert. <,< Took me a couple of times to get past that stupid bridge without my index finger but hell; I owned it! And they have Flyleaf x.x xomfgwtfflyleafftw!!! << "I'm So Sick" = Pwned. To infinity <,< On Expert. First try. Booyah.

My brother seems to be getting a bit suspicious about me too. I have a feeling he may interrogate me later on.

And that story will be up soon! But I really need the names x.x I'll provide the profiles for the characters tomorrow.
Itsumademo matteru, here in the rain ~ I will bere waiting for you here in the rain. [Hitomi No Kakera]

Thursday, November 22, 2007
02:12 am CET - Aranea - Away from the Video Games for a tad moment...
Hits: 14143
I'm thinking about writing a completely NORMAL type of story with the plot revolving around love. ._. I know; I'm a love-addict.

If you got any suggestions on names, please tell me. If you want to just help me write it, again, tell me. It'll be posted here, MySpace, and also FictionPress.

Sorry for wasting ten seconds.

Itsumademo matteru, here in the rain ~ I will bere waiting for you here in the rain. [Hitomi No Kakera]

Monday, November 19, 2007
11:53 pm CET - Aranea - All right-io. It's official....
Hits: 15075
I am, by far, obsessed with the sadness of AFS and Default songs. .____.;

Like... zomfgwtfbbqdkgiduty <<;

"Taking My Life Away" -- Default ---->>


Itsumademo matteru, here in the rain ~ I will bere waiting for you here in the rain. [Hitomi No Kakera]

Sunday, November 18, 2007
03:13 am CET - Aranea - This one made me cry a lot...
Hits: 15322
Artist: Default
Song: Wasting my Time

Well I don't want to see you waiting
I've already gone too far away
I still can't keep the day from ending
No more messed up reasons for me to stay

Well this is not for real
Afraid to feel
I just hit the floor
Don't ask for more
I'm wasting my time
I'm wasting my time
You can't stop the feeling
And there's no reason
Let's make the call
And take it all again
Woah again

Months went by with us pretending
When did our light turn from green to red
I took a chance and left you standing
Lost the will to do this once again

Well this is not for real
Afraid to feel
I just hit the floor
Don't ask for more
I'm wasting my time
I'm wasting my time
You can't stop the feeling
And there's no reason
Let's make the call
And take it all
I'm wasting my time
I'm wasting my time again
Woah again

See you waiting
Lonesome, lonely
See you waiting
I see you waiting

Well this is not for real
Afraid to feel
I just hit the floor
Don't ask for more
I'm wasting my time
I'm wasting my time
You can't stop the feeling
And there's no reason
Let's make the call
And take it all
I'm wasting my time
I'm wasting...

Itsumademo matteru, here in the rain ~ I will bere waiting for you here in the rain. [Hitomi No Kakera]

Saturday, November 17, 2007
02:05 am CET - Aranea - "The sum of three consecutive integers is 783. Identify the integers"
Hits: 15058
Hi! ^^

Okay, I'll do my listy right after this. <<

See that problem as the title? If you can solve it, AND show the work plus reasoning, I'll reward you with something ^^ Trust me, I know the answers and it's wayy easy. First one gets the prize. Second and third place I will post later.

Anyways, onward with my list:

Rorek - He's been there always and I hold him in my heart forever. Boy, if you're reading this, remember that you always have your lil' sister over in New York who loves you with all her heart. Don't forget my birthday! ^^
Nami/Ri - Girl, where did the time fly? It seems like yesterday when I met the non-talkative girl who dated my brother. I still love you with my heart and if you ever need me, you know where to find me.
Shikki - Oh god, what to say about you... You were an idiot. Always had been, always will be. But I still love you. I suggest not being so cruel though; it kind of makes me want to kill you sometimes. I wished sometimes we talked more often, but eh... what is is what it is.
Aly - Oh my... you were always like a wreck sometimes. But, as I've heard from Shik, you're amazingly beautiful (minus the boners... .___.; ) You always said I was pretty, though I still disagree. And again; if anything, talk to me. I'll be there for you.
Kamui - Bro, I don't know what to say. You've been there for me and although I feel like snapping your neck sometimes, you've just... eh, y'know. The tough love recently struck me hard to my heart and I'm still recovering, but I thank you.
Lebis -My my my... Mother Lebis; how long has it been since we met? You always set me back in my place at times and I guess I truly deserved it. I thank you eternally.
Cyrus -Father Cyrus... You neglected me in the beginning but in the end you came through. I thank you for your love and consideration; most would've ignored me.

That was the most important list (short). Now for the second importants..

Skii -zomfg, Kiddo! ^^ I have to continue thanking you for doing what you did. You have no idea how happy I am when I am with him.
Fang -hun! ^^ I thank you for being there for me on that one day... Though you think you may not have helped much, trust me; you did. It brings the warm feeling to my heart that people still can care and once more; I thank you.

I'll complete this list later. .___.
Itsumademo matteru, here in the rain ~ I will bere waiting for you here in the rain. [Hitomi No Kakera]

Thursday, November 15, 2007
11:15 pm CET - Aranea - Nami. >>
Hits: 14888
White-washed? O.o wtf? WHITE-WASHED?!

I never got mine donee.. ;_____;

Itsumademo matteru, here in the rain ~ I will bere waiting for you here in the rain. [Hitomi No Kakera]

Wednesday, November 14, 2007
12:26 am CET - Aranea - Zomg ._.
Hits: 14427
ASSASSINS CREEDDDD!! >> Thank GOD I have ties to Gamestop :3 My brother is coming home with that game tonighttt. ^^

Eh. I feel boreddd. >_____________>;
This blog is useless now. ^^

Itsumademo matteru.. Here in the rain ~ I'll be waiting for you, here in the rain. [Hitomi No Kakera]

Tuesday, November 13, 2007
02:34 am CET - Aranea - Looks Like I Never Learn..
Hits: 14227
For all of you who has spoken to me last night, I apologize for being so immature. I.. I guess it's one of those times that I really needed to let loose and break down but.. I shouldn't have said some things. Brother, you should know one of them. And you know who you are if you're reading this.

Apart from that, I continue to become infatuated and how I met the person is completely pointless. I should learn by now that online relationships rarely work out but here I am once again with a guy. What amazes me if that I really haven't changed one bit; not even a month and I'm truly infatuated with him. Like... hm... how could I put it...

Like when you first have a crush but you don't know anything but their name and sometimes you doodle your own name with theirs with a big heart around it. Like that. .___.; Sooo childish.

And what also amazes me is that... it kind of feels right. Then again, I've said the same thing for numerous occassions.

But to my other topic; yes so I may not be on AIM for maybe.. a week or so unless I really change my mind. If its something important, send me a message on MySpace or email me. 'kay?

Well, I think I'll be off for the night. He's not here so why bother..?


But you know I am awesomer than you. >>

Sunday, November 11, 2007
03:32 pm CET - Aranea - The Awesomest Day For Any Kid. <<
Hits: 14549
Three of the greatest things happened to me in one day;
1. ROREK IS ALIVEEEE!!! We were talking yesterday. >>
2. My mom let me buy more makeup =P I love the fact that I got this new thingy...

3. My mom let me drive at the cinema last night. >> As in when it was dark in the empty parking lot. <,< If she wasn't there I would've been able to drive like how I wanted to but she said I did good. >>; So next month my brother Javier is gonna let me drive his Solara. x.x That might be hell...

But yeah. << Rorek's alivee ^^ He remembered his promise to come to my house for my birthday. ^^;;;; I can't waittt. <<

But you know I am awesomer than you. >>

Wednesday, November 07, 2007
12:35 am CET - Aranea - Hiro. >>
Hits: 14770
Shik has been here longer than the other people on your list o.O;
I've been here longer than Shik <<
Rorek and anbumiko have been here longer than me ._.

It has to be reasonableee

But you know I am awesomer than you. >>

Tuesday, November 06, 2007
11:05 pm CET - Aranea - Strife ._.
Hits: 14753
Dude. We had a long listt...

It's in no necessary order and I cant recall all of them. I was on that list as with anbumiko and Rorek. ._.; If it counts, Lebis would be on that list with Isai, Baluski, and some other people I can't recall. ._.

We already have Legendaries.

But you know I am awesomer than you. >>

02:00 am CET - Aranea - O.o;
Hits: 14721
Hah, emo hugs. << Wait... emo hugs? O.o; the hell...?

Yeah, me gots a bf! << He's on SL so now you guys who care can tor- I mean.. associate all you want <___<;

Figure out who he is and you get a cookeh! >>

But you know I am awesomer than you. >>

Sunday, November 04, 2007
07:45 pm CET - Aranea - Brother >>
Hits: 14157
I know My Curse is better ;_;

But I'm saying that FCPREMIX is stuck in my head ._. The lyrics are good if you pay attention...

But you know I am awesomer than you. >>

04:21 pm CET - Aranea - THE FALL OF TROYYYY <<
Hits: 14171
In case some of you didn't know, "The Fall of Troy" is most def a band. They're featured in Guitar Hero 3 with their song FCPREMIX <<;

I'm stuck with that song. xD It won't leave my thoughts and I was just singing it a while ago xD Talk about me being a loser...

But you know I am awesomer than you. >>

Saturday, November 03, 2007
01:22 pm CET - Aranea - *sighs*
Hits: 14263
There's many things that we all don't always understand. I believe you're right about their fear of the tape being released to the media; but we all have to remember that Cops aren't just a different species. They are just like us with different lives as a normal person. Some cops have dignity, some don't.

>_>; And wow... Klay, just wow... <______<

But you know I am awesomer than you. >>

01:42 am CET - Aranea - Kane <_<
Hits: 14278
Wow. You had to post that o_O; Like...

I'm planning to master it alone and then play my brother. When I own it on Hard first, I'll kick but. >_>; Watch out.

But you know I am awesomer than you. >>

Friday, November 02, 2007
07:37 pm CET - Aranea - -sniffles- I think I'ma cry soon...
Hits: 14389
YAY! Daddy Cyrus remembered his daughterrr ~ ^^

I think, probably soon (depends on certain events that will occur), I too will be either leaving permanently or temporarily from SL.

God, I loved this game. o.O; Like... I invited every single person I thought of to join me (but them, being idiots, quitted...)

*hits Cyrus* BAD DADDY! You made me remember Rorek-niisan! T__T I mish him... maybe I should call him again...

Do you guys remember Rorek? (You know who you are...) Well, I'm thinking that hopefully soon we can have a reunion (last time I thought of that idea, it went completely downhill)... And we'll bring back the Sexy List! << Oh yes, I remembered it...

Sexy List! ~

1. Rorek (Damn straight >_>; )
2. Isai
3. ShadowWind
4. Sriracha
5. Tact (I don't know how my ex boyfriend got behind Sriracha <_<; )

Speaking of Sri, who thinks we should like... bomb his accounts with mail? >_>; *votes*

Well yeah... And ha! I laugh at you losers! I'm at school and typing like a whore! << Muahahahahaha >> Okay, I'll stop.

But you know I am awesomer than you. >>

Tuesday, October 30, 2007
10:11 pm CET - Aranea - Sounga. <<
Hits: 14280
Gee, thanks. That makes me sooo much better. >_>;


But you know I am awesomer than you. >>

Sunday, October 28, 2007
04:21 pm CET - Aranea - Heh.
Hits: 14690
Having fun with a clan destroyer? Doom, do you have ANY idea how perverted that sounds?

And I think we all have low self esteem o.o;

But you know I am awesomer than you. >>

02:25 pm CET - Aranea - Not so fast... >>
Hits: 14674
Kazy (Shira), you gotta wait. There's ONE more position left...

Now I'm off to sulk since I can guess that I'm not getting it. .-.


But you know I am awesomer than you. >>

Saturday, October 27, 2007
12:40 am CEST - Aranea - ~Sounga-kun. >>
Hits: 14240
Heh, thanks. >> I know I'm so awesome. If you want to know the songs, just ask and I'll tell. >>

Speaking of songs...

I gotta go download "The Metal" >>;; It's also on GH3, but not as a bonus. 'dios!

But you know I am awesomer than you. >>

Friday, October 26, 2007
07:03 pm CEST - Aranea - Dudes <<
Hits: 14253
I know I should've told you all sooner, but because of my special ties to GameStop (gotta love 'em =P ), I already have GH3 that is technically supposed to come out on Sunday >__>;

I went and got ALL the bonus songs too x.x
They have friggen RISE AGAINST!!!! << I was like, Oh crap.
And then they have Disturbed! O_O;;; Like, zomfg.

'Nuff rant now <<

But you know I am awesomer than you. >>

Sunday, October 21, 2007
11:18 pm CEST - Aranea - >>
Hits: 14194
I'm getting bored. ._.; So I'll try and do this cause its the only thing to occupy my time at the moment other than the smexy ramen.

You're the air I breathe = It's a good thing my perfume is toxic, now that you tell me this.

I'd go to the ends of the earth for you = Would you jump off a cliff too?

You had me at hello = And how long will it take for you to understand that it's not you I want!?

Love at first sight = I think you're making me sick...

I want to bear your children = I think I can imagine how screwed up they would be if you were the one to do that, kkthx.

You look great tonight = Atleast I don't let myself go, unlike a certain someone..

Happy Anniversary = Oh great... I have a suggestion for you as a nice anniversary gift! *hands sheets of paper* Sign the divorce papers.

No matter what, I will always see the person I married when I look at you = Ah damn. That means not even a prostitute could make you forget?

Will you marry me? = No, I'm already married in case you haven't noticed and so are you.

But you know I am awesomer than you. >>

Saturday, October 20, 2007
10:17 pm CEST - Aranea - Ice Sculpture
Hits: 14074
Yes, a new song. ._.; Sue me, but I actually like it..

Ice Sculpture
- The Corrupted Empire
-- The Life of An Angel © 2007 - 2008

Your gaze used to be warm and loving
Something I wanted to feel for years
But for some reason you hated me
And all it brought were tears

I thought you were a friend
I thought you were a savior
Now, tonight, I ask you
To do me this one favor

Give me all the reasons of your hatred
Suffocate me in your lies
Tell me who you truly are
So that I’ll no longer cry

-Verse 1-
On that rainy day
My eyes held more pain than before
But you shrugged it off
You no longer cared anymore
It was that day that I remembered what you did
And tried to push away all my emotions
You gave me that look again that made my heart sink
Do you know what happens with those little motions?



-Verse 2-
You remember on that day I left early
You probably didn’t know why
You never really knew
That being around you made me die
I entered my home;
drenched from head to toe
Only to find out that
you had killed me once more
I was hurt until the fact came
that people care
They stood up for me
despite your snare



-Verse 3-
The end of my story draws near
I better tell you my thoughts fast
You were a boy unlike any other
You saved me twice in month of past
Your eyes had once mesmerized
Along with your honey covered voice
Your personality had me stuck
I was bound to make this choice
Today I’m here
to tell you
there were feelings
that I once held for you
a small torch of fiery beauty
but now, it’s simply an ice sculpture

But you know I am awesomer than you. >>

03:14 am CEST - Aranea - "...the fruit of your eye cannot be the love of your life..."
Hits: 14126
Eh. About an hour or so ago I was talking to my friend Shazeena from my high school (she's a senior so she and I are trying to spend as much time as possible this year).

She knew that the boy in our group called Matthew has been giving me the cold shoulder, yet despite of that I still like him. So when we were talking she told me that after I had left them she had asked Matthew why he was so mean to me. He replied saying that I'm too hyper, I get silly over the littlest things, and I'm way too emotional. My other friends, Dee, Santiago, Jamaal, Katherine, Aron along with Shazeena stood up for me and told him that he shouldn't be talking seeing how he just described himself.

That was all she told me. But I can't help wondering if maybe Dee, Aron, or Shazeena may have accidently spilled my so-called "secret"; the fact that I'm not crushing on Matthew, but that I really really reallyyy like him.

But I guess I shouldn't worry. They wouldn't do that to me... would they?

But you know I am awesomer than you. >>

Wednesday, October 17, 2007
11:31 pm CEST - Aranea - People. >>
Hits: 14021
@ Shig: I'unno if I am insulted or praised... O___o;

Kazzy-kins: I put caps because it was stuck when I saved it on my comp o_O;

And anywhooooo... Yeah, it's gonna be a song. .~.

"Bloodied Wings" by the Corrupted Empire for our soon to be released album "Life of Angels!" <<; No this is not a promo. So stop jacking off you homos.. <<

But you know I am awesomer than you. >>

07:59 pm CEST - Aranea - I Think I'm a Poem Fiend. O.o;
Hits: 14035
I wrote another poem today O___o; like.. wtf? I think it's pretty good... I might use it for a song.

Bloodied Wings








~ Ayumi Ai [Piper] {Priya}

But you know I am awesomer than you. >>

Tuesday, October 16, 2007
02:42 pm CEST - Aranea - ~ Broken ~
Hits: 14173
A Poem I wrote due to depression. I've been depressed a lot lately...

If within the truth holds lies,
does that mean within love lies hate?
Or that within joy lies sorrow?
How I wish it does not determine my fate....

No. Our Fate.

Is our love ever longed?
A Love which one loves the other endlessly
Whilst the other does wrong
A Love that is one-sided
The tragedy where one's heart slowly fades
Into nothing while the other holds his tongue
Guilt, Hatred, Love, Sorrow... overwhelmed by emotions
both have fallen; slain.

If Love was a true elixir
it could've saved us.
But it's a true poison.
I pray others won't be as unlucky
To know that the fruit of your eye
cannot be the love of your life.

~~ Ayumi Ai [Piper] {Priya} ~~

But you know I am awesomer than you. >>

Sunday, October 07, 2007
04:54 pm CEST - Aranea - Shleepy, Shleepy, Shleeeeepy. <<;
Hits: 14227
It was weird. I woke up at like... 10:30 this morning. Liek... zomg. <<;

Enough of that talk. I've been listening to the Chobits Opening Theme Song a lot. <_<; I woke up to it this morning and like... I noticed you can play the violin to it. And I just so happen to play the violin...

I still wanna play the guitar!! T_T and something liek happened recently but I shouldn't say it here. Too much pity might go around. and yeah....

I think I'll go write more stories; if you wanna help me (author block ><) please do so. >>; I'm bored as hell.

But you know I am awesomer than you. >>

02:33 am CEST - Aranea - <.<
Hits: 14257
No it wasn't meant for eating. >.>;
I'm talking about the concept of PB&J turned perverted. <<;

And dude. >>
FLUFF ownsz ._.
Nuff said.

But you know I am awesomer than you. >>

Saturday, October 06, 2007
08:46 pm CEST - Aranea - >.>
Hits: 14199
@ Shiggie =


... Atleast I still have PB&J >.>;

But you know I am awesomer than you. >>

Tuesday, October 02, 2007
11:29 pm CEST - Aranea - Aw. <<
Hits: 14197
I think all of us have to be good lil' people, right Datte-chan? <<
Its odd .~.

But you know I am awesomer than you. >>

Saturday, September 22, 2007
09:47 pm CEST - Aranea - << I want a cookie
Hits: 14326
@ Terra: Congrats! ^^

@Maria: Its the mandible. >>;
Reward me later XD
I'm so proud of myself because now I applied for the position of Staff Member ^^
And I did that with a broken finger! >> WOOT! <<

But you know I am awesomer than you. >>

Wednesday, September 19, 2007
09:07 pm CEST - Aranea - And... I wanna sleep. >>
Hits: 14111
Okay, so like... Today I had to get surgery. >>
Long story short; I got my finger stuck in the hinge side of the doors in my high school and the top part of my Index finger on the left hand nearly got amputated off. I know. Weird. So I went to the hospital and the sewed it back together...

I swear, that bloody finger made me go into friggen shock. o.O;
Like... gah, its hard to explain. >>

But you know I am awesomer than you. >>

Sunday, September 16, 2007
03:40 pm CEST - Aranea - <<; "Baby wind for me, slow wind for me.." >> << >> >___>;;;
Hits: 14373
No doomy. <<
Well half true >>;

You get to experience the Yuri <<;

But you know I am awesomer than you. >>

12:39 am CEST - Aranea - Brandy Wine. >>;
Hits: 14424
You do understand why, right? >>;
But you know I am awesomer than you. >>

Saturday, September 15, 2007
08:51 pm CEST - Aranea - <_<
Hits: 14254
Yes I must doom. >>;
And you know... It'd be better if you stayed as a girl xD

But you know I am awesomer than you. >>

Friday, September 14, 2007
03:41 pm CEST - Aranea - >___>;
Hits: 14360
Well, now its me. <<
But I really don't care if Doomy is a girl or a boy =PPP XD

But you know I am awesomer than you. >>

Thursday, September 13, 2007
04:11 pm CEST - Aranea - Hiro. >>
Hits: 14492
No, not Gaara. Someone else. <<
But you know I am awesomer than you. >>

02:45 am CEST - Aranea - Answers
Hits: 14481
Hiro = Because! Brandon did it without asking his owner but now he needs gems to be a boy again <<

Doomy = WHY?! Because she felt like it. << Its a thing.

But you know I am awesomer than you. >>

12:00 am CEST - Aranea - Nuuuuu T__T
Hits: 14472
Seems like everyone I know for a while has been leaving T__T

In other news; today I had a pretty good day. Had an unexpected breakdown because Morrison made a joke that was slightly insulting. He apologized ofcourse, and we listened to Incubus while we worked. <<

Thanks to Tracey. >> Dig + Stellar + Warning = AWESZOME NESZSZ! << (inszider).

But you know I am awesomer than you. >>

Saturday, September 08, 2007
11:38 pm CEST - Aranea - Pie
Hits: 14578
Aw <<

I think i should go draw something. ._.;

But you know I am awesomer than you. >>

10:13 pm CEST - Aranea - Pizza >>
Hits: 14599
doom. ._.;
I soo did not know you draw <<


-goes to read a book- ._.

But you know I am awesomer than you. >>

04:30 am CEST - Aranea - Will you succumb into the Darkness or will you walk to the Light?
Hits: 14631
Today... I've made a decision that I can't believe I did make. You all probably don't care, nor know me, but that's not going to stop my blogging.

First off: I was in love. Deeply, madly in love. But... someone else is also in love with the same person.

I.. I made him answer "Me or Her?". He couldn't answer. I made him promise me two things...

1. Leave Me. Get out of this twisted relationship we have together.
2. Make her the happiest woman in the world as best as you can.

He, at first, refused. I made him promise...

I cried. and cried. and now... there's just a throbbing pain in my chest and abdomen. I can't cry. I can just live. I need to. I still love him. And I love what I am meant to do. And I have family to live for; blood or not. I have purpose. I have to keep going on...

For all of them.

I thank the few of you that knew my situation from the beginning, and when I told you this first you aided me and tried to comfort me. I bet most of you would've fought till the end. But you want to know what I told him to love her?


Noone needs to suffer the pain I had endured... Four years ago... and last year. Two seperate situations; each ended with a heart broken young girl who owned eyes older than her age.

02:26 am CEST - Aranea - With Every Step, I wonder... Did someone steal my cookies?
Hits: 14642
Hey guys, its been a while. ^^ Between school and work, I didnt have much time for SL. Apparently, my two "account monitors" were SOO not taking care of it. >.O I'ma get you two soon...

High School's been fun, even though I'm a freshman. Apparently, someone looked at me and then asked if I was a Junior. O_o; Odd, eh?

Eh. My friend and I were just talking awhile ago. Apparently, somethin' was going on, but of course I'm not so mean or ebil to put that up in a blog, now am I? So she asked me about my relationship with Trey.
Me: Yeah, we're still together.
Her: Wait, isnt he with that other girl?
Me: Technically speaking, most people would say that. But to me, when he says he loves me I know he means it. And I love him too. Other than our lil' situation here, I wouldn't want him any other way...

And now I think she's gonna do something ebil. >>


But you know I am awesomer than you. >>

Saturday, September 01, 2007
03:50 pm CEST - Aranea - Duuuuuuuude. <<
Hits: 14679
Doomy: I don't think there's enough space in your empty head for all those pennies. O___o Besides, I think RI's gonna steal em. <<


This is my schedule:
1st Period: No Class (Lmao. >>)
2nd Period: Spanish Level 2
3rd Period: Algebra1 H (I should be in Algebra2 >.>)
4th Period: Required Music (Oh yeah. What. Its REQUIRED... >>)
5th Period: Living Enviroment Biology
5th Period: Biology Lab
6th Period: Honors Global History (>.>)
7th Period: Enlgish1 Honors (O___o; Mr. Morrison must've had something to do with this... <<)
8th Period: Aerobics (... Aerobics. What.The.Hell.)
8th Period: Living Enviroment Biology
9th Period: Lunch

I'm in the Pre Med Institute. << And yeah. You noticed the doubled 5th's and 8th's? That's actually what's on my thingy. <<; Its wierd. I gotta ask my brother... >>;

And dude. In Required Music, our instructor will send us to Mr. Lance who is teh band instructor soo....

I'm learning Electric Guitar. <__<;

But you know I am awesomer than you. >>

Friday, August 31, 2007
08:50 pm CEST - Aranea - .... Doomy. <<
Hits: 14449
Yes. A LOT of time together. >///>;
I was just in his office for an hour after picking up my program. xDDD

And dude. You know what's like... effed up?

Also, I have Honors English. <<;
Spanish Lvl 2. >>;
English Honors.

STUPID HONORS CLASSES!!! >< Atleast I dont have Core classes. <<

But you know I am awesomer than you. >>

Thursday, August 30, 2007
11:19 pm CEST - Aranea - Rubber Penguins Shall take Over Teh World... No Seriously. <<
Hits: 14572
Soooooooo <<
1: Shik. I aint giving you no Rakhi. << No belated Raksha Bhandhan. >>;

2: Fangirlish Moment so please excuse it...

3: I came back from having free ice cream. >>; It sucked though. ._.;
Mr. Morrison was there though so... >///> Its all good. And uh, he wants me to be his Teacher Aide. ^^; I of course, agreed quickly. >>;;;

What? Its perfectly normal... <<;

But you know I am awesomer than you. >>

Sunday, August 26, 2007
06:41 pm CEST - Aranea - =__________=
Hits: 14779
So like.
Yesterday I went upstate to Schenectady, NY; near Albany.
I just went to check out some houses. <<
I had Carvel for dinner xD
And my real dinner for breakfast >>
Breakfast at four in the morning >>

But whatever. xD

But you know I am awesomer than you. >>

Saturday, August 25, 2007
02:25 am CEST - Aranea - What? <<
Hits: 14635
I wanna be Shadow's maid.. >>

But you know I am awesomer than you. >>

Friday, August 24, 2007
11:25 pm CEST - Aranea - >>
Hits: 14596
Doom. <<




Someone's MAAAID T.T

But you know I am awesomer than you. >>

11:14 pm CEST - Aranea - <<
Hits: 14601
1) I know. O_O
2) But... you're a Pizza. << Pizza Ranger is better than red. >>
3) I WAS SUPPOSED TO BE BLUE T_T I guess I'll stay White, or Pink. >>;
Four: SLEEP MOTHER *** >>;

But you know I am awesomer than you. >>

03:18 pm CEST - Aranea - >>
Hits: 14610
Tenshi, Omfg I <3 u 2~~!!1one11eleven! >>;

Okay. So like. Yeah. <<
Ecchi rangers are better than Baka Rangers!~ >.O
Ecchi Ranger White: Mysti <<
Ecchi Ranger Black: xXKyuubiXx
Ecchi Ranger Green: Mugen
Ecchi Ranger Maroon: LazerBlaze
Ecchi Ranger Purple: Purple xD
Ecchi Dominator: Lebis <<
Ecchi Ranger Pizza: DOOM! XD
Ecchi Ranger Red: N/A
Ecchi Ranger Yellow: Maria
Ecchi Ranger Blue: N/A
Ecchi Ranger Pink: Moi >>
Ecchi Ranger Crimson: Kitsuneko aka Nami AKA Ri ^^
Ecchi Ranger Gray: shik. >>

But you know I am awesomer than you. >>

Thursday, August 23, 2007
04:44 pm CEST - Aranea - (No Subject)
Hits: 14499
I'm bored. <<
But you know I am awesomer than you. >>

04:20 pm CEST - Aranea - Fer Sure? <<
Hits: 14500
Eh. I blame Keigi for getting Fer Sure stuck in my head. ._.;
I'm gonna go sing it nooow >>

And i'm getting a haircut soon XD
my hair grew 5-6 inches since my highlights in April. o-O
its in layers <<

and like
next week thurs
i wont be online
I have to go to school early for two days ¬___¬
Thurs is free ice cream day! XD
and Fri is when I get my program >>;
Wed is when we go for orientation

I'm a freshman
But you know I am awesomer than you. >>

Tuesday, August 21, 2007
11:20 pm CEST - Aranea - yeah so...
Hits: 14569
i'm still slightly sick. ._.
i appreciate my mom and all but...

her soup sucks. xD

and like..
i feel like crying<<
other than that I am great! XD

Itsumademo Matteru... I will be waiting.... ♥ Priya ♥

Sunday, August 19, 2007
06:33 pm CEST - Aranea - Damn >>
Hits: 14693
okay, wierd <<

so like, i'm with trey. >>
and I like two other guys @.@
and one of them told me he like.. loves me <<

so like... i'm already sick.
and i got a headset <<

Itsumademo Matteru... I will be waiting.... ♥ Priya ♥

Saturday, August 18, 2007
04:55 pm CEST - Aranea - >> I want Pizza. <<;
Hits: 14800
All right, here's the part of my song I got so far:

Lying in bed alone
the wind's kiss causing a shiver.
I let out a sigh
while the chill sink down to my bone.
With a lip that quivers
and tears that run down while I say goodbye...
While I say goodbye.

Stop doing this to me!
I was always there for you!
Why can't I just be happy?
Or is it too much for you?
I won't let you in again...

So long and farewell
Will I ever see you again?
I fear its too late for me to say I love you.
As I get up to answer a ringing bell
I realize something again
And its I hate you.

Aaaaaaaaaaand... that's it. >__>; I know, its kind of lame. Whatever.

Itsumademo Matteru... I will be waiting.... ♥ Priya ♥

Friday, August 17, 2007
07:36 pm CEST - Aranea - Well I..
Hits: 14910
got a song writing phase going on. o.o
I know

but like
i wrote a song last night
and it sounded awesome
I just gotta finish it @.@
i forgot to bring it with me
so you wont be able to see it

and yeah

my head hurts.
and like.. my emotions are all out of whack. I'm gonna have to end something..

Itsumademo Matteru... I will be waiting.... ♥ Priya ♥

Wednesday, August 15, 2007
09:31 pm CEST - Aranea - What the hell <<
Hits: 14497
Am too!!! Ask Mommii!!! -points to Lebby- <<;;;

And dude. Shut up >>;

Itsumademo Matteru... I will be waiting.... ♥ Priya ♥

09:27 pm CEST - Aranea - Pahhh!!!
Hits: 14499
Well I'm awesomer. xD

Itsumademo Matteru... I will be waiting.... ♥ Priya ♥

08:06 pm CEST - Aranea - Rocks <<
Hits: 14500
Which makes you old <<

Hahah, you're an old pizza xD

Itsumademo Matteru... I will be waiting.... ♥ Priya ♥

06:22 pm CEST - Aranea - I know right?
Hits: 14500
LIES DOOM! LIES!!! You do know Obi-wan!!! T.T
Itsumademo Matteru... I will be waiting.... ♥ Priya ♥

Tuesday, August 14, 2007
04:26 pm CEST - Aranea - I want cookies <<
Hits: 14327
Kamui: Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand? >>; Like... we just don't know <<;; And like... c'mon. << Btw. I need your number again. >> I lost it. xD

Shikki: <<;;; What the hell?! You told me the 7th T.T You liar!!!

Doomey: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAND? I can stare at you anyway I please >.O


Itsumademo Matteru... I will be waiting.... ♥ Priya ♥

Monday, August 13, 2007
06:21 pm CEST - Aranea - << I like cheese >>
Hits: 14365
Kane: Are you kidding me? XDDD I don't start 'till the Fourth of Sept. xD Too bad SHik starts at the 7th. << Lucky. >>

Dude >>
I have Coheed & Cambria stuck in my head @.@

But seriously. <<

They are awesome >>

Itsumademo Matteru... I will be waiting.... ♥ Priya ♥

Saturday, August 11, 2007
05:43 pm CEST - Aranea - Oh mah gosh...
Hits: 14299
Did you guys see Mugen's title? Always, All ways?

Dude... All you perverted ones out there... THINK about it. Always, All Ways..

See? Its totally perverted. << Mugen doesn't believe me. T.T Bad Moogen. >> Baaaad <<

Itsumademo Matteru... I will be waiting.... ♥ Priya ♥

03:14 pm CEST - Aranea - Dude Like
Hits: 14306
I know O.o;

Why is everyone having a kid after my baby is born!? T.T
No fair >>;;

Shik, I dont think its a baby month. >> Maybe it was the change in weather. I'unno. <<;

And I have the most IMPORTANT thing to say to you Shik. <<

Hi <<

Itsumademo Matteru... I will be waiting.... ♥ Priya ♥

Thursday, August 09, 2007
04:24 pm CEST - Aranea - Meh.. <<
Hits: 14361
I'm bored. <<
Itsumademo Matteru... I will be waiting.... ♥ Priya ♥

Tuesday, August 07, 2007
08:19 pm CEST - Aranea - >>
Hits: 14327
Bubut I <3 you Ri T.T

ANd Its sadly true.. He has <<

Itsumademo Matteru... I will be waiting.... ♥ Priya ♥

07:18 pm CEST - Aranea - <,<
Hits: 14325




And like... << I can't wait till I get off from work :3

Itsumademo Matteru... I will be waiting.... ♥ Priya ♥

04:40 pm CEST - Aranea - >>
Hits: 14322
Shikki- WHAT THE HELL!? Maid of Honor!? O.o;

Get a change first >>

And uh... I'll sneak you some catnip. :3

Itsumademo Matteru... I will be waiting.... ♥ Priya ♥

Monday, August 06, 2007
04:16 pm CEST - Aranea - <<
Hits: 14335
Shikki- What... the hell... << You are crazier than usual... Did you FORGET to have the CATNIP!? >.O
And no... Trey and I arent getting hitched soon, CALM DOWN! xD

Itsumademo Matteru... I will be waiting.... ♥ Priya ♥

Friday, August 03, 2007
09:00 pm CEST - Aranea - And... WHY are brothers so great? >>
Hits: 14357
This is gonna contain a bunch of brother bashing and cussing. ._. Just warning you now.

Damn it, my friggen brother Javier is such a jerk. >< See he said he went to go fix his car, and he's been gone for 3 hours now. Thing is, he isnt even fixing it. And our mortgage deadline is nearing so close...
My mom called him and asked about his contribution to pay. GUess what he said. He said he doesn't HAVE the money he "SAVED" for EMERGENCIES! ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS?! And then he won't come to the office (my job; I'm management) TO FRIGGEN TAKE CARE OF A FRIGGEN CLIENT'S COMPUTER! I'm like, come the ... << on >< And then he wouldn't pick up his phone... For like, fifty minutes ><

And when he finally did do so, he said he doesn't want to partake in the Office, nor the House Mortgage.

What a frige great brother I got. ._.

Itsumademo Matteru... I will be waiting.... ♥ Priya ♥

05:31 pm CEST - Aranea - <__<;
Hits: 14351
I'm bored. >>

I miss HatakeSakumo T.T


Itsumademo Matteru... I will be waiting.... ♥ Priya ♥

Thursday, August 02, 2007
01:57 am CEST - Aranea - Sr. SL Player Reunion
Hits: 14510
Just to let everyone know...
This list will be updated constantly:

MrKennedy a.k.a Channel
ShadowNinja (You are a Sr. Member <<)
UchihaBeast a.k.a Kazy
Miya (Hehe, sorreh ^.^ I didnt know <__<)

Itsumademo Matteru... I will be waiting.... ♥ Priya ♥

Wednesday, August 01, 2007
11:42 pm CEST - Aranea - >>
Hits: 14630
They can!? O.O;
Snakes can walk!? holy crap <<

Itsumademo Matteru... I will be waiting.... ♥ Priya ♥

08:57 pm CEST - Aranea - Celebrate The Sr. Members!
Hits: 14627

For All Sr. Members (atleast 1 year+ on SL)

PM me if you want in or out <<

Itsumademo Matteru... I will be waiting.... ♥ Priya ♥

Tuesday, July 31, 2007
11:19 pm CEST - Aranea - I Just Found Out I'm Not The Only Pervert >>;
Hits: 14399
Dude, it was so hilarious. xD
Like, the guy came in for a typing job, and he and I started talking like crazy. o.O;
I was typing and he, all of a sudden, after hanging up on the phone starting cursing. I just died of laughter.
And then we started talking about a whole bunch of crap like wine and bubblebaths... >>;
I told him about the thing that people say I seem like I'm twenty. He nearly looked me up and down before I warned him not to. >>;
Next time I see him, he better give me some red wine >.O

But yeah, it was soo funny. xDDD
I'll explain to those who actually want to know <<;

Itsumademo Matteru... I will be waiting.... ♥ Priya ♥

Monday, July 30, 2007
11:35 pm CEST - Aranea - I Got To Stop Having Problems...
Hits: 14358
My mom's being... meh, bishy. <<
Like, I finally told her the strobg bit (Hehe, lies I know, but... it was still bugging me) and she totally went off. ><
I tried telling her the same thing and she kept interrupting me ><
I hate when people do that. >>

So Yeah... I might be taking a leave from SL for a bit...
Just to set myself for Freshman year (Shut up ><)

And uh... I don't want to ever make a truce with someone who hates me for a reason unknown. .-.; I'm letting an exception go for one person.

Itsumademo Matteru... I will be waiting.... ♥ Priya ♥

10:04 pm CEST - Aranea - Eh...
Hits: 14351
I feel like a blog but I know someone specific is gonna see this so I'm not gonna...

I think I'm gonna cry to Juni. I miss the warmth...

Itsumademo Matteru... I will be waiting.... ♥ Priya ♥

Sunday, July 29, 2007
11:29 pm CEST - Aranea - Gah. ><
Hits: 14636
I don't feel like making a title. ._.

I'm bored.

Mugen's gone

Did I mention I'm bored? ._.

If anyone even cares, PM me; I got a dilemma. ._.

Saturday, July 28, 2007
06:30 pm CEST - Aranea - Starting Fresh
Hits: 14300
I'm gonna start a new story. ._.

Nooooo it's not gonna be a "Eien Megami" series. It's gonna be a bit more modern, and a bit more... uh, well, realistic I guess. It's gonna be titled "In The Eyes Of" and narration will be in first person.

Uh... since it's kind of traditional, "openings" for character names are well... open. o.o Same thing with my first Eien Megami story; some people I feel would work well in my story from here will be in it. So if you want to help or what not, PM me. ._.

But.. I don't think anyone cares anymore. ._.

Itsumademo Matteru... I will be waiting.... ♥ Priya ♥

03:08 pm CEST - Aranea - I don't feel like making up a subject title.. ._.
Hits: 14310
I woke up totally twisted... Like, my MP player was underneath me, the headphones completely wrapped around my waist... My neck was killing me.. and like... I was totally sleepy. =___=;
Like.. damn. ._.

And now I need to by batteries for my MP player... Great.. just effin' great.

Itsumademo Matteru... I will be waiting.... ♥ Priya ♥

Friday, July 27, 2007
10:52 pm CEST - Aranea - >__>;
Hits: 14303
Really Rii? O.o;

I still love the old songs of LP ^^
and MCR. <___<;

Itsumademo Matteru... I will be waiting.... ♥ Priya ♥

06:25 pm CEST - Aranea - Just Getting This Present From You Brings Back the Smile I Thought Had Died...
Hits: 14315
I have to thank Mugen soo much for sending "Leave Out All The Rest" to me. .__.

Last night I finally smiled truthfully. I don't know.. I was just really happy. I played the song for... well, even past the time I slept. I woke up to the song in the middle of the night. ._.

This song makes me think of so many people that made promises to me and let me cry in their arms. Isn't it strange? And I still feel as if Chester and the gang made this song specifically for me. Because the message I interpret is actually what I've always strived to have actually have done. For people to remember me for the good things. And like... damn, I forgot what I want to say.

Well, when I figure everything out I'll blog again. .-.;

Itsumademo Matteru... I will be waiting.... ♥ Priya ♥

Thursday, July 26, 2007
03:25 pm CEST - Aranea - Eh... What Ever.
Hits: 14227
I'm a bit better now, so yea... It's like... whatever. ._.

Itsumademo Matteru... I will be waiting.... ♥ Priya ♥

Wednesday, July 25, 2007
03:49 pm CEST - Aranea - No One's Going To Help Me
Hits: 14290
I felt so numbed... So cold and so hot, so disturbed yet so relaxed, without the feeling that life's moving on. I just cried. Cried and cried. My throat had hurt like crazy. My tears continued to fall fresh, not once disturbing my eyes at all. I cried on the first floor, cried while going to the second, and cried so hard in my bed in the attic. I just cried. And sobbed. I can't get to who I want to become. I aspired to become someone that everyone could look up to. I aspired to be a strong person like my hero, Rorek. But I can't. Because I don't know how. My chest had this throbbing pain. I felt so numbed, but then I felt like I couldn't run away from this damned pain. It hurt... a lot. I had already awoken from a disturbing nightmare; which was truly odd because I had felt slightly happy earlier in the day. I didn't know why it was finally doing this. I couldn't believe my disturbing nightmare of seeing someone I care about bleeding to death. They promised they weren't going to leave me. They even made a damned joke about it. But we never know when someone's going to leave. Because life is so cruel that way. I don't want to lose everyone. Even in such a huge house that I live in, I feel so cold... so alone... so lonely, and so... dead. I don't know. I just felt... like I was in hell. My senses felt so nuetralized, as well as my emotions...

Am I going to be saved from this hell that has been weaved?

Itsumademo Matteru... I will be waiting.... ♥ Priya ♥

Tuesday, July 24, 2007
09:22 pm CEST - Aranea - What... the hell....
Hits: 14323
I don't know why the hell its happening.
the phone at my job rang, so I picked it up.
and the person (guy) was asking for me
So I said that I was talking.
And he asked my age...
So I hung up. Because all males that are in the store are older. Like...

Itsumademo Matteru... I will be waiting.... ♥ Priya ♥

06:17 pm CEST - Aranea - ReMake >____>;
Hits: 14331
It started off as a silly thing, but I need like... good songs. O.O'
Artists and all. Only rock. >___>;
Like, I already have LP and MCR and Nickelback, but like...
It's gonna be hilarious. xD

Itsumademo Matteru... I will be waiting.... ♥ Priya ♥

Monday, July 23, 2007
11:48 pm CEST - Aranea - That's What You Get - The Dumb Version
Hits: 14428
okay, here's what happened. I was trying to record "Thats What You Get" by paramore in my vocals and all of a sudden...
my brother walks in..
and you can hear teh stepping and everything
so I was like..
"You're Home early" <.<

Itsumademo Matteru... I will be waiting.... ♥ Priya ♥

07:41 pm CEST - Aranea - I Need A Subject Title Now?
Hits: 14430
Like damn, everything feels to be changing. But right now I'm not concerned about that.

My brother is recreating a myspace so like... I gotta get him to go on mine and laugh his butt off since I have Tifa. xD His background is when Tifa got knocked out and Cloud is holding her. This is gonna get scary. <.<;

For those of you who have my MySpace; GET ON AND READ MY DAMNED BLOG

Other than that I have nothing to say. Peace :3

Itsumademo Matteru... I will be waiting.... ♥ Priya ♥

Friday, July 20, 2007
05:46 pm CEST - Aranea - If I could think of a stupid title, I sure would use it. <<
Hits: 14281
I wanna change my bloody title to something totally ridiculous. ._.

I remember when Isai changed his one time to Sexy Beast. xD
We had a total contest about it. I thnk I won... o.O;

But yeah... i need a damned title. If not, I;ma go with "Working Gal" because its stuck of my head due to my dumb bro shikki. <.<

Itsumademo Matteru... I will be waiting.... ♥ Priya ♥

Tuesday, July 17, 2007
08:00 pm CEST - Aranea - Eien Megami Vol II - Children Reincarnate
Hits: 14629
Chapter 2

Tatsuya lifted his eye lids which were growing a bit heavy. “… Mom?” Tatsuya whispered, as if Rin was still around. He climbed out of his bed and walked into the hallway, allowing the chill to wash over him. He lifted his eyes more easily; drowsiness leaving him rapidly. “Mom…?” Tatsuya called out again. No answer. He walked down the hall close to the railing, before increasing his speed. “Mom!” Tatsuya called out, much louder. He was running, nearly tripping over his own two feet. Something told him to keep his voice quiet, and that’s what he did. He simply continued to run, going down three flights, running across the hall, running through the kitchen and out the door until his feet meet the coolness of the grass covered in dew. “… Mom?” Tatsuya called out, more innocently. A long pause hung over his head until he bellowed, “Mom! I know you’re there! Show yourself! Now!” Tatsuya was becoming furious. He could still sense his mother’s spirit.
“Did I ever tell you that your temper will be your downfall, Tatsu-kun?” a sleepy voice questioned. Tatsuya turned around swiftly, his dark hair nearly blinding him. Nearly. He saw who made that comment; none other than his baby sister Aika.
“What are you still doing up Ai-chan?” Tatsuya asked, rather gruffly.
“I could ask you the same question.”
“Well, it’s none of your business.”
“None of your business as to why I am here either.”
“Could you guys ever completely start and finish a conversation?” A sweeter voice called out. Tatsuya turned back around to see his baby sister Akiko; her blue hair ruffled.
“What are you doing out of bed Akiko-chan?”
“None of your concern, is it Tatsuya?” Ren said as she stepped in front of him.
“Don’t act surprised. My magical signature isn’t that weak at the moment.”
“What are you all doing down here?!” Tatsuya asked, becoming infuriated.
“We sensed Mother,” all three voices answered in unison.
“I believe you sensed her too, Tatsuya,” Akiko said, tugging on his shorts. Tatsuya looked down at his baby sister Akiko, her grey eyes turning hazel and big. Tatsuya sighed.
“I did.”
“Which means she probably has something to say or to give to us,” Ren said, turning around.
“Question is…”
“How do we get her to reveal herself to us?” Akiko started, but Aika finished. Ren twirled around and winked.
“Easy, sing.”
“Uh?” Tatsuya murmured, confused.
“Easy…” Ren smiled, before pulling out her flute slowly. Tatsuya let his eyes follow her movement before realizing that she was going to play. She brought the flute to her lips, blowing sufficient air and closing the right openings to create a soft melody. Akiko smiled as she closed her eyes, sitting down on the grass and swaying. Aika just stood slightly stiff, a bit more relaxed than before. Tatsuya suddenly heard what could be identified as his mother’s voice.
“Kimi ga seiou itami no hate ni wa…. Muishinatteita kanousei ga matteite…,” Rin’s voice sang, slowly and smoothly. Tatsuya and everyone else turned roughly to find their mother glowing in front of them; dressed in a long white dress while her face looked pale. She opened her eyes slowly and smiled, “My children…”
“Mom…,” Tatsuya whispered.
“Mom!” the three sisters cried as they ran to hug their mother. As they readied themselves for an embrace, they fell flat against the grass; crying just slightly.
“Wh-what?” Akiko cried, sniffling just slightly. Rin appeared in front of Akiko, kneeling down as she smiled once more.
“Forgot already? I’m just a spirit. Now,” Rin left off as she stood up. She looked directly at Tatsuya, “ I need to talk to you.” The girls, taking the hint, left and went back inside their Uncle’s mansion.
“Yes Mom?” Tatsuya asked, rather quietly.
“There are four gems for you and your sisters. Since you are 12 years old, you are ready to handle yours. But I don’t want you using it. Not yet anyway. Seph’ll show you how to use it properly. You can’t tell the girls either,” Rin stated, vaguely but proper. She knew her son was smart, and he wouldn’t ask her questions.
“So… Seph’ll give it to me?” Tatsuya asked. Rin nodded, before allowing a tear to drop as she attempted to kiss her son’s cheek.
“Take care, Hirotsuki Tatsuya…” With that, Rin disappeared. Tatsuya just stood there, feeling the coolness of the wind blowing against his wet cheeks. Roughly he wiped his face and clenched his fists.
“Don’t worry Mom… I’ll take care of myself… And my sisters.”

Itsumademo Matteru... I will be waiting.... ♥ Priya ♥

07:59 pm CEST - Aranea - Eien Megami Vol II - Children Reincarnate
Hits: 14610
Chapter 1

“Mom!” Ren cried, sitting up in her bed as sweat formed on her face and tears brimming her grey eyes which were now turning chocolate brown. She took a look around for her to realize that she was in Uncle Seph’s mansion; not her own. Her mother wasn’t here. Ren climbed out of her bed and out of the room, before walking down the hall, up two flights of stairs, and three doors away to knock on Uncle Seph’s room.
Seph opened one eye, ‘Who would be knocking on my bedroom door..?’ Groggily, he climbed out of bed and shuffled his feet along the carpeting of his large bedroom. He unlocked the door and opened it to find his niece, Ren, standing right in front of him. Her eyes were brimmed with tears; fresh ones. Seph picked her up and carried her into his room. How was it that Rin’s second daughter was practically a spitting image of herself? It was absurd. The only difference was that Ren had red hair; not the brown that her mother had. Ren’s eyes were as big as her mothers when Rin was 6. Two years passed. Rin was murdered. Along with their father. By none other than the evil. But it took a new form; a boy named Takeshi. Seph sat Ren down on the side of his mattress and knelt down so they were face to face. “What’s wrong sugar?” Seph asked to his little sister’s daughter.
Ren sniffled, looking at the silver haired man that was her uncle. “I-I miss Mom,” Ren huffed out. Unconsciously she reached her arms out. “I can’t sense her anymore; it feels as if her spirit is gone for good…” Ren kept her eyes closed, feeling the hot tears brimming and nearly falling. “I need to know she’s still around, even if she isn’t… I miss my mom! I want Mommy!” Ren cried, before letting her arms drop and allowing the tears to streak down her face at multiple speeds.
Seph looked at the girl that was his niece. Only age 6 and she was able to sense spirits? Remarkable. Seph blinked, before taking the girl into his arms and carrying her on his hip. “You want to know a secret?” Seph asked in a hushed tone. He saw Ren’s nod of approval; hinting a yes. “When your mom was younger, she was very scared easily. She used to be scared of thunder storms,” Seph said, pausing so he can see Ren’s reaction to the fear.
“Mommy? Scared? Of Thunder storms? That’s… ridiculous,” Ren murmured. Seph simply nodded.
“Yeah, she used to be scared of thunder storms. She was too scared sometimes. But, when the Hirotsuki massacre occurred, she was very strong. I was too impressed,” Seph continued. He nearly bit his tongue because Rin made him promise not to talk about the Hirotsuki massacre. He walked over to the dresser and sat Ren down on the mahogany wood finish of the furniture, before pulling a draw open and reaching to pull out a silver case; thin but rather big.
“Uncle Seph, what’s that?” Ren asked, obviously referring to the box. Seph chuckled.
“This? This is something that has a few treasured pieces of your family,” Seph paused, before tapping the front and opening it. “You have an Uncle Rorek, you know that, and you have an Auntie Lebis, Uncle Shadow, Uncle Sakumo, and an Uncle Sri. Your mother, before moving into that big mansion you remember, had lived in a small house far from here. During that time she lived there, she had gotten small tokens or presents from your other uncles,” Seph said as he pulled out the silky blue cloth that was once Rin’s.
“Ooh… It’s so… pretty,” Ren murmured, loving how it seemed so shiny in the midst of darkness.
“Your Uncle Sri gave this to your mom,” Seph said, letting Sri’s name drip with hatred. He didn’t like Sri ever. Seph grabbed the diamond ring and brought it out of the box. “Would you like to know who gave your mother this?”
Ren’s eyes nearly flew out, “That’s… so beautiful, and yes I would love to.”
Seph snickered, “Your Uncle Shadow and Auntie Lebis gave this to your mother during their wedding. They considered giving it to her as a thank you.” Seph reached down into the box and pulled out the Pendant of Eien.
“Uncle Seph, that’s the Pendant of Eien… How come you can touch it?” Ren asked, her eyes turning grey rather dangerously.
Seph looked at the girl rather surprised. “You know this is the Pendant of Eien?” Ren nodded. Seph chuckled a bit, “Do you know who I am?”
“Uncle Seph, you are Seph Hirotsuki, reincarnate I of Shi no Kami,” Ren answered, very monotone like. Seph blinked.
“Well, you probably know that the Pendant of Eien belonged to your mother too,” Seph said, before placing it down on the table and looking for a few other things. Suddenly, the room began getting brighter. Seph squinted, “Wha-?” What he saw was miraculous. Ren placed the Pendant of Eien around her neck as it glowed, before her eyes turned white and her body floated softly above the dresser’s counter. Almost simultaneously, a transformation began to take place. Ren’s small child body began to tremor slightly as her pajamas seemed to disintegrate and become replaced with the same costume that Rin wore when she was training as a younger girl. A white shirt covered her chest as the leather shorts came up too short and tight as the holsters stuck while her red hair was up in a ponytail. Ren opened her eyes slowly, before realizing what she was in.
“Uncle… I mean, Seph, you do realize who this is,” Ren spoke, or so it seemed. Seph took note of the less musical voice and slight depth. His eyes widened.
“Rin niisan?” Seph stated, more in question terms. Ren nodded, or rather Rin in her daughter’s body. “What are you doing?” Seph asked.
“Unfortunately, my spirit can’t be sensed because I’m too much into, well… up there. I’m here momentarily to tell you that Tatsuya, as you know, is Shi no Kami number II. Ren is Eien Megami number II, but Aika is the other half. Akiko is Mugen Megami I, and there is another girl named Katsumi Fujiyama who is the Seion Megami. Keep the four gems I gave you earlier away from the children for now, until they are ten. Don’t worry about the Fujiyama girl; she’ll be found by my girls later,” Rin stated monotone like and very quickly.
“You sure?” Seph asked, as everything sunk in. Ren nodded.
“Now, I must go. Take everything off the counter, put them in the box, and hide them away. No one should find them. No one. Understood?” Rin stated. Before Seph could answer, Ren’s body went through the transformation again. Seph took this opportunity to take everything and hide them. He shimmered them away, until he noticed that Ren already finished transforming. Quickly, he called the Pendant of Eien to him, and sent it away. Ren fell into his arms.
“Ren, its way past your bed time. Come on, let’s go,” Seph whispered, knowing that his little niece would not hear him. Her body felt too cool, so he shimmered into her bedroom and tucked her under a blanket to warm her up. Tired and grumpily, he shimmered back to his bed to catch up on his sleep.

Itsumademo Matteru... I will be waiting.... ♥ Priya ♥

07:58 pm CEST - Aranea - Eien Megami Vol II - Children Reincarnate
Hits: 14610

I crawled underneath the silken black sheets of the bed; snuggling against my husband’s warmth emitting body. He turned on his side to see who was disturbing the bed’s softness until he saw it was me. I chuckled, “Calm down, its not any enemy or Tatsuya.” My husband chuckled with me.
“I swear, that boy gets his sneakiness from one of us… For some reason, I’m going to say that Tatsuya is more like you,” he murmured.
I snuggled closer just slightly so my head could rest comfortably on his chest. I whispered, “Well, Tatsuya is fine… I just finished changing Akiko; Ren and Aika are sleeping well.” I yawned a bit, “Who would’ve thought that Seph was right? All of my children are the reincarnations…”
I couldn’t let out another word. My illness for rest was approaching too close. My husband noticed this, giving me a kiss on the forehead before holding me closer; stroking my hair with one hand while mimicking the same action along my back. I drifted off into a sleeping coma until a voice interrupted my blissful heaven. “Mommy! Mommy!” a voice cried out. I opened my eyes slowly, before seeing my daughter Ren grabbing the sheet, pulling it as tears brimmed her big brown eyes. I sat up in the bed and placed a finger on my lips, hinting her that her father was still sleeping. She sniffled slightly, before I got out of my bed and carried her to the kitchen.
“Sweetie, what’s wrong?” I asked, trying to be strong. For me to hear my child’s musical voice dripping with fear was hurtful. The only time she would cry for me was when she had visions.
“I had a bad dream mommy,” Ren cried, wiping her tears from her face with the back of her hand. “It was horrible mommy! I saw an evil man, killing grandpa and grandma and uncle Trint, and then… Uncle Seph almost got killed,” Ren choked her tears back.
“Aw sweetie,” I murmured, bringing my daughter on my lap and letting her head rest on my shoulder. “It was just a dream…” I lied. I knew it wasn’t a dream. It was most definitely a premonition. But why would Ren have a premonition of the past? Or rather, my past? Unless… “Sweetie pie, would you like to see Uncle Seph?” I asked, almost whispered in a monotone sense.
Ren sniffled a bit, color returning to her cheeks, “I can..?” I nodded, faking a warm motherly smile. “Oh yes Mommy, I would love to see Uncle Seph!” Ren cried out, smiling brightly. I smiled once more, before using telepathy. I was most definitely happy that none of my children obtained that ability yet. Almost as soon as I started to talk to Seph, he already appeared in front of me. I didn’t take notice of his presence until Ren ran out of my arms to go to her Uncle Seph. “Uncle Seph!” Ren cried as my older sibling took her into his arms.
“Well, well, lookie here… Aika? You’ve gotten much prettier… Oh wait, it’s Ren!” Seph joked. I smiled a bit. My brother never lost his way with children. I almost frowned. It was too bad that my own brother didn’t have his own kids…
“Uncle Seph! That’s not nice,” Ren murmured, almost falling back to sleep. I got up from my seat and went over to the two, scooping Ren into my arms.
“Let’s go Ren… Its way past your bedtime. I think a lullaby is in order,” I whispered. I gave a look to Seph, hinting him to go check up on Tatsuya. He smirked before shimmering up to the young man’s room. I bounced my small daughter a bit, before laying her down in her bed. The child was nearly 3 to 4 years old, but was smaller than most children. I smiled before giving her a kiss on the forehead. “So, a song it is?” I asked, smiling.
“Mhm,” Ren answered. She was still a bit tired, but when it came to songs, she would sacrifice everything.
I smiled, before starting to sing. “Kimi ga seou itami no hate ni wa. Muishinatteita kanousei ga matteite. Namida mo sugi ni wasurete shimatte. Atarashii kairaku ni oboreru mon sa. Hematsu wo mezasu rekishi no sutoorii. Kimi no futari naraba sore hodo kowaku wa nai. Zetsubouteki na Sekai wa ima mo. Owari sou de. Owaranai de iru yo. Akimara kaketa. Kashiki mo kitto. Futari de nara Barairo ni mieru… Barairo ni mieru…” I sang softly, allowing the words to soothe the young child and cause her to drift away. I smiled, before suddenly realizing that my brother; who at times I consider evil, was with my only son. Muttering a small curse as I close the bedroom door shut, I went up the stairs to find Seph hovering over Tatsuya; an expression of peace smacked across my brother face. “Ne, niichan, you okay?” I asked, rather concerned while being slightly sarcastic. My brother turned around; his face no longer spelling what had once been serene and blissful peace, but terrifying tortured hell. “Seph?”
“Did Ren have a premonition?” Seph asked; his voice too monotone for my taste.
“Yeah, but what the hell does that have to do with anything?” I asked.
“What did she see?” Seph asked, as if he didn’t hear my question.
“She saw more of the past. She saw the Hirotsuki massacre. But there was a slight twist. She said she saw you die,” I answered, my voice becoming very low as my hands started to shake a bit. “Do you think it means that he is still…?”
“Tatsuya is growing strong. I suggest that you teach him a few things, or send him to my house for a month,” Seph replied in the same monotone voice. Before I could say anything to Seph in argument, he disappeared. I took a step outside after climbing down the stairs and walking out the back door.
“Evil… I can’t believe its still out there…” I sighed, “Even I thought that we sealed it…” Quietly, I went back into the house and climbed back underneath the silky sheets of my bed. My husband was too fast asleep, so I simply laid in bed wide awake. That's when I saw a flash of light, and then everything slowly faded away...

Itsumademo Matteru... I will be waiting.... ♥ Priya ♥

Tuesday, June 26, 2007
08:20 pm CEST - Aranea - If I could figure out a title subject for this... I would... <.<;
Hits: 14976
Kind of story-ish/dream. -.-

I rose from my chair and sighed after taking a look around. I had arrived at the location of our Prom rather early, hoping that a few people might do the same as well. Doors were crowding and not a single person was let in besides myself. I closed my eyes and turned around on my heel; the light purple scarf flying as I did so. I opened my eyes slowly so I could see where I was walking until I took notice of someone in all white tuxedo. My vision was slightly blurry; I left my glasses at home and I didn't see to see the person's physical features. It was until they spoke that I felt a blush creeping on my cheek and murmured a thank you for the compliment. I couldn't believe that Kevin would've complimented me! Slowly, I retook my position upon the chair; my dress dragging slowly against the floor and staying there. I kept my head down, staring at my right hand. No one was kind enough to buy me a corsage. I let out another deep sigh until I saw Kevin knelt down in front of me; a corsage held in his hand as he offered it to me. I couldn't believe this one bit. He didn't like me like that! He had said so! My heart raced a bit as I held back a rush of blood to my cheeks. I always liked him; prayed he'd like me and stop making my friend Christine feel so uncomfortable since he had liked her. I always thought I was selfish to think that but it was what both Christine and I wanted. He grabbed my hand and slipped the corage on my wrist, waiting to see my reaction. When he saw I didn't do anything, he slowly inched his face towards mine, until our lips...

"Priya! Get your butt out of bed! Time to go to work!," my mother yelled into the attic, making me flop on my flat stomach and cover my ears. Quickly, I opened my eyes while rolling off the bed.

"It was just a dream..." I muttered to myself again. I slipped off the Harvard T Shirt and got changed into a pair of jeans and a shirt. "Just a dream..."

Itsumademo Matteru... I will be waiting.... ♥ Priya ♥

Tuesday, June 19, 2007
10:34 pm CEST - Aranea - Byez to Meh Peeps At 109
Hits: 14795
Today was "Senior's Last Day"
IT was sooo sad...
But today was fun..

The part I'll remember forever (because of its stupidity) is when we were playing Spin the bottle. I changed the rules so then it was just a kiss on the cheek... Everyone else were being wimps, so I spun the first few times. Each time it landed on my friend Kevin, so I ended up kissing him a lot. And then afterwards, they wanted pictures. ._.; So I had to kiss him again. But they didn't take the picture fast enough and I had to kiss him even more! He and I ended up running away from them and he ended up walking me home.

He's sooooooooooo sweet. I can't believe that I didn't get to know him earlier... ^.^

Itsumademo Matteru... I will be waiting.... ♥ Priya ♥

Friday, June 01, 2007
06:42 pm CEST - Aranea - HA! Past Feelings Don't Die!
Hits: 16586
he said yes!
*jumps around* yes, yes, yes, yes, YES!

Itsumademo Matteru... I will be waiting.... ♥ Priya ♥

04:36 pm CEST - Aranea - Sayonara...
Hits: 16547
*takes a deep breath*
Just when I thought I wouldn't make it! I mean, I was crying. CRYING when they said I was graduating...
*sniffles and walks away* I need a drink...

Itsumademo Matteru... I will be waiting.... ♥ Priya ♥

Tuesday, May 29, 2007
10:09 pm CEST - Aranea - Past feelings never die… they are simply lost
Hits: 15608
Well, who’da thunk it? Good ol’ Apo is back. To think, he came back only a few days ago, or more precisely on the 26th of this month… Weirder fact is that the 26th is technically the anniversary of my confession to him. My goodness, I still remember his reply to what I had told him. The corny joke he made…. Everything.

But, enough of that. I know, I know, some of you are probably wondering: WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO MIKO?! Well, I can explain. Although I hate long distance, I made an exception for Miko. But the distance was complete and utter torture for me. I didn’t really feel like I could love him, just because of the distance.

Now you are all wondering: HOW THE HELL CAN YOU SAY THAT WHEN APO IS SO FAR AWAY FROM YOU?! I can explain that as well. See, it’s a bit more different between the two guys: One I knew I love and the other I fell for because I forced myself to. It’s as simple as that. I loved Apo without knowing, and although I was mad when he left, I actually blamed myself for everything that had happened. Maybe if I had waited like Lebis had said, I wouldn’t have committed the mistakes I have. But as I said to myself countlessly, if I could change time, I wouldn’t.

I learned two lessons from the mistake both Apo and I committed: 1) Patience is Virtue and 2) Don’t let everyone know the story. From now on, until I really know if anything is going to happen at all, I’m not saying anything to any of my “outside” friends. I might not even say anything about it on here to most of you that are my friend. Odd, eh? But yeah… ._.;

Oh, you guys remember how I had a pentagram pendant during the few months I was with Apo? Yeah, well, when I was with Miko I tossed it away…
Oddly enough, two days ago I found it when I had found out that Apo was back. Even weirder, don’t you think?

Well, you guys better not try to push us… We’re actually (maybe, probably) are going to just take it slow… ._.;
Then again, I dont even know if he is gonna say yes... ._.;

Itsumademo Matteru... I will be waiting.... ♥ Priya ♥

Friday, May 25, 2007
09:02 pm CEST - Aranea - Blazing Heat + Hundreds of Kids + Water Bottles... "Hm... What should I do..? >=D"
Hits: 14811
Oh my goodness, today was so fun. All right, we only had a test to do (Not so fun) but hey.. who cares? We had more than two hours outside in the blazing heat with music. Now, at first we were all like "Damn... it's too hot out here." but of course, I was the in genius person who had the water. =P Since I was hot (Yes, BOTH hots =P)I poured the water all over myself. My blue uniform shirt was clingy, and it was buttoned down until you could see the shirt underneath that ended right above my stomach. We all had fun. So much in fact that we decided to take showers in the bathroom and spray everyone with water. Ok, one person was hard to get and I almost got injured, but DAMN IT WAS FUN AS HELL! Maybe we should have a party like this on here... >.>; -cough- Don't get me wet now. =P

MINE! WATER!!! @.@
Itsumademo Matteru... I will be waiting.... ♥ Priya ♥

Sunday, April 29, 2007
03:30 pm CEST - Aranea - "Top Of The Morning To Ya"
Hits: 14610
Meh, last night was killer. First thing was my mom took away my cell (T.T) then my brother who I had a fight with came home, then I had no dinner, and I fell asleep. This morning was killer-er. My shoulder was killer me, along with my back and neck. I had to clean my room even more and I'm still hungreh. Heh, only with time might things get better....
*stomach growls* I want food. >.>;

Itsumademo Matteru... I will be waiting.... ♥ Priya ♥

Saturday, April 21, 2007
12:09 am CEST - Aranea - Almost Everything in My Life Has Been A Lie
Hits: 13881
Last night, I was on the phone until three this morning. I took a three hour sleep, woke up and went to school. When I was young I was told that I was ugly, stupid, crazy, etc...

Today I didnt feel that way at all. It wasnt just because of Miko either (I was talking to him last night =P). I think it was because I finally was trying to believe the oppposite of what others were saying. I'm looking forward to high school too. Its probably because I'm growing up, but who knows?

Itsumademo Matteru... I will be waiting.... ♥ Priya ♥

Saturday, April 14, 2007
04:11 pm CEST - Aranea - Dreams Are Often Truthful
Hits: 14349
I always wrote, whether about a dream or just my stories (As some of you may recall). This morning I woke up, and found Miko's picture next to me along with the book I kept for about a month now to record my thoughts (Not a diary, just... a journal =P) Last night I was writing, and this morning when I looked at the page, that last thing I wrote was that I was in love with him. I didn't get to even finish my statement about how I didnt think it would be possible for me, it was just left there...
I was listening to my MP3 last night, and apparently it was still playing at 8 AM when I woke up. I glanced at it, and saw thesong that was playing was "Still Waiting" by SUM 41; Miko's song on his MySpace. I just laid down in my bed, pondering about it all. I dont know what anything means. But for some reason I know I dont want Miko and I to end. I'll still be a tad distant, but not as much as I planned. Talk about a quick turn of events. ._.;

Itsumademo Matteru... I will be waiting.... ♥ Priya ♥

01:48 am CEST - Aranea - I am such a L-O-S-E-R
Hits: 14252
Incase noone got the news yet (because gossip lately has been VERY uber slow) the person I am with/ the person I like is Miko (SmexyDude anbumiko)

There are time when I wonder about his choice. Am I beneath him? Couldn't he do better than me? I realize I'm putting myself down. I dont know why I did though. Its slightly awkward because I used to make myself feel better. I used to act the oppposite way that people treat me. I want to be able to make Miko happy... But the idea of losing him kills me slowly.

My friends (You know who you are specifically. >.O) say that I'm a strong girl. I feel that I can. But I have my barriers down. And for some reason I wont put them back up. Almost as if I want to be hurt, so I can be strong.

Meh, this is confusing. I cant really say much. Other than the fact that I will be a bit more distant...

Love always comes together but True Love never falls apart ~~Miko
Itsumademo Matteru... I will be waiting.... ♥ Priya ♥

Tuesday, April 10, 2007
10:38 pm CEST - Aranea - About the War thingy. >.>;
Hits: 13976
I know Lebis, I'm being hypocritical. But you would've been ticked off too if you were in my position (despite your matureness)

What if though Sharuto had said something about Shadow? Constantly? True, you'd shrug it off, but after a while it'll build up.

Or what if someone called you something, then Shadow stood up for you, then that same person threatened him? True, I'm not with Sano but I am sincere to him.

Also, I noted that I get mad easily. I can't just grow up in a minute (Not to sound snappy, but...).
I used to be quiet. Someone say something about me, I bottle it up. But its unhealthy to do that. I had many problems when I did that.
That was just me lashing out. Everyone knows that most of the times I cant hurt anyone physically. >.>;

Itsumademo Matteru... I will be waiting.... ♥ Priya ♥

07:55 pm CEST - Aranea - That's it. It's gonna be war
Hits: 13999
I'm tired of people always picking on me lately. I mean, I know Sano was a good guy. I didnt really have to be with him but I was. Then I hurt him by leaving to go to someone else (That you all will know about once gossip returns ._.;)

Sharuto: You're just being a jerk. I mean, you dont address someone by "victim". Make me sound like a murderer. You didn't know how it was for me before. I hardly spoke to anyone except people that were either on my phone bill or my best friends.

Thor: One warning, mess with Sano and I hear about it, I wont be as pretty when I'm calm. Truely, you are all bark and no bite.

I get mad easily. >.<
Itsumademo Matteru... I will be waiting.... ♥ Priya ♥

Monday, April 02, 2007
06:34 pm CEST - Aranea - Coming to the stage is.......... MISS DIAMOND!!!
Hits: 15063
Oh my gosh...
First of all I want to wish everyone a Merry Belated April Fool's Day. ^^
MY weekend was SO COOL! There was a band and everything!
I'm going to be rich in no more than four years. The past is to be forgotten, the future is to be looked forward to, and today is a gift which is why it is called the present.

There is a business called BWW (Britt World Wide). It's not like a cult or anything, but it is still really cool. The amount of money in comission and w/e equals a specific rank. Diamond is the highest rank. Infact, someone was able to get there in two years. If- no I will- get there and become the youngest diamond of all! That's my goal, and I wanted to share. So yeah... XD

Itsumademo Matteru... I will be waiting.... ♥ Priya ♥

Tuesday, March 27, 2007
12:12 am CEST - Aranea - Camisado! ~L"Say what? @.@"
Hits: 14400
Gah, my stupid idiotic self continues to overcome my true emotions. I feel I cant express myself when I need to. One dude I like was already with someone. He is a friend, so I guess it's gonna be hard to even be nice without feeling jealous around him and his girl.

My past is catching up again. Any moment now I can cry because I can feel it. The pain of what I felt when I first found out. My friend told me the truth: David (Apo) never really cared about his online girlfriends. Talk about being played. I dunno what I'm going to do...

Live a dream everyday...
Itsumademo Matteru... I will be waiting.... ♥ Priya ♥

Thursday, March 22, 2007
10:06 pm CET - Aranea - "Four... Five... Six..." "More dudes?" "Yep"
Hits: 14957
Total Dudes: Five

Two from my school, one related to my friend here, and two from here. -.-

I am too much of a flirt... End of it. -.-

Itsumademo Matteru... I will be waiting.... ♥ Priya ♥

Wednesday, March 21, 2007
09:42 pm CET - Aranea - "Oh my gosh, Oh my gosh..." "What is it this time?!" "He knew"
Hits: 14550
All right, so after school I saw my friend T again (The boy with the black hair and green eyes). I practically ran to him, and asked him if he REALLY did read the note. To make this shorter time typing for me, here's the quick convo type of thing:
Me: Read my note?
T: Yeah
Me: You remember it WAS from me right?
T: Yeah
Me: And...?
T: And what? I knew since we met
Me: Are you serious?! How did you know?
T: Pretty obvious actually. I was going to give the note back to you with a reply but... forget it. I kind of lost it.
Me: What was the reply going to say?
T: Well... Let me just tell you that I kind of love Shavanie (This girl in MY class, not T's) but she's with Jay. I'm not going to wait.
Me: If you really love her, dont give up.
T: I dont want to wait.
Me: Gah, we'll finish this tomorrow. Later T!

So yeah, intriguing ain't it?

Itsumademo Matteru... I will be waiting.... ♥ Priya ♥

Tuesday, March 20, 2007
09:31 pm CET - Aranea - "Oh my gosh, Oh my gosh" "What?" "I'm so scared"
Hits: 14616
Talk about the most bravest cowardly thing to do. I couldn't really talk to this dude I liked so I wrote a note. I mean, isnt that dumb?

Anyway, after like... a half hour later, I saw him in the hallway once we got out of class. I had the note in the book I was holding, so I pulled it out and stuffed it in his shirt pocket. He asked me if it was from my classmate Shavanie, but I replied no; it's from me. He promised to read it, but I didnt let him finish the sentence because I didnt want to be late for class.

About two periods later, after gym, I saw the dude AGAIN in the hall. I poked him and asked if he read it, and he said yeah. I asked if he remembered it was from me, and he said yeah then walked away looking for someone. I just stood there, stunned because he didnt tell me anything at all. I almost thought that he didnt even read the damned note, but I have a wierd feeling he did...

I'm such a coward sometimes
Itsumademo Matteru... I will be waiting.... ♥ Priya ♥

Monday, March 19, 2007
09:38 pm CET - Aranea - "One... Two... Three..." "What are you counting?" "The number of boys I either liked or like"
Hits: 14551
Today was so wierd. Not just even today, but last night.
I called one of my friends late last night (you know who you are) and he was at his cousin's house. In no less than 5 minutes, he gave the phone to his cousin. His cousin is so cool, despite the fact that he thought I was going out with my friend. >.<

Today, I went to school and saw this dude with green eyes and black hair that I simply crushed on since last year. My friend was killing me to NOT tell the dude I liked him...

Then I get home and log on here, realizing I like a dude that everyone else has been accusing me of liking since yesterday! I mean, c'mon! What's wrong with me?!

I really got to get out of my "childish" ways. ._.; I need to grow up...

What's wrong with people nowadays?

Itsumademo Matteru... I will be waiting.... ♥ Priya ♥

Friday, March 16, 2007
11:45 pm CET - Aranea - What Am I Supposed to Do?
Hits: 15178
Yeah, back to ranting about my stupid life. ._.;
I love David and all, but... should I really wait? I feel like I should, but so many doubts run through my head. If he loved me, then why didn't he tell me anything? Why did he do this to me? It hurts, everyone knows that, but I dont want it to. I just think about him and BAM crying fest numero cien. ._.;
So.. from now on I won't be very... talkative, nor very.... relationship active (You all know what I mean *cough* Wind *cough*)

Anyway, that's all for today. Any questions about how I am just PM them to me. Lates meh peoples!

You know I'm smexah XD
Itsumademo Matteru... I will be waiting.... ♥ Priya ♥

Monday, March 12, 2007
09:39 pm CET - Aranea - I Wish I Could Have The Moment For Ever
Hits: 14609
Last message from David.. May I always have it here. ._.;

Heh. To bad more people aren't helping. And..Oy..Papers, job, helping friends with crap...Just has been very hectic.
---Original Message from Seion Megami RinoaHeartilly(2007-03-04 05:31:37)---
*kisses David back happily* It was for this campaign called "Abolish the N Word" that only like... 25 people from my school are doing. >>; I watched the news and didnt see me. >>; I was mad. >>;
How come you're so busy lately? :/
---Original Message from Viking Champion SirApocalypse(2007-03-02 21:30:28)---
*Returns the hug and gives Pri a warm kiss* Haha, that's great. What was the conferance for?
---Original Message from Seion Megami RinoaHeartilly(2007-03-02 05:22:17)---
*hugs David tightly* Oh my gosh. I feel so accomplished. Today I got back home a hour late just because I had to skip school to go to a Press Conference at City Hall. I feel important. =D

For once... I thought I knew what I felt... I still do.
Itsumademo Matteru... I will be waiting.... ♥ Priya ♥

09:37 pm CET - Aranea - ♪ Set Your Guilt Free ♪
Hits: 14612
>>; Don't mind this, it's lyrics to a song that... well, I like a lot. ._.;

Song: Lacrymosa
Artist: Evanescence

Out on your own
cold and alone again
can this be what you really wanted, baby?

Blame it on me
set your guilt free
nothing can hold you back now

Now that you're gone
I feel like myself again
grieving the things I can't repair and willing ...

to let you blame it on me
and set your guilt free
I don't want to hold you back now love

I can't change who I am
not this time, I wont lie to keep you near me
and in this short life, there's no time to waste on giving up
my love wasn't enough

and you can blame it on me
just set your guilt free, honey
I don't want to hold you back now love.

Itsumademo Matteru... I will be waiting.... ♥ Priya ♥

09:09 pm CET - Aranea - Slowly... I'm dying inside out...
Hits: 14553
Today I realized something. For most of you that have seen my profile in that past 4 days, you've seen that SirApocalypse (David, my real love) has deleted his account. ._.;
I realized that although my mind set has already moved on from the whole
crash and burn moment, my heart hasn't. I'm already in another relationship (No, I'm not THAT type of woman) but I don't think I'll ever move on completely. I love David, simple as that.
Love is hard.... Life is hard... I've learned to be accustomed to that, but I can't pretend that I'm not hurt. For some of you that talk to me a lot, please note (and I apologize beforehand) that I might become a bit harsh and distant. Please... do not worry about my health or me in general.

Itsumademo matteru... I'll be waiting... ~~Priya <3

Friday, March 09, 2007
11:32 pm CET - Aranea - >>; Nice Dude, Niiiice
Hits: 14511
Haha, funny Camel. ._.;
Dude.. I could like soooo call you right now. ._.;

Itsumademo matteru... I'll be waiting... ~~Priya <3

Thursday, March 08, 2007
07:49 pm CET - Aranea - To All Those That Know Me
Hits: 14918
Today I got my phone so yeah, ya'll can call me whenever you want. For those you have my number, you know it. Don't give it to anyone that I dont know.. >> << >>;
If you need my new number, just send a PM to either me, Shikki, Lebis, or Apo... They'll tell you. >> << >>

Itsumademo matteru... I'll be waiting... ~~Priya <3

Saturday, March 03, 2007
04:29 pm CET - Aranea - You Are Made This Way To Be Who You Are "Is That So?"
Hits: 14840
Today when I woke up this morning after taking my shower, I noticed something about my body while my mother was yelling at me. I was practcally skinny as a toothpick, but that isnt what I noticed. I noticed that on both of my arms, there was two different shades of skin tone. The under side being light almost like my mother's, while the upper side was dark to match the exzema scar that was left behind. I wrapped the towel around myself, and looked at my face in the mirror. I asked myself, "Why was I born?" but before I could even take a breath after stating that sentence, Apo popped into my head. My friends as well. Then my brothers. I wonder why I was made this way; to take words seriously and always be judged on my physical features, and not on who I am on the inside. Very few boys in my class hardly know me, and follow the "cooler" jerk that despises me. Why won'tthey just take the time to sit down and have lunh with me or even ask "Why are you sad today?" or "How was your weekend?" I guess this world is not that kind but I wish it was.
We were all made a certain way for a purpose. I might become a person to speak to younger girls when I grow up, but I still dont know. Despite my talents in singing, art, and writing, I dont know what I can possibly to to help this world. Why wont people change for the better? What will ever become of everyone in this world...

Oh, and crystal, nothing is never really anyone's fault. Stop blaming yourself and get back on the horse. First loves always hurt, I know, I've experienced it. But you got to learn that you can't do this to yourself. You want him back right? Be patient. He is probably going through something and doesn't want to bring you into it, or he doesn't love you the way he did. It happens a lot of timse. You need to get back on that horse and try again. Dont go after him though, go for someone else. Remember every single mistake you made with Channel and try to learn from it. That is my advice to you sis.

Itsumademo matteru... I'll be waiting... ~~Priya <3

Tuesday, February 27, 2007
10:47 pm CET - Aranea - Three socks, three shirts... three hairbands... WHAT THE HELL?! @.@
Hits: 14957
I was chatting with my two friends about random stuff, and the topic of the number three popped in. We started off when I was talking about metal. (Yesh'm I know... Oddly I like metal). We were first talking about the band Killswitch Engage, because I wanted them to hear the song "My Curse". They agreed it was a good song and I mentioned that Disturbed, All That Remains, Killswitch Engage, Death After Life (my brother's band! ^^), and Dry Kill Logic were my favorite metal bands. I also mentioned that my favorite album by My Chemical Romance was "Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge". And then one of my friends just snapped. He said, "Why only three? Why not four or five?" My other friend and I just looked at him, and he said that the number three is so popular. He said, "Think about it. The Three Musketeers. Two Three's in 1337. Alvin and the Chipmunks are a three man band. Mickey Goofy and Donald..." Then I bursted out.
"23!!!" I yelled, because I was still hyped about the movie "23". I yelled out again, "666!!!" Then I yelled out "2/3 is .666!" My dude friend just looked at me.
"You mean 0.666666 (repeated)"
"No, I mean .666... NUMBER OF THE DEVIL!"

So, why is the number 3 really so popular when people are scared of the numbers 666? Did anyone realise that 666 divided by 2 is 333? What's really the difference between it all? >>;;;;

Itsumademo matteru... I'll be waiting... ~~Priya <3

Friday, February 23, 2007
06:11 pm CET - Aranea - PREVIEW!!! : Eternity Goddess- Children Reincarnate
Hits: 14499
“Ren-chan! Aika-chan! Akiko-chan! Hurry up!” Tastuya-kun called out.
“Coming Tatsu-kun!” Ren, Aika, and Akiko yelled out in unison to their older brother. Ren threw her red hair back and started to fix it in its general fashion. Aika looked at her blossom- shaped pendant then at herself in the full view mirror. Akiko smirked and walking past her older sister, whispered, “Missing Mitsuro-san already niisan?” Akiko giggled as Aika turned red.
“Erm… what about Mitsu-koishii?” Aika asked Akiko, trying to cover up the enormous blushing that occurred.
“You heard me. Do you miss Mitsuro-san again?” Akiko asked. Aika simply coughed.
“Iie…,” Aika replied softly. Akiko simply smirked.
“Sure you don’t…” Akiko responded.
“What, you don’t miss Kenji-kun either?” Aika asked her baby sister.
“Erm… iie,” Akiko quickly responded, while fingering at her rain drop- shaped pendant around her neck. Aika patted her sister’s back and tugged at Ren’s sleeve, pulling her out of the room. “Have you heard from Mitsu- koishii yet?” Ren shook her head.
“Nope, not a single peep from Mitsuro,” Ren replied. Aika sighed and then started to walk down the curving stairs of the house to meet her brother downstairs. She quickly patted down her silk sleeveless shirt and quickly fixed it over the leather skirt which was covering the leather shorts. She fixed her lavender purple hair into a bun with a few strands falling down in the front, framing her face. As she took her last step onto the tiled floor of the large house, her brother smiled.
“Ready?” Tatsuya asked her.
“Yeah, let’s get this over with…” Aika replied while fixing on her leather gloves. Tatsuya continued to smile.
“You know… someone is here for you,” Tatsuya said to his sister. Aika looked up at him, confused. He smirked, taking a step to the side to reveal Aika’s childhood friend and secret lover: Mitsuro.
“Mitsu…,” Aika let out in a soft whisper. She jumped and wrapped her arms around his neck, hugging him tightly. Mitsuro choked a bit.
“Hey, it seems you’ve grown strong. Mind letting me go for a second so you could hug me tomorrow?” Mitsuro joked. Aika let go and looked at Mitsuro. Her eyes practically mirrored Mitsuro’s bright leaf green eyes. She removed a strand of his dark black hair from his face and smiled.
“It’s good to see you again Mitsuro-san,” Aika said softly with a sweet smile on her face.
“It’s good to see you too Aika-chan,” Mitsuro replied with the same smile. They continued to look in each other’s eyes, until Ren coughed.
“Need you always be so ‘lovey-dovey’ everyday Aika-niichan?” Ren asked, shrugging out of disgust. She flipped her delicate red hair back and removed a few strands from in front of her face. Aika looked from Mitsuro to Ren, with a scowl forming on her face. Akiko, seeing that another fight might break out again, quickly interjected into the conversation.
“So, Tatsuya, if Mitsuro is back, doesn’t that mean that Katsu and Kenji-kun are back as well?” Akiko asked politely. Tatsuya smirked.
“Katsu is outside and Kenji is in the living room,” Tatsuya looked from Akiko to Ren. “Why don’t you go see Katsu?” Ren turned slightly pink in the face but quickly reformed her cold and harsh look.
“Finally, now I can beat up the jerk,” Ren answered, quickly walking out of the room through the front door. Akiko looked at Tatsuya with her grey eyes turning blue.
“You too. Go and see Kenji,” Tatsuya replied. Akiko almost squealed with delight and confidently walked in the direction of the living room. Tatsuya looked at Aika and Mitsuro. “Go to the kitchen. Eat up and then we all are going to leave. OK?” Tatsuya asked. Aika and Mitsuro nodded and, holding hands, walked to the kitchen.

Itsumademo matteru... I'll be waiting... ~~Priya <3

Monday, February 19, 2007
12:25 am CET - Aranea - Grrr.... Move your hand away from me... I'll bite the whole thing off
Hits: 14961
I'm so effing mad right now, it's not even funny. >.<
A few of my friends' say ignore him, but I can't. I mean, he was like a brother. I just.. bottled everything too much, and then... it just all released. I'm not going to say sorry, but I'm not proud of what I did. But I'm still mad. >.<

Itsumademo matteru... I'll be waiting... ~~Priya <3

Friday, February 16, 2007
11:52 pm CET - Aranea - "Mind taking the dagger out of my chest for a minute?"
Hits: 14902
Today I just had the most horrible conversation with a person I was friends with in real life.
Thankfully for me, he doesn't come on here anymore, so yay... >>;
If you want to know what happened, let's just say he ticked me off by dissing my non-religionness, and then I cursed him out. Then he had the nerve to say he may have actually cared about me, then we got into another fight.
He doesn't know that I am as emotional as it will ever get. I take alot of things seriously, while he thinks life is just a game. I swear, I can't stand to see those masks anymore. I am happy that I am friends with real people... Not posers or fakers.

For people out there who think they are friends: If you are willing to be there for your 'friend' then you ARE a friend. Just make sure they are willing to do the same...

I will be waiting... ~ Rin AKA Pri

Tuesday, February 13, 2007
07:17 pm CET - Aranea - Abolish the 'N' Word!!!
Hits: 14819
In my school, we decided to create the campaign for Black History month. We only decided this since yesterday, but in that 24 hour range, I came up with a short rap. >>;

Abolish The "N" Word!
I could never see what the world would be like
with people calling others niggas from left to right.
This word ain't right to me anymore
it's not even the word to describe a crow.
Nigger came from the word negro
Which came from the word necro.
Well, can you believe necro meant
every word associated with death?
So, tell me, are you willing to change,
or even extend your vocabulary range?

Please note that this 'rap' is still not finished. But if you have any ideas, do tell. >>;

I will be waiting... ~ Rin AKA Pri

05:50 pm CET - Aranea - A Few Comments for "Last Chance" by Nini
Hits: 14722
I must say that the story line isn't all that bad, but it could be better. Other than the slight spelling and indentational errors, it is still pretty good. But I say that you should take your time writing your story. >>; Don't post it up until you are sure of it.
Yeah, that's pretty much all I have to say. ^^

I will be waiting... ~ Rin AKA Pri

Sunday, February 11, 2007
07:14 pm CET - Aranea - Eien Megami- Ch. 11 w/ extra(s)
Hits: 14556
Everything was sane and calm once again. Seph wasn’t going back to the damnation of hell if I had anything to say about it. Shadow moved in with Lebis and they ended up getting married. Apo and Seph ended up living with me, Rorek, Sri, and Sakumo. Artemis returned to his specific dimension. I heard a knock on the door and yelled, “I got it!” I opened the door to find mom, dad, and Trint. Trint smirked.
“Hey Rin-niisan” I squealed and hugged Trint. I pulled him into the house and motioned mom and dad to follow.
“Rorek! Trint is here!” I yelled out. Rorek still had his apron on, along with his chef’s hat and oven mitts. His face was splattered with a little bit of cookie dough as he peered through the kitchen door.
“…” Rorek didn’t know what to say as he saw his little brother all grown up. He slipped off his oven mitts and hugged his little brother, then ruffled Trint’s hair. “It’s good to have you back Trint” I smiled and then hugged mom and dad.
“Oh mom… dad… We’ve missed you so much…” I whispered. Mom and Dad hugged me back, but had a frown on their faces.
“Honey, we can’t stay here. Trint can’t either. Artemis had a deal with the first Eien and first Kami, so they just sent us down here as a visit. We’re sorry. Yet, you’ve done great. I’m very proud of you sweetie,” Mom said. I smiled.
“It’s okay mom. Even if you aren’t here, you’ll always be here,” I pointed to my heart. Mom and Dad smiled at my optimism and grabbed Trint. They waved goodbye before they faded away. Rorek sniffled, and then returned to his cookies. I took a step out into the backyard to find Apo, my husband, and Seph training. “Hey koishii,” I smiled as I walked over to Apo. He put his gun in its holster and kissed me lovingly.
“Hey babe. Can you give us a sec? Seph says I’m getting pretty good,” Apo replied. My eyes widened and I looked in Seph’s direction.
“Well, it seems my brother has finally cooled down a bit,” I joked.
“Yeah, whatever. Let’s just finish training,” Seph said.
“What’s the purpose?” I asked.
“So you and Apo can train your children. One of them might become the third reincarnation.” I laughed and then headed back inside.
“Hurry it up then. Lunch is almost ready.” I entered the house again, and went into my bedroom to fix the beds. I found Sri packing a suitcase of his things. I blinked, “Sri?” He looked up and sighed. “What are you doing Sri?” I asked.
“I’m leaving”
“Rorek and I had made a deal: I stay here to train with you until Din was defeated, and then I leave. Simple as that”. I was shocked.
“Was Rorek going to tell me about this?” I asked.
“Don’t know if he was,” Sri replied bluntly
“Where are you going?”
“Back to my other house over the hill. You can visit me any time you want.”
“No, it’s all right. I wish you well old friend,” I said. I stepped out of the bedroom, braced my back against the wall and clutched the two pentagram pendants. “Thank god it’s finally over…” I looked up as if Artemis was looking down at me. “You were right Artemis… Should’ve known it…”

“Live life for the day, by the day” – Sir Apocalypse
“Life is like a kitchen: something is bound to go wrong, but in the end your dish comes out perfect” – Rin

This story is dedicated to David (my love), my brother by heart: CJ (Rorek), my dear friends: Jonas (Sri), Jerry (Wind), and Silvan (Sakumo); my other brother by heart: Justin (Shadow), my only sister by heart: Tiffani (Lebis), my other brother by heart: Sagar, and my biological brother: Junior.
Thank you for inspiring me to write this story.
“I love you all… Don’t forget it…”

I will be waiting... ~ Rin AKA Pri

07:13 pm CET - Aranea - Eien Megami - Ch. 10
Hits: 14501
Rorek and Artemis simply held their heads in their hands. “I’m getting too old for her little antics…,” Artemis muttered under his breath, while sitting down on the ground. Apo simply blinked, and pointed.
“That’s…. your real brother?” Apo stammered. Seph grabbed the finger Apo used to point at him.
“Don’t you know that pointing is rude?”
“Ow… Sorry Mister,” Apo apologized in pain. Seph released his finger and patted Apo’s head.
“Now, now… no need to call me Mister. The name’s Seph,” Seph laughed. I went over to Apo, and looked at his finger
“Oh, it’s just a little sprain, Apo. Nothing serious, thank goodness,” I turned to Seph, “I think you didn’t meet Apo, Lebis, and Sri.” I waved my hand, motioning Lebis and Sri to come on over. Seph sighed.
“I know who they are. Don’t you think that being in hell for four years get boring? I’ve been looking over you,” Seph said to me. He glared in Sri’s direction. “You’re lucky to have not hurt Rin even more than you had… or else I would kill you right now…” I pushed Seph back, while Sri glanced from Seph to me.
“Hurt… Rin? I didn’t think that would be possible…” Sri stated vaguely.
“Why I ought a –”
“Enough!” I yelled. I looked at Seph, with red eyes similar to Sri’s. Seph blinked, and his eyes mirrored mine.
“Ok, I’ll shut my trap,” Seph stated as well, while his eyes returned to the vague gray color. I mirrored the color, and gave Apo weapons. He quickly strapped on the weapon bag, along with the sword that I kept handy. I looked at Seph, and Seph started to undo one of the holster straps. He handed it to Apo; gun ready inside. “Take care of that gun dude. I want it back after the fight.” Apo quickly strapped it on and threw on his jacket to conceal it. I kissed Apo once again, right in front of Seph and Sri, and then looked at everyone else.
“Is everyone else ready?” I asked, directing my question to Rorek, Shadow, Lebis, Artemis, and Sakumo. Lebis joined myself, Apo, and Seph; along with Shadow and Artemis. I glanced at Artemis, “Weapons?” He grinned broadly.
“My weapons are all set, you should know that,” Artemis said, snapping his finger to reveal black fire. I rolled my eyes and then looked at Rorek and Sakumo.
“What are you guys forgetting?” I asked.
“Just a few things, but we don’t really need them. Let’s go,” Rorek answered rather quickly. I stopped him.
“Are you sure? Because once we leave, we aren’t going to pass by here…” I clarified for everyone.
“I am, aren’t you Sakumo?” Rorek asked, looking at Sakumo.
“I am too.”
“All right, let’s head out. If any wolves appear, Seph’ll take care of them,” I clarified again, while quickly walking ahead to lead the group.

The travel was long, yet not tiring. Seph was actually pleased to have the job of killing the evil wolves, since he hasn’t been able to get his hands on life to destroy and absorb. Rorek wasn’t too happy about it though, yet life isn’t always a stroll in the park. I kept on trying to think of a plan for the fight between Lebis, myself, Seph, Rorek, Sakumo, Sri, Rorek, Shadow, and Artemis versus Din. I touched my two pendants, and pulled Angel into a telepathy conversation. “Is your Seph over there?” I asked.
“Yeah, and he’s all good… I can’t stand the poor thing anymore…” Angel stated.
“Don’t worry, you’ll need him. I made mental notes of the plan, so I’ll send them to you later on.”
“I’m just hoping he is going to be helpful.”
“Hey, just remember the specialty attack. Here, the notes should be there by now. I have to go, we’re getting close… I can feel it”
“All right then. Over and out” I stretched my arms high, and readied Hakuma Eien for battle. I whistled; a signal to everyone to get ready. I pulled everyone into a telepathy conversation.
“All right, we have to give Din everything we got. Including specialty attacks.” I stated
“So, does that mean that you and I have to do Black and White again?” Seph asked.
“Black and white?” everyone else thought.
“Yeah, we will have to. But at the end. Got it? So Lebis: Kazuki Strike, Rorek: Musical Enchantment and Air Ride, Apo: Thousand Deaths; and Seph along with myself will do every other specialty we have. Understood?”
“Got it” everyone agreed. We came to the clearing of the top of the mountainous hill. A rather large cave was sitting right on the top. I pressed my back to one wall, while Seph covered the other. We divided the entire group into teams. Seph had Lebis, Shadow, and Sri; while I had Rorek, Apo and Sakumo. Artemis was going to wait for us outside of the cavern, since there was really nothing he could do with Seph here. Seph also had his sword readied, while Apo had the loner gun readied. Seph looked at Apo.
“You know how to use that thing?”
“Not my first time,” Apo replied to Seph, loading the pistol with a clear of bullets. I jerked my head for everyone to follow inside the cavern. It was already lit with torches, and we came to a narrow way.
“Think you can pull your crew down into the shadows and follow?” I whispered. Seph simply nodded, and Lebis, Shadow, and Sri slipped into my shadow. I walked quietly into the darkness, having Apo directly behind me, while Rorek scavenged the cave walls for any traps. Thankfully there were none, and Din was sitting upon a throne made of bones.
“Well, well, well…. I was wondering when you would come here…”

“Nice to see you too Din,” I answered harshly. Din got up from his throne, with a mask on his face and gloves on his hands.
“What? No hugs? Well, your thin bones along with your little lover’s and Rorek’s would be a nice addition to my throne…,” Din stated roughly. He started to pace, “Now… how should I kill you? Simply grab you? You are still as weak as ever. Rorek makes no difference. He’s weaker than a fly.” I was starting to get angry. I knew Din’s way: He wants me to get emotional. I let out a breath, and my eyes turned pitch black. I spoke in a tone that was harsh yet soft as a whisper. I could feel energy flowing through my body like the blood that pumps through every time I kissed Apo.
“Now,” was all I had said. I charged at Din with my Sword of Eien glowing furiously with Fire, Light, Wind, Darkness, and Water; Rorek also charging from a separate direction, and Apo backing him up with the gunfire. Seph jumped up from my shadow, and surprised Din, I noticed. The Sword of Kami and Sword of Eien were glowing the same way, and we started to ready them for pure destruction of Din. Lebis also appeared from the shadows, and tried to use the ability of Kazuki Strike; wrapping Din in thin but strong wires. She succeeded, and with that I released one of my abilities. “Swords of Heaven!” I called out. The room had filled with the brightest glow on earth, and magical swords of every single element appeared in different forms. They dived down on one target: Din. Seph was also ready to release a few of his own specials.
“Meteor Strike!” Seph called out. A meteor was ready to fall, to increase the impact of the swords. Unfortunately, Din was ready for this, and immediately broke free from the wires, and dodged the swords. I cursed under my breath and dropped into the shadows while Shadow rose and used Chidori on Din. Seph helped out by trying to distract Din with ‘Fire Guns’, but that didn’t do any good either. Of course, Din was ready for this attack as well, and quickly countered by using Shadow’s Chidori against him. Shadow landed on the ground with a loud thud, and blood started to form in a large pool rather quickly. I started to observe everything from the shadow of Seph. I glanced over at Lebis, whose face was practically flushed of color. She started to get angry, and out of that anger and hate for Din and love for Shadow, she attacked Din unconsciously. I shook my head. “Damn it Lebis… You should’ve waited…” I muttered. Din easily drew his sword from its sheath, and stabbed Lebis through the heart. She simply looked at him, with her navy eyes. Her body started to shake and tremble.
“Damn you Din… Damn you to hell!!!,” was Lebis’ last words. I couldn’t bear to see her body slide off the sword and lay limply on the ground. I cursed again under my breath, and rose from Din’s shadow.
“I hate you forever you jerk… You murderer!” I yelled, as I already had my specialty ready for him. Din turned around and faced me, only to find that I had the Fire Whip ready. “Take this you bloody murderer!” I started giving him thousands of licks as I rose from the ground into midair. “This is for mom. And this is for dad! And this one is for Trint! And this last one is for hurting me!!!” I screamed. Din only bore a few scars from the licks of fire I presented to him. He smirked.
“Is that all you have you idiotic child?” Din asked as he also rose from the ground into midair. Sri rose from Rorek’s shadow, and saw what was happening.
“Rin!!!” Sri cried. He ran and tackled me to the ground. Seph was watching all of this, so he sent a shadow to give me a landing. Yet, Sri couldn’t be saved. Din already killed him with the combo of fire and wind. I moved over to Rorek’s shadow, to see that Apo was reloading. I whispered into his shadow.
“Thousand Deaths…. Five reloads… Duck and cover…. Seph’ll save you…” was all I whispered. It was vague, but it was a plan none the less. Apo nodded, and readied his gun again. I went over to Rorek’s shadow and whispered, “Musical Enchantment after Thousand Deaths…. No break… Duck and cover… I’ll save you.” Rorek also nodded, and pulled out his ocarina, ready to play. I found Sakumo in the shadows, and pulled him over. “Pull down Shadow’s body, along with Lebis’ and Sri’s. Bring them to this exact shadow location.” Sakumo nodded, and went along his way. I went over to Seph’s shadow. “Everyone’s doing their special. Enhance Thousand Deaths with Guns of Hell. You save Apo, I save Rorek. Then, duck under the shadows, and execute black and white after a minute break.” Seph seemed to swallow a lump, and fought the demon inside him. He also nodded, and slipped into the shadows. I looked at Apo, who quickly sensed my presence and rose to his feet. I jerked my head as I looked at Seph, who was still under the protection of the shadows. Sighing, he started to follow Apo’s shadow, preparing ‘Guns of Hell’ while Apo continued to empty his gun. He already did five reloads, so I started to wait for the Thousand Deaths. Apo started to glow with intense power, I noted, and he let out the last bullet.
“Thousand Deaths!” Apo yelled. The bullet multiplied in to one thousand, and glowed with great intensity as they levitated in the air for a split second. That was when Seph executed ‘Guns of Hell’. Thousands of guns lined in the air, and when the bullets that came from Apo starting to aim at Din, both Seph and Apo jumped in the air and began firing the guns until they were emptied. Rorek quickly started to play his ocarina in a soft slow tune. It started to speed up as he walked closer to Din while the guns were being fired. Din lowered his body to the ground, gripping his shirt where his heart is supposed to be. Rorek saw through the disguise to lure him closer. I quickly went to Rorek’s shadow, and pulled him down. The firing came to an end when I had pulled Rorek down. I saw Seph, Apo, and Sakumo in the shadows. I quickly starting to heal Shadow, Lebis, and Sri; then I left a potion for each of them with Rorek to use on the three. I looked at Apo, and gave him a final kiss.
“Don’t forget… I love you…,” I whispered. Apo kissed me back.
“Don’t say that. You’ll be back… we both know it.” We stayed in an interlocking kiss for about a minute shorter than usual, before Seph and I had to go back to the battle field. Seph was on one wall of the cavern, while I was on the parallel side. We had our swords ready, and they glowed with intensity. Mine glowed with black fire, while Seph’s glowed with white fire. Each of the fires extended to each other, until it connected and turned grey. Seph and I jumped from our walls to Din, swords ready to slash Din and pierce his heart.
“Goodbye bastard,” I said to Din in the brief second that occurred before Seph and I sliced off Din’s head. I lowered to the ground, along with Seph. I looked at him, and his eyes turned red. He needed to kill Din once and for all. He looked at me, and I nodded. Seph took his sword, and pierced it through Din’s heart.
“Touch my sister again… I’ll send you to a place worse than hell,” Seph muttered before twisting the sword to make sure that Din was dead. He released his grasp from his sword and looked at me. Seph’s face was splattered with blood droplets. “It’s over… It’s finally over.” I hugged my brother tightly, burying my face in his jacket. Seph brought up everyone from the shadows. I lifted my head and saw Sri was still lying down. I ran over to him, and started to try and heal him again.
“Come on Sri… Don’t leave me…” I cried. I placed the pendant back on his chest, right over his heart; and starting to heal him. Sri sat up again, taking a huge gasp for air. I hugged him again and cried. I released him and slapped him straight across the face. “Don’t ever scare me like that ever again!” I saw Rorek and Apo standing by the exit. Everyone got up and started to head out. I simply ran to hug Apo. He already had his arms held open for me. I wrapped my arms around his neck as he swung me around as we hugged. When he stopped swinging me, our lips joined in an unbreakable kiss. Seph placed his hands between Apo and myself to separate us.
“Let’s go home first. Then you and him can get married,” Seph said with a smile. Artemis teleported Sri, Lebis, and Shadow; while Seph and I teleported ourselves, Apo, Rorek, and Sakumo back home.

I will be waiting... ~ Rin AKA Pri

07:13 pm CET - Aranea - Eien Megami - Ch. 9
Hits: 14479
Opening my eyes, I saw that everyone (Rorek, Sakumo, Shadow, and Sri) looked at me with slight confusion. Sighing, and gripping tightly on Apo’s hand, I finally spoke. “We are all going to work together: one way or another”. Rorek looked at me, with understanding eyes. I sat down with Apo, facing everyone, and told them about Angel.
“Wow… Your counterpart wants to help us. That is actually understandable,” Artemis said, standing up. Rorek looked over in his direction.
“How would you know?” Rorek asked, rather harshly.
“I would know because I am my own counterpart. Why do you think I’m white and black?” Artemis answered back, also in a harsh tone. I looked at Artemis and mouthed ‘What the hell is your problem?’ He simply shook his head, a signal we still used to dismiss something.
“Well, Angel did tell me that everything that goes on here happens in her world, and the fact that both Dins are helping each other out. So I guess the only way we could save Din is to work with our counterparts,” I added into the discussion.
“Well, the Ring of Eien is definitely not going to work. You know it won’t,” Artemis replied to my thoughts aloud.
“Well, then what are we going to do?”
“What you were going to do in the first place. Kill him.”
“Are you serious?”
“Yeah like hell I am. The Ring of Eien won’t work like it did before. You are going to have to kill Din, and then use the Ring to trap the evil. But luckily the Ring could revive Din… if it wants to.”
“What do you mean if the ring wants to?”
“The Ring has a mind of its own. Why do you think it wouldn’t assemble when you wanted it to? The only reason why, according to Legend, Mugen survived was because the Ring was tied to the first Eien. You are the second. There was a huge time gap, therefore the Ring won’t respond to your commands.”
“What if I go into Eien form?”
“Still the same”
“Goodness, what a piece of crap to have this ring if it won’t do anything.” I threw my pendant from off my neck. Despite the thickness of the gem which the pentagram was marked on, it slipped into a rather thin crack in the cave’s ground. The gem and ring also disappeared somehow from my pocket pouch. “What the - What happened?”
“They left you,” Artemis said. He paused and then continued on. “They say that you don’t need them. Nor will they revive Din when you kill him.” Artemis paused once more.
“Why won’t they revive him?”
“Because… he had feelings of destruction for you… Or at least that is what they say.” I brought my knees to my chest, and rested my head.
“I know.”

Although it was night, I was restless. I couldn’t move though, since Angel wasn’t calling me, and because I had to watch over the guys. Wolves were still around, and I couldn’t let them harm Rorek, or more importantly, Apo. My hands felt frozen, but it didn’t really bother me. I pulled the warm blanket over Apo’s body and my own, with my head resting right on his chest. I looked at Apo while he slept and a small smile crawled upon my face. I put my head back on his chest, since Artemis woke up to take his turn of watch. I tried to go back to sleep, but I couldn’t. I tried to keep Apo’s body warmer than my own, until I saw a shadow nearing the cave. I used my newest ability of levitation to make a random wooden stick rise, and glow. It was a signal to Artemis that someone was coming. Artemis was quickly to use his dark abilities, ready to use it on the stranger, but stopped. I was confused, until I saw Lebis come into the clearing of the moonlight.
“What’s Lebis doing here…?” I thought to myself. I didn’t bother to get out of the position I was in at the moment, so I just went to sleep.

Morning came pretty quickly, despite the fact that I was up most of the night, and fell asleep rather rapidly. It was clear to me that Apo had obviously been worn out by the teleportation. Hell, I was tired when I first teleported. I gave Apo a soft and gentle peck on his forehead, before climbing out from under the blanket and readying myself for the next trip even farther up the mountainous hill. I strapped on my leather gloves, along with my weapon pouch. I was actually surprised that I didn’t need my pendant to use my powers. Never the less, it was foolish of me to even do what I did. My hair was starting to become unruly once more so, stepping outside with kunai in hand, I cut my hair shorter. It came up to the first quarter part of my back, which was just a little longer than the shoulder length cut. I made it slightly smoother, and then put it up in a messy but light bun. I slipped my kunai back into the case on my right thigh, and retied my sneakers. I stepped back inside the cave, and saw that Apo was about to wake up. I gave him another kiss, and whispered in his ear, “Wake up koishii. We’ve got to get moving while we can”. His eyes opened slowly.
“We got to go now?” Apo asked, still half asleep.
“Yeah we do. Here,” I handed him a small bottle of sake cola, “Drink this while we walk. But not all at once, got it?” He rolled out from under the sheet, and grabbed the bottle. He stood up, and stretched.
“Got it,” Apo said as he continued to stretch.
“I’ll wait for you and the others outside. Wake everyone else up for me,” I said to Apo as I stepped back out of the cave. Lebis was there. “Well, what are you doing here Lebis?” I asked while crossing my arms.
“I had to come up here,” Lebis answered, also crossing her arms.
“I need to fight again.”
“Fight for who?”
“Shadow” I blinked.
“You like Shadow-san?”
“Erm, yeah?”
“And I like Lebis too.” I turned around to see Shadow standing by the entrance of the cave, practically leaning actually. He had a soft smile as his eyes shifted from me to Lebis. “Hey”
“Hey yourself.” I continued to blink for a while, until I decided to break it up. “Shadow, go make sure that everyone else is awake.” I turned to Lebis, handing her a few weapons and a small bottle of sake-cola. “You’ll need these,” I said to her, with a soft smile. “Welcome back.” Lebis smiled, and strapped on the weapon bag, along with the sake-cola after taking a sip.
“Yay, more weapons for Lebby,” Lebis joked. I laughed softly until Apo came outside.
“Where are my weapons?” Apo asked. I looked at him, and suddenly remembered something.
“Apo, wait here with Lebis and everyone else. I need to go get someone special back”. I quickly ran back into the cave, and picked up my pendant. I took the bottle of sake, and poured it in a pattern of the pentagram mark like the one on my pendant right on the rough cave floor. Taking my kunai, I cut my hand and let the blood drip on every point of the pentagram star. I placed the pendant in the middle of the star and, kneeling down, I started to pray. “Come back to me… I have waited long enough….,” I paused, trying to remember the exact last words that I said to him. “Itsumademo matteru…. Seph…. Return to us….” I opened my eyes and focused on the pendant in the middle of the circle. After a few seconds, it finally glowed with black and white fire. After a few more seconds, the fire exploded until it reached the ceiling of the cave. As the fire calmed down, until it was extinguished, Seph slowly appeared.
“Hey little sis…”

I smirked as Seph slowly levitated down to the floor. His short silver hair was the same as ever, not to mention the family trait of grey eyes. I noticed that his clothing was also different than before. Seph had the same leather straps running across his chest, leading to his holsters; but this time he had a white jacket piece, with a neck that pretty much covered his neck along with the family mark, and two belts crossing from his jacket to his black pants in the same pattern as his leather holster straps. I got back to my feet, and gave Seph his welcoming hug. “Good to see you again brother…”
Seph returned the hug; his grey eyes turning ice blue, like Artemis’. “It’s good to be back sis. Now, what took you so long to bring me back from the damnation of hell?” Seph asked after releasing me from his grasp. I made a fake laugh.
“He he… you’ll never believe this but… I forgot to bring you back…” I said nervously with a fake smile. Seph still smiled nicely and punched me rather hard in the arm.
“It’s ok. I was ruling hell anyway,” Seph laughed. I simply rubbed my arm while Seph wrapped my pendant back around my neck and then we walked out of the cave. Before we came into the clearing, I stopped him.
“All right, Seph, they don’t know that you are back. I’ll give you the signal when to come out of the shadows,” I stated. Seph simply smirked.
“All right then Rin,” Seph said, just before slipping into my shadow. I walked out of the cave to see everyone.
“So, where is the other person?” Apo asked. Rorek and Artemis looked at me, and then at my hand.
“Oh no… Not him….” Rorek and Artemis muttered in unison.
“Not who?” Shadow asked.
“What the hell is going on Rin?” Sri asked me. I smirked and made everyone calm down for a second. I cleared my throat.
“Please, welcome my real brother by blood and legend, back after four years in the damnation of hell as protection…. The one and only reincarnation of Kami: Seph!” I stepped to the side, and Seph rose from the earth, arms crossed, a cigarette ready to smoke and Sword of Kami readied on his waist. He waved.

I will be waiting... ~ Rin AKA Pri

07:12 pm CET - Aranea - Eien Megami - Ch. 8
Hits: 14333
We arrived at Lebis’ before we decided to leave the small area that I had lived in for the past few years. As soon as we arrived, Sri quickly pulled Lebis into the nearest room. I blinked at the action that practically blurred past me, and started murmuring. “He’s probably apologizing and blah blah blah” I didn’t really feel comfortable around Sri lately, especially with the goodbye with Apo. I took a sigh, sat down on the couch, and took a quick but big swig of sake. I rested my head on the back of the chair, when I quickly became aware that Rorek wasn’t inside to say goodbye to Lebis. Sitting up straight, I looked at Shadow. “Why isn’t Rorek inside?”
Shadow just blinked. “Honestly I don’t know… Maybe he doesn’t want to face the fact that this might be that last day here” I just stared at Shadow, until Lebis and Sri returned in the room. I looked at them, and saw that Lebis and Sri were friends again. Yet, as I took another look at Sri, I noticed something was still bothering him.
“Seems like someone isn’t going to stop feeling the way they feel…”
“What was that Rin?”
“Oh, nothing Sri” I simply looked away, and took another swig of my sake. Even though we didn’t leave yet, I felt stressed out. We gave our final goodbyes to Lebis, and left the small area that had grown on me to become my home. I took one final look at it, with a heavy heart, and finally left with everyone else.

A few days passed, and I came down with a case of paranoia. I was constantly shaky, worried, and everything that scared the crap out of not just Sri, Shadow, Sakumo, or even Rorek, but myself. I would stay up at night when we set up camp, and stare at the glowing embers that remained when the fire was put out. I would shake, shiver and tremble, out of fear. I feared my life would be sacrificed, or even worse, Artemis’ and Apo’s life. It was now the fifth day that we started to go after Din. We didn’t bother to set up camp, since it was a pretty good night. I used my pendant to light the way, and I hid my paranoia. I let everyone else believe that I was ok. I kept a fair distance away from the group, since I couldn’t control the cringing and twitching that occurred without warning. I nearly cracked my neck as I was pulled into a telepathy conversation.
“Hi Rin, it is Artemis. I sensed that something’s wrong with you. Tell me”
“Really it is nothing…”
“Tell me or else I will reveal myself to Apo!”
“Fine then. I am slightly paranoid. Happy?”
“Happy that you told me. Now, paranoia isn’t good. Why are you paranoid?”
“Why? Because I am scared to death that something’s going to happen to you, me, Apo, or everyone else that we know! This is close to the end Artemis”
“Rin, don’t think of it as the end. Think of it as a chance to finally be a kid. To finally be able to experience teenage life. After this, you’ll have a new start at life…”
“All right Artemis. Anyway, I have to go. You know how to behave. And no parties.”
“All right, all right. Come back safely.”
I felt slightly better, especially with the reassurance of Artemis. I stopped my paranoid trembling and shaking, but the trembling of the slight wind chill didn’t go away. I grabbed for the bottle of sake, and sipped a bit. I looked back to see where everyone was, and then I ran back to the group when I noticed they had stopped. “What’s wrong?” I asked everyone. They simply stared at me, and Rorek pulled me into the nearby cave. Everyone else slowly walked in, and sat on the rocky surface.
“We can’t walk farther than here in the night,” Rorek stated as his elongated ears twitched. “Wolves are nearby.”
“Wolves? What do wolves have to do with us not traveling farther in the night?” I asked again, slightly confused.
“The wolves up here are actually controlled by Din, who is controlled by the evil. If the evil is truly after you, then the wolves will try to kill all of us,” Rorek explained. I cracked my neck, and sighed.
“So, let’s rest here… If we can”

The warmth of the morning’s glow filled my body as the light shone into the cave. I tried to wake everyone up, but they fell into a rather deep sleep. I peeped out of the cave’s opening, seeing a few rather large wolves starting to search the area. I felt that they were after me, so I tried to wake them up again. I got nothing after five minutes of trying, and decided to search the cave. Getting up and ready, I grabbed my supplies and what not, and then walked deeper. I left a small mark on the cave wall as to assure everyone else that I was okay. My pendant started to feel like a burn on my neck. I quickly took it off, along with my gloves. Stuffing them in the waist band of my clothes, I continued on deeper into the cave. Whispers and taunts started to fill my head, before I had to fall on my knees and start crying. I felt a hand resting on my shoulder and quickly turned over, landing my back onto the hard rocky surface. A woman, looking similar to me, other than the fact that she had short blonde hair, quickly reclined her hand as our gazes interlocked. “W-who are you?” I asked, stumbling back onto my feet. She smiled softly, and I squinted. She seemed to glow in the slightly dull lighting of this part of the cave.
“Why, I’m you.” I looked at her slightly confused. Lifting my right hand, I touched her face. She was real. I wasn’t hallucinating. I looked deep in her eyes, which were the exact same type as my own: grey. I blinked, and tried to recollect myself, including my voice.
“You… are me?” I restated aloud, still trying to figure out what the hell was going on.
“Yes, I am you. See, there is more than one reason why you had to come to the cave. Other than the fact that the cave was the closest, it was because I had used my energy to pull not just you, but Rorek, Sakumo, Shadow, and Sri as well.” I continued to blink, and tried to sort it out.
“So, you are my… opposite? Doesn’t that make you evil?” I asked, trying to get more clarification.
“True, I am evil. But, that doesn’t change our positions and roles. The Din over on my side is trying to execute me as well, but the Din in my world, and the Din in your world, knows about each other. They help each other out. I thought that it was about time that the different worlds should communicate.”
“So, your Rorek, Sakumo, Shadow and Sri are also sleeping?”
“Yes, they are. Here,” Evil Rin said, while handing a second pendant, “this is my pendant. You should combine it. That way, I’ll be able to help you out in battle. Oh, and take these too.” Evil Rin handed me a box, filled with items similar to those that the others had. “Give it to them and explain to them about the other world. The Evil others would be happy to help out, even if you are good.” I opened the box slightly, and saw the blue silk cloth that Sri had given me not too long ago. I swallowed a lump in my throat, and held the box in both of my hands.
“Thank you… Erm, what am I suppose to call you? Evil Rin?” I asked her, not really sure what I could call her.
“Well, let’s see. Oh yeah, old Wind used to call both of us Angel. So, call me Angel,” Angel replied, with a smirk.
“All right then. Angel it is. … I actually miss Wind. Too bad he left,” I laughed in reply. My ear twitched, along with Angel’s.
“Damn, they are about to wake up. We have to return to our sides. Until the battle Rin” Those were the final words I heard from Angel. I didn’t even get to take a good long at her. A blinding light had enveloped me when she spoke. The next thing I knew, I was right in the little cot I had made for sleeping. I looked at my sides, and saw the box. My hand crawled up to my neck, and I felt both pendants there. I quickly threw on a jacket I kept by my side, and zipped it up so no one could see the second pendant. I also cloaked the box, until time was right. Rorek was the first to wake up. He started to toss, so I quickly ruffled my hair a bit.
“Rin? You woke up already?” Rorek asked sleepily. I faked a slightly realistic yawn, and stretched.
“Pretty much, yeah,” I answered back. He blinked a few times, and went back to sleep. As soon as I was sure that everyone was asleep, I walked deeper into the cave. I fell down to my knees, and started sobbing. It was once in about a few weeks that I hardly ever cried, but this time it was different. I was crying for all the right reasons. I cried because of fear, paranoia, and the slight happiness of the near end. I curled up back into a ball, and continued to sob. The memories of losing those that I loved enveloped me once more. I saw the blood being splattered… pure red, fresh blood splattered on a white surface. It was the blood of my mother and father… not to mention my other brother’s blood. “Trint…”I said under my breath. I tried to remember why I started to fight. Was it for those I loved? Was it a sign of revenge, or a way of expressing myself? Why did I even bother to try and kill? Din was my friend. He was turned on Rorek and me. We had lost our family. I lost the only thing that could even come to the definition of the word family. They made their home my home. I loved them with all of my heart. I even loved Din. He was like a second father to me. So was Rorek. Rorek was my mentor, my therapist, my consultant, my brother… everything that you could possibly want in a person. He was even truthful. I quickly stopped sobbing. I realized the reason why I even fought. “I fight… for Rorek…,” I said aloud, to make sure it was the truth. I started to sniffle. Rorek wasn’t just the only one I would fight for. I would fight for Shadow… for Sakumo…. for Sri…. for Artemis… and now, I fight for Apo. I also fight for Lebis…. I fought and will fight for everyone that was there for me. For those I love. For those that I care about…

I stumbled my way back to everyone else. I was still crying, but I had a smile on my face. I quickly stopped walking, and realized something. ‘I’m not supposed to protect them… They are the ones to protect me… They are the ones that I work well with.’ I also realized that I can’t protect Apo either. I wasn’t too close to the guys, so I quickly teleported back home. I ended up in my room, and turning around, I saw Apo sitting on my bed. Warm tears continued to flood down my hot cheeks. “Apo…” I said aloud. He turned around, and saw me. I was huffing, and still crying. I quickly ran to him, and upon hugging him, I ended right on top of him, right on my bed. I buried my face in his shirt, continuing to cry. He quickly wrapped his arms around me, and rested his head upon mine.
“Hey you,” Apo said, with a strange note in his voice as if he was about to cry as well. I lifted my head from his chest, and gave him a long, warm and inviting kiss.
“I never got to tell you something,” I whispered to him after I broke the kiss. Apo blinked at me.
“What was it?”
“I love you Apo,” I answered, with pride in my voice. “I do love you a lot. More than you’ll ever know.” His expression seemed vague, but I saw his blue eyes sparkling. Apo kissed me back, even more inviting than my own to him.
“I love you too Rin. More than you would know…” Apo replied after he broke the kiss. I climbed off of him as I heard a soft meow.
“Artemis, you can reveal yourself now. Completely,” I said, smirking. Artemis crawled into the room, in cat form. I simple nodded and he went into his human form. Artemis looked completely different in human form than in cat form, other than the fact that he was human. Artemis actually had a dark look about him. His hair was slightly longer in the front, while the back was pretty much a regular boy cut look. Black hair, dark clothing, and mysteriously ice blue eyes were the only way to describe Artemis physically. I looked back at Apo, who seemed slightly stunned, but not completely amazed.
“You know, I was getting slightly annoyed with the whole lovey-dovey picture between you and Apollo over here,” Artemis said. He put out his hand to Apo, “Nice to finally shake hands with you dude.” Apo shook Artemis’ hand, but before Apo could even say anything, I grabbed both of their free hands and teleported them to the cave where everyone else was.

I will be waiting... ~ Rin AKA Pri

07:11 pm CET - Aranea - Eien Megami - Ch. 7
Hits: 14314
“Rin-san… Wake up…,” I heard in a soft tone voice. I simply muttered something, flopped onto my stomach, and threw one of my pillows in the direction of the voice. I felt some water droplets falling on to my face, and I quickly scampered out of my bed.
“Damn it! Why did you go and use ice?!” I screamed while I grabbed my training uniform from the counter of the dresser, and locked the bathroom door.
“Ha! Sorry Rin, but I knew that was the only way you were going to get out of bed,” I heard Shadow say. I turned the sink faucet and looked for my toothbrush.
“Arrgh!!! I hate you for doing that to me! Besides, why did you wake me up anyway?” I asked while I squeezed the toothpaste onto the toothbrush.
“You forgot all ready?! We are starting extreme training today…,” Shadow stated. I finished brushing rather quickly, and rinsed. Spitting out the water, and washing my face, I grabbed my towel and dried off.
“Are you serious?! Of course I remembered. I just can’t believe its morning already,” I softly stated while putting away the small towel. “You didn’t have to wake me up like that though. Why did you wake me up though? I know that you wouldn’t have woken me up like that just for training…” I stated. I started to change from my PJ’s into my training clothes. I heard Shadow clear his throat.
“Well, I can’t really tell you…,” Shadow said. I unlocked the door, and grabbed my hair brush while walking out of the bathroom.
“Are you keeping secrets from me Shadow..?” I joked.
“Err… It’s actually a surprise, I can’t tell you, but… just hurry up and get outside already!” Shadow said with slight frustration.
“Is that so koishii?” I joked. Shadow finally calmed down.
“Hai. Just hurry up and get outside,” Shadow said with a smirk. “Oh, and wear something that makes you look pretty,” he added. I would’ve thrown my hairbrush at him if I wasn’t using it. I shook my head, and continued to brush my hair.
“I wonder what he’s up to…” I said softly.
“That for me to know and for you to find out later!” Shadow yelled from outside. I screamed out of frustration and looked into my closet. I saw a tag on my white halter dress, and I arched a brow.
“What the…? Oh, what ever. Might as well wear it…”I thought to myself. I shrugged, pulling the dress and hanger out of the closet, and placing it on my bed. I slipped the dress over my head, wondering what the big surprise could be. The dream suddenly flashed back into my head, and I tied pendant back around my neck. I felt a sudden ache in my stomach, and oddly I smiled. A soft smile though. I quickly shook my head, and slipped on my heels. “I still don’t get this… Shadow is telling me to look nice…,”I muttered. It suddenly occurred to me exactly how late it was. “Holy crap… Apo!” I jumped up. As I took a glance outside, I saw that it was afternoon, which meant that Apo was waiting for me. I blinked, “This still doesn’t piece together…” I grabbed a ribbon nearby and started to tie my hair up as usual. I still felt slightly tired for some odd reason, although I could still not figure out why. Letting out a sigh, I made my small adjustments, and finally took a step out of the house.
“Hey you…”

I looked up as I heard the soft greeting. My eyes widened slightly, while it turned a soft yet beautiful aqua color. I whispered, “Apo...” I felt a slight smile forming on my skin, and I couldn’t believe it.
“So, that’s his nickname?” I turned around, and saw Rorek with his arms crossed, leaning on the frame of the door. I became completely confused in merely a few seconds, before Apo came up behind me and hugged me tight. I quickly figured it all out.
“You’ve known all along?” I asked, directing my question to Rorek. His pale safe eyes just sparkled wildly, and he nodded with a smirk.
“Oh but of course. I always know something about you, just, this time I did it in a more secretive way…” Rorek answered with pride. I smiled, shaking my head. I didn’t bother to ask him how he knew about the times I left the house, and how he knew about Apo. I wriggled gently out of Apo’s embrace, and almost spoke aloud about the ‘Ring of Eien’. I simply connected everyone except Apo into the telepathy and told them about it. There was, of course, an odd silence while we were discussing everything through telepathy, until Apo spoke.
“Rin, I know that there is something you have to complete… Your destiny, I guess, is the only way I can put it,” Apo said, his blue eyes slightly losing its carefree glimmer. I looked at him, wondering what the purpose was of him saying all of this. Apo lifted his head up, with a slight showing of strength. “Just know, that when you come back, I will be waiting for you,” Apo continued. My eyes widened, and I suddenly lost my voice. I didn’t know what to say. I walked over to Apo, with the sound of my heels clicking drumming my ears. I scanned his face slowly, and then closed my eyes. I leaned forward, and kissed Apo on the lips longingly.
“Well, you won’t need to wait for long…,” I whispered to Apo after parting from the kiss. I looked at him, with only an inch of space separating his face from my own. Apo suddenly leaned in, destroying the little space that was there. He kissed me back, but in the gentlest way that I couldn’t tell if it was real or just a dream. I almost stumbled backwards, after we broke the soft interlocking kiss. My right hand suddenly began to go numb, and I realized what I needed to do. I looked at Apo, “Unfortunately, my destiny includes everyone, even the dark side, which means that I need to act fast. Please, stay in our house and look over it. We should be back before you know it.” Apo simply nodded, kissed me again, shook Rorek’s hand, and walked into the house. I whistled, and my old friend, Artemis appeared in front of me. I bent down, and pet the cat’s head. I whispered, “Take care of Apo,” and Artemis fled into the house. I stood upright, and looked at Rorek, Sri, Sakumo, and Shadow. “Guys, we need to leave today. We need to free Din,” I stated.
“What? I thought we were supposed to kill Din…,” Sri said, confused. I shook my head.
“I thought so too, but then it came to me that Din is not really our main problem. The evil is controlling Din, and we need to destroy the evil, not its shell,” I explained. Rorek nodded in agreement with me, while Sri had no choice but to let it go and believe me. “But we need the Ring of Eien,” I said.
“You already have it,” Rorek replied. I looked at him, while he pointed to the tree I always sat in. I looked down at the trunk, and noticed that there was something different. I went over to the tree, and punched the spot of the trunk that was odd. It broke apart, and revealed a small box, glowing intensely. I grabbed the box, and opened it on the grass.
“The ring… and the gemstone…,” I muttered. It was already clear that my chain was the missing piece, and so I combined all three of them together. I was almost blinded by the light that appeared from the forced combination. I looked down, where I had placed the three items down, and saw that they were still there. “I don’t understand. Why isn’t it working?” I asked myself. Shrugging, I simply grabbed my silk blue cloth from my holster compartment, and wrapped the three items in it. I stood up, and looked at the four in front of me. “Well? Get what you need and let’s go,” I said.
Rorek smirked, “I’m all set. What about you Shadow?”
“Same,” Shadow held up two swords, and then placed them back in their sheaths, not to mention slipping on his gloves. “What about you Sakumo?”
“Hell, I’m set,” Sakumo replied, also holding a few weapons with his Tessaiga on his waist. “What about you Sri?”
“What? Oh, yeah, I’m set too,” Sri stammered, showing his two katanas at his side, and cracking his knuckles.
“Here. Strap this around your waist. We all have ours,” Rorek said to me, while tossing a little, yet heavy bag. I figured that it was probably loaded with some weapons and healing items, and did what Rorek directed me to do. I cracked my neck, and after changing my shoes, I slipped on my leather gloves.
“All right. Let’s go”

I will be waiting... ~ Rin AKA Pri

07:11 pm CET - Aranea - Eien Megami - Ch. 6
Hits: 14310
I sighed. “What are we going to do? I mean, Din is powerful, but it’s clear that none of us are even close to matching the power he has”. I felt weak. This was the first time that I ever did feel weak. This was pointless. We wouldn’t be able to even think of a plan, because we all knew that Din was very powerful. I shuddered at the thought that kept on returning to me. I placed my head in both of my hands, and ruffled my hair a bit. Rorek placed his hand on my shoulder, while Shadow continued to pace in the basement. Even though it was sunrise, the basement had that eerily kind of look to it. I put my head down on the wooden table that most of us were sitting at.
“Come on Rin, you know you shouldn’t think like that. Just because of what had happened in the past doesn’t reflect on who we are now,” Sri stated, trying to comfort me. I sat upright in my chair, and cracked my neck.
“Yeah, I know. But still. If I couldn’t beat him before, when he was weaker, who says that I would be able to beat him now!? Rorek couldn’t even beat him,” I reminded Sri. Sri just slumped in his chair, and Sakumo rose from his.
“But you two have something now that you didn’t have back then,” Sakumo stated.
“And that is?” Rorek and I thought together, but he stated.
“You have me, Sri, and Shadow. I mean strength in numbers, right? Also, you have Lebis,” Sakumo pointed out. I stood up to look Sakumo straight in the eye.
“Yet, Lebis is not the type to fight anymore. Everyone knows that. Well, except you,” I corrected. Sakumo continued to smile.
“That just makes 5 against one. Look at the odds. We would be bound to win,” Sakumo stated, feeling happy with him. I shook my head, and sat back down. Shadow stopped pacing, and started to say something.
“Sakumo, you were not there to witness the strength of Din. He’s even more powerful than all of us combined,” Shadow stated. He turned around, and looked at me, “Well, all except Rin. She’s the most powerful of us all.”
“Nani?! You have got to be kidding me,” I exclaimed, but Shadow kept his I-mean-business expression. I sighed, “But Din is still powerful. The only reason why I’m just slightly stronger than Rorek is because I was able to adapt abilities from Din.” Shadow started to grin widely, and I shook my head. “Oh no, I’m not going to do that. I am not going to try to use Din’s powers against him”
“Come on Rin, you know you can. Hell, you just admitted it.”
“No. She is not going to do it,” Rorek stated, standing right behind my chair. I looked up at him, while he continued his statement. “Rin is not going to try and use Din’s powers. I am able to do that too, but last time I tried, I almost got Rin and I killed. I am not going to allow Rin to risk herself and do that.” I continued to look at Rorek, and then I turned to Shadow. He simply shrugged and sat down.
“Hell at least I tried to make her.” I stood up, and looked at Shadow.
“That option will be last resort,” I stated. Rorek looked at me, yet I simply shook my head at him. He took his seat, and I took mine, continuing, “We need a real plan. Not just a last resort thing,” I reclined in my chair. “Any suggestions boys?”
“Well, now that I know that you are able to use elements, why don’t you just combine a specific element with one of Rorek’s energy balls, and the blood of Din, and slip it into his body?” I looked at Sri with intrigue in this new idea.
“Go on…,” I urged him.
“Of course, you have to add some poison, so what we could do to make that happen is use a poison kunai and slash Din to just get the blood, while you and Rorek prepare the energy element balls, and then you could disappear into the thin air to get the perfect angle to slip it into Din’s body. It’s perfect. The poison would slip in and act rapidly. So, what do you think?” Sri suggested.
“Not going to work,” I stated while shaking my head. Sri looked at me uneasily.
“And why’s that?”
“Because, Din is a telepath. He can reconnect and disconnect the telepathy signals. Even if I disconnect my telepathy so he can’t find me, he’ll just reconnect it and attack me.” Sri started to frown a bit.
“Can’t Rorek use telepathy too? I mean, he should be able to interfere and mess with Din while you prepare…”
“I don’t know…,” I turned to Rorek, “Can you do that?”
“Of course I can,” Rorek stated with a smile. I bit into the cookie that Rorek passed to me and sat upright in my chair.
“Any other ideas?” I asked, still trying to think of a few.
“Well,” Sakumo started, “you could always do a clone.” I looked at Sakumo, puzzled.
“Clone? You mean animorph clone kind of thing?”
“No, I mean a real clone. It looks and acts just like you would. You should be able to combine yourself with an element, and then create clones. You are just at the age when your powers will develop that way. Rorek can do that too.” I looked at Rorek.
“Is that true?”
“Well, yeah. I’ve been thinking about doing that with you, but I never was able to think of a way as to teach you,” Rorek revealed. I sighed.
“Well, that’s two original attacks and a last resort. Of course, we will hit Din with everything else we got. So, we all agree or what?!” I exclaimed as if I was leading a protest.
“Well then, it’s settled. We better rest a bit, before Din comes. Once we all awake, we start training immediately!” We all got up and I could feel the tremendous amount of energy that was filling every single one of our souls. I was the last one to get out of the basement. Hell, even though I felt like I was on a huge sugar rush, I couldn’t bear to stay awake for ever. I forced myself to sleep, and my dream returned in the most vivid state I could ever imagine.

I just walked quietly. I could sense Rorek behind me, and all I simply did was look at my sword to make sure. I saw his reflection clearly and I let out a breath. Din was very popular amongst all 5 of us to play mind games. I felt my muscles starting to tense, and I quickly reached for the small potion-like bottle at my waist. In my haste, I practically ripped the cork off and chugged down the sake. My muscles quickly felt soothed and relaxed. As I led the group, we continued the walk for a long time. I could see the sun setting down on the mountain top, as all of our legs ached for a resting time. I simply passed back the sake bottle, urging Rorek and Sri to drink some to help them relax. The two of them hated drinking, because they just had people experience bad thing happening to them because of drinking. Yet Sri and Rorek took the chance and drank. They knew that this might be the last day we would all be together, so might as well. I cleared my throat to speak, “Hey, look up there,” I pointed up to the cave ahead. Rorek was slightly amazed.
“I know that’s where he is… We better hurry up,” Rorek stated rather vaguely. He rushed in front of me, that I almost sped walked just to catch up. I didn’t want to release any of my goddess like abilities until we got to Din.
“What’s your problem Rorek?! Do you want to be killed?!”
“Rin, don’t you dare use that tone with me…”
“Don’t you even. True, Din is the bad guy, but remember: He’s still our friend. Just because he was possessed by some evil being and still is doesn’t mean we necessarily have to kill him. We just have to drive out that evil.”
“Be real Rin-san. It’s not going to work. Din has been holding this evil since tragedy struck us. Even if this is all the evil’s fault, what made the evil target our parents?!”
“Rorek… it was because of me”
“What?! No… It’s not because of you.”
“Think about it Rorek. I’m even more powerful than you. Hell, I’m the Eien Megami. Of course the evil is going to target me. Remember the legends?”
“Yeah, but those were just stories.”
“No they weren’t. They were real…”
“How would you know?”
“Rorek, I have visions. You know I do. The legends were my first vision. If you remember, Mom told us the legends when I was 7. Every day during class, I would see the legend, and then that night, Mom told us.”
“See Rorek? Evil’s after me and it’s using Din as its shell….”
Rorek was most definitely silenced and stunned. That piece of information was never revealed or known to Rorek before. He finally slowed down, and he pulled everyone of us over into the nearest cave.
“All right my friends who are now family, we need the Eien Megami’s ring,” Rorek said. I looked at him slightly confused. Suddenly, my thoughts went back to the legend.

Eien Megami was the goddess of the elements. A creation of Mother Nature, some say.
Others believe that she is Mother Nature.
There was a great evil who despised the Megamis. There were only three Megamis.
Eien Megami, Seion Megami, and lastly Mugen Megami.
Eternity, Serenity and Water Goddesses. But the ultimate one was Eien Megami.
This great evil believed that if it took out the ultimate, Eternity, then all the Megamis would be destroyed. It was staying on the safe side though, and decided to go after the youngest and weakest Megami: Mugen Megami.
The poor young child was killed mercilessly, and then there were only two left. Eien and Seion worked and fought with each other, trying to keep each other safe. They knew that they were going to be assassinated, because Eien had the premonition. What they didn’t expect though, was that they had to fight against someone they didn’t expect. That was Mugen. They couldn’t believe it, and they didn’t want to kill her. Eien became very clever in a split second, and took the pendant of Eien, the ring of Seion, and the gem of Mugen, and quickly combined them. There was no name for the item back then, but it was founded in the burial area of Eien, and was therefore known as “The Ring Of Eien” What Eien did was remarkable. She used the Ring of Eien and was able to seal the evil away. She took the gem of Mugen to keep the evil sealed, and quickly let her sister Mugen keep it. The three sisters were reunited, and were kept away from each other, and each grew stronger. Mugen, however, sealed the gem which had the evil into a magical box. The shrine of Mugen was where the box was kept, and the prophecy received by the three was that the evil was to return once more to destroy Eien and those close to her. Seion and Mugen were the two who died first, because the evil had contaminated them and made them ill. But before they both died, they transferred their own Megami abilities to Eien, making her even more powerful. Eien was the last to die, and even with the gift of youthfulness and immortality; she was no match for evil.
I nodded my head in agreement with Rorek. “Yeah, the Ring of Eien. That’s right.” I looked at the others, and saw that Sri was slightly confused.
“Ring of Eien?” He asked. I nodded, and grabbed the pentagram marked gemstone on my pendant.
“Yeah. Ring of Eien. According to legend, Eien combined her sisters’ and her own treasured ring, pendant, and gem to create the Ring of Eien. I saw a picture of it before. You see a silver ring with this chain wrapping around it. The gem stone is actually marked with the pentagram. Remarkable, it was. To see that beauty…” I explained to Sri. He just stared at me.
“Wow, you sure do know a lot about this Eien Megami person,” Sri stated, obviously not knowing who I truly was.
“Sri, I am Eien Megami. Or at least the reincarnation of Eien Megami,” I explained. Sri looked at me with wide eyes.
“Eien Megami?! I knew you were powerful, but I never expected that you would be Eien Megami!!!” Sri exclaimed. I sighed, and then turned to Rorek.
“All right. So we need to find the Ring of Eien. But where is it?” I asked. “Besides, we don’t have that much time.”
“Oh, we aren’t going to find it,” Rorek said with a smirk, “It’s going to come to us.”
“Nani?! How’s that going to happen Rorek?!” I asked, rather confused.
“Easy, just …”
“Just call for it,” Shadow said, cutting off Rorek. I looked at him, rather uneasily. Yet, I tried. I crossed my legs, sitting on the hard rocky surface of the cave. I let out a breath, and held the pentagram in my hands. I was feeling slightly chilly, and then it suddenly got warm. I opened my eyes, and looked down in my hand. The Ring of Eien was right there, and it left a weird burnt scar mark right in the middle of my hand. My eyes widened at the scar, and Rorek bent over to see. He nearly gasped.
“T-that scar… It’s like the one on your…, He trailed off. I knew what he was about to say, and he knew from the expression in my eyes that I knew. I quickly slipped on my leather gloves, and slipped the ring into my chain of my pendant. I got up quickly, and headed out.
“Come on guys. The sooner we leave, the sooner we can stop the evil.”

I will be waiting... ~ Rin AKA Pri

07:10 pm CET - Aranea - Eien Megami - Ch. 5
Hits: 14276
I felt like such an idiot because of what had happened only about an hour ago. Although tonight was a full moon, there was still no light for the path I was walking. I grabbed my pendant, and using my elemental prowess, I made a small amount of light that could help me see. Only about 10 more minutes of my haste walk, I reach a small house. I smiled slightly, and I knocked on the door. I wrapped my pendant back around my neck and turned around, waiting for an answer. “Rin? What are you doing here at this hour? Not that I’m complaining of course.” I turned around and smiled.
“Hey Lebis. May I come in?” I asked, with a smile. It was good to see my old friend Lebis. Lebis’ navy eyes sparkled a bit, and she opened the door wider.
“Sure. Get in here,” Lebis said. I walked in, liking the little house that Lebis had. I sat down on the second single seat couch, relaxing just a little. Lebis sat down in the chair that was directly parallel to the one I was in. She had a cup of coffee on the little table, and she picked it up. “So, what’s up? Wait, I know something’s wrong. I can tell in your stride. Now, spill,” Lebis said. I still never understood how she was able to do that…
“Yeah, something’s wrong all right. Sri and I… kind of… kissed,” I blurted out. Lebis’ eyes grew wide.
“Hai. I know. And um… he’s still in love with you…,” I let out a sigh and muttered, “but now I think I have feelings for him…”
“Shikashi nani? I didn’t get that. Mind repeating it?” Lebis acted.
“I said that I think I have feelings for Sri” I let out another sigh. Lebis continued to stare at me.
“Sou de gozaru ka? Well, Rin, I must say… you should have known that Sri is just… a child. Che,” Lebis said. I stood up.
“Chikusho! Don’t say that! You’re acting like a real jerk now!” I yelled. Lebis got up, and put a hand on my shoulder.
“Rin, you need to get over Sri. He really is a child. He doesn’t know what he wants or what he really needs.” I looked at Lebis, and sighed. She was right. Damn it, I knew she was right.

“Rin, I think you should head back to your place before sunrise. You know how Rorek would act if he found out you left the house at night…” Lebis informed. I nodded, and gave my best friend a quick hug before running out of Lebis’ dwelling. The sun’s morning glow was pretty much keeping me warm. My eyes were changing back to gold, and I heard something from the corner nearby. I pulled my kunai, and made it glow with fire.
“Who’s there?” I yelled. A young man with blonde hair and blue eyes got up from the bushes.
“Oh damn. I was looking for a ring I lost. Oh, my name’s Sir Apocalypse. But everyone else calls me Apo,” the blonde stranger said, and he put a hand out, “Nice to meet you…?”
“Oh, my name’s Rin,” I shook his hand, right after I stopped the fire and placed the kunai away. “Nice to meet you too.” I continued to smile at this new acquaintance. It took me a while to release his hand. “Sorry about that… I kind of dazed of… I think,” I quickly apologized. Apo smiled at me and shook his head.
“Not a problem. In fact, I thought that I was holding on too long,” he replied. I continued to smile at him, and then tried to think of a way to continue the conversation.
“So… you were out here this early just to find a ring? It must have a lot of sentimental value,” I stated. I shut my eyes and bit my bottom lip. Not a good starter… Maybe he already has someone… I opened my eyes as if nothing happened in my head, and he was slightly flushed.
“Oh no, it didn’t have a lot of sentimental value. In fact, it wasn’t at all mine. It was my friend’s. I was asked to hold it for her,” Apo stated. I smiled just a bit, just barely noticeable. Booya! One available and cute guy! I hit the jack pot! I thought to myself and partied in my head. He continued to smile at me, “So, what are you doing out here at this time?” I quickly blinked and tried to think of something to say.
“Well… I was just hanging at my friend’s house. I snuck out, and I need to get back before any one takes notice that I left,” I quickly blurted out. I took a sigh. Well, I didn’t really lie… And it was true. It was the partial truth. I forced one of my special ‘I’m telling the truth’ smiles and he smiled back. I blinked for a brief second, and I sensed that Rorek was nearly awake. I would have tripped over my own two feet with the way I was about to rush, but thankfully I didn’t. I started to think of something to say. “Look, Apo-san, I have to go. How about we meet back here later tonight?” I continued to smile to hide my nervousness and fear. He just looked at me, and then after a torturing wait of 5 seconds, he nodded.
“Sure. I’ll see you tonight,” Apo said, with a nice soft smile. I would have squealed if I wasn’t trying to make the best impression. So, I just smiled back, and gave a playful wink.
“So, it’s settled,” I stated. I turned around, and heading in my direction, “See you later, Apo!” I yelled out while I ran to my house. I looked back and saw him waving.
“Bye Rin! See you tonight!” He yelled to me. I turned around and smiled. Yes! I have a date! I continued to smile, and because of my sudden joy, I ran even faster to my house.

I started making breakfast in the kitchen. With my wet brown hair placed up in a somewhat messy bun, and a few strands falling in front, I still felt good about myself. I placed the plate of pancakes in the middle of the already set table, and started to pour my glass with milk, instead of having any caffeine. I heard a yawn, and my eyes started to shift. I knew how everyone in the house yawned, and that yawn sounded faked. I walked to the hallway, and saw Sakumo. I blinked, “What was that fake yawn for?” I asked, slightly disappointed that Sakumo would even fake a yawn. His eyes looked harshly icy, and so did his expression. He just stood there, arms crossed as he looked down at me. Normally, I would’ve copied him, but for some reason I knew that it would be best not to press my luck.
“Why weren’t you in bed?” Sakumo asked icily. My eyes turned brown, and they widened. How did he know…? I thought to myself. I quickly shook my head, but not in a way that would be read as ‘No’. I looked at him, and he asked again. “Why weren’t you in bed? You know you have to be in the house when it is dark” I closed my eyes. So that’s how he knew… He was still awake and noticed…
I took a breath, “Don’t worry Saku. I was at Lebis’. And besides, you know that I can take care of myself” That was all I had to say. Yet, Sakumo had to say something to that.
“But, you know that you could’ve been hurt. What were you thinking Rin?” He looked at me with worried eyes. I sighed, and placed my hand on his shoulder.
“Look, I needed to talk to Lebis. About ‘stuff’,” I said. I knew that once I said ‘stuff’ in a sentence with Lebis, they would back off. It hasn’t failed me yet.
“Oh… All right then. But you should have told us. Hell, even Sri was a bit worried,” Sakumo said, as he walked past me and sat in his seat at the table. He already started to dig in to his pancakes, rather greedily. I just stood frozen by the doorway. I quickly shook off that awkward feeling, ate my breakfast, and went down into the basement.

I punched the damned red bag furiously. I had so much held in with all that was happening, and I never got to let it out. Sri’s voice continuously repeated in my head. I kept on hearing the words ‘I love Lebis’ in Sri’s voice. I kept punching the bag, keeping my fists tightly shut. My nails would have ripped through the hard leather of my fighting gloves with the way I kept clenching my fists. “Hey, chill out Rin. You’re going to hurt the poor punching bag.” I stopped, and even though I already knew who made that sarcastic not-so-funny comment, I still turned around. Standing right on the last step was Rorek, arms crossed. Although he looked tensed, he wasn’t. He stepped off the last wooden step that lead into the basement, also known as the indoor training area, and quickly relaxed. He walked towards me, and then secured the punching bag. He stood behind it, holding and keeping it firmly in place. “Well, what are you waiting for? Applause? Start again,” Rorek said, as he finally got ready for the blows. I blinked, and then walked over to the steps, slipping off my leather fighting gloves. Rorek got away from the punching bag, and started after me. “Hey, hey, hey… Where do you think you are going Rin? You have something bugging you, and you need to let it out. So, I want to help,” Rorek blurted out. I turned around, my grey eyes turning aqua.
“You want to help, you say?”
“Yeah, I want to help,” Rorek blinked. “Cool it with the attitude. I’m sorry about all that sarcasm. But, come on, you are going to have to talk about what ever is bugging you sooner or later. Why not be sooner?” I blinked.
“All right then. Sumanu,” I sighed. “It’s just… you were right.”
“Right?” Rorek asked, slightly puzzled. “About what?”
“About that kiss that happened between me and Sri. It did mean something, but I didn’t want it to.” I fiddled with my fingers.
“Oh…” Rorek said. I expected Rorek to do an ‘I told you so’ thing, yet he didn’t. Rorek placed a hand on my shoulder, and then hugged me. “Poor you… I’m sorry that you got hurt…” I shrugged, and got out of the hug. I forced a small smile.
“It’s ok Rorek. Really, I’m fine. I’m not hurt. I am just… angry at myself for falling for someone I know is off limits. I mean,” I started to pace, while trying to tell Rorek what had happened, in a non-graphic way. “Sri’s like family, right? So that means that I shouldn’t have even kissed him. It was entirely my fault, because I allowed myself to fall for him.” I took a breath. It felt good to finally admit the truth. I faced Rorek, who just stared at me. He finally cracked his neck and tried to mess my hair up as usual.
“All right then kiddo. But, you know who to go to when you need to talk. First Lebis, then myself. Got it?” Rorek asked, with a glimmer in his sage eyes, and a smirk on his face. I punched him lightly.
“Got it.”

Exhausted, I fell back on my bed. My muscled ached, not to mention the constant headache when people tried to talk to me and find out if something was wrong. I glanced at my clock, seeing that it was just little before dinner time. I cracked my knuckles. It seems that this whole week is a break from training…I thought to myself. I let out a long breath, and then a yawn. Odd, I was actually tired. I sat up in my bed, and let down my hair from its bun. I started to brush it, but I heard a knock.
“I know it’s rude to enter a room without knocking, but…” I closed my eyes for a brief second and jerked my head, signaling Sri to come inside. I got myself comfy, because I still felt uncomfortable around him. I took a breath.
“What is it Sri?” I asked, while brushing my slightly damped brown hair. Sri just sat down right beside me on my bed. I looked at him with the same aqua eyes that I had when I spoke with Rorek.
“Do you still love me?” Sri blurted out. Normally, I would have turned red, but thankfully I didn’t.
“As a brother and friend, yes I still do,” I quickly replied. I continue to brush my hair, and made sure that my face did not hold any expression did not hold any sign of uncomfortable-ness or uncertainty. I smiled just slightly at him, “Why do you ask?”
“Oh, I just… thought you meant a different way. But, since we love each other the same way, I guess there is no problem. Right?” Sri asked, slightly embarrassed. I chuckled a little.
“Of course. No problem at all. It was just a kiss… it didn’t mean nothing,” I got up, and started to put away my brush. “I mean, it’s not like we did anything that is truly permanent. Like, having sex. Of course, that would have been really weird, don’t you agree?” I turned to look at Sri. I noticed he turned red at the thought of ‘having sex’. I held back my giggle, as to not be rude.
“Right. Well,” Sri got up, and headed out the door, “I’m heading out to take a walk. Do you want to go start training now?”
“Nah, I think I will take the rest of the week off,” I replied, with a smile. I sat back down on my bed, and watched the sun go down. Only a little bit more, and then I’ll go see Apo. Of course, I’ll say that I’m going to Lebis’ place. I don’t want to be interviewed just so they can find out about Apo.

I nodded, while Rorek and Shadow looked a bit unsure. Finally, Shadow spoke. “All right Rin. You can go, but you have to be back at the house in about 1 hour. That is as much as we will give you. Understand?” I smiled, and nodded. Rorek and Shadow smiled as well, but Rorek’s smile went away when he saw what I was wearing.
“Oh no. Rin, you aren’t going to wear that old thing, are you?” Rorek asked, pointing at my white halter dress, where the trim ended right above the knee that was hanging on a hanger. I blinked, and looked at Rorek.
“Why?” I asked, slightly worried that Rorek might figure out that I was going to meet a boy. Shadow also started looking at the dress, and then me.
“Well, I can see something that could be wrong. That dress is way too small. Besides, Lebis already saw you in that anyway,” Shadow stated, acting like Sherlock Holmes. Rorek nudged Shadow in the abdomen rather harshly.
“Not because of that. I think that she might catch a cold in that old thing. I mean, it is kind of chilly tonight,” Rorek said. I started to burst out laughing. Rorek and Shadow just stared at me. “What?”
“It’s just that, I wasn’t even going to wear that! I was going to wear the velvet black pants and jacket, with the white shirt. Remember that outfit? Mom had one…” I trailed off. I fought back some tears that nearly escaped when I remembered what has happened that tragic day. Rorek placed a hand on my head, and then cupped my face in his other hand.
“Look, just wear the dress, but wear the pants underneath and the jacket over the dress. I don’t want you to get sick. And cheer up. We’ll talk about what happened later,” Rorek said brotherly. I nodded, and wiped my face. I forced a smile, and then grabbed the dress off the hanger, along with the jacket and pants that was nearby. In about 15 minutes, I came out of the bathroom, fully dressed and hair styled. Shadow, being slightly idiotic, started whistling. I simply shook my head and smiled, while putting on my shoes. Already out the door, I waved at the two.
“See you later Rorek! Bye Shadow! I’ll be back before you know it!” I yelled out to them while I walked backwards. They just smiled, and waved back. I turned around, and started walking into the woods. I heard Rorek’s voice in my head. ‘Don’t you dare do anything slick. You got me? I’m listening in on you…’ I smiled. Rorek wouldn’t know what would be going on, since I was the only one who knew how to intercept telepathy and disconnect telepathy. I blocked Rorek’s telepathy and walked with pride in my stride. I found the cut in the middle of the forest, and got through there. I started to look for Apo, when I suddenly felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around and smiled, “Hey Apo”
“Hey Rin,” Apo said with a smile as well, “My, my, don’t you look nice today.”
“Thanks” I continued to smile at Apo. I started talking to myself in my head. “Dear god! Why am I always smiling around Apo?!” I felt a blush creeping up my face, and Apo smiled again. He wrapped his arm around my shoulder, and we started walking slowly.
“So, tell me about yourself Rin,” Apo said, with his blue eyes slightly glimmering in the light of the still full moon. I almost choked. “Damn it, I can’t tell him that I live with 4 other guys, and I’m part ninja, part goddess!”
“Oh, well I’m a good fighter, and I live with my brother Rorek. Actually, he’s my half brother,” I said to Apo. He continued to smile.
“Well, that’s pretty normal. You’re probably a great fighter and protector,” Apo said, while removing his arm from around my shoulder, and shoving his hands into his pockets. I crossed my arms, and tried to keep my hands warm. Why is it so chilly tonight, when it was so warm last night? I asked myself. I suddenly figured out why.
“Din…” I said under my breath. Or at least, I thought I did. Apo looked at me, slightly confused.
“Din?” I suddenly realized that I said it a bit too loud, and I faced Apo.
“Yeah… my cat. Din. I forgot that I was supposed to look for him. He kind of got away, and Rorek is just in love with that thing. He has it ever since it was a kitten.” I lied. I let out a sigh, and continued, “I’m really sorry Apo”
Apo just smiled softly. “It’s all right. I know how important pets are. I had a lot of them, in fact.”
I gave Apo a hug, “How about we meet up again tomorrow? This time, in the afternoon.”
“Sure, that sounds great,” Apo said, while returning the hug. I let go, and waved goodbye as I went back into the forest, walking slowly until I knew I was out of Apo’s sight, before running home. Damn, Din is getting closer… I have to tell the guys… I reconnected the telepathy to hear Rorek.
‘What happened? We got cut off…”
“That doesn’t matter Rorek. We have big trouble”
“How big Rin?”
“Big like how great your cookies are.”
“Damn that is big”
“No joking, ok? Din is here. I can feel it. Alert Shadow, Sakumo, and Sri. This is time when we need to take serious action”
“All right then. How far are you from base?”
“Approximately 10 yards. I’ll be there in 5 minutes tops.”
“5 minutes tops! Rin, I know you are powerful, but you can’t get 10 yards done in 5 minutes!”
“Rorek, you don’t know how fast I can be. Just wait outside right now, I all ready see the house lights”
“Damn, I can see your pendant’s glow. I have the door open, so just run in”
“All right. Over and out” I ended the telepathy again. Rorek and I always worked well together, and we understood how the other worked. Well, sometimes. We always talked as if we were in the army or in the marines when it came down to the serious stuff. I continued to run, as I saw Rorek, Sakumo, Sri, and Shadow lined up in front of the house. They left a gap in between as to allow me to run into the house so we could discuss what we were going to do about Din.

I will be waiting... ~ Rin AKA Pri

07:10 pm CET - Aranea - Eien Megami - Ch. 4
Hits: 14138
I finished changing into my usual clothing, which is my training clothes, and decided to take a walk outside. Passing through the kitchen, I exited through the backdoor and into the forest for my walk. I took a breath and started to walk for a few minutes, until I got tackled. “Oof!” I said as I landed on the ground. The person who tackled me rolled off and helped me back onto my feet. “Sri? What are you doing out here?” I asked as Sri helped me up.
“We need to talk. About what had happened,” Sri stated. I knew where this was going.
“Sri, we already went through this. It was a mistake. That’s all there is to it,” I said. I tried to walk past Sri, but he blocked me. I tried a second time, but I got the same result. I sighed, “What do you need to tell me?” Sri took a breath and looks at me straight in the eye.

I sat up in my favorite tree that was just at the edge of forest line, facing my hidden house. I let out a sigh. I still couldn’t believe what Sri told me…
“Well? What is it? Spill, before it gets dark,” I urged Sri. He took another big sigh.
“That kiss… It was all because I was vulnerable. I was rejected recently… And I love her” My eyes widened as Sri said this.
“Who is she?” I asked feeling pity for Sri for the first time in my life.
“Lebis” My eyes grew wider, and I almost felt like a dagger has been seared through my chest. I don’t know why, but I felt… jealous. Something I practically never felt ever.
“L-Lebis? Are you serious? Lebis!?” I almost yelled, but I tried to keep my voice leveled. Sri seemed to be surprised by my reaction.
“Hai. Lebis. I love her,” Sri stated again. I almost fell forward, because it felt like I just got punched in the gut. I quickly looked around, and ran deep into the forest. “Rin! Where are you going!?” Sri yelled out.
“Don’t worry! I need to see something! You… just go back to the house! Don’t wait up!” I yelled and ran faster into the deeper parts of the forest.
I let out another sigh. ‘Why did I react that way? I mean, Lebis is a friend. Actually, she is like my sister. I shouldn’t be jealous’ I don’t why it still felt like that. As if I was betrayed.

“Rin! Come on down! It’s getting dark niisan!” I heard. I looked down and saw Rorek.
“Hai! I’m coming down!” I yelled down. I saw Rorek smile a little and then walk away. I jumped down from the branch, and began to walk slowly. Why did I still feel like this? I mean, I don’t care for Sri more than a brother… or do I? I let out another breath. I walked into the house, and as soon as I did, I finally figured it out. I gasped and said silently to myself, “Che… I love Sri…”

I barely ate dinner at all. I was just standing in the kitchen, looking out the window. I already finished washing the dishes, even though everyone ate everything off their plate. “Chikusho… I feel like such an idiot,” I said to myself.
“You’re not an idiot.” I turned around and saw Sri standing by the door. I threw my head back, and then faced him again, moving some stray hair from my face.
“Oh come on. Get real. You can’t keep protecting me che!” I yelled at him. Sri walked towards me and if I was paying attention to my surroundings, I would’ve known to pull back. He wrapped his arms around me, and patted my head.
“Kiddo, calm down. You aren’t a baka. You are making this harder than it is… You know that right?” I found a weak spot and pulled through there.
“Harder than it is?! Harder than it is?! Maybe to you it seems that way, but for me, it is destroying my little sanctuary!” I yelled out again. I was already close to tears.
“Rin-san… Sumanu…” Sri said while turning around. I arched a brow and grabbed his hand.
“Why? Why are you saying sorry?” I asked. He turned and looked at me with his blood-shot red eyes.
“Because… I led you on,” Sri said. I let go of his hand and he walked around me in the kitchen. “I was vulnerable. I needed something to cling to. You were the only one…” I took a breath and thought to myself “Yeah, the only one who you knew was going to let you in” He turned to me and said, “I’ll understand if you hate me.”
I looked at him with gold eyes, “I don’t hate you.” I wanted to actually say, ‘I don’t hate you. I love you’ but I couldn’t bring myself to say it.
“I love Lebis… but… she doesn’t love me. She turned me down. I don’t think I can live without her,” Sri said. I just looked at him, thinking that it’s hopeless for me. He almost walked past me again, but I grabbed his hand.

“Sri… I love you,” I finally blurted out. He just stopped there. I let go of his hand, and took many steps back. “Sumanu” I stated. He turned around and looked at me again. I looked down at the floor, because I don’t want to see Sri’s expression. But, I was compelled to look. I lifted my head up, and his red eyes were widened.
“I know Sri it is a lot to handle. But I do love you. I love you a lot. And I know that I can’t have you, so I’m giving up now.” I tried to walk right past him, rather hastily. He stopped me, and looked down at me.
“You… love me?” He asked. I nodded, and he sighed, “Rin. I’m not worth your time… I’m flattered, really I am. I just… don’t think it will ever work out” I knew where he was coming from, and in my haste, I turned around and ran out through the back door.

I continued to run through the forest, with the crisp leaves that fell from the branches every second or so slapping itself onto my body. I could feel the warm trickling of my tears on my cheeks, which was getting to be very annoying to me. I started to slow down, and then I actually stopped. I started gasping for oxygen, and then after a few breaths, I fell on my knees. I started to softly bang my forehead against the hard trunk of the tree which stood before me. I stopped after a few minutes, and let my head stay there. I finally decided to let everything out, and started to cry. I cried and cried until I couldn’t cry anymore. I attempted to stand on my feet after the brief crying session, but failed. I landed right on my back, rather harshly. I tried a second time, and succeeded. I started to walk again, but after a few seconds, I felt faint. I felt as if I fell again, but I didn’t. My other half took over for a while… my goddess half.

I will be waiting... ~ Rin AKA Pri

07:09 pm CET - Aranea - Eien Megami -Ch. 3
Hits: 14068
I woke up, the sun light filling the bedroom. I looked around sleepily, seeing that the others were still fast asleep. I sat up in my bed, and gave my hair a quick brush. Tying it up with a ribbon that I found on my small night table, I crept out of the bedroom. I walked through the halls, reflecting what had happened last night. Sri… kissed me… Why?! Why would he kiss me? Out of all people, me? I simply shook my head I still couldn’t believe what had happened last night. I sighed, and walked into the kitchen.
“Good Morning, Rin.” I looked up and saw Sri.

“Um… Good morning Sri,” I stammered. I faked a smile, and just stood there. ‘Please let him stay in his seat.’ I thought to myself. Sri got out of his seat, and tried to touch me, but I stepped back.
“Rin, look about last night…” Sri started. I placed my hand in the air and stopped him from finishing his statement.
“I know. It means nothing, right? Look, I don’t want to even remember it, but it keeps crossing my mind. We already have enough problems… So let’s just, put this aside for now,” I stated plainly. It was true. I didn’t want it to happen. It was my fault for letting it happen. I was about to say just that, but Sri interrupted me.
“It was my fault. I was the one who kissed you, right? So, it was my fault. Sumanu Rin,” Sri apologized. I just looked at him with my eyes widened. I heard a cough, turned around to see Rorek, and I almost scowled.

“Ah… ‘Morning you two,” Rorek said, as he pretended to not hear anything. He even faked a stretch. I looked at Rorek, ‘You heard everything, didn’t you?’ I said to Rorek through telepathy.
‘Yeah. You and Sri kissed?! Chikusho…’
‘Hai, we did. It’s not a big deal. Kuso…’
‘It is a big deal Rin-niisan. This could create jeopardy when the big battle comes. Don’t you understand?!’
‘No, I don’t. Look Rorek, Sri and I clarified that it was just a kiss. Nothing more. All right? Che…’
‘Sou de gozaru ka? I don’t think so... I think that for you, it did mean something’
‘But, as you said, you think. That doesn’t necessarily mean that you are right’
‘But it doesn’t mean that I’m wrong either. Wakaru ka?’
‘Ugh. Fine.’ I ended the telepathy conversation right then and there. I rolled my eyes slightly, and didn’t notice until I calmed that the tea was already set in the middle of the table.

Shadow walked into the kitchen, almost as if he was possessed. I knew he was sleepwalking, and I prevented myself from bursting out into laughter. Shadow found his seat, and sat down. He placed his head on the table. As Rorek placed a cup of green tea in front of Shadow, he shot upright. “You ate my cookie, admit it!!!!” Shadow yells. I stifle my laughter a bit, and then fell off my chair. I notice Rorek was turning red as he laughed. Sri almost spewed out his tea at the sudden outburst.
“Oh dear god! I think my gut is going to bust with all this laughing. Ne, Rorek, help me up…” I said in between laughs. Rorek grabbed my hand and helped me back onto my feet. I took a few breaths and Shadow looked at me.
“Come on, it wasn’t that funny” He stated, with a frown. I simply laughed a little more.
“Oh, but koishii, it was. Oh, it was,” I joked. He pouted.
“Kuso” I glared at Shadow for a while until he finally spoke. “Sumanu Rin…,” Shadow apologized.
I smiled, “Thank you very much.” I sipped my green tea, while Shadow murmured something. Of course, I knew what he said, and let it slide. I heard faint footsteps, and turned my attention to the backdoor. The door creaked while it was pushed open very slowly. I let out a sigh, “Sakumo, it’s no use. We are all here. You might as well just get in here already.” I heard a groan of displeasure, before Sakumo finally revealed himself.
“Damn,” Sakumo said to himself as he walked towards the table. He looked slightly dazed, so I confronted him.
“Err … Sakumo?” I asked
“Nani?” Sakumo replied. I noticed huge bags under his eyes. I got up, and poked him.
“What happened to you? You’re not sleeping, are you?” I asked again, with a frown.
“Nani?” He asked again. I simply stared at him and he gave out a sigh, “Aa”
“Gah.” I shook my head, and handed him a cup of decaf green tea. He almost moaned, I could tell, but he just drank it with a slight distaste. I sat down in my seat and it got a bit quiet.

For the first time in an ‘oh-so-very-long’ time, breakfast was very quiet. For some reason as well, my mind kept traveling back to the previous day. Not because of the kiss, but because of how I clung to Sri when I nearly killed him. I fell back onto my bed, and just stared at the ceiling. I continued to reflect back. “Why would I cling to Sri? Rorek, I understand, but Sri? God, everything is going out of control…,” I said after a sigh. It was pretty much torturing to have done something and not know if it even meant anything. After trying to figure everything out, I gave up completely. Lazily, I climbed out of bed and headed to the bathroom.

I will be waiting... ~ Rin AKA Pri

07:08 pm CET - Aranea - Eien Megami - Ch. 2
Hits: 13974
“I wonder what is taking Rin so long to get out here,” Sakumo pondered aloud. I stood behind the door that would give way if I applied too much pressure. I moved to the side slowly so I could watch them.
“Yeah, what IS taking Rin so long anyway? What, is she trying to kill us all?!” Shadow exaggerated by throwing his hands in the air. Rorek just looked at Shadow, until Sakumo bursted out laughing.
“Holy crap! Sri is still wearing his PJ’s!!!” Sakumo exclaimed while rolling on the ground with laughter. Rorek glanced from Sakumo to Sri. I noticed Rorek was turning slightly red while he stifled his laughter. Unfortunately, Shadow was a person who couldn’t hold his laughter together. He ended up joining Sakumo in laughter, while rolling around on the grass. Sri just stared at the ground, moving his foot in a way that made the ears of his bunny slippers fall on the top. I took a breath. As a part of my training, I was taught to catch the enemy off guard.
‘They think I need protection, huh? Well, we’ll just see about that.’ I thought to myself. I made sure my holsters were properly secured, and tied my hair up a bit tighter. I readied my poison kunai and regular one in both hands. I, quietly and swiftly, got outside, and threw the regular kunai. It nearly grazed Rorek’s elongated ear, and it took a while for me to calm my muscles down. ‘No tension…. Stay calm… No fear…’ I reminded myself. Rorek, Shadow, and Sakumo started to look around, since they didn’t notice the exact direction of which the kunai came from. Sri looked up, and just stared at me.

“What are you doing Rin? You could’ve hurt Rorek or all of us for that matter…” Sri said, although it took him a while to finally come to the conclusion that it wasn’t going to work at all. Shadow almost lunged at me, but Rorek placed an arm over Shadow’s chest, to prevent him. I sensed that Rorek was using telepathy, because Shadow seemed to calm down, but only slightly. Rorek already had his holsters placed on, and tossed his bag filled with small shurikens to Sri. I closed my eyes, to remind myself what I am doing…
I was engulfed in a flashback. What seemed to feel like a year was really a few seconds. I saw myself only 3 or 4 years younger, training with Rorek. Only Rorek. I heard a voice, and when I turned, I saw Sri. Now that I take a very good look, Sri didn’t really change. Same red eyes, same dark black hair, even the small scar on his face. The only person that I didn’t get to spar with at all was Sri. I remember that Rorek had told me about a billion times that I wasn’t ready to challenge Sri without getting hurt.
I opened my eyes again. Now was my chance. My chance to finally prove myself once and for all. I wasn’t weak anymore. I wasn’t that same 11 year old girl who was going to try and avenge my step-brother Trint. I noticed that Rorek was standing next to Sri, staring straight at me. His sage eyes went oddly dark. I blinked, and blanked out my thoughts. Sri just looked at me with his red eyes, almost pleading me to stop what ever I was doing. I didn’t let it get to me. I grabbed a third kunai, my spare poison one, and jumped into the air. I threw the kunai at Rorek, but he caught the kunai in between his fingers. ‘Just like in practice’ I thought to myself. Sri started at me, readying shurikens and what not. I noticed that he was a bit hesitant. I snapped my fingers, and a small flame appeared at the tip. Rorek’s eyes widened, and I heard ‘Don’t even think about it’ going through my head, while in a different yet familiar voice kept on saying ‘Do it, do it’. I knew that Rorek was messing with me with telepathy, so I just disconnected the telepathy signal. Yet I still heard the constant ‘Do it, do it’ going through my head. I figured it was probably ‘’him’’, so I didn’t let it get to me. I opened my hand, and the flame grew in length and width. It was about the same length of my sword, maybe longer. I gripped it, and the flame limped loosely. It was almost whip-like. I glanced at the two ‘men’ watching: Sakumo and Shadow. They stood there, jaws dropped. I would have giggled if not for the situation. I turned my attention back to my fire whip, and used it against Sri. Rorek was acting very quickly, and threw two kunais at the edge of the whip. I could figure that he combined it with an element. I heard a sizzle, and when I looked at my hand, the whip disappeared. ‘Water… I knew it’ I quickly thought of my next move. I ripped my pendant from my neck with my left hand, and supported the hand with my right. Suddenly, a gust of wind, almost as strong as a tornado’s, came from my pendant. It caused Rorek and Sri to land roughly on their backs. I heard a yelp of pain, and saw it came from Sri. I landed on the ground, and my eyes turned blue-green. I ran to Sri’s aid, and Rorek was already there.

“Rin! What were you thinking!? You could’ve killed Sri, not to mention yourself by using the Fire and Wind elements!” Rorek exclaimed with complete and utter anger and concern. I simply looked at him with my blue-green eyes, and he seemed taken back. He sighed, almost involuntarily and stated, “You know you are going to have to heal Sri, right?” I looked at him, almost unsure as to what he was talking about. I heard constant huffing and turned slightly.
“Damn Rin. I didn’t know you were that good…” Shadow stated between multiple huffs. I blinked, and turned back and looked down at Sri. I took my pendant in my palm, and placed my right hand over Sri’s chest, or at least the area where the rip due to the whip lash of the wind caused. I had noticed a small pool of red blood, forming on the bright and healthy green grass which he laid. I closed my eyes, and heard constant muttering in the background while I tried to concentrate.
“What is she doing?”
“Wait, you know? And why are you telling us to be quiet?”
“Rorek, what aren’t you telling us!?”
“Shut up, chikushou!” I yelled out. I calmed down and used telepathy on Sakumo and Shadow. I’m healing Sri. I’m a healer. I don’t know why, but I can heal… but there is of course, a catch. I need complete and total silence for concentration. This isn’t as easy as I make it seem… I closed my eyes and concentrated on emotions. The good ones. The feelings of being happy, joyful, spontaneous, and loved. I felt my hand go a bit numb, and I opened my eyes. I whispered, “Its working”. The pendant enclosed in my hand was glowing so brightly, you could see the rays that escaped the spaces in the broad, sunny daylight. I looked at Sri’s face, scanning for him to at least open his mouth to breathe. Instead, he practically sat up, as if that is how he always woke. His face was practically flushed, and I dropped my pendant from my hand and hugged him. “Sri, I’m sorry! Please forgive me. It wasn’t truly my intention to hurt you…” I rambled. I started to cry. Sri just placed one hand on my head, and the other on my back. He started to try and comfort me.
“It’s all right. It’s ok. I’m alive. Isn’t that what matters? That you didn’t kill me? Calm down Rin-san. Just… calm down,” Sri said. I stopped crying, but I didn’t let go. I didn’t let go for a second. I felt a small breeze from the wave of Sri’s hand, as if he was hinting the others to head inside. I almost fell asleep from all the crying I did, until Sri got up. But the strange thing is that I wasn’t left on the ground. I looked at Sri, and noticed he actually lifted me into his arms. He walked slowly toward the house, trying to make sure that my body didn’t get injured from anything that may get into the path.

“You know you didn’t have to carry me inside, right?” I asked while I stirred the cream into my coffee. I looked at Sri from across the table, awaiting his answer. He finally placed his cup of green tea down and looked at me.
“I know, but I didn’t want you to be alone outside,” Sri replied, sipping his green tea. “Besides, you were light enough”. I almost arched a brow. ‘Why was he acting like this all of a sudden? Ever since yesterday, he’s been a bit too clingy’. I continued to stir my spoon in my coffee, until Sri placed his hand over mine, to make me stop. “Your coffee is going to get cold if you don’t drink it out. And I know that you hate it when your coffee gets cold. So drink,” Sri urged. I simply stared at the violation of personal space that had just occurred. I looked at him, then back at the violation. He didn’t move his hand. I grabbed my cup with both hands, got up out of my seat, and placed it in the sink.
“I suddenly don’t have the urge to drink coffee,” I plainly stated. I stood by the sink, hoping that he wouldn’t walk up behind me. Yet, he did. Sri spun me around so I had to look at him. I found myself scanning not just his face, but mostly his eyes. ‘There is something about him tonight… Something is different about him’ I thought to myself. I blinked for a brief second and felt his hand on my back. The next second, when I opened my eyes, his face was too close. I was very compelled to push him away, but I didn’t. I actually moved closer. I could hear my heart beating loud and clear in my ears. Sri and I kissed. It wasn’t like a small peck. It was a real kiss. I jumped back a little, just to look at him. We just stared at each other. I cleared my throat, and as I walked to the bedroom, I said, “Um... I’m going to bed now…”
“All right then Rin,” was all that I heard Sri say. I closed the door of the huge bedroom, seeing Rorek, Shadow and Sakumo still up. I glanced at Shadow, and nearly rolled my eyes. Shadow was doing his routinely 100-push ups, and I almost laughed when I saw Rorek using Shadow’s back as a foot rest while he drew. Sakumo was just cracking his neck, and I decided to just climb into bed. I pulled the cotton sheets over my head. ‘There is no way that *THAT* had just happened. IT must have been a mistake. No, it was a mistake’ I thought to myself. I let my sleepy eyelids drop down and I fell into deep sleep.

I will be waiting... ~ Rin AKA Pri

07:08 pm CET - Aranea - Eien Megami - Ch. 1
Hits: 13929
“Sri!!!” I cried as Sri’s bloody body fell to the concrete ground with a thud. A pool of blood slowly began to form around his head. I almost ran to him, if Rorek hadn’t gripped my arm so tightly. I looked at him, seeing his sage eyes practically begging me to not risk my life a second time. He mouthed, “Don’t” and all I could simply do was nod. I gripped my sword, the Hakuma Eien, tightly in my hand. I glanced at the three lifeless and bloody bodies that lay on the concreted ground. Taking a breath, I tried to control the raging emotions that flowed through me, and the thoughts that filled my head. I was going to avenge Sri, Shadow, and Sakumo if it was the last thing I do. I almost lunged for our enemy, Din, if Rorek hadn’t been so quick. He grabbed the Tessaiga, Sakumo’s weapon, and slashed at Din, but Din was too fast. He dodged, appeared behind Rorek, and sliced his neck. Suddenly, a white bright light engulfed everyone.
“Rorek!!!” I screamed as I sat upright in my bed, practically sweating. I felt a hand go straight to my mouth, although it took me a while to realize that the hand wasn’t my own. My eyes quickly adjusted to morning and I finally saw who it was. I nodded, and Sri moved his hand from my mouth. I quickly pulled the sheet to wrap my body and keep myself warm, before I walked to the corner of the room, so I could change into my clothes.
“So, you had the same dream again?” Sri asked quietly, while he turned his back so he was facing the other wall, as to give me privacy. I slipped my shirt over my head and started to put on my leather shorts.
“Yes. This is getting too repetitive. If only I could do something about it!” I replied, when I finally got my shorts on and started to fix my hair up in a ponytail and put my pendant on. I let out a sigh. Is there something I could do?, I thought to myself. Turning around to face Sri, I finally noticed that Rorek, Shadow, and Sakumo were not in their beds. I blinked, “Where is everyone else?”
Sri looked at me questioningly, “Don’t you realize what time it is? They are out training…” I ran past him before he finished talking. I slipped into my black sneakers, went through the backdoor, and outside. I saw Shadow meditating and I smirked. My eyes turned blue, and they sparkled when I tackled Shadow. Or at least, tried to.
“Ow…” I said rubbing my nose as I turned from on top of my stomach to onto my back.
“Maybe you’ll get me next time, eh Kiddo?” Shadow said playfully as he patted me on the head. He knew I hated being called kiddo, but lately, I’ve been letting it slide. I got up, and looked around. I didn’t realize that Shadow got into fighting stance until I looked at back him.
“Um, what are you doing?” I asked with an arched brow.
“Well, in case you haven’t noticed, Sakumo and Rorek aren’t here. So, you are going to have to train with me this morning. Then you’ll train with Sakumo and Rorek,” Shadow said without getting out of stance. I sighed as I caught the two kunais he tossed to me.
‘Well, might as well train harder. I feel that Din is near… and since he is targeting me, I need to be ready’ I thought to myself. Shadow and I jumped into the air, and so, the battle began.

“Well, Rin, I must admit. You are better than the last time we sparred,” Shadow said with a few huffs in between as we sat down.
“Well, Shadow, that was years ago. Of course I’m going to be better,” I replied with a smirk. I looked toward the house to see Sri walking with some green tea on a tray. I moved my hand in front of my face, as to hint Sri of the slight disturbance in his appearance. Of course, he immediately figured it out once I lifted my hand. Sri shook his head slightly, trying to remove the strand of his pitch black dark hair, but it wasn’t working. As he got closer to Shadow and I on the bench, Sri looked as if he was going to drop the tray. Yet, Sri just placed the tray of green tea on the table that was directly between the two benches that Shadow and I were sitting on. As I reached for a cup, Sri noticed the barely noticeable scar on my neck.
“Hey, Rin, what is that on your neck?” Sri asked with concern in his tone. I covered my neck with my free hand to try and hide it.
“Oh that. Well it’s nothing to worry about Sri-san. It’s nothing important,” I replied before I finished my cup of green tea.
“Are you sure Rin-san?” Sri asked again. I got up and walked toward the house.
“I’m positive. Now, I need to wash up and rest a bit. Maybe I can figure out that dream…” With that, I closed the back door, leaving Shadow confused and Sri stunned. I walked into my room and sat on the bed, my hand covering the mark. I closed my eyes until I heard the door slide open. I jerked my head upward to see Rorek. He looked at me, slightly puzzled. Rorek sat next to me on the bed.
“So, I heard that Sri saw the scar. Did you tell him?” Rorek asked me without hesitation.
“Yeah Sri did see it, but I didn’t tell him. I wonder if I hurt his feelings by getting up and walking away like that,” I replied, feeling slightly ashamed of how I behaved earlier that morning. I looked at Rorek to see him smiling, and his pale sage eyes sparkling wildly.
“I told him that the scar held a powerful memory, so he’s all right. He said that he is sorry for asking. Now Rin, let’s go out with Sakumo to the hills. We’ll get some rougher training there,” Rorek said as he helped me onto my feet. He moved an arm around my shoulder and messed my hair a bit, “and maybe you’ll tell me about the Din dream. We’ll figure it out together” I looked up at him and smiled, my eyes turning brown, then back to normal grey. I quickly fixed my hair and laughed. I pushed him jokingly, and ran away.
‘Heck, maybe Rorek and I can figure out what the dream really meant. And, who ever said training can’t have a bit of fun?’ I thought to myself as I pulled Sakumo’s shirt, making him run along with myself and Rorek up to the hills.

The sky turned from bright blue to pitch dark. I looked up at the sky, and then slanted my head in Rorek’s direction. He jumped into the air, and I looked down at the ground. I counted to myself. ‘One… two… THREE!’ I spun around and grabbed the incoming kunai in between my fingers. I jumped up in the air and aimed it at Sakumo. This went on for a while: a lot of dodging and jumping and throwing. I got too tired, thus I became less aware of my surroundings and started to slow down. The incoming kunais missed my chest and face, but still nearly grazed my arm. Only a few drops of blood dripped from the long thin scar. Rorek gasped and came back down to my aid. “Rin, oh my god, I’m so sorry,” Rorek apologized. I looked at him, and then pointed back to my once-grazed arm. He nodded and walked over to Sakumo. My right ear twitched as I heard Rorek whisper to Sakumo. Rorek said, “Rin is being pushed too hard. I think we better ease up on her…” I walked away from the two whispering about my training and toward the house. Shadow was waiting in front of the house looking directly at me. ‘Maybe Rorek used his telepathy to advise Shadow to wait for me and take care of me’ I thought to myself. But I simply shook my head when I was in front of Shadow. I showed him the arm that was grazed by the kunai, and the fact that I was okay. He nodded and followed me inside.

I closed the sliding door for the large bed room. I glanced at the scar on my arm, and the turned around. “Sri? What are you still doing up?” I asked as I saw Sri on my bed. I quickly noticed how his pitch black hair was wet, how he was not wearing a shirt, and how his red eyes grew big with worry. I figured that Shadow probably told Sri I was injured during training, and Sri had probably taken a shower just before Shadow told him. I shuddered at the thought of seeing Sri taking a shower, since it was slightly weird and uncomfortable for me. I closed my eyes for a brief moment, to let out a breath, and then sat next to Sri on the bed. “I’m fine Sri-san. Don’t worry please,” I whispered in his ear. I ruffled his wet hair with one hand. Sri grabbed my other hand that rested on his neck and placed it into his. I was slightly puzzled when he wrapped it with a silky blue cloth. I looked at the cloth, then him. It took me a while to realize it was a gift. Sri hugged me in a comforting way for him.
“I can’t help but worry. You are my best friend. My closest friend. I have to worry, so I can protect you,” Sri whispered into my ear. My eyes grew big and changed to pitch black. ‘I don’t need protecting. I need assistance. Don’t protect me’ I thought. He and I ended up staying in my bed for a long time and he never released me from his hold. When I knew he was asleep, I un-wrapped his arms from my waist, and quietly slipped out of the room. I stepped outside, and took a breath. It was only midnight, and yet it looked more peaceful than ever before. My eyes changed back to grey, and I suddenly heard rustling in the nearby bushes. I turned and saw no one, but when I turned back to my original state, I saw Sakumo. I gasped, before calming myself down.
I punched Sakumo playfully, “You scared the crap out of me, idiot! What are you doing out so late?” I asked. He just looked at me. “Um, Sakumo… what the hell man? You’re scaring me now…”
“Ha! That always gets you don’t it?” Sakumo laughed as he fell on his back. I jumped and sat on him.
“Stop doing that baka! That wasn’t funny,” I exclaimed as I crossed my legs while he gasped for air.
“Okay, okay, I’m sorry. Now, can you please get off of me now?!” Sakumo pleaded. I got off, and helped Sakumo back to his feet. He smiled one of his old ‘goofy’ smiles, and he placed an arm around my shoulder, “Now, what’s wrong? Why are you still up?”
I blinked, “I just wish that Sri would stop saying he’s going to protect me. I don’t want to be protected. I want to be able to fight for myself, and if I need help, others will help. They won’t protect.” Sakumo smiled at me, and handed me one of my favorite candy bars. Of course, I squealed with delight, and hugged him. “Oh, thank you Sakumo!” He practically glowed with happiness, and we walked back into the house together.

Sri yawned and walked into the kitchen part of our secluded house. He stretched a bit, and I looked at him. “‘Morning Rin-san,” Sri greeted as he past by me and got some tea.
“‘Morning Sri-kun,” I replied. He looked at me with widened eyes. I blinked, “Well, it’s not the first time I called you Sri-kun, so chill. All right?” Sri nodded, and jerked his head slightly as Rorek walked into the Kitchen. “Good Morning Rorek. How’d you sleep?” I asked.
“Not very well with you and Saku yelling outside last night,” Rorek pointed out. I handed Rorek a cup of tea when Shadow walked in.
“Good Morning Shadow. Let me guess you didn’t sleep, right?” I asked. He simply nodded and grabbed one of Rorek’s famously delicious cookies. Sakumo was entering the Kitchen from the back door, and we all looked at him.
“What? I can’t take a walk and train a bit?” Sakumo asked while shrugging. We shrugged and went on sipping our tea. Sri looked a bit puzzled. He placed one of Rorek’s cookies on a plate and looked at me.
“Where were you last night Rin-san?” Sri asked questioningly.
“I couldn’t sleep so I went outside and Sakumo was there, and we started playing. I didn’t sleep at all actually. I’ve been in the Kitchen since 1 in the morning,” I answered. I drank the rest of my tea, and didn’t notice everyone else was looking at me surprised until I placed my cup on the table. “What?” I asked.
“Well, Rin, it doesn’t look like you have been up…” Shadow stated. I simply shrugged.
“Shadow, it’s called Eternal Beauty. Only girls have it. You wouldn’t understand,” I joked. Shadow nudged Rorek.
“Well, I think Rorek here is an exception with all the pretty and petite women he attracts,” Shadow joked with a smile. Rorek smiled and looked at Shadow.
“Well, at least I can get women. I’m not so sure about you though,” Rorek replied. Sakumo nodded.
“Well, Rin can attract about any and every guy she wanted with that body. Boy, if I wasn’t such a good friend I might--” Sakumo added until Sri nudged him in the abdomen.
“Hell, that’s true. I don’t want you to finish that last statement though in front of Rin though,” Sri added as well. Rorek and Shadow laughed.
“Sri and Rin sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G!” Shadow and Rorek joked in unison. I decided to just play along. I strutted to Sri, but in a way that showed I was playing. I even made it a bit goofy, by almost tripping over just air. Shadow and Rorek started cheering. I placed a kiss on Sri’s cheek and he turned as red as his own two eyes. “Woot! Sri got a kiss from Rin. Heck, I’m like a brother, and all I get is a hug,” Rorek exclaimed while he bit into his cookie.
“Well, Rorek, you got to have a good look at Rin. She is not too short, light skin, beautiful eyes and long hair, not too mention a terrific body. And I mean terrific with a capital T. With that body, I’d be surprised if you weren’t jealous Rorek... Too bad you only get hugs. I had a kiss or two.” Shadow nudged Sri, “You lucky dog, you,” he joked. He gave me thumbs up. I smiled and then took the cookie from Sri’s plate.
“Hey! I never said I was jealous!” Rorek debated. Shadow simply laughed.
“Rorek, you didn’t have to say it to make it true, you know what I mean?” Shadow poked Rorek. I decided that it would be best to not let Shadow and Rorek fight. So, I interjected.
“Hell that was nothing. All I did was place a peck on this baka’s cheek and he turned bright red. Imagine what I could’ve done,” I added into the conversation. The guys sat back and thought. Sakumo turned a bit red, and Rorek’s elongated elf ears perked up even more. Shadow just nodded his head while smirking. Sri had just turned red once more. I crossed my legs since I was sitting on the counter of the kitchen, “See?” I poked Sri in the back, and giggled. I jerked my head to once side, hinting that the guys go get cleaned up and head out in the back. I jumped off the kitchen counter and gave the guys a playful wink before I walked over to the bedroom and shut it tightly.

I will be waiting... ~ Rin AKA Pri

07:05 pm CET - Aranea - Eien Megami - Eternity Goddess
Hits: 13718
The story has finally been completed. All Chapters will be reposted and what not. The final characters that stay in the story are:
Rin (myself)
Seph - He's my biological brother in both story and RL (Real name: Junior)
and of course Din
Please note that it's not the same Din that most of us remember.
Just the name is being used.
Thank you. ^^;

I will be waiting... ~ Rin AKA Pri

Tuesday, January 30, 2007
07:26 pm CET - Aranea - (No Subject)
Hits: 14340
*sigh* I'm so confused about my own feelings. I swear, I might have ruined the best relationship I ever had. Stupid cases of paranoia and sadness.
Apo: If you are reading this, I'm sorry. I think I should've never brought the subject up, but... I think that if I didn't bring it up, the relationship probably wouldn't have been ... well, I think you get the point.

I will be waiting... ~ Rin AKA Pri

Friday, January 19, 2007
07:24 pm CET - Aranea - NEWEST SONG!!! ^^
Hits: 15807
I have a new song. It's actually short, compared to "I Remember"

"It's Finally Over"

I used to live by,
something I didn't understand.
Now I know,
and we never ran,
This was something that I had to find out by myself
Even though I didn't know what it was all about
Now I know
and forgetful is something I'm not

It's finally over
between us
Even when I'm confused
I didn't forget who I was
It's finally over
between us
Even when I'm confused
I didn't forget who I was....

I will be waiting... ~ Rin AKA Pri

Saturday, January 13, 2007
05:43 pm CET - Aranea - For Ever
Hits: 17150
All Right. I've been trying to write a new song dedicated to my closest friends. (lebis, Rorek, Sri, shikki, Wolfie, Shadow, Isai, etc)

This is all I got so far....

I just want to die
I don't want to be here anymore
I don't feel right
Being here tonight
Might have been the biggest mistake of my life
Yet as I look back
I realize that I'd never
leave the ones that I hold in my heart forever....

I will be waiting... ~ Rin AKA Pri

05:40 pm CET - Aranea - I Remember.... (An Original Song Written By Yours Truly)
Hits: 17134
I wish I could be there
To be by your side
Then I'll know that
You are all mine
I hope that this isn't a dream
I pray that you and I are meant to be
Here in your arms
I'll stay
I hope this moment will never fade....

As we stand in this drowning storm
and tears fall as you hold
While I watch the tornado pass
I remember all the troubles I went through
Before I met you

You made me feel important
So I want you to know
That even in your darkest hour
I'll be there with you and fend off those demons...
With all our power....

You made me feel important
So I want you to know this small thing
I love you
And I always will more than anything in this world.....

As we stand in this drowning storm
and tears fall as you hold
While I watch the tornado pass
I remember all the troubles I went through
Before I met you

If I could just make this moment right
All I have to do is hold you tight
And I vow
That I'll never let you go out of my heart.....

I will be waiting... ~ Rin AKA Pri

Sunday, January 07, 2007
12:38 am CET - Aranea - Just A Little Something
Hits: 14532
I just want to say thank you to all my friends, past loves, and people who are family. And Sri was all of that. Thank you Sri, for always being there. Thank you Lebis, for being there. Thank you Kamui, for being there. In fact, my thank you's go to:
anderkayet AKA Trix
SirApocalypse AKA Apo
Aceman AKA Ace
KingCyrus AKA Cy
TylerUchiha AKA Ty
SinHarvest AKA Daddy
Uchiha_Tracey AKA Trace
crystalhatake AKA Crys
Mihamaru AKA Miha
ryouchiha AKA ryo
Neji AKA Nej
KazekageTsukihana AKA Tsuki
Shinobi AKA Shin
DeadlyBeauty AKA DB
Alison AKA Ali
anbumiko AKA Miko
ItoTaishou AKA Ito
BloodyTears AKA Alyssa
celestialassasin AKA Celest
Elementist AKA Ele
HatakeSakumo AKA Silvan
Inoho AKA Ino
Kitsuneko AKA Nami AKA Ri
riikonekochann AKA Rii
Nostrebor AKA Nos
ShadowWind AKA Jer
SuzuneHarashi AKA Shi

And a special thank you to DeadInside AKA Din.

For all of you who see this, I give you my special thanks. You've been there for me for a very long time...

I will be waiting... ~ Rin AKA Pri

Thursday, January 04, 2007
07:44 pm CET - Aranea - No Laughing. >>;;;
Hits: 14380
Just so you people know (for those who don't) I sing. So... yesterday I wrote a song...
Please don't laugh, since this is just a rough draft.

Title: I Remember

I wish I could be there
To be by your side
And then I'll know that
You are all mine
I hope that this isn't a dream
And I pray that you and I are meant to be...
Cause I want this to last
I want to stay in your arms
and I hope this moment won't go too fast....

As we stand in this drowning storm
And tears fall as you hold
And as I watch the tornado pass
I remember all the trouble I went through...
Before I met you.

You made me feel important
So I want you to know... this small thing
I love you
And I always will more than anything...

If I could just make this moment right
All I have to do is hold you tight
And I vow
That I'll never let you go out of my heart

As we stand in this drowning storm
And tears fall as yoy hold
And as I watch the tornado pass
I remember all the troubles I went through
Before I met you

I will be waiting... ~ Rin AKA Pri

Thursday, December 28, 2006
07:05 pm CET - Aranea - Could that possibly be...?
Hits: 14661
Hello everyone! I might not post my story chapters in a LONG time, because my friend (some of you may remember him) Rorek is helping me with it.
In other news: Some people might not have known this but...
I'm in love! ^^
I don't want to reveal any info, but if you have spoken to me recently (like in the past month) you know who it may be.
So... later! >>;

Try, make it work, and you'll succeed. ~Rin

Tuesday, December 26, 2006
10:21 pm CET - Aranea - Merry Belated Christmas!
Hits: 14694
Merry Belated Christmas to all! I'm sorry that I couldn't be here on Christmas and all, but of course, I've had my hands tied.
Anyway, I hope and wish you all happiness. ^^;

Try, make it work, and you'll succeed. ~Rin

Friday, December 22, 2006
10:14 pm CET - Aranea - @_@ SO MANY PEOPLE
Hits: 14654
I can't believe how many people are actually having a blog here... Before it was only a few... Now I have to school down to see... O_O

Sorry about not posting any chapters lately. A lot of things have been happening, so I won't be able to post the rest of Chapter 6 and Chapter 7 this time. Maybe on Saturday. So later! ^^

Try, make it work, and you'll succeed. ~Rin

Friday, December 08, 2006
12:14 am CET - Aranea - What to really feel...
Hits: 14827
I have no clue as to how I should feel anymore...
*almost rips her hair out* SO MANY EMOTIONS AND THOUGHTS!!! >.<

Try, make it work, and you'll succeed. ~Rin

Monday, December 04, 2006
11:41 pm CET - Aranea - Eien Megami
Hits: 14539
All right, I am going to split up the Chapters.
I found it annoying to read the whole thing.
So, sorry about that people. ^_^;;;

Saturday, December 02, 2006
06:26 pm CET - Aranea - Seion Megami / Eien Megami - Serenity Goddess/ Eternity Goddess
Hits: 14540
Ok, I've finally decided a way to pour out my feelings and tell my life story completely.
That is... my newest book that will be published !
I'm still trying to get the title right.
I'm thinking of either my custom title that I have now, or the one that I want to change it to. (I want to change my title to Eien Megami)
You might want to know who's in this book, so...:
HatakeSakumo (SILVAN!!! ^_^)
Sri (Whoopy >>)
Rorek (of course)
DeadInside (Din)
Unfortunately, I can't use everyone that I want to.. so, Sorry. T~T
More later.

Try, make it work, and you'll succeed. ~Rin

05:44 pm CET - Aranea - Is it that I'm invisible, or that they're just blind?
Hits: 14519
Currently Listening to : Lying Is The Most Fun A Girl Can Have Without Taking Her Clothes Off by Panic At The Disco

I feel like as much as I try and do the right thing, I get punished. AS much as I try to be good, people judge me too quickly. AS much as I try to keep trying to help someone, I get pushed away once they finished with me.
But I finally got over that feeling.
In fact.... (Now listening to: This Calling by All That Remains) there is someone new in my life! Although it is not official if he and I will be together, (which I am still unsure of myself), but who ever said that you always have to stay on the downside of things?
I like him a lot, and I can never say ever again that I am in love... I still have alot to learn...
Hopefully, it will go well...
If you want to know, send me a SM and I'll tell you.
Try, make it work, and you'll succeed. ~Rin

Friday, November 24, 2006
11:30 pm CET - Aranea - I scream my lungs out, and bleed to death... but no one can hear or see...
Hits: 14768
I just saw something really.. well... I can't say wierd, but it kinda tugs at my heart... even though it never really related to me...

I feel that I have been selfish...
I've only been thinking about myself, not others.
I never thought about his feelings, or what he wanted.
I never... never listened to my conscious.
What if I did listen? Would I have gotten farther than I already have?
Listening to the heart is more important. Following your guts.
That little irritating voice in your head... ? FORGET IT! Only listen to it if you are thinking about skipping school or stealing and what not.

I am still unclear as to what the world is right now...
and as to what is the next step...

Try, make it work, and you'll succeed. ~Rin

Friday, November 17, 2006
05:20 pm CET - Aranea - I wonder...
Hits: 15500
There are just times when I wonder if I had done something differently.
My life, every single day I do something, and everything turns out horrible.
I was in the car with my mother today (who I completely despise) and I remembered she was talking to one of the construction workers about how she was going to get married soon. I already knew this, but there was a part I didn't know. She said that her first spouse (My three older brothers' biological father) was a mistake, along with her second spouse (my father). She then said, "Third try is the charm"
I was furious. No wonder she treated me like I wasn't even her daughter sometimes. My father, had actually cheated on my mom so they got a divorce. I was so mad at my mother one day that I almost said aloud," Atleast my dad was smart! He learned that you weren't right for him!"
My mom is completely insane. She doesn't know what she wants. Isn't it true that if you're smart and you choose wisely, your first marriage is most likely to be your last?
Of course, it seems my family is cursed to live without a true lover. I guess I'm the last of the generation...

Try, make it work, and you'll succeed. ~Rin

Monday, November 06, 2006
09:36 pm CET - Aranea - >> I'm paranoid
Hits: 15429
If you haven't heard yet, I had posted a blog for someone I'm in love with. He came online, and I got paranoid. I don't know if he saw it though, but if he does read this blog post, GO AND READ THE OTHER ONE DAMMMIT!!! And PM me with the answer.
Rin AKA Priya

Saturday, October 21, 2006
12:06 am CEST - Aranea - >>
Hits: 15324
Crackheads!!!! >.<
His number is wrong, I'm scared to call another one, another is always out, and lazy bum doesn't pick up his phone! What the heck man?!
I finally got a half day, and they don't pick up the friggen phone!!! >.<

Rin AKA Priya

Wednesday, October 18, 2006
02:48 am CEST - Aranea - CONFUSION!!!
Hits: 15475
People think that he and I are a couple, when we don't even know where we stand. What the heck?! >.<
Rin AKA Priya

Saturday, October 14, 2006
11:08 pm CEST - Aranea - I think ... I love him...
Hits: 15512
I think that I really do love him...
I declared the song 'Lying Is The Most Fun A Girl Can Have Without Taking Her Clothes Off' his song, and mine..
Wierder thing, that's the only thing I have been able to sing through out this whole week..
I can't stop thinkimg about him.
Question: How do I tell him?

Rin AKA Priya

Friday, October 06, 2006
11:55 pm CEST - Aranea - .__. Grounded
Hits: 15675
I've been grounded...
NO!!! >.<
I miss people...
Especially a 'few' guys

Rin AKA Priya

Monday, October 02, 2006
08:04 pm CEST - Aranea - My Past, and Present... only question is, What will be the future?
Hits: 15881
Today, I found out something that just made me lose it...
My 'past' has finally caught up with me...
The guy that I was so close to marrying is back...

Why now?! Why not later?!
I can't deal with him... with the waiting he made me go through... With all that hope burned down to the ground...

I can't have him back in my life after I tried and got rid of those memories... I finally threw those old books and photos out the window, but the wind blew them back in...

I am already going through something... Loving two great guys in my life, while they love some other girl, and a guy who still wants to be with me running at my heels...

If he dares and tries something with me.. I might go nuts...

Just leave me be, you know who you are. Leave me alone, I have my own problems. Stay out of my life once and for all, I don't want to have anything to deal with you. Stay away from the men I love, and stay away from everyone who knows me, even my enemies.

I don't love you anymore, I never did. Just... get out of my life and stay out. I changed the locks to the door leading to my heart, and I took back the old key. Don't try to make up for all the suffering you put me through... Its over.

Rin AKA Priya

Saturday, September 23, 2006
06:16 pm CEST - Aranea - What exactly is love?
Hits: 15616
A Friend of mine asked me what love is supppose to feel like today, and I wasn't really able to tell him exactly how it feels.
I guess when you love someone, and they love you back... the feeling is endless. If you aren't with that person physically, its as if you can feel their spirit around you, embrcaing you and making you feel important...
When you are with the person you love, the feeling is still endless, and you feel as if you can tell them everything.. You feel as if you are ontop of the world...

But ofcourse that is always the perks of love.

Real love has that, but it also has those heart wrenching fights, where you feel as if you can't live with yourself at all...

I hope this answers the question just a bit.. because, since I am only a child, I still have yet to learn more about love.

And for some wierd reason, I have the heart wrenching feeling... And I feel as if I just wnat to... run.. I feel as if some one has forgotten me... completely

Rin AKA Priya

04:28 pm CEST - Aranea - Complicated Love Lives
Hits: 15614
Lately all I have been able to have my mind wrapped around is love stories. I have been reading this book called 'Security Measures' and 'Peekaboo Baby' for the past 6 days, and both of them have so much love and lust in them...
Since I have been reading it, nothing but love and lust has filled my mind. Lust is known as one of the seven deadly sins. Yet in my opinion, lust can't be a sin, because Lust is in Love.
And since I have been thinking about that, the thought of being loved and held in the arms of the one who treasure so deeply just makes me remember what a certain person once said to me when they were having problems. " I just didn't want them to be caught up in the Illusion of Love" And since I remembered that, it got me thinking even more on how the illusion and the emotion of love is so similar and how the work hand in hand.
So, what do people mean when they say they believe in love? Do they believe in the Illusion or the Emotion? Frankly, my theory is that they believe in both, because whether some know it or not, love's emotion and illusion are the same.
Because of that, it got me thinking of my own love life. I thought I loved someone, but now I realise that I am in love with someone else, while another guy still has feelings for me. The one I love is hurting, and frankly I have no idea as to what I might be able to do to help him..
>> If this is boring you, I advise you to not re-read it.

Rin AKA Priya