Shinobi Blogs

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Tuesday, May 05, 2009
06:12 am CEST - Eiji Ision - The Immigrants:
Hits: 14089

Anyone of you ever heard of this band?
It's an old band, pretty famous back in the day.

Anyhow, I recently found out of this band because, well, my uncle was in it :D

Wilfred "willy" Guerrero is my Uncle :]

I didn't believe him at first until I saw the striking resembelence of he and the guy in the middle of "The Complete immigrants" cover.

Pretty sweet =]

Though...any of you heard of Nicky (SP) Guerrero?

He's some pro skater, apparently he's my cousin (Says my aunt)

But yeah, hopefully i'll shine too =]

Theres someone that Im always near, Yet in the dark I disappear. To this one am I loyal, though in his wake I'm doomed to toil. And now I come to my surprise, for you are he - but who am I?

Tuesday, March 31, 2009
10:14 pm CEST - Eiji Ision - The D-Day of the internet...
Hits: 13486
I'm sure some of you may have heard of the oncoming D-Day from Conflicker-C, a malware worm that is going to be leaked from the internet tomorrow, april 1st.

Protect yourselves, get the newest type of security ASAP, or simply watch in awe as your computer no longer obeys you but its malicious master whom has programmed it.

Half a quarter million dollars has been ante'd up for the retrieval of any information leading to the maker of this dastardly hacker

His intentions along with what will happen tomorrow...are still unknown...

Be safe SL, or just suffer the consequences of your blindness...

The information can be found here:;_ylt=AgJjxspibNk8Agbro5iy1YHxMJA5

Take care, kids.

Theres someone that Im always near, Yet in the dark I disappear. To this one am I loyal, though in his wake I'm doomed to toil. And now I come to my surprise, for you are he - but who am I?

Friday, November 28, 2008
05:57 am CET - Eiji Ision - DP Santa event...! >_>
Hits: 13644
Well, many of you may or may not know, this year i am "taking" abyss' previous job (i guess...) And distribute Donation Points within SL to those i catch being good, those whom are bad receive something else ~_^

I'm Keeping a list on Microsoft Word with people i catch being good/bad.

So you all better act good if you wants DP for free! =D

All it takes it a gesture of kindness and that's it, it can be in roleplaying or in forest events, town events, etc.

Remember, i can be ANYWHERE, so keep that halo of yours shiny ^-^

Ta-Ta! =D

'09 DP Santa, RaifudoMakashi

There\'s someone that I\'m always near, Yet in the dark I disappear. To this one am I loyal, though in his wake I\'m doomed to toil. And now I come to my surprise, for you are he - but who am I?

Wednesday, October 01, 2008
02:33 am CEST - Eiji Ision - I hate the doctor >>
Hits: 14246
Well today i had aphysical (turns out i'm VERY healthy)

Anyways, they tried to get a blood sample from me, they took SEVEN damn tries >>

i was so nervous my veins would stop moving blood around whenever they inserted the needle, so they couldn't get any blood from me >>

SEVEN damn tries >>; on the 8th they got the bare minimal >>

god, my skin is sensitive too so whereever i got shots i got big bruises >>

Then after they needed to give me 2 catch-up shots from missing some, so a total of 9 needles went in me in roughly 1 hour >>

feel like a drug junkie just looking at the bruises >>

That's all for now! Bye.

There\'s someone that I\'m always near, Yet in the dark I disappear. To this one am I loyal, though in his wake I\'m doomed to toil. And now I come to my surprise, for you are he - but who am I?

Wednesday, September 17, 2008
03:13 am CEST - Eiji Ision - o.O
Hits: 15627
mkay, well i got reborn again >>
yipee for me xD

2nd place on most gems lost in a reborn
but i was 5th place on most gems at hand before i was reborn xD

beat Kboogy and Tau-monkey! Hah! >=D


so yesh, i feel almight for pvp'ing an acad >>

ehh <<

enough for now, im going to bed ^^
byes! =D

There's someone that I'm always near, Yet in the dark I disappear. To this one am I loyal, though in his wake I'm doomed to toil. And now I come to my surprise, for you are he - but who am I?

Tuesday, August 26, 2008
05:15 am CEST - Eiji Ision - Yeah yeah i know...
Hits: 14703
postpone on the rant >>
sorry peeps too busy with projects and homework...

noyl the first week of school has gone by and i alreayd have 3 damn projects >>

friggin honors and ap classes >>

hate the hell out of em >>

anywho, tomorrow early day >>

i'll post it up then =3

only bad thing of my school is that since it is a charter school we only get out early ONCE a month xD

and we get a crap load of work and shtuff >>

anywho sorry for the postpone, read my previous rant about vampires if ya want >>


Life is short, live life to its fullest intent without holding back...

Sunday, August 24, 2008
06:34 pm CEST - Eiji Ision - Raifudo Rant #2 - Vampires.
Hits: 14524
Alrighty alright, i know my rant is due tomorrow but im just putting this one up for now because i'm REALLY bored...

Anywho let's begin...

Vampires...honestly i have nothing against them.
Not just because I am one as well mind you...

Anyways, i've seen the vampire population is growing just as quickly as the false reborns people are making. Now, the only thing bad i have against this is that the people who are now claiming to be vampires are simply barbaric and just digusting. All they ever do is act very dark, depressing and ALWAYS have a craving for blood, personally i feel insulted...They just give us a bad name...

Not all vampires crave for blood like if they are addicted to heroine, if we crave it we do it in secrecy not blurt it out and go around terrorizing people...

One of the reason i brought blood capsules into SL is to control this problem and keep the gardens sane...(untill shikki or i get there)

Unfortunatly they tend to continue this "trend" anyway. It seems people honestly have no class now as vampires...even stereo types don't say vampires are disgustingly horrid blood thirsty monsters bent on sucking everyone's blood dry.

If you are to do more research you would see vampires were mainly around during times of pure class when a large population of men were true gentleman.

All the same i feel as though the barbaric nature of these "false" vampires needs to end...or it'll be the death of our race as we know it...

That concludes this days rant =D

check in tomorrow for my next one =D

Also remember i take suggestions on rants!
Just PM me ^-^


Life is short, live life to its fullest intent without holding back...

02:56 am CEST - Eiji Ision - okay my rant # 2 is due on monday
Hits: 14336
anyone have any suggestions for my rant?

I already have one in mind but i want some suggestions too =3


just pm me them by the way =3

Life is short, live life to its fullest intent without holding back...

Wednesday, August 20, 2008
01:37 am CEST - Eiji Ision - foyne doom >>
Hits: 13630
i wont >>

my rants will be in darker colors dont worry >>

im still open for more rants if you have suggestions >>

Life is short, live life to its fullest intent without holding back...

Tuesday, August 19, 2008
04:32 am CEST - Eiji Ision - Raifudo Rant #1 - God-modders
Hits: 13720
Alright, well this is my first SL rant ^-^
Fun fun >>

Any who let's begin...

Kekkai Genkai's:
Honestly now...i don’t mind everyone calling themselves an uchiha, or making up something about a new and custom kekkei genkai, even if they DO make it impossible to beat or even makes them able to copy OTHER kekkai genkai's.

I just hate it when you fight them and then they just start to lose and automatically have the Sharingan, or the Byakugan, or some whacked up kekkei genkai even if you tell them you can't use it.

I've actually noticed a very LARGE sum of new kekkai genkai's being made nowadays, senjuu some ice manipulators, etc. And quite frankly, I’m just confused on what the hell they mean. Some of them are just bizarre and make no sense.

Moving on:


How many damn people on SL have a jinchiruuki out of the NINE REAL one's on Naruto. Now mind you i don’t care if it's like shikki's 10-tailed pickle bijuu, i know he's just messing and it's hella funny. But when you fight someone and they go all demon on you by sprouting wings, flying around and charging your hind with some weird ominous Chidori, Rasengan, etc. it's just...wrong in so many levels. Then comes the times when even in the gardens they do it...

"___ groans in pain, eyes turning red from the demon taking over"

oh god it gets so damn annoying >>

Too much damn drama now, i remember like...roughly...2 1/2 years ago?
When everyone on SL knew everyone else, and everything was always fun and no one was emo, dark, depressing or infused or sealed with a demon that takes over. Some people just want too much attention...Gets annoying actually...



okay, i don’t mind people knowing a variety of jutsus, but honestly...when it comes to people being able to master more than THREE >>

some people claim to be a master over ALL the elements which is total erm...Balderdash >>, i don’t mind if they know a one or two jutsus from other elements. Example:

Okay someone masters Doton and Katon (earth and fire) i don’t mind if they know one water move and like, two winds. Not bad in any way, but when it comes to them knowing like, 40 of EVERY damn jutsu...ugh >>

though i DO have exceptions for people with the Sharingan. Kakashi himself knows over one thousand jutsus so i can’t complain about that. (I'm not just saying that because i have the Sharingan myself mind you -_-)

hmm, i think this is it for god-modders after this last one:


alright, i don’t care if someone has a canon character and says to have a seal, not my problem to complain...but when someone has a seal out of nowhere and gives them tremendous powers and abilities(within fighting)? Nu-uh >>
Same goes with demon seals like i stated, okay...why in the hell would every damn village have so many demons just running amuck (not sure if that is how you spell it but you probably get the idea) without being destroyed? honestly >>

Any who that's it for this weeks rant, if ya like my rantings...Ehh...wait till next week to find out my next one or just pm me one personally giving me something you would like me to rant on about =D

Take care everyone!

P.S. I hope none of you were offended by this if you are not a modder like this >>

If you are and were, with it >> because it's true >>


Life is short, live life to its fullest intent without holding back...

Wednesday, August 13, 2008
06:22 am CEST - Eiji Ision - ehh >>
Hits: 14028
School is starting for me next week monday.
Oh well, can't say i'm not looking forward to it, i'm happy because i get to see my friends, but i'm sad because i have horrible teachers >>

Ehh, well i apparently developed a new tactic and should be reborn on the last game day of thursday. Big whoop huh?

Anywho i have accumilated 7350 dp so far and still to get 150 more, total of 7500 so im just going to have to split that in like..what...8-11 ways?

I dont have a use for them anymore so i might as well give them to my friends, once all know whom you are >>

i'm finally home from crashing at my sis's place, it was hella fun =D
i went go cart racing and paint pall shooting =3

and some laser tagging, thats another story due to the temporary blindness xD

umm, oh finishing up my shotokan kata. For those of you whom do not know it's just close quarter fighting by hitting pressure points and such, focuses on the "cats paw" style...pretty trippy if you ask me >>

hmm, oh i posted a new book on the konoha public library thingie, its called "forsaken mangekyou sharingan" just to celebrate my 2nd reborn status...hmm...

what else..what else...
oh right!

i saw the dark knight again for the 19th time >>

yes i have no life >>

lets see...the movie is 2 hours and 30 minutes long...times 19...equals...about...44 hours of my life on a movie? Wow xD

Anyways thats it for now, if you have the chance to read my book please send me opinions and critisicm =3


Life is short, live life to its fullest intent without holding back...

Saturday, August 02, 2008
05:23 am CEST - Eiji Ision - Ehh .__.
Hits: 13878
Alright well...
I'm going to get reborn in 2 more weeks to be honourable, big whoop i know >>
I'm actually applying for a job at game-stop =3
They're going to take me once i get permission from my counscelor.
{For tose of you whom do not know:
Game Stop is just a store that sells only games, an easy job that pays well =3}

School starts on the 18th, saved myself like, 40 damn dollars by buying supplies today instead of the last week of vacation >>
everything sky-rockets $2 more or something >>

Hmm...Going to try out for Football as well, they say i'm good and i gotta take it to lok good on college applications. I'm almost done with all my credits as it is so i MAY graduate early, if i do i guess i can just get a part-time job till im 18, Already got a savings account with a couple of grand in there for college fee's, then again i also have some kind of money i get once i hit 21, like 18k or something? ehh .__.

On the terms of money i was bored and looked up family stuff, i found out if my dad were to die i am to get 235,000 dollars .__.

i know right? .__.
*hides the knife*
erm anyways >> I'm actually going to finish spending the rest of my vacation at my friends place or probably crash in my sister's home along with my niece nephew and my brother-in-law, Oh and the amazing pit-bull tyco =D

he's only 6 weeks old ^-^

Anywho im probably going to stop playing SL for a while to get my head into school-stuff, so i may or may not give out all my dp if i cant find a reborn for my friend by then, oh well. If i dont i'll split it between my great friends.

(you all know who you are ^-^)

well thats enough fr today =3


Life is short, live life to its fullest intent without holding back...

Wednesday, June 18, 2008
12:11 am CEST - Eiji Ision - hmm...
Hits: 14197
well i got reborn a bit back...
i was really not impressed with my stats at level 80...but hey thats just me..i showed alot of my other friends and they just loved it...i'm still getting used to the Sharingan and trying to find new tactics with it...oh wellz =3 wish my luck ^-^

Life is short, live life to its fullest intent without holding back...

Thursday, April 03, 2008
04:18 am CEST - Eiji Ision - Shikkeh!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hits: 13929
ehh i dont know why i AM proud of you, guess i just love you that much as a brother...

i already passed my state standards, sorry bro, but dont you have next year to do it also?

anywho as for your bitthday, ehh i'll see ._______.

Life is short, live life to its fullest intent without holding back...

Wednesday, April 02, 2008
04:36 pm CEST - Eiji Ision - Well i for one...
Hits: 13962
am proud of meh buddeh Sagar (shikkifuujin)
but, yeh i gotta admit im sad i dont talk with him all that much and hang out with my bro...

Now then, back to my days...

Well april fools was actually just like everyother day, no pranks whatsoever on it for osme reason...kinda boring really...

found out my new classes for next year:

Honors Chemistry
Honors English 10A
Honors Italian 3A
ADV. P.E. (Last year)
Honors U.S. World Histrory / Geography

ad its hard to balance everything out now .___.

trying my best though to be succesful in my life and get a nice home and job for my family and myself ^-^

hmm what else happened yesterday...umm...
oh yeh, apparently the girl i hooked my friend up with likes ME more than him, but i'm taken already and my friend hates me ='{

i told her there's nothing between us and i told my friend i won't even go near her if he wants, hes still kinda mad but ehh, hes getting over it...
found out my teacher lives across the street from me ._.

very VERY creepy...

just imagine at night i wake up and my teacher is there and says "...did you finish your homework?!"
jesus that would be so scary .____.

hmm, oh yeah i want rampage on a clown that kept following me...

turns out...he was my uncle >____>
so yeh i beat up my uncle...

oh wellz, that'll teach him to stop following me >=O

yesh my uncle ish a clown, he retired, that dude is filthy rich and he just wanted to "cheer me up" that day, well he needs the cheering up now....

oh wellz lots more happened but i gotta go to schoool...

i'll see you all later!!!


Life is short, live life to its fullest intent without holding back...

Friday, March 28, 2008
01:52 am CET - Eiji Ision - HAH I INTIMIDATE LEBIS >=]
Hits: 13997
Well after hanging around with lebis and such just messing, she said i intimidate her >=]
i feel uber right now >________________________>

Life is short, live life to its fullest intent without holding back...

Thursday, March 27, 2008
01:59 am CET - Eiji Ision - Hard day...
Hits: 13970
Man i hate AP classes T^T
hard day, oh wellz =p
early day tomorrow for some reason xD
plus we're just gunna watch movies all day,

also sent in an application to gamestop, i'll see if i get the job or not ^-^

Life is short, live life to its fullest intent without holding back...