Shinobi Blogs

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Sunday, May 29, 2011
07:16 am CEST - Grand Hokage Nathan - I got a blog.
Hits: 13744
Um, so yeah. I got a blog? I was bored and decided to buy this, but I have no idea what to put here. .-.

Let's see. Oh, I know! I'll post something about RP! (<.<) Well, basically, in RP, we got your posers, your snobs, and that one guy who sits in the corner and mumbles things that nobody cares about; *cough (insert name here) cough*. Any who, there was an attack today on Suna made by the Akatsuki AKA suki, and Suna basically won. Big surprise there. >_>

Also, after the battle, Moenkopi was caught selling kids.... Candy. You thought I was going to say drugs, didn't you? Well that's besides the point, now let's focus on the fact that we are all seeing dead people. No seriously, Bocc' is ressurcting people via Edo Tensei, don't worry you're not insane, unless you were seeing dead people before this. In that case, you should seek help. Any ways, that's all for today, see ya!

Uh, what was I supposed to put here again?