Shinobi Blogs

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Wednesday, October 19, 2022
02:41 pm CEST - |マゾ| Nathalya - Sir?
Hits: 41
What are you doing here? Blogs are dead! The era of cringe has long passed! Boo!

Monday, January 18, 2016
09:17 pm CET - |マゾ| Nathalya - -
Hits: 22085
It felt like tomorrow.

Eager to share its disbelief, my future yelled its hate out of its lungs and every day that I let pass by, but it died out pretty fast.
My present kept quiet, soon to start worrying, yet time smothered it and it died out pretty fast.

A week before summer, pale coins rained across lands and seas, and May cried for it was cold; it died out pretty fast.
It was a summer of Nothings splattered over a canvas too large for my room. Nothings with four parallel limbs and two heads, too bothersome for anyone to mind and too irrelevant for anyone to bother. June felt bittersweet as May drowned, July felt tired, but they died out pretty fast.
August spent its days upset with the world, afraid of things beyond reach and my eager future.
September gave birth to death and it felt content with being crippled by every yesterday, full of canvases too large for my room, and it swallowed Summer, which died out pretty fast.
Cold embraced the stillness and October followed, it withered and morphed, November too was quick to follow; they died out pretty fast.
Winter was quiet. Winter was quiet, cold and cynical, but Winter felt fine. It hid Nothings behind its coat and the beginnings of eighty years of love. Winter felt lonesome - not lonesome enough to embrace new life -, yet Spring was the death of it; it died out pretty fast.

And it all felt like tomorrow.
It felt like Summer did, waiting for September, it felt like Winter on repeat, delighted in Nothings full of past and little to no future.

Yours truly, me.

Tuesday, December 01, 2015
08:39 pm CET - |マゾ| Nathalya - -
Hits: 14119
Everything feels white.
Everything feels as snow does beneath my feet, everything is nonsense, akin to the noise of a blank TV full of tiny, tiny silence-breakers.
Then dusk came, and blush fluttered before my eyes, blush splattered across a blank horizon before my thoughts faded into nothing.
Then it poured rubies and rubies poured, rubies crawled through the gaps between clouds akin to wine pouring through everyone's veins.
Then the sun shattered to orange, to monarch butterflies swarming inside my head, to crippling hopes concerning my soul.
And then it was yellow, the memories of yesterday, sand pouring through the digits of a child, flowers of the sun chasing stars and a thousand billion rays.
Then I became sick and the world became green, ill due to impatience. Everything bloomed and shone like emeralds in grass as tall as ever.
Then the blue came. The sky swallowed us whole, water engulfed me and you, melancholy took over as the seasons changed again.
But the sun moved once more and amethysts filled the layers of skin stretched across your lips, and I froze shut, somewhere between the past of tomorrow and the future of yesterday.

Everything feels black.
Everything feels as shadows do outside every window in December, everything is nonsense, akin to the tiny, tiny silence-breakers inside the blank TV across my room.

Yours truly, me.

Monday, November 16, 2015
08:15 pm CET - |マゾ| Nathalya - -
Hits: 11268
I'm kissing you now.
I'm kissing you across the room, through decades of people.
I'm kissing you across the gap of dozens of years.
I'm kissing you and I'm dying.
I'm kissing you and I don't understand.

On a day of cold mid November, across empty halls and quiet corners, you are kissing me.
You are kissing me as though we never have.
You are kissing me and burying yourself within the valley inside my torso, inside the only place you've ever been, together with all the other yous.
You are kissing me and you're not dying, for you are now immortal, and the world forever yours.
Forever yours, the whole world kissed you, and through you, it kissed me.
But unlike you, I'm not undying, and the world cracked beneath my feet, and blue shattered across the world, the room and me.
Blue sealed our kiss with questions of mine, dozens of years now left to pass and the people still glaring.

I kissed you.
I kissed you tomorrow.
I will kiss you yesterday.
I will kiss the world through you and blue will prevail, and the rooms will fill up with humans always staring.

Yours truly, me.

Thursday, October 22, 2015
07:22 pm CEST - |マゾ| Nathalya - -
Hits: 10173
There's a wall.
You see the wall.
You know there's a wall.
You embrace the wall.
You feel the wall.
The wall feels you.
You know the wall is there.
The wall is there.
There's a wall.
The wall knows.
The wall swallows you.
The wall grows dark.
You see the wall.
You leave the wall.
The wall follows.
You follow the wall.
There's cement.
You know there's cement.
You slip in the cement.
The wall is there.
You feel the cement.
The cement feels you.
The cement is inside.
You are a wall.

Yours truly, me.

Monday, October 12, 2015
04:00 pm CEST - |マゾ| Nathalya - Well then.
Hits: 15929
It didn't even occur to me.

Writing here.


But here I am!
I've got about three diaries already (journals, everyday notes, however you feel like calling them).
Hence why not get another one, just for the sake of it?! Hooray!

That's it. I'm out of words.

Yours truly, me.