Shinobi Blogs

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Sunday, January 29, 2012
07:39 am CET - Rinei, Miya - You shouldn't attempt to read invisible inks on your computer...
Hits: 17854
That's probably why your laptop died.

It's been a long time since I posted one of these. Then again, it's the same for most people here. And I still have nothing to say.

Deal with it. That's that! Peace out!

This lovely bud, so young and pure,
o grief, or sorrow knew,
Come but to show the parents how to love,
And then to heaven withdrew.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011
05:48 am CEST - Rinei, Miya - Nyan!
Hits: 22387
Just Nyan

This lovely bud, so young and pure,
o grief, or sorrow knew,
Come but to show the parents how to love,
And then to heaven withdrew.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010
01:55 pm CEST - Rinei, Miya - Yes, the game is still here
Hits: 15220
*Snowballs Narutard.*

This lovely bud, so young and pure,
o grief, or sorrow knew,
Come but to show the parents how to love,
And then to heaven withdrew.

Saturday, November 07, 2009
05:44 am CET - Rinei, Miya - No title
Hits: 12807
I remember when the blogs used to be so filled up. Well, I have nothing to add to that ^^

Why am I blogging then? Because I feel like it. Deal with it!

This lovely bud, so young and pure,
o grief, or sorrow knew,
Come but to show the parents how to love,
And then to heaven withdrew.

Tuesday, September 01, 2009
03:36 pm CEST - Rinei, Miya - Just Because...
Hits: 17253
...there are no other blog entries today...
I'm bored...
This lovely bud, so young and pure,
o grief, or sorrow knew,
Come but to show the parents how to love,
And then to heaven withdrew.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009
02:19 pm CEST - Rinei, Miya - The End
Hits: 13418
Things are getting quite busy lately; thus I've been logging in less often. I guess the time when i leave the game completely is about to come.

Though I'd hate to leave, it has to happen some time. I wonder when that would be...

This lovely bud, so young and pure,
o grief, or sorrow knew,
Come but to show the parents how to love,
And then to heaven withdrew.

Thursday, May 21, 2009
04:02 pm CEST - Rinei, Miya - After more than 48 hours...
Hits: 15370
Just the title...

This lovely bud, so young and pure,
o grief, or sorrow knew,
Come but to show the parents how to love,
And then to heaven withdrew.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009
02:31 am CET - Rinei, Miya - New Age
Hits: 13161
Everything I cared about seem to have changed. I feel further away to those I've been closest to as time passes. I know I shouldn't cling to the past and accept what is...

But it's difficult...

This lovely bud, so young and pure,
o grief, or sorrow knew,
Come but to show the parents how to love,
And then to heaven withdrew.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009
02:41 pm CET - Rinei, Miya - I Want to Write Something
Hits: 13479
I'm so bored. I just want to write something. Maybe a song? A poem? Or a story. But I just don't have the inspiration to come up with one. I want the old times back, when these things were so easy. Those days were fun...

This lovely bud, so young and pure,
o grief, or sorrow knew,
Come but to show the parents how to love,
And then to heaven withdrew.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008
09:48 am CEST - Rinei, Miya - HELLO PEOPLE!!!
Hits: 14038

Don't you just hate it when people post just to say hi?

I mean...
Who does that? >>


This lovely bud, so young and pure,
o grief, or sorrow knew,
Come but to show the parents how to love,
And then to heaven withdrew.

Wednesday, July 09, 2008
12:54 pm CEST - Rinei, Miya - Names and Meanings
Hits: 13814
I checked out a site where you will post your name and it will tell you the gender for the name, its origin, as well as the name's meaning.

I looked up Miya first and this came out:
Gender: Female
Origin: Japanese
Meaning: Sacred House

I found it pretty cute. ^^
I also looked up my real name, which I won't post. But the details were:

Gender: Female
Origin: Greek
Meaning: Pure

I know, it's pretty shallow for me to be amused by such a site. But nonetheless, I love it.
I'll probably be checking out a lot of names. ^^

This lovely bud, so young and pure,
o grief, or sorrow knew,
Come but to show the parents how to love,
And then to heaven withdrew.

Tuesday, July 08, 2008
09:38 am CEST - Rinei, Miya - Aqua Globe?
Hits: 14004
It's pretty interesting. But it seems too simplistic for the price. But the idea behind it still appeals to me :D

This lovely bud, so young and pure,
o grief, or sorrow knew,
Come but to show the parents how to love,
And then to heaven withdrew.

Wednesday, July 02, 2008
12:00 pm CEST - Rinei, Miya - You're so naive...
Hits: 13793
A lot of girls play video games to hang out with their boyfriends. After playing for some time, it's time for us to beat them in those games. Maybe they'll stop when that time comes ^^

This lovely bud, so young and pure,
o grief, or sorrow knew,
Come but to show the parents how to love,
And then to heaven withdrew.

Monday, June 30, 2008
11:47 am CEST - Rinei, Miya - Sayings
Hits: 13732
@Lebis' statement: Oh look! She's talking about me!

*Apologizes* I couldn't resist saying something like that.
Anyway, for the real blog...

While on a bookstore, I checked out a book called Destiny...something, just for fun, which is a book where you look for your date of birth and it tells you about you. Well, I looked for my date of birth and read on.

Surprisingly, it was quite accurate. It's as if I was reading about my life, feelings, and beliefs. Strangely, most of what was said there only came true due to certain experiences. By that, I meant it wouldn't be true if I managed to escape certain things (I won't give out examples).

I'm not saying I really believe that everything's meant to be and every experience of ours were already in a blueprint. Heck, if that's true, why study for an exam? So what's my point? Well, there's a chinese saying that says something about 70% destiny, 30% effort. Our path is already laid out in front of us. But if we really try, we could go to a path that may lead to a better future.

This lovely bud, so young and pure,
o grief, or sorrow knew,
Come but to show the parents how to love,
And then to heaven withdrew.

Sunday, June 29, 2008
09:42 am CEST - Rinei, Miya - O.o
Hits: 13828
Someone's... grouchy...

@Az-chan: I wish I could do that. Unfortunately, once I accept someone as a friend, I accept all of that person, moles and all. o.o
Very regrettable once they get annoying ^^
Sadly, I just bear with it...

Strangers are another thing...

This lovely bud, so young and pure,
o grief, or sorrow knew,
Come but to show the parents how to love,
And then to heaven withdrew.

Saturday, June 28, 2008
08:46 am CEST - Rinei, Miya - Right...
Hits: 13775
@Az-chan: Even if you do, you won't admit it... That's human nature...
@Shini-kun: I knew you should have shifted...

This lovely bud, so young and pure,
o grief, or sorrow knew,
Come but to show the parents how to love,
And then to heaven withdrew.

Friday, June 27, 2008
10:24 am CEST - Rinei, Miya - T_T
Hits: 13676
@Az-chan: Am I included in that hate list?

@Shini-kun: So 16 is middle aged, above that is old? What about beyond teen? Am I dead?

On a side note, it's been a while since I posted something on my real blog. ^^

This lovely bud, so young and pure,
o grief, or sorrow knew,
Come but to show the parents how to love,
And then to heaven withdrew.

Thursday, June 26, 2008
10:22 am CEST - Rinei, Miya - First off...
Hits: 13737
Welcome back, narutard :D

No, there is no second off...

This lovely bud, so young and pure,
o grief, or sorrow knew,
Come but to show the parents how to love,
And then to heaven withdrew.

Monday, June 23, 2008
01:40 pm CEST - Rinei, Miya - @Az-chan
Hits: 13900
I didn't have anyone to stalk for a while T_T

This lovely bud, so young and pure,
o grief, or sorrow knew,
Come but to show the parents how to love,
And then to heaven withdrew.

03:45 am CEST - Rinei, Miya - Randoms
Hits: 13954
@Abyss: It's always easy to imagine yourself doing it. But when you're in that situation, it's different. Good luck though ^^

@Anyone else: What's a creeper?

This lovely bud, so young and pure,
o grief, or sorrow knew,
Come but to show the parents how to love,
And then to heaven withdrew.

Sunday, June 22, 2008
03:33 am CEST - Rinei, Miya - Hi Hi! ^^
Hits: 13924
@Death: (Belated?) Happy Birthday!

@Pri: Nice song. Too bad I can't hear it ^^

This lovely bud, so young and pure,
o grief, or sorrow knew,
Come but to show the parents how to love,
And then to heaven withdrew.

Sunday, June 15, 2008
10:22 am CEST - Rinei, Miya - @Death
Hits: 14349
Shhh... Go to sleep, Oto-san

This lovely bud, so young and pure,
o grief, or sorrow knew,
Come but to show the parents how to love,
And then to heaven withdrew.

Monday, June 09, 2008
03:55 pm CEST - Rinei, Miya - Replies
Hits: 14524
Oh, *wonders if the promo's over* then demand your money back!
The customer is always right, after all.

Congratulations! Speech! Speech!

This lovely bud, so young and pure,
o grief, or sorrow knew,
Come but to show the parents how to love,
And then to heaven withdrew.

Sunday, June 08, 2008
03:28 am CEST - Rinei, Miya - @Shikki
Hits: 14280
Maybe you forgot the tax?
This lovely bud, so young and pure,
o grief, or sorrow knew,
Come but to show the parents how to love,
And then to heaven withdrew.

Tuesday, June 03, 2008
09:15 am CEST - Rinei, Miya - Outburst
Hits: 13855

ere, I got my randomness out of the way...

This lovely bud, so young and pure,
o grief, or sorrow knew,
Come but to show the parents how to love,
And then to heaven withdrew.

Monday, April 14, 2008
12:25 pm CEST - Rinei, Miya - Ants?
Hits: 14055
Yeah... The poor ants suffer. Then again, it's better than other methods, right?

Edit: Oh, nest... Stomp it? Cover the hole with lots of rocks. Or get a bucket of water and pour it on the nest.

I don't know if those'll work. But won't that be fun?

You might want to try burning?

This lovely bud, so young and pure,
o grief, or sorrow knew,
Come but to show the parents how to love,
And then to heaven withdrew.

04:53 am CEST - Rinei, Miya - Ants?
Hits: 14048
Just mop them up... If they're on a table or something, use a wet rug.

This lovely bud, so young and pure,
o grief, or sorrow knew,
Come but to show the parents how to love,
And then to heaven withdrew.

Friday, December 28, 2007
10:50 am CET - Rinei, Miya - In My Darkest Days
Hits: 15151
Even in the darkest days, I've always been able to find a small shimmer of light. No matter how bad things appear to be, I've always been able to remain as I am. I guess this is because no matter how bad the situation is, I've always believed within me that I am simply walking down the path God has created for me. (Yes, I am religious)

Just a few weeks back, I've found myself in the most terrifying situation I've ever encountered. (Don't bother asking... I won't tell) Yet, rather than to get stressed by it, I've chosen to get it off my mind until the night before judgement day of that situation, where I panicked a lot. I constantly reminded myself that no matter how things go, it is all under God's plan. Maybe He chose to end it badly for me so that I could learn from the experience... Within me, my calmness and panick mixed...

In the end, everything went well. My dreaded scenario didn't occur. Yet, the lesson I was supposed to learn remained in me. I simply wish it would remain forever.

The way God works is quite mysterious, don't you think? ^^

This lovely bud, so young and pure,
o grief, or sorrow knew,
Come but to show the parents how to love,
And then to heaven withdrew.

Monday, December 17, 2007
02:56 am CET - Rinei, Miya
Hits: 14318
It's been a while since I last made a blog here... or anywhere else for that matter.

It's amazing how everyone I once knew turned out so high ranked after being inactive for a while.

Okay, I don't feel like saying more. Peace out! ^^V

This lovely bud, so young and pure,
o grief, or sorrow knew,
Come but to show the parents how to love,
And then to heaven withdrew.

Friday, September 14, 2007
08:46 am CEST - Rinei, Miya - What do you do?
Hits: 14829
What do you do if you're in the shades with nothing to do?
Answer: Nothing :/ You did say there's nothing to do...

What if you have blog permission?
Answer: Write a blog?

What if you have nothing to post?
Answer: Post anyway...

So this is it... .-.

This lovely bud, so young and pure,
o grief, or sorrow knew,
Come but to show the parents how to love,
And then to heaven withdrew.

Monday, August 20, 2007
08:10 am CEST - Rinei, Miya - Whee...
Hits: 14991
Also just got a hair cut...
That is all...
._. Eventful life I'm having...

This lovely bud, so young and pure,
o grief, or sorrow knew,
Come but to show the parents how to love,
And then to heaven withdrew.

Friday, August 03, 2007
03:48 am CEST - Rinei, Miya - Senior Members
Hits: 14662
I want to join the list too. .-.

I've been here for almost or more than two years ^^

This lovely bud, so young and pure,
o grief, or sorrow knew,
Come but to show the parents how to love,
And then to heaven withdrew.

Saturday, July 28, 2007
03:13 pm CEST - Rinei, Miya - @DeadlyBeauty
Hits: 14509
There are three possibilities...
1. That dream is just a random dream that might repeat because you're thinking too much about it.
2. That person is your spirit guide. Some may refer to them as spiritual teachers. Either way, they're always with you to guide and make sure your spiritual growth goes well. They may show up in dreams or when your mind is in a certain stage of consciousness.
3. That guy, like you said, is your soulmate. But personally, I find that hard to beleive... Harder than #2.
Those are only what I think. Since I'm not good at dream interpretation, I can't really give you a good answer. Only what I believe.

This lovely bud, so young and pure,
o grief, or sorrow knew,
Come but to show the parents how to love,
And then to heaven withdrew.

04:58 am CEST - Rinei, Miya - Coincidence? O.o
Hits: 14495
Lots of people are hurting their ankles these days...
I know 3 right now >.>

This lovely bud, so young and pure,
o grief, or sorrow knew,
Come but to show the parents how to love,
And then to heaven withdrew.

Monday, July 02, 2007
12:24 pm CEST - Rinei, Miya - [Enter Title Here]
Hits: 14893
I'm so busy these days...
So many things to do...
In fact, I'm not supposed to have time for this.
I don't care.
I want to... That's enough reason. ^^

I'd rather be bored than busy... >.>

This lovely bud, so young and pure,
o grief, or sorrow knew,
Come but to show the parents how to love,
And then to heaven withdrew.

Saturday, June 23, 2007
03:53 am CEST - Rinei, Miya - It's been a while
Hits: 15264
It's been a while since I last posted. Yet, I have not much to speak about. Only that I changed my sig. Take a look ^^

This lovely bud, so young and pure,
o grief, or sorrow knew,
Come but to show the parents how to love,
And then to heaven withdrew.

Saturday, June 02, 2007
02:44 am CEST - Rinei, Miya - For the Sake of Blogging
Hits: 16932
It's been a while since I last posted.
So, what is this post for?
The reason for this post is what the title says.

I could just fall into the depths of darkness. If I knew you would come and rescue me.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007
09:12 am CEST - Rinei, Miya - Aww...
Hits: 14757
Aw... I died in an event today, which was good since I was collecting favors. Then i got an event on my first torment that made me lose some favors. Then I died on the second torment.

>.< Not my day... Oh well...

I could just fall into the depths of darkness. If I knew you would come and rescue me.

Sunday, May 20, 2007
01:29 pm CEST - Rinei, Miya - Tired...
Hits: 14677
Been very tired lately...
Why? I guess I've been playing around too much.
I'll slow down for a while...


I could just fall into the depths of darkness. If I knew you would come and rescue me.

Saturday, May 19, 2007
04:16 am CEST - Rinei, Miya - Hi-Hi-How are you?-Fine, you?-Great/Good/Fine/Very good-*Throws a pie at <Insert name here>
Hits: 14606
Recently, I've been getting a lot of pm's that goes like this:
Person 1: Hi
Me: Hi
Person 1: How are you?
Me: Fine, you?
Person 1: Very good/Fine/Good/etc...

Then I run out of words... Pretty fun huh?
That's where the pie comes in. Thanks to Someone (I won't name names, but you know who you are), I found out how to handle that... Which is to do something completely random.

Helps stimulate fun... and random... conversations ^^
*Throws a pie at the reader*

I could just fall into the depths of darkness. If I knew you would come and rescue me.

Friday, May 18, 2007
08:41 am CEST - Rinei, Miya - What to Do
Hits: 14814
So I'm currently dead (In game, of course), out of torments, and bored. What do I do? Write a blog.

Okay, so I have nothing to write... T.T

What a fun life I'm leading.

I could just fall into the depths of darkness. If I knew you would come and rescue me.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007
10:55 am CEST - Rinei, Miya - The Secret
Hits: 14717
I saw Shini-kun online a while ago. It seems he has recently watched a show titled "The Secret". Judging by what he just said, it seems really interesting, especially if it's true.

We are the master of our fates, the captain of our souls. According to the show, the universe shapes according to our mind. If we focus our minds to something positive, the more of it will come. But it also works vice versa.

No wonder those who choose to be sad seems to have so much sadness going into their lives and those who seem really lucky get luckier as days goes by. The law of attraction...

We may believe we can do anything.
We may believe we can do nothing.
Either way, we are right.

Cheer up! ^^

I could just fall into the depths of darkness. If I knew you would come and rescue me.

Monday, May 14, 2007
03:43 pm CEST - Rinei, Miya - Miya comes to the blog world
Hits: 14626
Yeah, so I got a blog...
Why? No reason. Just to help kill time ^^
Well... That's about it.

That's that! Peace out!