Shinobi Blogs

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Wednesday, January 28, 2015
02:36 am CET - Koji - <<<>>><<>>
Hits: 20591
Anyone seen the master of blog area around?

Tuesday, November 18, 2014
06:14 pm CET - Koji - !
Hits: 13754

Thursday, October 23, 2014
03:56 am CEST - Koji - ....
Hits: 17728
I seek Shikki. That is all.

Friday, April 11, 2014
04:56 am CEST - Koji - Yawn!
Hits: 11954
Yo! Shikki it's been sooooooooooooooooooooo long.

So I'm back in the blogs as you can see. Been away for ages now and it feels weird to return.


Friday, January 17, 2014
07:26 pm CET - Koji - -blinks-
Hits: 9372
Not the trees! We need those!

Saturday, January 11, 2014
03:21 am CET - Koji - Meh
Hits: 28465
Being a Kage is hard work. Making hard decisions.


Sunday, December 08, 2013
11:04 am CET - Koji - Random Thought or Rant
Hits: 15079
Recently I've been told by someone that I'm not allowed to keep secrets. I'm supposed to open about everything.

No..just no. I have right to keep things to myself, including personal matters. My ex tried pulling that trick against me; tried to control me. It didn't work. I have friends who stand by my beliefs and except that. If one thinks that everyone they talk to has to tell them everything, your dreaming. That conversation would end in heartbeat.


Saturday, October 05, 2013
07:09 am CEST - Koji - --
Hits: 15305
( ' ' )

Tuesday, September 03, 2013
06:13 am CEST - Koji - Shikki is back!
Hits: 12859
OMG you're alive! My blogging buddy is back! Thank god. I've missed you!!!!!!

...To much excitement for one day.


Tuesday, August 06, 2013
10:23 pm CEST - Koji - Big News
Hits: 19680
Koji has become the new Raikage for those who don't know. Marks an achievement in my SL life.

Thursday, July 11, 2013
04:54 am CEST - Koji - Extra
Hits: 18074
Also come back Shikki!

Wednesday, July 10, 2013
06:59 pm CEST - Koji - Returning with a Vengeance.
Hits: 16621
Heyo. I almost forgot that I still had a blog, but I've also been very busy with in game stuff and rl. Anyways...I have a very important blog to make. It's about a certain issue that's occurred in this game concerning one of my dear friends (Kayenta) and those who desire to cause you pain by insulting her (Too many names).

Over the course of time, I've been speaking with her and I've discovered that she's been through a lot of stress because of what happened in her past life. People with a certain desire to emotionally attack someone because they dislike that person is an absolute disgrace. That you would act like a child to someone who is already facing pain and depression and keep attacking them. That is abuse.

Now I don't know if the people who attack Kayenta even both to read these, but I sure as Hell hope they do. She isn't alone and I hope you know that. You can do same to me and heck maybe even worse, but I've faced so much pain in my life that your petty insults would do nothing.

I'm planning to put a more detailed blog on the Forum because I know most of those people fester there. I'm my voice known that if anyone attacks my friends to the point of where they emotionally breakdown, you will have a problem.


Monday, March 18, 2013
03:26 pm CET - Koji - Umm
Hits: 16859
Seeing I replied to this late, I don't think I can help you.

I only know the very basic German for it's required when you go into a job like the one I'm in. When I travel to Germany, I am accompanied by a Translater. So sorry for not being helpful.

Went to Minnesota to visit my family and it's snowing. Aw well..


Friday, March 15, 2013
03:33 am CET - Koji - =>
Hits: 16254
I would be afraid to give Shikki my number. He'd start quizing me on my German or something.

Been a great week though despite all the drama that occured last weekened. Went to Texas to see my sister and spent a week there in the warm temp. I leave tomorrow in the morning, but I don't really want to leave. 70 degree days make me want to stay. Ah well.


Wednesday, February 27, 2013
02:16 am CET - Koji - Sshh
Hits: 18593
Leave Shikki alone. Me and him keep this blogging thing alive...sort of.

Saturday, February 16, 2013
06:34 am CET - Koji - Hmm
Hits: 21924
Don't know what to do about this.

For the longest time, I've been telling this believable story (in which actually is a lie) to all of those who I consider my friends. Obviously I'm not going to go into futher detail on this subject in a blog because it's a bit personal, but I thought I'd just express my current emotions.

Anywho, have a nice weekend fellow Shinobi.


Monday, January 14, 2013
09:12 pm CET - Koji - Monday
Hits: 15885
I hate Mondays.

I hate waking up at an unholy hour.

I hate going to work only to work on a project that I finished within a single hour.

Annnd I hate it when my car doesn't start in 5 degree weather.


Sunday, January 06, 2013
09:37 am CET - Koji - Ahem
Hits: 17649
Welcome to 2013 by the way.

Monday, December 31, 2012
08:18 am CET - Koji - >.>
Hits: 28166
That great moment when you notice at Xaos and Neji are online at the same time. Just thought I'd say that.

Oh btw...Far Cry 3 is amazing.


Wednesday, December 19, 2012
06:31 am CET - Koji - Happy Holidays
Hits: 17569
A little soon yes, but I just thought I'd get this out of the way before I forget.

Saturday, November 10, 2012
04:52 pm CET - Koji - Birthday
Hits: 20723
So I'm finally 30 years old and surprisingly still here after all these years.

Well actually my Birthday was in October but it was in the late October. Either way you put it, I'm still 30.

However I'm still not the oldest here so don't be alarmed at the age.

Anyways thats it I guess. Have a great day! =P

...I wonder if I'll get any gifts...


Thursday, July 26, 2012
07:23 pm CEST - Koji - He's back!
Hits: 15689
I have a life, I just happen to work in my own workshop, sometimes at home, or traveling to a different country. And yet I wonder how I still make time to get on here. Ah well.

Not really much to blog about today sorry. Just wanted Shikki back here.


Friday, July 20, 2012
05:21 am CEST - Koji - Oi!
Hits: 11482
Would someone like to tell me where the heck is Shikki? I can't keep the blogs active with him gone. If someone knows how to contact him do it now! Tell him Koji wants him back in the blogs!

Friday, July 13, 2012
12:26 am CEST - Koji - =]
Hits: 11312
*Dusts off his blog space*

I haven't put a blog in here for sometime and I'm guessing none of you have noticed.

It is always excited when I head to Germany because of how much German I actually know. Well let me tell you....not that much. But that doesn't mean I try and what I mean by try, I actually mean I make stuff up when I'm speaking German. Alas Germany is a great place and so is France.

I'm starting to think that I'll never retire from this job.


Thursday, May 24, 2012
02:44 am CEST - Koji - *sigh*
Hits: 16407
Work tomorrow. I'm sooo very tired this week.

Sunday, May 13, 2012
08:38 pm CEST - Koji - And..
Hits: 12617
Silence hits the blogs.

Sunday, April 29, 2012
03:08 am CEST - Koji - Hmm
Hits: 16513
You know it's a bad thing when Shikki hasn't made a blog in awhile. I wonder if something happened outside this game that made him be so inactive from the blog world.

Well enough on that, how are you? Yes you. You think I can't see you looking at this blog? Oh how silly.


Tuesday, April 10, 2012
02:02 am CEST - Koji - Hmm
Hits: 32687
What should I blog about? Any ideas?

Saturday, March 24, 2012
04:41 pm CET - Koji - Alas another year.
Hits: 28950
Another year of Anime Detour (convention). Everytime I go I spend more money then I really have wanted too. Personally I don't an extent anyways. I'll most like be seen carrying swords or wearing an Akatsuki cloak (irony).

That starts things coming friday so I'm going shopping with a group of friends ahead of time. My cousin is also going but not with me, which is fine.

If any of you don't know what Anime Detour is or where it is, I'll tell you. Anime Detour is a convention for Anime/Manga lovers or people who just want to see cool people. It is located in America, state: Minnesota; the place where I was born. If anyone is going that is looking at this blog, please PM me. I have yet to meet anyone from Detour who plays SL.

Sunday, March 04, 2012
02:21 am CET - Koji - Quiet..
Hits: 22781
So blogging has been quiet huh?

I guess I'm sorry then...maybe?

Anyways work as been great I guess. Has a full weekend of vacation now, sleep!

Switching subjects now due to I don't like to always talk about work.

Haven't been active on SL mainly due to LoB. It's fun there because I enjoy Bleach more than Naruto. Swords and an orange haired bad ass what more do you need?

Oh and one more thing I send congratulations to all GM and MODS. You have your very own title now.


Monday, February 20, 2012
02:18 am CET - Koji - Zzzzz
Hits: 15244
Ah sleep. I'm truely a lazy person when you think about it.

Some people tell me that you can sleep when you die but when I think about, I might actually die if I never sleep.

My job involves me to get well rested or else I'll do a sloppy job.


Wednesday, February 08, 2012
02:17 am CET - Koji - Heh
Hits: 22886

dangerous =P


Tuesday, January 24, 2012
03:41 am CET - Koji - Where's Shikki I wonder?
Hits: 19817
It's rather odd of Shikki to not put a blog up after mine. Hmm maybe that fool is off somewhere else?

Had a three day weekend and boy did I need it. Got some serious sleep that I so badly needed. However my work hours have increased for some reason. Oi thank god I'm getting paid a whole bunch of money.

One name- Gipson
(Figure out why I said this and you'll know something new)


Sunday, January 15, 2012
07:23 am CET - Koji - So Tired
Hits: 18307
It's now 1:21 am and I'm so tired my eyes hurt. RL party, starting a war in SL, and leveling my alts is hard work. I probably won't pull an all nighter tonight. I'm tired that I can't even play MW3. Yeah thats right. I play MW3 at 1:21 am.

The Kiba skin has been up recently. I use Itachi Skin because he's a Bad-A$$.


Tuesday, January 10, 2012
04:47 am CET - Koji - Longest Blog
Hits: 22548
This is it.

Friday, January 06, 2012
09:39 am CET - Koji - =]
Hits: 21654
Cheers to facial hair.

However unlike myself I still look somewhat younger in rl due to my shaving most of the time. If I let my beard grow, I look ooooolllldddd!


03:49 am CET - Koji - Wow. Could have swore that you were older.
Hits: 21230
Somethings just absoluting amaze me.

Anywho, I was just on LoB a few minutes ago causing chaos and what not. And just as I was having fun, what happens? Well OCC happens. I swear everything has changed immensely these days. Back then there was hardly any OCC just battles. I loved it. Now it's hard to even flick someone without having someone else yell at you through OCC.

Dear Humanity,

Stop OCCing in these games. Let loose once in awhile, you deserve it =)


Wednesday, January 04, 2012
06:26 am CET - Koji - I'm older than both of you.
Hits: 20987
29 and a married to beauitful woman. You say you 22 but in reality thats not old at all. Once I reach 30 of next Oct. I will be classified as OLD.

Back in MY day, my own personal computer couldn't run a site like this. So when the 'future' rolled around I bought a fast desktop and found this site. Ever since then I've been here watching over this young ones that think they know more than myself.

Enough said.

Friday, December 23, 2011
12:11 am CET - Koji - Oi!
Hits: 22325
Yo Neji! If you're looking at this, it is time for you to start the Holiday Event.

The Elder has spoken.


Monday, December 12, 2011
04:40 am CET - Koji - Blog
Hits: 23334
Daily Blog to update blog that involves me blogging.

Saturday, November 26, 2011
06:06 am CET - Koji - Update
Hits: 22953
So I haven't put up a blog in ages it seems. I didn't forget I've just had nothing to blog about recently.

Well the hoildays of Thanksgiving went great. Ate lots food then had to wash dishes afterwade...oi

My birthday was month ago at least. Turned 29.

I'm starting to wonder if I'm getting to old to play this game. I mean is there anyone older than me? Shigeo might be.

...I'm almost 30!


Sunday, October 16, 2011
06:27 pm CEST - Koji - Daily Report
Hits: 45049
Village status upadate...

Otogakure- Oddly quiet.
Kirigakure- Someone likes to attack that village. Whats the purpose?
Konohagakure- Filled with OCC. Seriously RP once in awhile.
Sunagakure- Getting ready for those Exams.

This has been Koji with your village updates.



Saturday, October 08, 2011
05:50 pm CEST - Koji - Hmm.
Hits: 18276
I honestly don't know what to blog about. Life is going it natural course. Leaving for Hawaii later today. I'm going to have the best time of life.

Should I tell you now or later that it would be my first time in Hawaii?


Thursday, October 06, 2011
11:38 pm CEST - Koji - I
Hits: 18746
need a nap.

Enough said.


Thursday, September 29, 2011
06:49 pm CEST - Koji - Sooo...
Hits: 24987
Work is going well. A little slow but I was asked to design a halloween guitar. Oh this is going to be good. I'm going to Hawaii for my honeymoon by the way. We are leaving in a week.

I'm not sorry that I didn't tell you that I'm married in real life.

So life will continue like normal.

To all my closest friends, None of you know my real name. Thats too bad.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011
08:19 pm CEST - Koji - Oh no you don't.
Hits: 24592
Well look who's back. Finally decided to take over the blog thing again?

....I missed your long blogs. It's been really empty in here.


Thursday, September 15, 2011
02:22 am CEST - Koji - .........
Hits: 36462
Posts a blog here.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011
05:22 am CEST - Koji - Oi
Hits: 25836
Well I have good news. My flight to Paris was good, a few bumbs and what not was affecting most of the flight but with me sleeping or on my laptop it was all good. I'm here mostly on business but I plan on visiting a few friends while staying here. Have to enjoy something.

Is that storm over yet?

Saturday, August 27, 2011
05:06 am CEST - Koji - Can only hope.
Hits: 40008
Hopes the people of the east coast will survive the Hurricane. Going to hit New York they say.

Missing-Nin, Koji

Sunday, August 21, 2011
11:52 pm CEST - Koji - Oh well.
Hits: 45785
It's set. Tomi of Konoha is leaving SL.

All I had to blog about....oh wait!

I'm going to Paris in a week.


Tuesday, August 16, 2011
02:24 am CEST - Koji - Huh.
Hits: 32273
Fancy that.

Monday, August 15, 2011
07:39 am CEST - Koji - Would it surprise you?
Hits: 32547
I've read Black Butler before but only the first book. I rather liked it in fact.

Like your name by the way.


Wednesday, August 10, 2011
09:20 pm CEST - Koji - I...forgot...
Hits: 26055
I was going to say I love you too but I forgot what I was going to say. Ah ha ha.

I'm bored..

Tuesday, August 09, 2011
05:22 am CEST - Koji - No Subject
Hits: 18269
I'm loved by Darkshinobi I guess.

Saturday, July 30, 2011
02:31 am CEST - Koji - Knows why it's fun.
Hits: 20433
It's fun because I joined in the blogging thing. jk or not?


Wednesday, July 27, 2011
11:25 am CEST - Koji - -shakes his head-
Hits: 20669
Still not my enemy.

Monday, July 25, 2011
08:41 am CEST - Koji - What?!
Hits: 19663
No you aren't and no you can't!

Sunday, July 24, 2011
05:18 am CEST - Koji - This is odd
Hits: 17920
So I've noticed that a lot of people I used know 'back in the day' are returning to SL; that is good news.

But it could also lead to bad things as well.

Hopefully my old enemies do not return.


Monday, July 18, 2011
08:31 pm CEST - Koji - Such a quick movie
Hits: 15307
The movie was so quick yet so cool. Didn't want to spend the extra money to see it in 3D so yeah. Also I saw it at 12:08 am so there.

Best scene was the final battle.


Monday, July 11, 2011
07:48 pm CEST - Koji - .........
Hits: 13990
If you read the books which I'm sure you have then you basically know what's going to happen.

I'm going to miss Fred.


05:22 am CEST - Koji - .....
Hits: 14060
Ravenclaw is going to make a come back and pwn all the deatheaters =P

....One can hope..... -sniffles-



Saturday, July 09, 2011
05:03 am CEST - Koji - No Subject
Hits: 14578
Harry Potter is soon approaching.

Ravenclaw is going to pwn all.


Wednesday, June 29, 2011
06:57 am CEST - Koji - Aww come on
Hits: 16024
I read the books...

Friday, June 24, 2011
07:41 am CEST - Koji - Harry Potter
Hits: 15371
Ah yes, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows part 2.

Honestly I'm excited for such an event but also sad that this is the last movie of the series. Damn.

(I really don't have much to write about so I choose Harry Potter)

Stay away from the Death Eaters.
And that one guy XD


Tuesday, June 21, 2011
04:35 am CEST - Koji - Still No Subject
Hits: 16021
You're right. I need to get my black hair back.

Cling to youth.

Although, the silver hairs may look good on me when I'm 70



Sunday, June 19, 2011
05:51 am CEST - Koji - No Subject
Hits: 15301
...I'm old...

Today I swear I found a silver hair on my head today. I'm only 28! WTF.

My soon to be wife said its nothing but its a big deal to me. I don't want to be old.

Oh well...


Thursday, June 09, 2011
03:41 am CEST - Koji - Random
Hits: 19821
Your brain broke? You should get that checked.



Thursday, May 26, 2011
02:30 am CEST - Koji - Exams
Hits: 14278
College papers are so fun to write. NOT!

They are sooo boring and the topics are not even fun to write about. But if I don't do them I fail so wtf.

I now have one paper to write about my wonderful years in college. Oh jeez.

To many things happened and some weren't even good.

Well school's almost done anyways, thats one high for the week.


Wednesday, April 20, 2011
01:41 am CEST - Koji - Strive
Hits: 14143
Not much to say really just that I'm alive again thanks to a friend of mine. Within Konoha, I killed myself for reasons that can't be posted public. But I devised a plan that I knew my friend would take in. As issued he returned me to the living, giving myself a clean slate. As I said, not much to say.

Konoha: Eh good
Kiri: Don't know really
Oto: Well its Oto come on
Suna: Having trouble with those 'Akatsuki'

Sunday, April 10, 2011
05:24 am CEST - Koji - Fakes
Hits: 14195
I dislike these new "Akatsuki" within the realm. I mean I've been an Akatsuki longer than some but this is just ugh. I'm starting to wonder if they're just posing to get attention to themselves. Time to grow up, kids.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011
12:37 am CET - Koji - Event
Hits: 15626
Alright so I'm going to start off by saying that I'm hosting an event between my alt and I. It will be an event that consists of a certain Nin who has decided to attack other Missing-Nin. I've already caused Kay to go frantic over this and Mike but little do they know that it is me. I may be old but I'm not that old to have fun. This is for the sake of RPing so don't be wait be very alarmed. Haha.

Friday, February 04, 2011
12:00 am CET - Koji - Busy
Hits: 17440
This up comming weekend I'm going to be really busy.

Having two parties to go scratch that. Three parties.

Two birthday parties and one huge SuperBowl party. Very exciting.

Well thats about it for that subject.
Konoha: Not much going on. Trying to decide who becomes the new Kage.
Oto: Unique as usual.
Suna: Warm. Very warm.
Kiri: I don't know. Its wet there I guess.
Let it fall.

Monday, January 17, 2011
08:41 am CET - Koji - Pressing Issue
Hits: 14689
In Paris now and enjoying my time. One problem though, I can't speak French very well. Erm yeah.

The thing that I hate the most in the world are people who attack the defenseless. To the point of why I brought that up is because there is this certain group called The Order of the Black Rose who has been recently attacking villages, mainly Sunagakure and Kirigakure. These villages have been attacked so much that they lay in ruins and yet The Order keeps attacking. If this keeps up I'll return the zones and fight The Order myself. They need to pay for the lives they've ruined. I am also aware that Konoha is allied with The Order which pains me to see the Hokage ally with an enemy of our allies.
War befalls humanity

Saturday, January 08, 2011
02:02 am CET - Koji - Greeting
Hits: 13198
Welcome back Doom and Wind. I remember you Wind by name and face. But Doom, I fear I only remember the name. Still welcome back both of you.
Anicent Man

Wednesday, January 05, 2011
06:04 pm CET - Koji - Created
Hits: 13371
So now I've gotten my blog created. Feels pretty good.

Work has been busy lately and my cousin always wants me to help with his school work. Well I can't do everything but I try.

I'll traveling soon. Heading to I believe Paris. I've been there before, such a great city full of color and history. I'll blog about my trip.


Alright now lets get to my being. I fear that many don't believe that I've been here for seven years. To clear things up I was once a character named Sytachi who wasn't that well known. I knew a couple people but very few. Back then of course Roleplaying in itself was utterly fun. I'm sure some of you can agree.

This section I'll be telling each and everyone of you what I've seen happen. Also I'll be putting down the thoughts of what should be done if I feel the topic is something I disagree with.
So lets begin. I hear of all villages so don't tell that I don't know whats going on. My two former students, one in Oto and the other in Suna, hand me information of pressing matters. Also I have an alt in Kiri so another direct line. As for myself I reside in Konoha if you needed to find me.

Suna: Last time I was there was a pressing matter to discuss with Kay but I haven't been there recently sooo enough of that.
Oto: Haven't been there since I left.
Konoha: ....
Kiri: What I've been told before I arrived is that The Order of Rose attacked the village. Its what I've been told, not what I believe. But attacking a village that not only I know about but also that I have friends within the village, foolish. I may haven't zoned in awhile but I'm still good at it. Warning: IF YOU HARM MY FRIENDS I WILL MAKE SURE THAT YOU DON'T EVER SEE THE LIGHT AGAIN.

Well enough said. Peace out.
