Shinobi Blogs

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Tuesday, February 24, 2009
05:29 am CET - Uchiha Kamui - Camelicious Day
Hits: 13519
Well I am becoming more active here and I plan to make a return with one of my alts though I am pondering on how I will make his return here as well as my evil return to the Clan buisness area. -insert evil laughter-

Though I have been busy with my life and stuff, everything been hectic and I got my stuff together and settled what I had to, so expect me on here often.
I have been working on a story that I mention in the forums and I am gonna post a preview for everyone, it's only a small paragraph but the full release will come soon.

Till then enjoy and have a
Camelicious time. =D

"Wasn't Arnold Schwarzenegger a fitness guy on that shiny box? Yes! The TV! I recall him calling us girly-mans." Shikki exclaimed at the table as the group, that composed of Shikki, Doom, Abyss ,Ice and Kamui though CrazyAnbu was absent from the morning gathering as he had a clock from China which was smart at the time to him of course and Doom played with his bowl of cheerios though he had water wings on him it was a precaution that Shikki and Kamui put on him...they didn't want a repeat of Christmas of 04'.

Abyss was gulping down a bowl of lucky charms while Shikki was rambling on about Arnold Schwarzenegger which Ice and Shikki looked at Abyss and said, " We want to pump you up!" as they giggled at their moronic behavior then Kamui looked up after drinking his Morning coffee as he said, " What are you two idiots up to as usual?" as he scratched his head, his hair was messed up as he didn't bothered to fix his hair yet.

Doom was still splashing around in his bowl of cereal and wasn't quite sure if it was out to get him like last time just as Ice and Shikki were gonna comment back a knock was heard at the door, " Go get that you two or one of you...better it be Shikki." as Kamui said when the knocks got louder and louder, as Hiro got out of Bathroom in his Pajamas, saying, " What is that noise? Can a guy Mas...Master the art of brushing their teeth in peace!?" Just as Shikki was to about to unlock the door it fell down upon him as a loud female voice was heard, " I thought I said not to lock the f'ing doors when I am gone!!" as a loud whoosh was heard from the table as Kamui looked around and his two roommates and Hiro were nowhere to be seen but Doom dove out the window onto incoming traffic as he looked upon his angry wife, " Errr...Miha did it." as he chuckled nervously, sweating profusely at the sight of his angry wife, Sandra.

When the rich wage war, its the poor who die.

Saturday, November 22, 2008
02:45 pm CET - Uchiha Kamui - Bah!
Hits: 13743
Cheer up Miha, we'll team up and make our own story from our past experiences, since I am not included, and I vow to slay the S4 everyday with UF. >_>
When the rich wage war, its the poor who die.

Monday, August 25, 2008
11:24 pm CEST - Uchiha Kamui - ßalløøñ!!!
Hits: 14776
I haven't ranted about much because lately my life was dandy but yesterday I snapped.
The day came and I snapped...literally.
It all started when I was helping out at my place, one thing led to another and I injured my hand.
"Injured" is an understatement but I dealt with it and went to the emergency room.
I figured, they would take care of this in like 10 minutes tops and I would be home with some pain killers and deal with it at home.
It didn't go as planned, 10 minutes passed and I was
" Okay maybe they're busy, I can wait another 5 minutes."
Then 30 minutes passed before I was ever seen, a total of 45-50 minutes of waiting in pain.
Yes, why is it if you injure a body part you must wait incredibly long?
Whoever said Pain is beautiful needs to shoot themselves.
If I knew it I would have cut off my hand to increase the process but knowing that it would be even longer.
Next time you break or sprain yourself, save yourself some money and stay home.
In the end you will be disappointed like I was and will snap.
Now excuse me while I go kick something...

When the rich wage war, its the poor who die.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008
02:09 am CEST - Uchiha Kamui - Don Camel
Hits: 14036
@Pri- Please don't lie to me Priya as it insults my intelligence.

@Shikki- Don't see Love Guru, saw it...I was disappointed, very disappointed.
Also don't see
The Happening, good movie but it's so confusing, that I was in a stupor trying to figure out what caused the infection and what made it spread and how so and etc.
Wait till Transporter 3 comes out or The Dark Knight.

I saw a picture of
Bacon-flavored Floss and Hackey Sacks that you can douse in kerosene and play with them...sounds tempting.

When the rich wage war, its the poor who die.

Monday, June 23, 2008
04:52 pm CEST - Uchiha Kamui - Bunny!
Hits: 14074
@Shin, Yes, I meant you Shin, I wanted to tag you as in putting a number on you so I will know where you are at all times.

@Pri, One time? Why is that a lie?

I want this knife that I saw, apparently it injects gas into the wound, it has a decent name for such a tacky little feature, WASP.
When the rich wage war, its the poor who die.

03:49 am CEST - Uchiha Kamui - ßalløøñ!!!
Hits: 14125
Ehh...I forgot what I was gonna say, I blame Abyss for this. >_>
Oh yea!
Few weeks ago bought me an
Ephiphone Les Paul Studio w/ hardcase, have to say it leaves me speechless at times, if you ask me, I can show you some photos.
Also I want to see
Wall-E when it comes out, it looks funny.
If anybody spots
Shin around, tag him...I've been meaning to do so.
@Pri - You're a creeper? Do you look at people's Myspaces/Facebook/Etc and just stare at their pictures, knowingly you don't have any relation to that person?

When the rich wage war, its the poor who die.

Sunday, April 13, 2008
10:16 pm CEST - Uchiha Kamui - My puppy!
Hits: 14308
I am not mad kiddo, just things you experience over and over as a Moderator.
And they take No as a YES and it gets tiring.
I have so much to deal with in-game and RL, balancing stuff is a burden but I manage even though my cheek is swollen to a proportion that it makes me look like Mike Tyson after a fight.
Pain hurts especially sick pain, I may Rant about the government later on but not today or until it goes down.
If you see Shin, hit him with a water balloon filled with gravy, yes.

When the rich wage war, its the poor who die.

09:53 pm CEST - Uchiha Kamui - Duo Ex
Hits: 14317
Before UchihaBeast and Sakuren 'talked' on the blogs, go back and see the 'blog' conversations from the past weeks and months.
Go ahead and ignore me, like I'll care but it bugs me that the blogs are nothing of it's former self.
I guess your right, humans are ignorant to their own opinions.
Maybe I am in a terrible mood, I don't know.
It just seems unfair that you would blame someone for something
you done before and I am through.
@Abyss, I am not talking about you, just those who do it.
Don't get riled up.

When the rich wage war, its the poor who die.

10:57 am CEST - Uchiha Kamui - The Spamtasic Four and Company
Hits: 14365
I wish people would stop making such a big deal about Tenshi and Sakuren talking about Stargate, it's good they have a hobby to talk about.
On the other hand, you guys and I don't mean the
"Company" part have fun here spamming the blogs when you can take it to aim as well but you don't since you use the blogs as an excuse.
Also have fun spamming in the forums, it's must be fun.
I am having fun being pushed to the edge and being nice to you guys when I should be punishing but any day now.
Yep, that's my opinion.
Have fun.

PS: Shikki, you have your limitations and I respect that.
When the rich wage war, its the poor who die.

Monday, March 31, 2008
10:50 am CEST - Uchiha Kamui - Radical Thoughts
Hits: 14187
If your offended by these thoughts/rants of mine please don't read any further.
You know tonight is one of those nights, a random thought pops into my head and whadda ya know?
Another and another pop in but they disagree with each other and yet
2-4 thoughts pop in and a riot breaks out in my head and all hell breaks loose.
Ever had a though that made you so angry you couldn't sleep or yet blink by the sheer thought of the process as you fast-forward this
Thing is I have this
"friend" (I won't say whom or why because I am too angry to think about it) and this friend has this other "friend" (Yea....)
She's a whiny cry baby...yep I said it.
And no this person is not related to me in any way!
But not just any cry baby, a whiny, emotional crybaby.
(I would say emo but I have friends that I respect, people!)
She likes attention from my point of view and that just makes me go off on a handicapped midget
(No, not really.. but that's besides the point.) if I may imagined if I could?
She tried to kill herself...I lost count on how many, yea she could use help
(I know I sound uncaring...just keep reading.) but thing is why do most teens today kill themselves?
Emotional abuse and some other things I won't mention.
She tried to kill herself because her boyfriend doesn't love her enough or can I frankly say this
"guy" doesn't get on his knees and kisses her feet and her...urm.
My point is we all have problems, certainly for this person obviously love is not enough for her.
Those who are offended by my views well...look at the news..
Marines are being killed everyday for the sake of freedom.
*sniffs the air* Freedom...feels nice eh?
Millions of children are homeless in the states and some countries are starving.
Makes you feel good about yourself when your sitting on your couch, eating
Hot Pockets and playing your Playstation or whatever you do?
Take my word for it,
"If you ever think to yourself on how sad your life is by your views and what more you want and need...some people are less unfortunate then we are..."
I rest my case, until I rise again.

When the rich wage war, its the poor who die.

Thursday, March 06, 2008
06:01 am CET - Uchiha Kamui - Blarg?
Hits: 14620
The Nine Inch Nail Pack for Rock Band rocks but it's hard. >>
If you have it hit me up and we can play or what not.
I would have more to say but the spammers here pretty much sucked the energy out of the place so I am gonna go back into hiding.

When the rich wage war, its the poor who die.

Sunday, January 20, 2008
06:28 pm CET - Uchiha Kamui - Extremities
Hits: 15045
Mystic killed Shinobi Kingdom?
Shinobi Kingdom was a good didn't needed to be a target.
I hope Aceman rebuilds it so I can rejoin it, as I have many alts in clans.
On a side-note if you have a
360 my gamertag is Instant Xero.
When the rich wage war, its the poor who die.

Tuesday, January 08, 2008
04:23 pm CET - Uchiha Kamui - Extremities
Hits: 15690
Well another year passed and it's my birthday again, I am 21. :|
I lost track of how long I've been on Shinobi Legends.
If I could take an educated guess I say four years?
I hope I stay here for many years to come, same with Legend of Bleach.

When the rich wage war, its the poor who die.

Thursday, January 03, 2008
02:30 pm CET - Uchiha Kamui - Blarg?
Hits: 15645
Go stab yourself in the eye Doom. >_>
Wait..err, what are we talking about?
B-day is in 5 days!
When the rich wage war, its the poor who die.

Tuesday, December 25, 2007
03:30 pm CET - Uchiha Kamui - Merry Christmas
Hits: 14545
Merry Christmas to all of Shinobi Legends!
When the rich wage war, its the poor who die.

Sunday, December 23, 2007
01:46 am CET - Uchiha Kamui - Ghetto Fabulous
Hits: 14568
This article will explain the many ways for you to enrich your life by becoming ghetto fabulous.

This is essential to money greedy people.


-When you find yourself low on money and/or toilet or bathroom accessories, follow these steps:

Requirements: At least pocket change, $5 or less would be sufficient

1. Walk into any establishment, preferably Subway, as they are maintained by Idiots and most of them won't care what you are doing. Ask nicely for a cup of water (you may even be so nice as to buy a cookie), after which you "accidentally" spill it onto yourself. You ask for a bunch of napkins to clean yourself off but then storm out of the place giggling as you have just pocketed a few weeks worth of toilet paper.

2. Walk into a place that uses plastic utensils such as knives, forks, or sporks (the combination of a fork and a spoon used in middle/high schools) and pretend to be doing something that would require a lot of them. Like building a house made out of plastic utensils. Congratulate yourself as you dump them into your Jansport backpack and walk out of the place undetected.

3. Walk into McDonald's and order a small fry to go. Grab as many ketchup packets as possible and put them into your bag. congrats, you've just got yourself a sauce that everyone enjoys, for free.

4. Go to a public restroom inside a fairly decent place. Bed, Bath, and Beyond works for most people. To do this, you will need to have an empty container and a lid. go into the bathroom and start pumping as much soap out of the dispenser as you can in a short period of time before someone else walks in and wonders what you could possibly want with a quart of hand soap. good job ace, you're now stocked full of "body wash" for the next few months.

5. Chinese food restaurants are good for this type of stunt. You can gather a bunch of bowls, commonly referred to as to-go boxes, and use them for your home endeavors.

More to come. but for now you've just saved yourself a approximately $41.36 on items you'd normally buy at a store for your greedy self!
When the rich wage war, its the poor who die.

Monday, December 10, 2007
04:22 pm CET - Uchiha Kamui - Attention!
Hits: 14883
I would not to see 'Nigga' use in the blogs ever again also any words like this so fellow bloggers below edit your words and the matter will be taken care of.
@Shigeo, Be careful of what words you choose such as 'Pony Rapers' as I know what it means and you don't literally mean it but it can be taking into consideration.
I will be monitoring the blogs from here forth so type cautiously and heed the rules.

Also you spammers who are ruining the precious blogs, take it to AIM.
That's where spam should be and not here.

When the rich wage war, its the poor who die.

Tuesday, December 04, 2007
01:35 pm CET - Uchiha Kamui - I had a subject but my dog ate it.
Hits: 14687
For people who don't know, I am Aizen on LoB so hit me up so we can hang out and eat tacos. :o
And if you get bored of me return me to
Toy R' US since I have a 30 day return policy.
When the rich wage war, its the poor who die.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007
07:05 am CET - Uchiha Kamui - Priya? I have some Cheddah' Biscuits!
Hits: 15440
Lynyrd Skynyrd > Default and AFS
Nuff' said

Also I am gonna do a game review for a week or two before I start my new rants.
Here are my top 5 games and their ratings.

1 - Assassin's Creed 5/5
2 - Rock Band 4/5
3 - RE: Umbrella Chronicles 4/5
4 - Super Mario Galaxy 4/5
5 - Mario Party DS 2½/5

Rating System as - 1 = Bad 2 = Bleh 3 = Good 4 = Rental Material 5 = Must Have

When the rich wage war, its the poor who die.

Sunday, November 18, 2007
03:03 am CET - Uchiha Kamui - RE: Depressing song
Hits: 15657
Artist: Lynyrd Skynyrd
Song: Tuesday's Gone

Train roll on, on down the line,
Won't you please take me far away?
Now I feel the wind blow outside my door,
Means I'm leaving my woman behind.
Tuesday's gone with the wind.
My baby's gone with the wind.

And I don't know where I'm going.
I just want to be left alone.
Well, when this train ends I'll try again,
But I'm leaving my woman at home.

Tuesday's gone with the wind.
Tuesday's gone with the wind.
Tuesday's gone with the wind.
My woman's gone with the wind.

Train roll on many miles from my home,
See, I'm riding my blues away.
Tuesday, you see, she had to be free
But somehow I've got to carry on.


When the rich wage war, its the poor who die.

Friday, November 16, 2007
10:06 am CET - Uchiha Kamui - RE: To most depressing song
Hits: 15336
So if I find a very depressing song I win something?
Give me three days!
You will cry when I post this song.
When the rich wage war, its the poor who die.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007
10:48 am CEST - Uchiha Kamui - PWNSHIP
Hits: 15074
If you're Sannin or above please may I direct your attention to Hoshi Gakure for the most insane,funny,hilarious,and downright attempt at ending an argument with the most insane defense ever...

The Chewbacca defense.

When the rich wage war, its the poor who die.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007
04:10 am CEST - Uchiha Kamui - My Rant : Book One - Spam
Hits: 14996
I wish people would stop spamming in the blogs like they do in the forums and actually write something worth reading in the blogs itself.

Last time I looked up the definition of blogs, the word spam was definitively out there.
Perhaps people are just childish when it comes to listening.
Those who know will understand.

I like reading the blogs and not seeing, " Dude I know I was there and You ni8nbakdbckabd"
Makes me very irritated and quite frustrated.
Blogs are a personal journal and you write about yourself, rant about certain things as I am now and Just write about a Day in life.

Pretty much the reason I stopped writing is cause of that and I assume after people read this they will shrug it off and resume their ways.
I understand your children and your gotta be a kid.
But intelligence is something perhaps you never used within the game just randomness.

I admit I do myself, but at times you have to use your brain and write calmly and clearly.
Not some "asjgkl" stuff that people barely bother with.

They call it Spam for a reason ya know?
Well I hope you like my rant about this and get *some* enlightenment out of it and I am not pointing people out.

Later and happy bloggin'

When the rich wage war, its the poor who die.

Tuesday, August 07, 2007
12:14 am CEST - Uchiha Kamui - Random Saying
Hits: 14865
I got Kyuubi!
Yay for me!
That is all.
When the rich wage war, its the poor who die.

Sunday, July 08, 2007
06:30 pm CEST - Uchiha Kamui - Froggy came, Froggy saw, Froggy conquered.
Hits: 15046

I haven't wrote here in awhile but I'll just write what comes to mind.
Well this week was busy as hell, I was going back and forth.
My Great-Aunt died so
Mon-Tues, I had to get my clothes ready and start going to bed early so Weds I could get up at 9 am to get ready and head 80-something miles to the town to the funeral home to see her body.
Tuesday didn't go as plan since I stayed up all that night.
Couldn't sleep cause of the heat and I was wide awake for some apparent reason.

Anyway that morning I found out my Uncle was going so ehhh he's cool and a riot so I'll enjoy it.
Thing is...that entire day was depressing and hot...
My Aunt's place only had a one air-conditioner so put two and two together.
Being there 9 hours bored me out of my mind, with lack of sleep even the tiniest things was entertaining.

I had to go to my Great Aunt's funeral, another 8-9 hours.
Went shopping for some clothes and bought me something for myself.
I went to my sister's
Quinceañera, use wiki if you need a concept of what this means.
It was and my brother's friend's just messed around all day, hanging out.
Ate some of the good food my mom and my step-dad's family cooked as well.

Rode in the limo for an hour and a half.
We joked with one of my friends with a quote from Family Guy.
You know the one when Stewie gets married to Olivia and Brian tells him it's not his fault?
We kept telling him "It's not your fault."
Yea, we cracked up.
That day was fun and hilarious.

I came home around 10 PM and to my surprise found a small frog at my driveway, thing is why it surprises me is I haven't seen one around my place in 4 years.
Maybe this day was good and the
froggy was sign or something of that sort.

I would tell you more but it would be too vile for you involves a puppy and NO, it wasn't eaten. =P

Anyway laters'~
When the rich wage war, its the poor who die.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007
11:19 am CEST - Uchiha Kamui - To rant or not to rant?
Hits: 15274
That is the question.
I feel like I am torn but can I stay loyal to my fans of blogging?
That is a mystery for you to decide.

I'm gonna write a rant today about
But for now I dedicate these Lyrics for
someone, thank you. ^^

Your fragile, folded wings
are tired from the pure blue sky.
You don't have to force your smile for anyone.
It's okay to smile
for yourself.

That lonely feeling keeps creeping up on me.
A single candle still burns inside.
There shouldn't be an expensive chandelier in a wild place like this.
Can I really bury it all with empty words?
I don't know anymore...

As long as we can swim freely in our dreams
we won't need the sky anymore.
Even if you can't let go of the past
I'll still be there to meet with you tomorrow.
Your fragile, folded wings
are tired from the pure blue sky.
You don't have to force your smile for anyone.
It's okay to smile
for yourself.

When the rich wage war, its the poor who die.

Friday, May 25, 2007
02:01 pm CEST - Uchiha Kamui - Time flies so fast ~
Hits: 15161
It's almost summer and I'll be on more often, the reason I haven't been on so much is due to medical issues, so go figure.
The game is addicting I tell you that, but where can you chat to such great friends?
This place means alot to me...I thank that random
Google search that lead me here.
If I haven't been here well I would have missed the fun,drama, and the randomness that insures at a daily basis here.
Hopefully I'll be here for the years to come until I retire from the game.
It won't come yet...not for a long time.
:P me Kamui...Only a select few can call me Camel. <<
Adios until the next time I write. ^^

When the rich wage war, its the poor who die.

Friday, March 30, 2007
08:49 am CEST - Uchiha Kamui - Introducing: Ino as the Mexican Girlfriend.
Hits: 14893
I've been sleepy lately maybe I'm just restless...
Getting fever and evening sickness...ugh.
*Hug His Mommy*
Maybe I need to ease up a bit and just look ahead.
On other news I've been doing lively, I don't know why I've been straying from here.
Could be all of the people and the randomness.
But oh well a blog is a blog.
I've been listening to too much Nine Inch Nails.
Too addicting the band...
If you get the chance fellas, look up 'My Violent Heart'
Best song I ever heard from them so far...on a new album.
It's on my
Anyway kiddies, goodnight and adios.
Get some sleep!!

Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.

Saturday, March 10, 2007
10:51 pm CET - Uchiha Kamui - Kool-aid Man
Hits: 15057
@ Nini

Blog - provide commentary or news on a particular subject, such as food, politics, or local news; some function as more personal online diaries.
So blogs do serve as personal function between it's user, I do not know this "blog life"
I do know what personal means so I am serving my purpose here.
Pri knows this as well.
So take more consideration before you look into things.
Thank you.

Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.

Thursday, March 08, 2007
11:30 pm CET - Uchiha Kamui - Bleh is the new Meh
Hits: 15420 call people too much...nah I'm joking with ya.
I would call you but I only call people on Fridays and the weekends.
Bleh...what was I gonna say?
Keep up the hard work people, one day you will become strong and respected.
I guess this is all I have to say for now.
Kinda having a writer's block in a blog form. >>
I'll write here again, once I have time or when I need to discuss things with the public.
Now if you excuse me, I must watch horror movies and laugh.

Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007
08:47 am CET - Uchiha Kamui - What EP Really Means: " Eradicate Prunes."
Hits: 15603
I decided to take a break from the blogs.
I need to rest to old writer's mind.
I have writer's block, go figure.
Expect to hear from me soon.
I'll be writing some stuff down then I'll put it up soon as I get the chance.
Everyone keep up the nice blogs.
*gives a thumbs-up*
Take care and Adios.

Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.

Sunday, February 04, 2007
05:04 am CET - Uchiha Kamui - To whom it may concern
Hits: 15120
I started a war?
Kiddo let's not get carried away.
You're the one calling us 'Morons'
So who's starting the war?
No, on the contrary, please don't accuse me of a war I didn't cause.
It is not I but you sir are twisted in your own words by calling me and everyone else something we're not.
Don't make assumptions , I'm not speaking like I'm better then you.
I'm not...I think we are all equal but your negative attitude towards me and others.
Drives me up a wall and makes me tell the truth.
Childish acts for someone who calls me a moron.
My intellect is something you can't comprehend so take a back seat.
Enjoy our blogs or better yet don't read them.

Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.

Saturday, February 03, 2007
11:24 pm CET - Uchiha Kamui - Assumptions make the worse out of us all.
Hits: 15283
Nini I hear ya, but you only speak for yourself.
You don't speak for me.
My future is bright.
Love is only illusion because you made the wrong choices.
Don't contradict me or others and say we are wrong to be in love.
Saying "It's a lie, illusion and etc."
Looking before you speak is the best way to overcome your obstacles.
Not my fault or anyone else's, ok?
We maintain the right to be in love and learn from our mistakes as we please.
Nothing will change our human nature, to learn,love,forgive and let go.
Sri, I feel the same way.
I was too born into Catholicism, I mean being raised by my grandparents.
My grandfather was very religious.
So every little thing I was overlooked.
I had to be careful.
On some occasion, I had to go to church not that I 'love' it but I had no choice.
Like you said either Poker with God or Solitaire with Satin.
Life tough but I rather settle for my own freedom on my choice of religion.
Then be force to accepted one to another's liking.
Hope everyone gets what I'm saying.
Anyway, Adios and take care.

Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.

Thursday, February 01, 2007
02:31 pm CET - Uchiha Kamui - Cheese is the Ultimate snack for the soul
Hits: 15341
Well my blog is messed up.
I know I shouldn't make a big deal.
But ehhh...I can't help it.
It makes me all fgklk, ya know?
People should know how to close the characters in
bold and italics.
It's very simple.
Put the character at the beginning and at the end of the sentence.
Saves us the heap of trouble, got it?
The person here responsible knows what I'm saying.
On a side note: Eat your
Adios amigos.

Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.

Tuesday, January 30, 2007
02:04 pm CET - Uchiha Kamui - Crawling in my skin.
Hits: 15301
I'm sad.
You see when one of my buddies, neglects to tell me their plight.
I get sad ya know?
I know it might not seem like it's none of my business but What are friends for?
I have feeling too you know?
When my good friend leaves, telling me I should expect him back.
I get my doubts.
What do I know?
I barely speak to some of my friends.
My fault?
Could be...if it is then I'll gladly take the blame.
I just wish I could expect more then less.
I rather not be a victim of your plight.
I rather have the freedom to tell you straight out and expect a response back.
If you leave, well farewell.
I've seen them come and go.
Makes me sad really.
I can't do anything no matter how much I try.
I guess I am really getting old.
Adios Friends.
Study Hard!

Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.

Saturday, January 27, 2007
08:31 am CET - Uchiha Kamui - Yo, let's go break dance on the roof.
Hits: 15991
I see a lot of people with their blogs now.
Woah ho!
I'm the ranter. ._.
People trying to imitate.
Won't the real ranter, Kamui? Please stand up? Please stand up?
Please...let me get this straight, if you don't like my rants don't read them.
Don't pm me with your view on how I am mad at society.
Kiddo I am not, I am mad at the world.
It's vile, we don't get along.
Ever been to a country that hates you?
My point.
I am mad that we focus on certain issue but don't pay no attention to the poor.
Racial issues get involve.
The world is like a court room.
It's out of order and who are we to judge that 'man/woman' views?
Leave the poor guy alone, not his fault. >>;
Also I recently saw the State of the Union.
I never get into politics.
But what the hell happened?
Democrats hated the president now they applauded him and shook his hand!?
Media got involved...
I was awestruck.
On the contrary, Why do we hate in the first place?
Hate and love are one in the same.
War is bad kiddos.
My point being.
Now get some sleep and adios!

Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.

Friday, January 19, 2007
10:41 pm CET - Uchiha Kamui - Is it really that long?
Hits: 16776
I think to myself, how long have I been playing really?
I work so hard to get where I am yet I barely remember the old days.
Two servers...the potions, Ahh..those were the days.
Many people came and went such as the 'Leet' ninjas, old friends,clans.
You gotta ask yourself.(The people who been here when Ann had the other server.)
Has it been that long?
The changes...New people...stronger opponents.
Everything is a challenge now, all the newcomers have it hard also.
I don't wanna remember my Academy Student days.
Somethings are best left behind.
If you're gonna play SL, play for the friends...because without them, you're lost.
Adios Amigos.

Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.

Friday, January 05, 2007
10:41 am CET - Uchiha Kamui - Break
Hits: 15635
I'm taking a break from blogs and getting ready for my b-day that's coming up this Monday.
I will resume my rants Tuesday.

If you have a topic you want me to rant about PM me and I'll write and debate the subject, thank you.

Revenge is a dish served cold ~ Kamui aka Camel

Thursday, January 04, 2007
08:10 am CET - Uchiha Kamui - Some People Don't Realize They're Annoying
Hits: 15668
Have you ever came across the acne ridden face of goofy looking nerd with a terrible lisp who didn't realize or even think that they were annoying?

This type of person is not always what I mentioned above but can be disguised a number of ways.

You come across the kind of person that just ticks you off to even be in their presence. talking to them ticks you off, having them around and them not even saying a word ticks you off, their breathing ticks you off, hell just thinking about them leaving ticks you off because you would have to put forth the effort to either get them gone, or to say bye because you're nice and don't want to hurt what's left of their disappearing self-esteem.

I've come across those type of people on and offline all the time. The online kind of person is very easy to spot and is probably the same way offline as well.

ReDDuDe2548: hello.
ReDDuDe2548: hello
ReDDuDe2548: r u there
ReDDuDe2548: wuts up
ReDDuDe2548: im bored asl
ReDDuDe2548: hello

Well that's not a real good scenario but whatever. the person will continue to bug the hell out of you but not actually do anything to warrant a full fledged screaming them out. so you sit there, ignoring the hell out of them hoping they will get the hint and leave you alone but then they never do. This type of person usually has the wrong screen name when IMing you or just saw you in a room and decided to annoy the hell out of you with their rambling. you eventually block or respond to this person with some off the wall message hoping they will think you're psycho and either leave you alone or say something that WILL warrant an argument.

Offline you have these idiots that have really annoying voices and they are always on your nuts. there is a difference between being on your nuts in a good way with giving you praise, affection, and worship.....then there is being on your case in the way that they're always bugging you, asking you questions, calling you, and making you want to tear their eyes out and shove them down their throat so they can see for the moment their eyes still work, you kicking them in the stomach.

There are different types of annoying people okay? The kind you put up with because they have something you want or they can provide you with something, so you deal with their annoying beings just to get whatever they give you in a friendship that you aren't getting elsewhere. it can either be money, praise, or they just have really cool things at their house probably because their parents think they're equally annoying as well, so to avoid hearing their voice..they shower this guy or girl with gifts to keep them out of your hair. This type of person usually gets used by everyone and doesn't know it till it's too late and they're off feeling sorry for themselves and blame themselves because someone finally spoke the hell up and told them that no one really likes them and only uses them to get stuff.

If you want me to rant on a topic of your choice please PM me...I'll draw out of hat like I always do.

Revenge is a dish served cold ~ Kamui aka Camel

Wednesday, January 03, 2007
01:33 am CET - Uchiha Kamui - Sleeping on the floor sucks.
Hits: 15798
It does, and every since I bought a bed, I've realized more and more how much sleeping on the floor really DOES suck.

Bums sleep on the floor
Bugs crawl on the floor
People walk on the floor
Scum lives on the floor

When you sleep on the floor, you're basically saying "Hey world, I'm a bug loving floor mat that loves scum and on top of that.....I'm a bum"

If you're unfortunate enough to sleep on the floor, go look for mattresses out on the sidewalk.

Ones that people throw away because they've been in the family for so many generations that the "stains" on the mattress actually looks like tie dye.
Now I'm sick...never sleep on the floor you never know what you're gonna get.

Revenge is a dish served cold ~ Kamui aka Camel

Tuesday, January 02, 2007
01:41 am CET - Uchiha Kamui - DJ Clue and Others Like Him.
Hits: 15810
What really ticks me off is that dude DJ Clue and other dudes like him (DJ KaySlay, etc) who feel it's their civil duty to ruin the beginning, sometimes the middle, and most of the time the end of perfectly good songs with their annoying voice and constant babble about god knows what or who.

When I download a song I expect to hear the entire thing and not some loud mouthed rambling about who they're representing and who the artist is and what the song title if i don't already know or something.

The song WILL be out on the person's album, why the hell are these DJ's in it?!?! Did they produce the albums?
Is it a way to keep people from having a decent copy before the album comes out?
Whatever the case may be, it is mad annoying, and if I ever got to tell these idiots how I feel face to face, you better believe I will speak on behalf of everyone who downloads a song, ignoring any profits the artist should make, off of one of our peer to peer programs such as Limewire, about how utterly annoying and idiotic their involvement in the track is and was. You guys don't deserve to get paid of you will let these morons ruin your tracks.

I hear a song on the radio without them babbling throughout the track, I expect to get the same treatment when I download songs from the internet, with the added bonus of explicit lyrics; not some ignorant track spinning whizzy whiz dude to spout off at the mouth about about his "crew" with that annoying echo that never seems to go away until the actual verse begins. This goes for producers too. If I was an artist I wouldn't want my producer to be rambling in my songs. What the hell good does that do me? you would already get profits from my words, why the hell do you want to come in and destroy what little privacy I do have? Yes you made my beat, BIG DEAL, does the whole world need to know? I could see if you did something useful and actually performed a verse, but no, you have high pitched voices, annoying echoes and stupid things to say when it's MY song that's being played.

Kamui says, Yes, I do buy Cds and DJs? One word...Troublesome.

Revenge is a dish served cold ~ Kamui aka Camel

Monday, January 01, 2007
01:32 am CET - Uchiha Kamui - Friendship 101
Hits: 16046
I know I may sound a bit stupid for this and I don't care. But, recently I had a conversation with someone who told me that there's a possibility that they'd stop talking to me if dumb stuff like having their own family got in the way/made them too busy.

There are a lot of people out there who take friendships for granted. There are also a lot of people out there who's take on friendship is different.

I'm here to give you my definition.

I'm 19 years old, my way of thinking has changed drastically over the past 4 years and my view on friendship is quite different.

23% of Americans can say that they have had a childhood friend that to this day is still their friend. Don't quote me on those statistics, they're made up.

Anyway, I want to be among that 23%. While, my methods of acquiring a friend may be strange to some, to me they have worked.

I value friendship only a step below family. Almost anything I would do for my family, I'd do for a friend. They're life long partners that should be taken seriously.

Right now I'm room mating with a friend I've known for over 10 years. While it's true friends come and go, there should always be a certain number of people who stay in your life for the long haul.

What would be the point in developing a long lasting friendship with someone you want it to last with if they believe there's a possibility that their own new found family will get in the way? For me it's cutting your losses and moving on.

There are a few types of friends. Most of us have "casual" friends. Friends that may come and go, and don't have much impact on your life.

Then there are people you consider to be good friends, close friends, best friends, who by no means do you have any plans on ditching. These people should no doubt feel the same way about you, or you could wind up being really hurt if something were to happen.

There should be mutual feelings among friends that you both are in it for the long haul. That you'll grow old being good friends. If there isn't that mutual agreement between one of you, they obviously need to be cut off for the sake of yours or their feelings.

Long distance or short distance, there should be no discrimination against who's a friend and who isn't.

Yes most of us, being young, either don't care, or believe that online friends have some sort of low priority, and are meaningless. This is untrue. I too have gone through my fair share of not giving a d*mn about people who care about me back, and to them I sincerely apologize.

But, nothing will make me busy enough to abandon people that have been there for me through good times and bad. Whether I met you online, or off, if you have the same values of friendship that I have, we'll be remaining friends until one of our dying days.

So to all my true friends out there, I want to thank you for being there for me, and I in turn will be there for you. I also hope that you value friendship as I do, because if I get the idea you don't, so it's peace out.

I'm 19 years old, and have no time for people that don't know what they want, or are immature. The beginning of my life starts now, and whosoever in it with me give me a hell yea.

Revenge is a dish served cold ~ Kamui aka Camel

Sunday, December 31, 2006
09:39 am CET - Uchiha Kamui - Did I Punched That Kid?
Hits: 15617
No, I didn't, but rewind time for a minute.

Close your eyes and imagine me walking up to an elevator. It is friday, mid after-noon. Sunny, almost scary how calm and quiet it is.

I get to the elevator and I press the button going down. It lights up.

Someone comes up not even 10 seconds later, pushes the same d*mn button I did.

Time stops.

I think to myself, what the heck is this guy's problem? Do you think that your touch will magically make the elevator come any faster just because YOU pressed it?

No, it won't.

Did I mention that the light was lit? Like this punk can't see that the light is lit up and the elevator is on its way he thinks he has super elevator powers that makes elevators come really fast because he pushed the button right after me. Like my push wasn't good enough or that I didn't push it the right way.

I proceed to have fantasies of tapping him on the shoulder and saying: "Hey moron, it's not going to come any faster just because you pushed the button" then after that I punch him right in the face and watch him fly 15 feet across the pavement only to hit his head on the bumper of a Hummer H3.

What is it with people that do dumb stuff like that?

You're at the corner crossing the street and you push the "TURN GREEN" button so you can go and right after you do (ok maybe 10 seconds later) someone else comes up and repeatedly presses it as if the red light is going to be like "oh d*mn (random punk) this guy has pressed me 10 times, I must turn green or a catastrophe will happen." Like you're standing there just for the hell of it and didn't think to push the button yourself some other idiot comes up and does the same thing. It makes me want to push him/her out into the street so they can get ran over by an ice cream truck.

Revenge is a dish served cold ~ Kamui aka Camel

Saturday, December 30, 2006
03:36 am CET - Uchiha Kamui - Mhmmm.
Hits: 15544
Been awhile since I've wrote here, kinda been busy trying to obtain one of my goals.
I've achieved it already now I can start writing here again regularly.
Alot of people with blogs now. o.o
Starting to have competition...meh I can beat the rest. >.>
Adios Amigos. o.o/)

Revenge is a dish served cold ~ Kamui aka Camel

Thursday, December 21, 2006
12:22 am CET - Uchiha Kamui - Red to Black
Hits: 15490
Christmas is coming up, everyone is looking foward to it but let's not forget those who are not here but are overseas...they can't be here.
All our brothers and sisters that are in this senseless war.
We should pray for their safe return.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to everyone on Shinobi Legends.

Revenge is a dish served cold ~ Kamui aka Camel

Tuesday, December 19, 2006
07:49 am CET - Uchiha Kamui - Gah! >.O
Hits: 15215
Sunday, man I went bowling for a few hours.
My arm is still sore but my leg feels better now.
I guess thats what I get for throwing a fourteen pound ball for two hours.
At least I ate a good meal before bowling.
I went shopping also not for too long, Saturday is when I do Christmas shopping and that's when I'm truly busy.
I had some good fun that day, came home rested for a little bit then hanged out with some friends before getting online.
I hope my days turn out like, my life would be so much simple.
I only seek the simple life.

Revenge is a dish served cold ~ Kamui aka Camel

Saturday, December 16, 2006
02:22 am CET - Uchiha Kamui - Exams
Hits: 14874
Exams are around the corner..."Hello restless nights!"
If you know what I mean...well if you put your mind to it you'll achieved your goal and that's what I think.
Hit them books and study! >.<

Revenge is a dish served cold ~ Kamui aka Camel

Friday, December 15, 2006
03:09 am CET - Uchiha Kamui - Disjointed Heart
Hits: 14981
I want to write a story based on my life in this game and the hardship he faced to acheived where he was today.
I need a title though...
The thing is the only ppl that are in it are the people that influence me based on my choices so not friends and yada yada.
I have alot of time on my hand, I feel it'll all work out to the way I want it.

On other news I can't deny I feel like I'm losing something that I can't grasp on to.
I want to hold on to this feeling and never lose it again...I never dwell in the state I was before.
The feeling was horrible in that state...
I blame myself though and I feel like I brought this upon me.
I'll pick up where I left off and look ahead towards a brighter future.

Revenge is a dish served cold ~ Kamui aka Camel

Monday, December 11, 2006
12:53 am CET - Uchiha Kamui - Blah it's life
Hits: 14940
I eagerly await my comp so I'm using my little brothers comp, not that I'm complaining but it has limited uses.
I'm back at last, man I missed alot.
The Wii is very fun even though I already conquered Zelda.
I still need 100%. >.<
I can't wait for Christmas, I could use a new tv.
My old one sucks badly. >.>
I wish I had my aim...oh well.
Adios friends until I write again. =)

Revenge is a dish served cold ~ Kamui aka Camel

Sunday, December 03, 2006
05:46 am CET - Uchiha Kamui - Dive to Blue
Hits: 15077
I find the most simple things beautiful, dreams seem so real.
Why not let a song explain my feelings, my perpective.

"You should start flapping soon"
Someone whispered
"Start from the line below your knee
Let's fly
"Freedom comes from your own back
"These chains have been
Tying you up since the very start
Haven't they?
"In my heart, in my heart, the sky seems to fit
I'd love to sink myself into those azure depths
Aim for the neverending night sky
Let's search for a new world
Even wavering with uncertainity
Won't make these newfound wings vanish
Sometimes there is no correct answer
God only knows what twists lie in the path ahead
Accelerate up to an unstopable speed
Remember this connection even at the peak of loneliness
Everything ma have been corrupted but
You alone don't need to grow up
Let that nostalgic light guide you
And gently hold out a waving hand
The unseen future may hold partings
But we can paint it with broken illusions
Take your foretold destiny
And toss it away into the sky
Even now, Even now, I remember
The way the morning shone on those distant days
Aim for the neverending night sky
Let's search for a new world
Even wavering with uncertainity
Won't make these new wings vanish
Let that nostalgic light guide you
And gently hold out a waving hand
The unseen future may hold partings
But we can paint it with broken illusions
Take your foretold destiny
And toss it away into the sky

Revenge is a dish served cold ~ Kamui aka Camel

Wednesday, November 22, 2006
12:12 am CET - Uchiha Kamui - Umm Why!?
Hits: 15515
Yeaa my comp broked, all my data erased...1000 songs lost and etc data.
Can life get worse?
My mother called the Company that made the computer for me but I had to go through all these steps before I could even tell him, " It doesn't work, I mean how can I even follow your directions if my mouse doesn't work and my keyboard."
Oh well gotta wait till I can send it off till then see you guys soon. o.o/))

Revenge is a dish served cold ~ Kamui aka Camel

Sunday, November 12, 2006
11:00 pm CET - Uchiha Kamui - Bored as Usual
Hits: 15846
Sundays...ehhh never did like those days, nothing good on t.v.
Sometimes friends are busy, but hey my little brother came over and brought along his buddy who I know.
Cable went out yesterday...

I mean how many times does that happen for 8 hours, I just went outside and observed the sky,nature.
It was pretty nice outside, while it still lasted.
Now it's windy and cold, How I miss those sunny days.
Stupid cat of mine...he's a slacker.

I was supposed to give him away but it was too late, now all he does is eat and sleep.
He brought over a friend, great...more work for me.
All is good though,day might be slow but the fun times are memorable.
Revenge is a dish served cold ~ Kamui aka Camel

Saturday, November 11, 2006
12:33 pm CET - Uchiha Kamui - Bleh
Hits: 15813
I had some comp issues but I got the bugs worked out and now will start writing some new blogs soon.
By the way Happy B-day Xaos! (late b-day >.>)

Revenge is a dish served cold ~ Kamui aka Camel

Tuesday, November 07, 2006
09:13 pm CET - Uchiha Kamui - What is Love?
Hits: 15741
Love...I think of it as a lucid dream.
It's real for that few moments until you wake up.
It's a feeling, a great feeling.
When you do find your loved one, It may last forever.
Who knows?
Dreams can be real.
They just seem to us, as a sense of false reality.
Maybe not, maybe dreams can come true if you try hard enough.
When you're crushed, love will come again.
Life may be cruel at times, but love is a powerful emotion.
When all seems wrong, the dream is right around the corner waiting for you.

Revenge is a dish served cold ~ Kamui aka Camel

Monday, November 06, 2006
12:01 am CET - Uchiha Kamui - Mother
Hits: 16048
Well as the title says, "Mother" but I thought of her as my mother.
Has it been that long, I look back and count the happy days.
I noticed that time is slow with her gone but by myself, it gone faster and faster.
Life is cruel at most times, I keep this sadness lock inside me, I know it seems unhealthy.
What can I do?
What should I do?
Is life a dream?
Is this meant to be or fated to happen?
Well those happy times keep me sane and keep my feet on the ground.
Now I think as Death a step to another life that just begins.
Well I like to think that but we'll see when the day comes.
Happiness and Sadness can coexist, keeping me a man apart from others.
Well to that day comes my heart has some wounds that need healing.
I just hope when the healing is done, I can look at life at another perspective.

Revenge is a dish served cold ~ Kamui aka Camel

Sunday, November 05, 2006
12:58 am CET - Uchiha Kamui - Behind Your Lies
Hits: 15952
This first entry will be a dedication to him...wherever you are, hate is a beautiful thing.

I didn't think that I had a debt to pay
'til they came to take what I had left away
you said you wouldn't put me to the test today
but I remember you saying that yesterday.

There was a time when your mind wasn't out of control
every memory and confession born out of your soul
like a pill you couldn't swallow so it swallowed you whole
another lie hard to follow, it followed you home.

And like that
broken down
a victim of your plight.

Fire so out of control
every memory and confession born out of your soul.

And like that
broken down
a victim of you lies.

You hide behind
you don't know
you crossed the line
wrapped up inside your
you hide behind
you're lost inside that cold disguise
behind your lies.

I don't know what I thought I might say
seems like we never would talk the right way
every other minute I fought for my place
and drop what I made thought you might say so.

I'm guessing that you probably know
when your inside's hollow and you want to be cold
like a pill hard to swallow so it swallowed you whole
another lie hard to follow, it followed you home.

And like that
broken down
a victim of your lies.

You hide behind
you don't know
you crossed the line
wrapped inside your lies
you hide behind
you're lost inside that cold disguise
behind your lies.

You're faking, you're mistaken
If you think that you could climb out of this hole
forsaken, what would take me?
analyzing by the power of your soul.

Broken down, a victim of your
faking, your mistaken
if you think that you could climb out of this hole
broken down, a victim of your lies.

You hide behind
you don't know
you hide behind
you don't know
you hide behind
you don't know
you hide behind
wrapped up inside your lies.

You hide behind
you don't know
you crossed the line
wrapped up inside your
you hide behind
you're lost inside that cold disguise
behind your lies.

Revenge is a dish served cold ~ Kamui aka Camel