Shinobi Blogs

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Sunday, June 26, 2011
01:55 am CEST - Tōzoku Kyōfu - ummm
Hits: 8582
Wow I cant believe this account still works o.o

Tuesday, May 25, 2010
11:47 pm CEST - Tōzoku Kyōfu - IDEK
Hits: 7405
I havent done a blog in flipping ever....Its been awhile...I just got my account back and I see all my friends I had on here are gone T.T or they made new accounts...Well at least I still got you bloggy...Blog...Where you going ;.; Come back I didnt mean to cheat on you with twitter T.T

Tuesday, June 10, 2008
01:02 pm CEST - Tōzoku Kyōfu - Blog entry 122349835943583904w498549824.....Why the W??
Hits: 7552
Well I have notice everyone is deleting there account just to make a new one or tired of the game or they wanna start off as an Academy Student.....Well I have something to tell you...If you want to make a new account just make a new one just use the same E-mail you don't have to just delete your main to make an alt I know some of you guys....and girls....Are smarter than that come on,and if you want to start over as an Academy Student then stop being lazy and either get 80 {I think} and get reborn and you at least get Sharigan or Byakuugan or any others there may be or just make an alt and work with that one....


Saturday, November 03, 2007
12:17 am CET - Tōzoku Kyōfu - DRAGON FORCE
Hits: 7372
Through the fires and flames........................Owwwwww.................I played some guy online in Guitar Hero 3...and WOW
I am No Ordinary Perv

Wednesday, October 24, 2007
08:11 pm CEST - Tōzoku Kyōfu - Bored in school
Hits: 7558
I am here at school on the computer as you idiots can see and I am bored as hell......Even though hell isn't boring cause there are like metal concerts everyday.
I am No Ordinary Perv

Monday, September 24, 2007
11:47 pm CEST - Tōzoku Kyōfu
Hits: 7819
Well I havent been on in awhile By that I mean blog so here you go
I am No Ordinary Perv

Thursday, August 23, 2007
11:08 am CEST - Tōzoku Kyōfu - Run
Hits: 8194
Recently there was a Naruto Marathon.It was Naruto's 100th episode at the end and I was disappointed at it.Oh well I am not going to rant on about how much I was disappointed at it but now we are going to be getting filler episodes.Then maybe 2 to 3 years we will get Naruto Shippuuden.HELL YEAH!!!!!!!!!
God's Wrath Is Coming

Sunday, August 19, 2007
07:31 pm CEST - Tōzoku Kyōfu - Doom
Hits: 7986
Sorry doom but no never call me cheese man please.
God's Wrath Is Coming

Friday, August 17, 2007
05:24 am CEST - Tōzoku Kyōfu - Lear Jet
Hits: 7848
If yall noticed I have changed my name to Mega Perv cause I was sick and tried of people calling me Cheese Man I didnt care if it was stiny cheese but Cheese Man got on my last nerve.So I changed it but kept the avatar.>.>I am bored
God's Wrath Is Coming

Tuesday, August 14, 2007
06:43 am CEST - Tōzoku Kyōfu - All and all your just another brick in the wall
Hits: 7980
My friend said he saw a BIG biker man maybe in his thirtys.He said he saw him with a medium size tatto of.............Pikachu.Then He was going to play Guitar Hero 80s but some fat man beat him to it and he was older than me and him put together and was playing on easy.He made a 100 and then my friend started to play on Medium and got a 100.The fat man played and SUCKED......>.>I am bored so I made this blog
God's Wrath Is Coming

Monday, August 13, 2007
11:30 am CEST - Tōzoku Kyōfu - I have seen the writing on the walls
Hits: 8132
Man school is just around the corner for some of us sucks for you other guys.....Well for most of us we start the 27.That is only two weeks.....Two weeks to get ready for school thats to short I wish we had an extra month or sometihng.
God's Wrath Is Coming

Sunday, August 12, 2007
10:02 pm CEST - Tōzoku Kyōfu - I dont need no drugs to calm me
Hits: 7820
Well big day for Kachi,Raki,and myself tomorrow.It is "Fish camp"Yes we are going to be 9nth graders and it will rule but suck so wish us good luck.
God's Wrath Is Coming

Thursday, August 09, 2007
02:13 am CEST - Tōzoku Kyōfu - Arms around me
Hits: 8256
I am bored so I am writing this blog.What ever happened to Bevis And Butthead
God's Wrath Is Coming

Sunday, August 05, 2007
02:26 pm CEST - Tōzoku Kyōfu - Transformations
Hits: 7905
On SL alot of people love to transform.The most thing they transform into are cute furry animals.I mean I do that when I get bored but not when I am busy there's no time.If we could really transform I would transform into THE STINKY CHEESE MAN
God's Wrath Is Coming

02:13 pm CEST - Tōzoku Kyōfu - What They Really Think About You
Hits: 7905
When you get married the first week is awsome you wake up together and you get buff's and you flirt and all that good stuff.Well another week passes and you start to get bored of your marrige cause you have to do things over and over and over again.Like keeping your flirt points up.That's hard work because every day you get on it gose down and every time it gose down the highest chance you can get divorced.Here's some advice.FLIRT PASS 15 BEFORE YOU GET MARRIED.Well just think marrige as a slurpee.You buy and and take some sips and you say"Wow this is good glad I bought this then you drink it faster and you think"OWOWOWOWOW What was I thinking someone kill me please"Quote Jeff Dunum.

P.S I think this was the longest blog I ever typed

God's Wrath Is Coming

02:03 pm CEST - Tōzoku Kyōfu - Broken Hearts
Hits: 7905
I hate to see a girl's heart get broken it really touches me deep down,but I really hate it when a jerk breaks it who claims he loves you but cheats on you every damn day.Then he say's some crap like"I am sorry babe I will never do it again".Then the girl will start crying and she say's"I didn't mean to blame you"Or "I forgive you".Thats a load of COWPIE.............XD Cowpie.......>.>
God's Wrath Is Coming

Thursday, August 02, 2007
01:23 pm CEST - Tōzoku Kyōfu - The Real Akatsuki Leader
Hits: 8159
They showed on the Naruto manga a member of akatsuki named Pein....Alot of people thought he was the True leader....WRONG Tobi yes the "Good boy" Is the real leader.He even Has the Sharingan and the powers of Uchiha Madara....The origanl Uchiha my sources tell me.

Dont beleive me well read it for you self
(Copy and paste)

God's Wrath Is Coming

Wednesday, August 01, 2007
09:04 pm CEST - Tōzoku Kyōfu - Stinky Cheese Man >.>
Hits: 7938
I recently found out that Snakes can walk......Its true you know they are mammals........Yea just ask everyone here.......>.>Thats all I wanted to say......
God's Wrath Is Coming

01:24 am CEST - Tōzoku Kyōfu - He Has His Revenge
Hits: 7904
Iron Man

Has he lost his mind
Can he see or is he blind
Can he walk at all
Or if he moves will he fall

Is he alive or dead
Has he thoughts within his head
We'll just pass him there
Why should we even care

He was turned to steel
In the great magnetic field
When he traveled time
For the future of mankind

Nobody wants him
He just stares at the world
Planning his vengeance
That he will soon unfurl

Now the time is here
For Iron Man to spread fear
Vengeance from the grave
Kills the people he once saved

Nobody wants him
They just turn their heads
Nobody helps him
Now he has his revenge

Heavy boots of lead
Fills his victims full of dread
Running as fast as they can
Iron Man lives again!

Black Sabbath

God's Wrath Is Coming

Monday, July 30, 2007
12:20 pm CEST - Tōzoku Kyōfu - Stinky Cheese Man
Hits: 7744
I have notice that some of my blog's were funny now they are starting to die.So I need you help go to and send me ideas.
God's Wrath Is Coming

Saturday, May 26, 2007
05:26 pm CEST - Tōzoku Kyōfu - Acting bad Part 3
Hits: 8004
Hey it has been awhile since I made a Acting bad 3 but I had to do some thinking.If at the end of the school year,and there is a dogeball torny,adn you sign up and your team has matching color's.You are good to go,but if your team has one person that dose'nt have the same color and he say's this,"I just want to look cool"then you should.................THROW A BALL IN HIS FACE!!!!
"I am not afraid to keep on living,I am not afraid to walk this world alone" quote MCR

Friday, May 25, 2007
10:43 pm CEST - Tōzoku Kyōfu - Ninja Monkeys
Hits: 8213
Never ever try to put your sister's labtop charger together if its pluged in and the wire split in half.All I am saying is if you do or try you will end up looking like Frankinstein's Wife.^.^Good luck.

"I am not afraid to keep on living,I am not afraid to walk this world alone" quote MCR

Friday, May 11, 2007
05:37 am CEST - Tōzoku Kyōfu - God's Wrath Will Come
Hits: 7815
I love being a leader but it has its ups and downs....Like if I dont get on in like a day I have like 14 new messages whats up with that...There nothing but withdraws or App to the clan but it feels good to be a boss.
"I am not afraid to keep on living,I am not afraid to walk this world alone" quote MCR

Thursday, April 19, 2007
03:03 am CEST - Tōzoku Kyōfu - Name's
Hits: 7234
What is up with getting to name you creature or Companion.It's crazy even though I have one but still it's crazy.......>.>
"I am not afraid to keep on living,I am not afraid to walk this world alone" quote MCR

Wednesday, April 11, 2007
06:28 am CEST - Tōzoku Kyōfu - Anime
Hits: 7695
I hate this place.I consider earth hell.Some people say we can go to heaven if we go to church.I think thats a lound of meat.We all should go to hell.
"I am not afraid to keep on living,I am not afraid to walk this world alone" quote MCR

Monday, February 26, 2007
06:46 am CET - Tōzoku Kyōfu - Life
Hits: 8157
"What is life?" a big question alot of people ask.Well that's what i want to know.Why are we here?Why do we make the world hell?Where do we really go when we die?Also why the hell is there a fly in my burger?Thats questions I want to know the answers to.

P.S This blog makes no sense but neither dose the world

"I am not afraid to keep on living,I am not afraid to walk this world alone" quote MCR

Saturday, February 24, 2007
03:21 am CET - Tōzoku Kyōfu - ISS
Hits: 8258
ISS is fun at my school.Oh yeah ISS means In School Suspension.I got ISS and caught on my sleep and the teacher didn't tell me anything.The reason was cause i told off one of my teachers she was really ticked me off.
Space Monkey ,HatakeKane

Saturday, February 17, 2007
06:29 am CET - Tōzoku Kyōfu - HAHA Kachi your funny
Hits: 8476
I would do the same thing but i would put a ex-lax in it hahaha.He would have the runs all damn day haha.
Space Monkey ,HatakeKane

Tuesday, February 13, 2007
11:27 pm CET - Tōzoku Kyōfu - Monkey
Hits: 8132
As you know i have a new title and it is funny.Well let me tell something to all the ANTI-MONKEY people.....If you make fun of this name I will make your life a living hell with my frog and my monkey.Were ever you are I will be there.So if you have a problem about just give me an idea for a new title ok. pm me
Space Monkey ,HatakeKane

Sunday, February 11, 2007
02:17 am CET - Tōzoku Kyōfu - Guitar Hero
Hits: 7316
Me and my brother (Kamui) just unlocked Hyper Mode on Guitar Hero 2.It is so flippin fast.
Space Monkey ,HatakeKane

Saturday, February 10, 2007
07:43 pm CET - Tōzoku Kyōfu - GOD MODS
Hits: 7504
I don't like those little punks........there thats all I have to say i am bored
Space Monkey ,HatakeKane

Friday, February 09, 2007
09:16 pm CET - Tōzoku Kyōfu - Test's
Hits: 8127
I hate test's they are so complicated.Today we had a test and i sat next to my bro (Kachi).I tried to cheat but he wouldn't move his arm.I decided to cheat off this one girl.
Space Monkey ,HatakeKane

03:15 am CET - Tōzoku Kyōfu - Nerd's who still live in there mom's basement's
Hits: 8208
I think living with your mom is cool but if you are over 40 and still do.Get a life man or at least a job.Here's away you find out if they live with there mom.If they kick your butt in a game that your good at then he is a nerd.If they are with an older woman and she is not his wife then he is one of those guy's.PM me if I am right
Space Monkey ,HatakeKane P.S nini learn to spell

Thursday, February 08, 2007
02:14 am CET - Tōzoku Kyōfu - School
Hits: 8233
I hate school.I hate going to it.Your only there for like eight hours and your out.You don't remember a damn thing you learned that day.Then you miss a couple days and get sent to court that happened to me allot since I started junior high.Well i am done bye>.>
Space Monkey ,HatakeKane

Friday, February 02, 2007
08:24 am CET - Tōzoku Kyōfu - Kids on Shinobi Legends
Hits: 7669
I have found out weeks ago that some kid made a name like mine.Well not like mine more like Kane and people are allways telling me "Thats your alt" get it right idiots he is not my alt.Its some kid.I also took him under my wing by wing I mean as my son.
Space Monkey ,HatakeKane

Wednesday, January 31, 2007
02:55 am CET - Tōzoku Kyōfu - Acting Bad Part 2
Hits: 8046
I just realized I am one of those people who act all bad.I notice when my brother (Kamui) steped on my new shoes and i got pissed.I hate it when someone acts bad but step on a mans black K-Swiss and its on.
Space Monkey ,HatakeKane

Sunday, January 28, 2007
11:16 pm CET - Tōzoku Kyōfu - Acting Bad Part 1
Hits: 8661
I hate people that act all bad.Like your walking around town and you see poser and they have that dumb pimp walk.What the hell is that.I just want to pop out and punch in the face,and when I do it i will say ,"BAM NOT SO TOUGH NOW!" then i would run away
Space Monkey ,HatakeKane

Friday, January 26, 2007
12:40 am CET - Tōzoku Kyōfu - Mp3
Hits: 8512
I just bought a Zune and by bought i mean my mom got it for me.Its so awsome it has music videos,pictures,and a radio.I love this thing

Wednesday, January 24, 2007
04:54 am CET - Tōzoku Kyōfu - Power
Hits: 7824
This is my first blog.I hope everyone likes it.

The lights went out the other day and that sucked.I was right in the middle of a good song on Guitar Hero 2 and the power just went out.Man that was funny everyone screamed.Not me and my bro(Kamui) we were having fun until they came back on.Well thats it I hope you like it.>.>