Shinobi Blogs

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Wednesday, January 18, 2023
11:09 pm CET - Lady of the Lake Fiyona - Orochimaru
Hits: 12
Ok for real tho…. How is it possible to kill Orochimaru when he comes flanked with literally 5 other people each with more hp than me? I’ve died in 1 hit twice now. Am I just meant to not seek him out anymore? Is there a trick to this? Some new rule I’m not aware of? What is happening??? Frustration!!
No ones heart is strong enough to fix what happened here.

Tuesday, January 17, 2023
11:32 pm CET - Lady of the Lake Fiyona - A Life Never Forgotten
Hits: 13
It’s been over a decade since I’ve been here. SL was such a huge part of my social life when I was college aged. I remember the drama, the friendships, and the teenaged angst. I remember how exciting it was when new features came out. I remember epic clan wars. My real life could not be more different than it was back then and its nice to have SL still here to remind me of a past life. SL now is so much quieter and lonlier these days, and all these broken code lines on every page is a total bummer, but I still get excited to find gems, gain charm, and whoop Orochimaru’s ugly butt. Here’s to another decade of memories!
No ones heart is strong enough to fix what happened here.

Saturday, October 02, 2010
01:24 pm CEST - Lady of the Lake Fiyona - Another year over.
Hits: 1974

Today I turned 23. Happy Birthday, Me!! This year has been better than most. =)

~ Lady Fiyo ~

No ones heart is strong enough to fix what happened here.

Monday, September 27, 2010
06:48 pm CEST - Lady of the Lake Fiyona - Sweet death seems not so sweet.
Hits: 1941
Well, day 2 on my return to Shinobi Legends and so far I've died.. many many times. It's painful. And quite boring! There should be more to do in the land of the dead.. it would cause less frustration and more acceptance of the inevitable fate of a reckless shinobi. I defeated Oro for the first time.. it was a fast and painless (for me) fight. But I had quite forgotten that all my gold disappears. Even the gold in my coffers! To be so poor is.. far to similar to real life. I dislike this very much!! I wonder how, when I got my account back, I was lv 4 with lv 15 weapon and shield and 400,000gold in the bank if all disappears when you defeat Oro? I am confused! On another note, I've been seeing more and more familiar names the more that I play. Creepy...

With much love,

No ones heart is strong enough to fix what happened here.

03:19 am CEST - Lady of the Lake Fiyona - From the depths of the shadowed forest... I have returned. But you have not.
Hits: 1980
It has been perhaps 2 years since I thought to access this game... a game I was quite addicted to in my younger days. I remember the drama.. I remember the heartache.. I remember the bullies.. It seems not many people of the old days have still continued to play. A few, I see.. which I am delighted. Familiar names is like a net of saftey and assurance that I still belong here. I can't expect this place to be the same. Not when the important people to me have moved on. It's risky being here for me. I've been squashing the memories of lost love for so long. I met someone very important to me on this game. He.. well.. I don't know how to describe it really. I suppose I was far too young and inexperienced to realize exactly what was happening and what consequences it would bring. A part of me wishes that he would still be on this game playing. A part of me is very greatful that he's not. It would hurt me to talk to him again, I think. I don't know if I was in love with him. It was too complicated to really define what happened. But I had love for him and cared about him tremendously. I still do. I hope things got better for him. I hope he's happy. That's the one thing I wanted to give him that I thought I could. I wonder if he will ever come back to the game? Well.. if you do come back to the game.. I miss you KBoogi. You'll always be in my heart as someone who helped define the person I am today. Be well.

- Lady of the Lake Fiyona -

No ones heart is strong enough to fix what happened here.

Monday, December 24, 2007
03:47 pm CET - Lady of the Lake Fiyona - Don't take life so seriously, it's not like your getting out alive.
Hits: 2228
In light of the Christmas season, I have decided to try to be as happy as I can and not just to ignore pain, but to let it go. I think this is the best thing anyone can do for one's self. And so I order you all to be happy this Christmas season! =)

No ones heart is strong enough to fix what happened here.

Saturday, December 22, 2007
06:41 pm CET - Lady of the Lake Fiyona - "I tend to live in the past because most of my life is there."
Hits: 2153

I find it hard to escape my past SL life. I'm still being called Lilah, still being called grandma and mommy... and it hurts, because it reminds me of the past. Reminds me of KB. I know it's ridiculous to think that I can just start over completely clean as if this past year both in real life and SL never happened, but it would be nice. I'm very anti-social here now. Why? Because I'm afraid, I guess. I'm afraid to get close to friends again and to get sucked into unnecessary drama and to let some internet game affect my real life. I'm guarding myself against.. something. I don't even know. I'm far too emotional for my own good. I just wish that I would stop being called Lilah and that my old SL family would stop calling me mommy and grandma. My old SL family are still my friends.. but things are different now. Lilah has too many painful memories, so she needs to continue to lay forgotten in the dust, deleted. If only that were possible.. if only..

This new stat system has got me quite confused. I'm weaker now than I was before.. I keep dying in the forest! Oh well. It's not like I'm on SL often enough to have it really effect me too terribly much. I wasted most of my gems on collectibles. I have no idea why I did that. It's such a waste, I can't even SEE my collectibles unless I search for my name in the hall of fame. I wish there was some sort of way to sell them, for like half price or something.. I miss my gems. =(

My ex upgraded my computer so now it's fast and I don't have to spend an hour waiting for pages to load. Makes playing SL muuch easier. =)

Merry Christmas, I guess? This year flew by, I can't believe it. Let's just hope that next year brings more happiness. Happiness is a mighty fine feeling. I've got nothing else to say, I just felt like venting. So I will leave you here. *vanishes*

xx Lady of the Lake Fiyona xx

No ones heart is strong enough to fix what happened here.

Tuesday, October 02, 2007
06:06 am CEST - Lady of the Lake Fiyona - Living the dead life one year at a time.
Hits: 2379
It's my birthday.

Today I am 20.

And I realize..

I had such higher hopes for myself.

And I am deeply unhappy.

Lady of the Lake Fiyona

Thursday, September 20, 2007
04:06 pm CEST - Lady of the Lake Fiyona - A Shinobi's Return
Hits: 2351
Well.. I deleted all my characters. And now Fiyona is back. That's all that's coming back. No more Lilah, Kitten, Euay, Forsaken, HeadFirstForFallenAngels, or RosePetal. Just Fiyona.

I won't be on like I used to be. In fact I will hardly be on at all. But.. I guess some things I really can't totally stay away from.

If I can manage to run around the site without crying at the thought of KB, then I will have had made progress in my life, and I will take that as a good sign. Ha. Good luck with that, Fiyona.. *sigh*

But yeah. Just thought I would inform you all of my lack of ability to escape from the game. See you around.

xXx Diana xXx

Lady of the Lake Fiyona

Wednesday, August 01, 2007
12:48 am CEST - Lady of the Lake Fiyona - Concerning The Springtime of Youth.
Hits: 2732
Well.. it is pretty widely known now that I have left The Springtime of Youth clan. And because it is widely known, I am now widely hated. Let me make one thing clear to all of you—I DID NOT KILL SOY!!!!!!! I have been in SOY since I was an Academy Student, and have been leader of it for nearly just as long. I have been nothing but a loyal and loving and active leader, and wish nothing but the best for it. It broke my heart to let go of the clan I loved so much.. it even made me cry. But what breaks my heart more is the reactions of outsiders who know nothing about the happenings of SOY who choose to hate me and act rudely to me because of this.

When I left SOY last night, I announced in Water Country that SOY was dead. I was an emotional wreck. I don’t think anyone who has led a clan so lovingly for so long could not understand this. I realized that I should not have said this, and later that night retracted my statement and apologized publicly for saying it.

SOY was fading rapidly before I left. Maybe I could have saved it somehow if I had stayed in the end. But I chose not to. I had tried.. really I did. But when the entire clan is tormented by personal issues, it is hard to keep your head above water. I have said time and time again that SOY is a roller coaster of drama. That the drama never ends. So the fall of SOY was bound to happen sooner or later, no matter how hard a single leader can try to deny it. There was a lot of drama that involved me as well.. especially due to the fall out of me and The Founder of SOY. (I must spare myself the pain of never saying his name again..) SOY’s Founder and I had a real life relationship that ended quite badly. And now he is completely cut off from my life. How could I stay in a clan belonging to HIM? It hurts my heart to see his name. He is still Founder of SOY. He can take back his clan and make it the way he wants it to, instead of all of mine. Perhaps he will sign online more and actually take charge of his clan now that I am gone. I hope that he is happier this way. I do. This way he is no longer reminded of me as well.

I promoted about 5 of my strong and active members to the Third in Command position and told them that they can lead the clan how they wish. Stay and save it if they wanted to. I gave them the tools to survive. Whether or not they choose to accept the responsibility and the power is out of my hands.. it’ up to them to decide. Seeing the membership of SOY now.. I see that most did not. And that was their choice, not mine.

I don’t appreciate the comments of those who hate me now because I left SOY. Or who hate me because of my group of Spartans. I do not appreciate the constant plunders nor infamous “u suck” messages that seem to never escape me. What upsets me the most about constant bombarding plunders and throngs of “u suck” messages is that they spring from 1 leader (in my cases, Hyuugan and Skidals) who PM all their friends telling them to bully someone that they don’t know with no explanation. And that all these people actually blindly follow that person and do it! Do they not think of the hurt they are causing to the victim of such hateful activity? Or do they not care? It upsets me that there are so many people in the world like this that are just completely blind to common decency and kindness.

I am not a person who goes out looking for trouble. I do not pick fights with people or insult them or bully them. It is not my way. Even if I hate a person.. I don’t attack them. I go out of my way to avoid them. I do not spew insults or bombard with plunders or gang up on them with my friends, or provoke them when I happen across them. And yet I receive the complete opposite. The world has become a sad and hateful place. And what’s the most disturbing about it, is that this sad and hateful place is mostly consisted of CHILDREN. If people like this really are the future.. then I want no part of it. There are only precious few people here who are kind and loving and who treat people fairly and considerately and try to get the full story before judging. Thank you to Twitch and Sammygirl for not giving in to the status quo of prejudice and hate, and for taking the time to care. And as for the rest of you.. the rest who think it’s ok to act superior to others.. I’m done with you. I’m not going to let a bunch of ill-educated children get the better of someone who wants to offer nothing but kindness and love.

I have said my piece. Take it how you like. Think of me how you will. I am done with it.

Lady of the Lake Fiyona

Tuesday, July 24, 2007
03:52 pm CEST - Lady of the Lake Fiyona
Hits: 2745
I just wanted to say that I have 999 hp at lv 9. And I think it's quite silly. That is all. ^^
Lady of the Lake Fiyona

Thursday, July 19, 2007
04:12 pm CEST - Lady of the Lake Fiyona
Hits: 2686

I am absolutely bubbling over with excitement... I bought my first car yesterday!!!!!!!!!! YESSSS!!!!!!!!! And it isn't a piece of junk either... it's a black 2004 Pontiac Grand Am GT1 Coupe... complete with the appearance package which makes it doubly beautiful. And... it only has 15,000 miles on it!!!!! HEAAAAVVVEEENNN!!!!!!! *swoons*

And to make my car buying experience all the more sweeter, my sales rep for the car is absolutely enchanting and wonderful and FLIRTATICIOUS. With me. Uh huh. Yup. Yay! I really am going to miss him now.. I should find excuses to make a trip up to see him. XD Except maybe not. lol I don't know. He's just so charming... *sighs whistfully* There are some awesome people in the world.. it makes me a little sad to know that I will most likely only see him once or twice more in my lifetime, and that is only if something goes wrong with my car.. 3 days just wasn't enough.. *sighs again* Haha but I'll cheer up soon. Nothing can zap my total elation of getting this wonderful car.. nothing!

Now if only KBoogi would stop disappearing off the face of the earth all the time.. that would be nice.. *waits patiently for a phone call that will never come* *sighs*

And no worries, Miha. I don't care about Otakon either.. I've never been and I never will.

And so ends my happy happy blog of happiness. ^________^

Lady of the Lake Fiyona

Monday, June 11, 2007
04:20 pm CEST - Lady of the Lake Fiyona - The pain in my heart says, "Listen to music!"
Hits: 3335
I think... spending so much money on my new ipod is worth it, just because I can wear my headphones at work with my music cranked up loudly and have my boss talk to me thinking I can hear him. When I am BD (Bad Diana) I don't acknowlage him anyway, so it's not like he can guess.. it reminds me of when I still lived in the house and my mother would yell at me so I would lock myself in my room and crank up my headphones and she would be on the otherside just yelling and yelling and yelling... and I would pause my cd player every few minutes or so... and she would still be yelling, thinking I could hear her. I nearly burst out laughing several times. But now I'm not sure what my boss was telling me exactly to do... hmm. Oh well. It's not like I'd do it willingly anyway, since I doubt we will get paid this week... this company is going under.. it's terrible.

It's... amazing how his voice can just transform me like this. I missed him so much. More than anything. And while I was talking to him this morning.. I was even crying a little. Just because it was so bitter sweet to be talking to him again. And now.. now I am smiling. And I can't stop smiling.. it hurts so much to believe that you are unwanted, when you yourself are wanting so much... my heart still breaks a little.. but.. I love him. I truly do. And I am willing to stick with him through the hard times if he will let me. To hear him say that he hasn't stopped loving me though this... I don't know. Everything right now is just so bittersweet. I wish I wouldn't make him cry, though.. I think I understand why he gets so distraught over the fact that I cry over him.. when you love someone... you just want to give them all the happiness in the world, and knowing that you are the cause of pain... it tears you up inside. I still don't know where we stand.. or what the future will hold for us.. or.. anything, really.. I just know that I can't even bear an entire weekend without him without feeling lost and empty. I hope.. I hope he really does love me enough. Want me enough. I know right now he can not give me much... but... anything is better than nothing. Anything.

Lady of the Lake Fiyona

Friday, June 08, 2007
12:22 am CEST - Lady of the Lake Fiyona
Hits: 4335
Lightwarrior is quite incorrect. Sparta is AMAZING! KBoogi and I shall rule it with as much love as we can muster, and no one can stop us. You have been warned... anyone who hates that we made Sparta can just ignore it. There is no need to hate.

--Spartan Queen Lilah.

Lady of the Lake Fiyona

Monday, April 16, 2007
08:59 pm CEST - Lady of the Lake Fiyona - Stuck in Neverland where no one grows up.
Hits: 2255
*sighs* I wish I got more respect at work. I realize that yes I am the youngest here. But I have also been working here the 2nd longest. I am not bottom rung anymore. If I tell you to do something, do it. I'm not saying it to be mean, or to have control.. I'm doing it because I'm one of the few people who actually know what is going on and what needs doing. Working here so long I have the experiance that the others don't have.

I've worked my behind off to keep up with what is happening and to get as much updated as I can. I want this company to succeed. So don't tell me NO if I tell you to do something. I ask as nicely as I can. I try to explain exactly why I need you to do a certain task. There is no reason to say no to me when the owner of the comany gives me jursidiction to give you a task. I hope you are ashamed that you had to come back to my office and ask me to give you the work that I told you to do earlier because the boss then told you to do it. You should have just done it when I asked you to do it the first time around.

I feel so under appreciated by my coworkers. More and more responsibility has been tacked on to me and as it turns out, there are some things that I am able to do that I have learned that no one else but the boss knows how to do. I am needed. But no one but my boss seems to realize this. And.. it just frustrates me so much. How can he put me in a position of leadership when no one takes me seriously? If I told my boss NO when he told me to do something, there would be heavy consequences. So why is it that others can say no to ME when it is my job to tell them what needs to be done? It's so hard to cope with sometimes.

And that ends my rant. Sorry. That just made me so mad. I can't say how I really feel to my coworkers because I have more decency for people than they do, so I'll rant in my mind on here. *sigh* Sometimes it freaks me out that I've matured and grown up so fast. But.. apparently to others.. I haven't grown up enough. Sometimes I really hate the real world.

Lady of the Lake Fiyona

Thursday, March 22, 2007
02:33 pm CET - Lady of the Lake Fiyona - Silly Insomniac, Sleep Is For Normal People!
Hits: 2698
Sleep won't come to me anymore. This bothers me. This bothers me a lot. I can't go to sleep because then all the stupid thoughts and worries bombard me and my mind can't stop racing. I need to relax.. stop stressing.. but I can't. Last night I didn't even go to bed til 4:30am and I had to get up at 7. And I had to be at work at 8. I am tired. Very tired. Usually I can get to sleep around 2:30, which I know isn't much, better, but still... 4:30 is not good at all. I wish I could just get rid of all these thoughts in my head. I wish I didn't worry so much. I wish I could just sit in my office all day and do nothing, but I can't. Stupid promotion. Cuz obviously it's stupid to make more money and get recognition for a job well done. Yeah. Stupid. I just want to go home and sleep. I'm going to ask for tomorrow off. I think I deserve it... I think I need it. Desperately. There's still so much to do, though.. not just at work, but at home. So many things I need to take care of, but never seem to have any time or energy to. I think I am seriously failing at life. And I hate how people are idiots. Including me. And.. I don't know why I miss him so much, but I do. I hate this feeling of lonliness when I know that I'm not truely alone. God. I'm so emo. And tired. I'm so so tired...
Lady of the Lake Fiyona

Friday, March 16, 2007
12:33 am CET - Lady of the Lake Fiyona - Take it one day at a time...
Hits: 3243
It feels so awkward to talk to him... I don't know what to do and I don't know what to say. My heart is still hurts like hell and my trust is nearly all gone. But.. I can tell now that he is trying very hard. And.. it's weird to see him try so hard. But.. it brings hope. I am sad, but.. now I have hope. I appreciate his effort. I really really do. It isn't going unnoticed. Hopefully when he visits me I will be over this pain. I want to be. But... maybe the pain is good for now so I can rethink a lot of things. I don't know. I feel so numbed and pained. I wish this had never happened at all. I wish to smile again.

The coworker that everyone hates gave me a lecture on drinking which I think was utterly rediculous. I am in no way an alcoholic and will never ever be. I do not drink often and I do not drink much. My tolerence is very very low. I do not drink every single time I have a problem. I do not depend on alcohol for anything. For him to be in my business like that is just unacceptable. He's looking down on me for something that he doesn't even understand, he is an old man who never drunk anything until he was 25 and then he only drunk wine. It just makes me so angry. I am more responsible than I want to be a lot of the times. I think in this situation with my love I am more than justified for wanting to drink. God. I am so glad he is not going to work with us any longer after the Special Forces project is over.. ugh. It is interesting how every single person at work hates him too.

I don't know what else to say... blah. I wish there was food in my house... I'm starving. But food is so expensive. I can't get out of the grocery store without spending less than $70. Sometimes I wish I still lived in the house with my parents like my brother because he can mooch off of their food.. but.. I rather like living on my own. Even if it is lonely and incredibly expensive sometimes, it's better than living with THEM. I'm always paranoid about my electric bill, though... stupid BGE. This winter I slept in my winter coat because I was too scared to turn on the heat and make my electric bill higher. I'm glad the weather has warmed up now. I don't even know how I got on this topic. Anyway... keep on keeping on, you crazy kids. Life will get better eventually... everything will turn out fine in the end. If it's not fine, then it's not the end.

Lady of the Lake Fiyona

Wednesday, March 14, 2007
09:35 pm CET - Lady of the Lake Fiyona - Everyone wants to be a goody-goody.
Hits: 2851
I am frustrated because while I was inactive I lost my 2nd rank for being most good in the hall of fame. I'm back to 3rd, Spooned beat me out. Now it's going to take me even longer to catch up to KBoogi again.. I don't even know if I can get back to 2nd rank since Spooned is so active... man. This frustrates me. Everything seems to be going wrong. I know hall of fame ranks really are not that important, but it's just one of those small goals that make you feel accomplished kind of thing, you know? It was fun to watch myself skyrocket up there. Now, like real life, it's all downhill from here... *sigh*

I also fear that my clan is going to go downhill as well since me and Minokichi don't seem to have the motivation to be as active as we once were. Ah, jilted love. Such a curse. Poor SOY. Is it just me, or do the clan avatars look really really awkward in bios? I like them in the clan halls, but bios?? Hmmm...

Lady of the Lake Fiyona

05:59 am CET - Lady of the Lake Fiyona - Broken Promises of Forever
Hits: 2481
I didn't think my heart could possibly ache any more than this... I haven't logged into shinobilegends in 10 gamedays, which for me, who is addicted to every single gameday possible every single real day possible and play with 5 characters, is an insane amount of time. And here it is, 1:00 in the morning and I can't sleep and I get the urge to play... and I log in and am welcomed to this message from my apparently no longer fiancee...

" sorry. im not sure when you will get this, and you probably dont want to talk to me after what sorry i hurt you. it was never my intention. I will figure something out. If you dont wanna be my wife on sl, or in real life anymore, i understand..we cant be close if i have issues with it, right? you would most likely be better off with someone who can be there for you, and show you the love you deserve, unlike me, who cant do either of those things..."

So what does this mean? That he does not want to be my husband on sl or real life??? Real life is much more serious and life altering than on sl, how could he just lump the two together like that?? That he would rather run away from this forever than to fight for me?? Why can't he just freaking fight for me?????? Can he really give up on us so easily??

My heart.. it just aches so bad. I love him. I want to be his wife and I want to be the mother of his children. But now it feels like I can no longer trust him. I don't know how to deal with this when my whole world is turned upside down. How does one react when the love of their life expresses their ardent love and desire to marry them and then turn around and say that they can no longer do neither?

God.. I don't even know anymore. I want to get drunk again. And I don't even drink often at all. I don't even remember the last time I got drunk with the exception of last Saturday. I've planned my entire future around him... of being with him, of moving in with him, of marrying him... of spending my entire life in his arms. Now what? Is it over then? Are we to be "just friends" now, if that is even possible?

I've never been in a situation such as this one before. This situation.. it changes everything. Absolutely everything. My trust.. my trust is gone. Even if we move past this, I will still never be able to forget. How is it that someone I love so much can hurt me so brutally? I can not handle this. I really really can't. He promised me forever... he promised that I was the only one for him... he promised that his love for me would never die... what is the meaning of a promise if it is just ment to be broken?

Tell me... what do you do when the one person in the world who can stop you from crying is exactly the one that's making you cry?

And.. thanks to Kyuubi for replying to my last blog.

Lady of the Lake Fiyona

Sunday, March 11, 2007
02:10 pm CET - Lady of the Lake Fiyona - "There's a fine, fine line..."
Hits: 2691
Well.. yesterday was a bit interesting. I don't even know what's going on anymore.. men.. men suck. That's all I can really say. I sat in my house and I pulled my bottle of alcohol out of my freezer and I drank. I drank because I wanted to stop the crying... it worked for like 5 minutes. And then I started crying again. Is it smart to get drunk over a boy? I guess not. But apparently HE got drunk over me as well, so... yeah. I guess we're both just stupid.

If a guy tells you that you are his soulmate and that he loves you and that he wants to marry you... if a guy promises you forever... is it really so stupid to believe it? Maybe. How can someone say all these things to you and then turn around and say he has intimacy issues and doesn't want to get too close for fear of getting hurt? I've had way more relationships than him.. I've been hurt, stepped on, and abused.. I've been used only to satisfy physical desires while I was madly in love... and you know what? I'm scared to be with HIM as well, but that doesn't stop me from trying. From trying to get us to work.

I feel like I am sacraficing too much and getting too little in return. I know that he loves me... it's clear that he does. I know that he WANTS us to work out... it's clear. But he doesn't know how to fix what he has done. And I cannot tell him what to do because it has to come from him. Yes, it makes me happy to hear him say I love you... but if he cannot SHOW me as well... than words will start to mean nothing.

I believed in his promises of forever... but if he is to put a ring on my finger and call me his wife then I need to believe in HIM as a whole as well. He asked me to forgive him even though he says he does not deserve it.. I told him that I can forgive but that I cannot forget. And it's true. My heart is aching a terrible pain. We've been through so much together for so long to throw all of it away, but it's also BECAUSE we've been through so many trials together that makes me increasingly weary.

I don't even know what to do anymore. I am sad and I am hurting and I wish I can take more shots of 99 Bananas but I know it is not wise to get drunk 2 times in a row. Plus I have to go out today.. *sigh* What I wouldn't give to be that dilusioned girl once again who believed in fairy tales and soulmates and promises of forever... now I don't even know WHAT to believe.

And I aplogize if this is emo or ranty or something you don't want to read... I just need to vent really really badly, and this is the only place I can where no one really knows me. So yeah. Life, huh? Pretty screwy.

I put this song on my myspace because it is exactly how I feel... why do I put it on loop and listen to it over and over again if it makes me so sad?

Musical: Avenue Q
Song: There's a Fine, Fine Line

Kate Monster:
There's a fine, fine line between a lover and a friend;
There's a fine, fine line between reality and pretend;
And you never know 'til you reach the top if it was worth the uphill climb.

There's a fine, fine line between love
And a waste of time.

There's a fine, fine line between a fairy tale and a lie;
And there's a fine, fine line between "You're wonderful" and "Goodbye."
I guess if someone doesn't love you back it isn't such a crime,
But there's a fine, fine line between love
And a waste of your time.

And I don't have the time to waste on you anymore.
I don't think that you even know what you're looking for.
For my own sanity, I've got to close the door
And walk away...

There's a fine, fine line between together and not
And there's a fine, fine line between what you wanted and what you got.
You gotta go after the things you want while you're still in your prime...

There's a fine, fine line between love
And a waste of time.

Lady of the Lake Fiyona

Saturday, March 10, 2007
07:10 pm CET - Lady of the Lake Fiyona - An introduction to me!
Hits: 2524
Sooo.. here I am! I don't even know why I'm adding a blog, I've got livejournal and myspace for that... man. I love blogging. I wonder what I should blog about? Shinobi Legends stuff? Real stuff? Noo idea. No one will probably read this anyway haha.

But yes. Let me tell you a bit about myself. My name is Diana and I'm 19. I go to AACC as a music eduaction major, and I live in Maryland. I am addicted to this site. I have 4 characters on here... 2 main ones and 2 minor alts.

If you know me, you could probably guess correctly on who my other main account is.. I tried to keep it hidden for so long, and then my worlds just sort of merged, and now it seems like the whole universe knows. I am also known as Shǿku Flǿwer Lilah.

Oh. And my hair is purple. In real life. Seriously. =)

Lady of the Lake Fiyona