Shinobi Blogs

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Saturday, November 12, 2011
03:52 am CET - Kōhai Shinigami - What you can do today, you can do tomorrow.
Hits: 23379
Nuff Said
Being idle is not about doing nothing, but being free to do anything.

Friday, November 26, 2010
11:47 am CET - Kōhai Shinigami - 1,077,756,380,300,000
Hits: 14445
Once you reach that amount of experience, normal forest creatures stop giving you exp.

How do I know?

Guess .-. (Current exp: 1,222,175,735,260,000... It's like magic!)

Being idle is not about doing nothing, but being free to do anything.

Saturday, February 20, 2010
03:43 am CET - Kōhai Shinigami - I feel like reacting to the blog post of others, but I wouldn't do so... Instead, I'll talk about my life...
Hits: 17428
I got a job! I started on Feb 16. Currently, I'm just getting lots of trainings. Basically, my mentors discuss stuffs I quickly forget about. I'll understand everything when I'm going to do what I am hired to do... Hopefully.

Being idle is not about doing nothing, but being free to do anything.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010
03:57 am CET - Kōhai Shinigami - CLANNAD
Hits: 13539
Something I've been watching recently... for the third time soon.
It's a great anime. Though under the genre: harem, it's not stupid like the others, where the main character acts stupidly.

Yeah, I know that's not a good description. But I don't have the words to describe it's beauty.

Being idle is not about doing nothing, but being free to do anything.

Monday, January 04, 2010
01:15 pm CET - Kōhai Shinigami - Korea
Hits: 13117
Anyong Haseo!

So I just got back from Winter Wonderland. It was aaaawwweesome. The temperature was so low to the point where your nose drips when you step outside... Okay, so that wasn't the best way to describe it.

I've been wanting to experience a real
snowy weather as far as I remember, and experiencing it makes me happy (Happy DG! Haha). I took a lot of pictures with my phone too, mostly of snow. After all, I prolly won't see real life snow for a long long time.

They also have a channel in TV, where they show games like Starcraft and Tekken6 tournaments (I think) all the time. It was fun playing guessing games with my brothers on which side will win.

All in all, it was a fun experience. I rarely enjoy our family trips, but I've really enjoyed this one. :D

Being idle is not about doing nothing, but being free to do anything.

Friday, December 04, 2009
04:00 am CET - Kōhai Shinigami - Interview
Hits: 12994
Well, I had my second interview yesterday. Turns out it was a technical interview, where they gave me a test to answer. The thing is all of the things they want me to identify are either terms I have yet to encounter or stuff that I've already forgotten. I've guessed on a lot of them and just wrote what popped into my mind on the others. There was even one question which I had a guess, but later on erased my answer, thinking it'll be worse to write what popped into my mind. After researching the term at home, I found out I had the basic idea. ><

Being idle is not about doing nothing, but being free to do anything.

Monday, November 09, 2009
03:25 am CET - Kōhai Shinigami - This looks...
Hits: 12998 Can I join in?
The blogs used to be filled with such long... -well- blogs. Whenever bored, I would just read the seemingly more interesting ones and then look at the time to find out how much of my life I've wasted. Now, I can't even waste 3 minutes.

Where's the fun in that?

Being idle is not about doing nothing, but being free to do anything.

Sunday, November 01, 2009
06:38 am CET - Kōhai Shinigami - I met YUI in Toys R' Us!
Hits: 13632 my dream T.T

It was a nice dream though. Her hairstyle was the same as the one she had in her Again album (the non-messy one). I liked that one better than the one she has now. T.T


Being idle is not about doing nothing, but being free to do anything.

Friday, March 27, 2009
09:29 am CET - Kōhai Shinigami - Yui's Birthday
Hits: 13843
It was YUI's birthday yesterday! Too bad I wasn't able to get in yesterday >>

Anyway, she's coming back on April6.

On the side note, Finals week is near... So many things to do... So little time... getting littler by the day.

Being idle is not about doing nothing, but being free to do anything.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009
10:35 am CET - Kōhai Shinigami - Hair part two...
Hits: 13269
I mentioned before that my brother got his hair dyed then changed back. Well, it's dyed again. It was dyed last Sunday. Yellow with a black-colored part. Makes his messy hair more natural xD

Anyway, my dad was suggesting that the four of us (siblings) get out hair dyed before we go to Taiwan. Ok, so the three of us since 1 already has dyed hair. I really don't want my hair colored. But if I have to...

I'm calling dibs on dark blue!

Being idle is not about doing nothing, but being free to do anything.

Sunday, March 08, 2009
05:36 am CET - Kōhai Shinigami - Just because he has yellow hair doesn't mean he's Naruto... He could be Cloud
Hits: 13352
So my brother had his hair dyed yellow last Thursday.
Now it's back to black...

That's it...

Being idle is not about doing nothing, but being free to do anything.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008
04:11 am CEST - Kōhai Shinigami - The 2 Black Cats That Crossed Our Path
Hits: 14538
Remember the 2 black kittens I talked about around 1-3 weeks ago? Probably not... Anyway, one of them got bitten by a dog, which was being walked and trained by its trainer near the kittens' home. While watering the plants outside the window of our room, I saw the trainer training the dog. Suddenly, the dog ran to the garden where the kittens were. I ran downstairs then outside as fast as I could. But when I arrived, I saw the trainer, who's grabbing the dog, one of the kittens, which was hiding amongst a group of trees, and the dead black kitten, on the ground.

It's only been a short time, but I've already been attached to those fluffballs. After apologizing and asking if there's something he could do, where I said it's okay, the trainer left. I played with the living kitten for a while then left. I felt like crying then.

Later on, our maids buried the dead kitten near their home. After compacting the soil, the living kitten ran to the grave and tried to dig with its little paws. It looked so sad.

Being idle is not about doing nothing, but being free to do anything.

Friday, September 12, 2008
04:32 am CEST - Kōhai Shinigami - [Insert title here]
Hits: 14885
Yes, I know... Pretty awesome
I get to enjoy life more.
I don't know why you said lame though...

Being idle is not about doing nothing, but being free to do anything.

Thursday, September 11, 2008
01:18 pm CEST - Kōhai Shinigami - the heck what?
Hits: 14837
Yeah, we have maids. That's how I can find the time to play this game... That's also how I got my laziness...

Being idle is not about doing nothing, but being free to do anything.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008
12:34 pm CEST - Kōhai Shinigami - Life goes on... and on... and on...
Hits: 15265
It's the start of a new term. Though it's only been the first day, it had already become quite hectic. There's this subject that I have to take a special class for, another subject that me and my friends failed to apply for because they didn't notice it (I was only copying their schedules since they enrolled first)... Oh well, on to a happy topic...

Our maids found a couple of stray young black cats outside our house. At first, they decided not to touch them since my dad mentioned before that if humans touch them, they will be left by their mom. Later on, our maids touched them. Now they have a little home under one of the trees in our planting garden. They're quite cute... Although they're black, there are some white furs like under their mouth, and some other areas. When my sister brought me to them, I saw them come out when they saw my sister. And we played with them a bit. When we left, they tried following us. My sister said they did that the last time she played with them too. So cute... o.o

That's it for now! Catch ya later! ^^

"Being idle is not about doing nothing, but being free to do anything."

Friday, August 08, 2008
05:20 am CEST - Kōhai Shinigami - Turn Left, Turn Right part2
Hits: 13876
Well, we finished watching the film yesterday. I have to say, none of us were able to predict the ending right. How it will happen, at least. To best describe the ending without giving it out, I'll quote me and my friends...

Being idle is not about doing nothing, but being free to do anything.

Tuesday, August 05, 2008
12:46 pm CEST - Kōhai Shinigami - Turn Left, Turn Right
Hits: 13861
My class watched a chinese film called "Turn Left, Turn Right" (Not really sure of the comma). First film I've really enjoyed in that class. It's based on the poem "Love at First Sight" by Wislawa Szymborska. The idea behind the story was sort of cliche, yet overdone in such a way that it became annoyingly funny. If you didn't understand what I meant, I'll just quote my teacher:

"When we watched the movie in our class, we were ready to strangle the main characters to death"

If you live each day as if it was your last,
someday you will most certainly be right. -Steve Jobs

Thursday, July 24, 2008
12:41 pm CEST - Kōhai Shinigami - Ginormous Spider
Hits: 13988
The story reminds me of the spider that was once on our tree. There's a big tree in the middle of our backyard. There used to be a web there with a little spider, we almost couldn't see. I think it lived for years (? Not sure, but a very long time). After a long time, we could see it's web getting clearer and clearer until it was almost gold-colored (Seriously). Then I threw a rock at it. The spider was ginormous at that time. But it was killed when the rock hit it. It took the web more rocks to get destroyed though... So weird...

If you live each day as if it was your last,
someday you will most certainly be right. -Steve Jobs

Saturday, June 28, 2008
11:41 am CEST - Kōhai Shinigami - >.>
Hits: 13972
It was an accident! There were 3 blanks in the application for where we'll place our preferred courses. I placed accounting, computer science, and computer engineering respectively. Then I found out I am bad in accounting, so I replaced it with Math w/ computer.

For some reason, I didn't think that the first blank was prioritized.

@Miya- I wanted to shift. But when we were freshmen, our guide told us I will learn everything in my course that can be learned in com sci. Apparently, he lied. And shifting means wasting the terms that I've went through. o.o

If you live each day as if it was your last,
someday you will most certainly be right. -Steve Jobs

03:24 am CEST - Kōhai Shinigami - Math... and stuff
Hits: 13976
@Doom- I failed math... and I'm asian...
Do you have any idea how hard it could be if you take it as your major accidentally?

@Miya- You're dead?

If you live each day as if it was your last,
someday you will most certainly be right. -Steve Jobs

Friday, June 27, 2008
06:21 am CEST - Kōhai Shinigami - 16
Hits: 13882
Ah, 16...
The half time of your teenage years...
It's like being middle-aged in terms of teenage years.
Unfortunately, I'm on my last year o.o

If you live each day as if it was your last,
someday you will most certainly be right. -Steve Jobs

Monday, June 23, 2008
07:10 am CEST - Kōhai Shinigami - Thanks
Hits: 13998
Thanks Rinoa and Miya! :D

Btw, where did the Pri nickname come from?

They say that behind every man is a woman. So what if the woman goes in front of you?
Well, turn around...

Saturday, June 21, 2008
10:46 am CEST - Kōhai Shinigami - Happy Birthday to Me ^^
Hits: 14204
It's my birthday! I'm going to go play bowling later on.
I hope I do well ^^

Well, yeah... That's all o.o
Catch ya later!

They say that behind every man is a woman. So what if the woman goes in front of you?
Well, turn around...

Sunday, June 15, 2008
05:03 am CEST - Kōhai Shinigami - No Subject... Wait... That's a subject... or not...
Hits: 14546
You're just too young... you... whippersnappers!

They say that behind every man is a woman. So what if the woman goes in front of you?
Well, turn around...

Saturday, June 07, 2008
01:53 pm CEST - Kōhai Shinigami - First Blog
Hits: 14477
Cool, I got a blog...
Not cool... I got no topic.

Heck, they'll come.

Edit: @Az: Popularity doesn't come cheap. Unfortunately, that's the price.
(On a side note, I stepped on our pet love bird that my family and I trained so hard to be friendly. Unfortunately, it got too friendly and went to where I was going to step.)

Hope you get some sleep though. I don't wanna know how it feels to be sleepless for days.

They say that behind every man is a woman. So what if the woman goes in front of you?
Well, turn around...