Shinobi Blogs

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Wednesday, November 23, 2011
09:22 pm CET - Am I Akimitsu - Returning and Hiraishin.
Hits: 20685
Yo. Been back for a couple days, and I keep getting one message: "Will you teach me Hiraishin?"
For the first six people or so that messaged, I indicated that if they could follow some very specific points, I would see what could be done. That number's about doubled now; it's kinda getting annoying.

What people don't seem to realize is that it's very easy to God-Mode with the
Hiraishin; it's incredibly easy for it to become one of the most overpowered things on the game. When we were around and SLS was more active, there were actually a few rules instilled about the limits to it, and Tommi and I made a few more in private; (I'm not sure whether he continued to acknowledge these rules or not, but I sure as 'eck did.)

1. The Hiraishin should never be used to continuously dodge every attack, or automatically strike an enemy. This should be a given, as no technique is to automatically strike without being labeled 'God-Mode,' but almost every time I've ever seen someone outside using the technique, they use it like another 'Shunshin;' so it basically ends up looking like this:
Academy Student tookiecookie forms a handseal and teleports to Naruto. They cut Naruto's head off and then teleport away.
To begin, many of us once decided that the proper etiquette in a post is two actions + 1 movement (maybe,) unless you're using something like a barrage, even in which case you'll want to try and get them 'in' the combo before proceeding. This was so one could attack and defend in the same post, or even move about if need be; Hiraishin, however, is considered an action; not a movement. Over-spamming any move to save you until it becomes a Deus Ex Machina. ( )
There's an old clan called 'Death Before Dishonor.' It's better in a role-play to lose than it is to win by illegal standards.
2. You need to actually make the seals for the item in role-play. It's been determined it takes one turn for the seals to be made, which last some time. At one time we decided that, after used, the seal disappears; I'm not completely sure how that goes at the moment, but due to information from the manga we'll assume it lasts for one use. If you're going to use such a technique, then be able to make the seals in-game.
3. This is much different than the previous posts.
Even if it was determined you were ready to learn the Hiraishin, what's your reason in-game to do so? Even if you've convinced me, the player behind the screen, how will your character convince Darkshinobi that he should pass on an incredibly clandestine skill to a successor, especially if he barely knows them? I'm not willing to just let you claim you know it out of the blue; nor am I willing to let you claim it was taught off-screen as an arse pull: ( can be linked from the previous page.)
4. Lastly, this technique should not be known by a large amount of people. It ruins the mystic or point of the skill if everyone's throwing around knives with symbols to teleport everywhere; to my knowledge, three people currently have it in this game. I'm definitely not gonna quadruple this number.

Due to the relatively large amount of people now messaging me, I could do one of three things: I could give everyone the Hiraishin, I could ignore every message and decline all of them, (but I'd rather not be so rude,) or I could test every one of them and then choose a maximum of ONE successor. Maximum.

Hope y'all understand.

I*m not afraid of dying; it*s something we all do; I*m just scared to death of living, my life without you.

Tuesday, August 09, 2011
07:47 am CEST - Am I Akimitsu
Hits: 17854
Yeah, I realized my signature was...Unfortunately ironic. >_>
I*m not afraid of dying; it*s something we all do; I*m just scared to death of living, my life without you.

Tuesday, August 02, 2011
01:29 am CEST - Am I Akimitsu - KOJI!
Hits: 16341
I live for you...

Friday, July 29, 2011
07:47 pm CEST - Am I Akimitsu - Presenting Aaron's Daily Blog on Videos you've already seen a million times:
Hits: 19394
I love this dude:

But no. I've nothin' against Just a Beaver(*Holds for applause---or rotten apples---), that's just hilarious.

Writing blogs is fun, I nevar realized. I'mma join until someone chases me off with their giant celery pitchforks.

...I think I just burned my cereal again. =/

I live for you...

Wednesday, July 27, 2011
09:04 pm CEST - Am I Akimitsu - We interrupt this broadcasting for a special news annoucement:
Hits: 19345

Now back to your regularly scheduled show.

Couldn't resist, sorreh. >=D

I live for you...

Monday, May 02, 2011
06:19 pm CEST - Am I Akimitsu - Inactivity. =/
Hits: 13807
Hey everyone, it’s Dark.

Last night I got a somewhat rude phone-call from someone wondering why I hadn’t been on. I know that most people are demanding an explanation, so here’s what’s happened the last few weeks.

Yeah, fate picked the weirdest time to make me meaningfull in this game again.

For two weeks, we lost our internet; I was surfing via a friends’ phone and whenever I could go over to use their incredibly shaky internet. When that ended I got online that one day a few weeks ago. Keep in mind this whole time I’ve had a fairly bad cough.

The next day it started to flood and I lost power again. =/

We got it back like three days later—the last time I was on. We went to go visit my great grandmother, who’s been hit by a stroke. I’ve been in this weird city since then.

…My great grandmother died yesterday at 8:04 AM…

Furthermore, two days ago my step-dad, mom, and I went to the Hospital. My step-dad had tested positive for Tuberculosis and something even worse.

I was adminstered this little test for the red death as well. They have you come back in like two days to judge the results.

Yeah, we’re going back to the hospital in like half an hour. I stopped by at a library in this city that I haven’t been in for several years before this.

To everyone: I’m sorry that I’ve been off for so long, especially at such a bad time. I know—especially from that call last night—that many are disappointed, cynical, and angry; vehement, even, at me, especially since I keep promising to get on and find myself unable.
I’m sorry.

I’ll be back on as soon as I can, I promise. We don’t have any reason to be in this city now until like Thursday or Friday, so hopefully we’ll be able to go home today.

If so, I promise to be on tonight. No matter what.


I live for you...

Saturday, April 16, 2011
04:26 am CEST - Am I Akimitsu - To he who judges:
Hits: 13151
I'm looking forward to it.
I live for you...

Sunday, March 06, 2011
04:46 pm CET - Am I Akimitsu - It's been some time...
Hits: 12959
Is probably the most common Blog Subject ever.

Regardless, it has been some time since I last blogged. A lot has happened, but I dunno exactly what...@_@

Soooooo, whatcha wanna hear, Role-play or Real Life?

My Great Uncle died, his funeral was yesterday. My Great Grandmother has requested not to be resuscitated if she should begin to asphyxiate again...I didn't even know she could request such a thing. Q_Q Regardless, she's out of the emergency room but doesn't really want to live anymore. She's 'recovering' in some room with initials I don't remember. ICU, maybe? I don't know.

I'm recovering from an ear infection that was starting to spread; after speaking with some others, I've found out that I'm not the only one like this. Meh, I have twelve days worth of homework due probably tomorrow and I'm nowhere near ready D=

I was worried for a while that my best friend was mad at me---she wasn't talking to me---but she started again last night. I still miss video-calling her so much but I don't want to say anything, partially cause my microphone is broken and partially because I don't wanna push her...

As far as role-play is concerned, things seem to be picking up a bit. Zeromi retired =/

I don't know exactly whom will be chosen as the next Hokage, but whomever is, it'll be alright.

I got a facebook, finally =D

I don't know how to set up a personal website, but you can search via ...>_>



I live for you...

Thursday, January 27, 2011
03:11 am CET - Am I Akimitsu - A short, sweet Blog:
Hits: 15677
Welcome Back Azrael!

Someone make Levikins stay! D=

I live for you...

Sunday, January 16, 2011
08:14 pm CET - Am I Akimitsu - Freaking Out
Hits: 13781
WHERE'S ACE?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I live for you...

Monday, December 27, 2010
07:25 pm CET - Am I Akimitsu - Return.
Hits: 12881
Sooo....I sent a message to several people yesterday, explaining that I was to leave, because a certain person required me to give them information that I had promised not to return, upon pain of deleting my account. This person was willing to pay this price and they were supposed to be my friend, so I...stupidly...told them the information, and then kept my promise. It was hard, strangely, and I was making a big deal out of it, so my friend grabbed the mouse and clicked it. >_>

However, as I had said on the message: If it was necessary, I'd return. If enough people needed me too.


My computer was frozen by it.

So, To the one whom's information I divulged: I shall make it up to you in a way that you will see.

I know it's lame and almost emo-like, that I leave and then immediately return. It makes it sound as though I faked it, simply for attention. I'm sure there will be those that believe this, and if you do, okay. That's fine. Have fun with that. It's not the truth, and I won't waste the time trying to convince you otherwise...
Levi mentioned me! =D

I'm glad that he considers me one of his true friends. I guess I can say I'm proud to be one of the 'three or four' that truly cares about what he's written.

He asked this on his blog:

Now, question. Who are you to me? Do I like you? Know you? hate you? The way I see it, maybe 3-4 people left on this game who could read this actually give a damn about me for who and what I am.

I am no mind-reader, so I can not say for sure that I am anything to you. To me, you are one of my greatest friends, even if---as you've said---it's through text only.

You know I'll always be here, to help or steady you if you only ask.

That said, I hope my life is different...

[[Is this the right color?]] HOW THE HECK DO YOU CHANGE LE SIGNATURE?! D=

Comment pouvez-vous modifier la signature?

Como se cambia la firma?

I'm not afraid of dying, it's something we all do, but I'm scared to death of living my life without you.

Tuesday, November 02, 2010
04:24 am CET - Am I Akimitsu
Hits: 12912
Shinobi Legends Society is re-gaining in activity again.

A lot of people are wondering if the Moderator applications are still going through; I don't know, but my comment on it is this: Even if not now, the applications are still there for them, and, when the time is deemed necessary, they'll choose from those applications. Have patience.

Shinomaru has now claimed Yonbi as well. I have no qualms about this, so thanks for the notes, but as long as he doesn't abuse it or claim I'm just some pointless idiot, I don't care---he's skilled in role-playing.

Levi seems to be quitting shinobi legends. The day he does will be a sad day, indeed, for this website. So many are graced to call themselves his friends, but, alas, CrimsonSkyJutsu's story seems to be ending now, with Zimzamboo....We'll miss you, Levi, whether you believe it or not. We've had philosophical conversations before, and I know you may not believe this, yet friendship doesn't die. You know how to contact me outside of this game, and, when-ever you wish, gimme a call.

That brings me to another subject. You can't always tell the feelings of your friends over the internet. I've noticed that quite a few on Shinobi Legends seem to be depressed as of late. Maybe, they just need someone to talk to. If your friend is acting weird, don't betray them or forget about them; don't just give them space unless they ask for it, talk to them. Be their friend.
I'm not afraid of dying, it's something we all do, but I'm scared to death of living my life without you.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010
03:22 am CEST - Am I Akimitsu - Be okay...
Hits: 12696
Another song...
Another Chance...
But I can't take it if you leave...
I dunno why I'm so morbid today...
A macabre, broken thing...
But of anyone in my life...
I can't stand it if you die..
You're inclusive, you're my everything...
And if words on a page could scream...
I need you so much you can't see...
You saved me, but please don't leave...
I'm not so strong...
As to live this life...
Without you in my sight...
Please be okay...

Aaron Beck
I'm not afraid of dying, it's something we all do, but I'm scared to death of living my life without you.

12:30 am CEST - Am I Akimitsu - Yada Yada Yada
Hits: 12677
Hyouton's out! Merci Beaucoup, Ice! Brava, Brava.

A.K.A. Thank you ShinobiIceSlayer, and thank you Neji. And thanks to anyone and everyone else. And thanks to whoever's reading this. And thanks to everything else in the world.

However~ I probably won't be getting it for about 10 months-several years. Why? I'll be finishing Uchiha first, if I ever actually feel like it. Levelling's gotten kinda slow: I'm mainly around for hanging out.

Ah well. I'm bored. Are you bored? I'm bored.


So, I've been talking to her a lot <3 She's amazing. But everyone blogs about their love life, so yeah...>> I'm not going out with her, so it's different?
Psh, yeah right.
Anyway, I've found the hilariously fun prospect of putting easter eggs in my blogs, so that I shall start doing from now on ^^ Keep looking, but no highlighting! UGH, YOU JUST HIGHLIGHTED! HOW COULD YOU?!

Le sigh...

How do you go about telling someone you love them?

Ah well.

I'm going to start writing a story again soon; I have a few ideas, mainly revolving around Fantasy or Science Fiction.

Okay, I'm bored and done. Sayo~

I'm not afraid of dying, it's something we all do, but I'm scared to death of living my life without you.

Thursday, October 21, 2010
11:16 pm CEST - Am I Akimitsu - Advice needded
Hits: 12078
So, I need the advice from someone who may, potentially, be able to relate with a teenage girl. I understand that everyone is different and can't be sure on such matters---especially with someone so amazing and unique as her---but I just need to know if there is a possibility. It's tearing me apart not being able to help, and I don't know what to do.

If anyone can help, even possibly, please message me.

I'm not afraid of dying, it's something we all do, but I'm scared to death of living my life without you.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010
01:19 pm CEST - Am I Akimitsu
Hits: 12122
So this is untitled. Why? I'm bored and it's nearly time to school.

I love talking to her on the phone late at night <3

So, we're going to start memoirs today,[[Sophomore's,]] and I'm going to write about her without exactly saying her name, or the name of her town. So, basically, I'm gonna be writing about someone without explaining who they are.
I don't care what the teacher, or anyone in the school thinks, but, basically, I'm worried she's gonna think I'm writing about anyone else.
Any ideas? Ah well, if I have to, I'll make the first letter of each paragraph spell her name.

Shoutout: Hey Shikki!

I guess I basically just spent all of my time writing this blog, so I'm off to school.

If anyone knows how to change the signature on the blog, please lemme know ._.

She is amazing
I'm not afraid of dying, it's something we all do, but I'm scared to death of living my life without you.

Monday, October 18, 2010
11:06 pm CEST - Am I Akimitsu - The Reason[[Song]]
Hits: 12069
Are we born just to die?
Is this the reason of life?
The reason for all the strife

Does the reason hide in the game
Like some sick self-sustaining thing

Are we born to give or to receive
Are we born of destiny
As some self-destroying masochistic entity

A circle has no beginning or end
I would rather not believe this
Chance, Love, Hate, or Destiny
What's the reason for me?

Are we born to give or to receive
Are we born of destiny
As one very confused entity?

And why do we kill another
When we know we're killing our brother?

A circle has no beginning or end
Except when an outside force comes in
Our lives have no meaning
Without an outside reason

But you have me and I have you
That's enough to change the view

Every circle intertwined
Gives a meaning to this life

As masters of eternity
We choose what to break and what to free

We are born to give and in turn receive
Born of one shared destiny
The multitude, not an entity

This is the reality.

I'm not afraid of dying, it's something we all do, but I'm scared to death of living my life without you.

11:05 pm CEST - Am I Akimitsu - Magic[[Song]]
Hits: 12069
Do you believe in magic?

Skies and eyes
The world and fireflies
Earth moves into a dark age
As people start to question wondrous things

What is magic but a chance to dream?
A chance to laugh or a chance to scream?
What is magic but to make this reality?
And she's the greatest magic to me

Do you believe in magic?

Incantations and summoning rites
Is that all the magic you believe?
Well maybe it exists--who am I to doubt?
But there is stronger magic without

Magic is love
and Magic is trust
Magic is the strongest rut
There's magic in her eyes
And magic in the night
But love is the greatest of the magic kind

Sure, there's Nexus' and flames
Moon, blood, and earth raising's
I'm not uninformed
I just chose the greatest form

Magic is a mystery
A power to realize dreams
And make them reality
It doesn't matter how, what, why, or when
This is what magic is
And she is beyond my greatest dream....

Do you believe in Magick?

I'm not afraid of dying, it's something we all do, but I'm scared to death of living my life without you.

Saturday, October 16, 2010
07:56 pm CEST - Am I Akimitsu - Official Role-Play Statuses
Hits: 12286
Alright, I was asked by someone to update the "Official" line of Kage on Shinobi Legends. I will try to keep this blog updated, as well as post a new blog when there's a change.
This is what's widely acknowledged by the role-players of Shinobi Legends.

Shodaime: Kamui Kachi
Nidaime: Seraphim
Sandaime: Sharuto
Yondaime: Gyururu
Godaime: Uematsu Tommi (Active)
Rokudaime: Uchiha Shinku

Konoha's Official Clan: <火> 火 Konohagakure no Sato 火

Shodaime: Radiant Eclipse
Nidaime:Kayenta Moenkopi (Active)

Shodaime: Abyss
Nidaime: Shigeo
Sandaime: Cmage (Active)
Yondaime: Purple
Godaime: Ranketsu

Kirigakure's Official Clan: Kirigakure no Sato

Shodaime: Jin Echizen
Nidaime: Raiken
Sandaime: Raifudo
Yondaime: Tetsujin (Active)

Shodaime: Uijo
Nidaime: Arron (Active)


Ichibi no Shukaku- Suna Slacker CJofthedesert
Nibi no Bakeneko- HalfdragonLuka
Sanbi no Kyodaigame -Ranketsu/Yuukaku
` Yonbi no Saru -Darkshinobi
Gobi no Irukauma - No one[[Although some recognize Tatsuhiko as Gobi holder]]
Rokubi no Namekuji - TobiUchiha
Nanabi no Kabutomushi - Arron
Hachibi no Kyogyuu - Yomi/Meizu
Kyuubi no Sokou - DarkRasengan

Otogakure seems to be under a sort of civil war. Al that anyone can really agree on, is that Taumaster is the Shodaime Otokage.
Shodaime Otokage - Taumaster
There currently seems to be a civil war between SasukeUchiha and Madara on position of Otokage.

And that's all. Note that this lists only the official Kage of the five great nations and Otogakure, and the nine official Bijuu. Any other Bijuu will not be listed here--though, I may be willing to list other village leaders, of smaller villages, so long as you have credentials to the position.
Okay, Thanks

I'm not afraid of dying, it's something we all do, but I'm scared to death of living my life without you.

07:42 pm CEST - Am I Akimitsu - Role-Play Events One
Hits: 12286
Ehh.....So, there's a lot going on in Role-play at the moment, but nothing nearly like how it used to be.

Kamui Kachi has returned; lock up your children and your wives...or girlfriends. >_> It's rumored that he will again march upon the great villages for unknown reasons. Except that I know part of it, =P >_<

The Kaze-Kage [[Kayenta Moenkopi]] promoted event, The Blood Moon, continues still. Catastrophe has struck Sunagakure many times, and would go to other villages, if they'd actually play fair. Zenaku and clan also help with this.

Clan Leaders have spoken and many now spur forth for inter-relationship role-playing. Any ideas may be sent to myself, KayentaMoenkopi, or your clan leader, if you have one.
Note that not all clans are in on these attempts to spur more role-play.

Apparently, the Raikage, Mokutan Tetsujin[[DarkRasengan]] has fought the Shukaku Jinchuuriki, CJ, for his Bijuu--some say, to give to Madara. Questions about why Tetsujin is helping Madara, and why Madara himself has not challenged CJ arise, though to those asking these questions, 1. I don*t know the answer, and 2. It*s not our business; obviously, they came to some sort of agreement. Although, 3. Madara is part of Kumogakure, Tetsujin's clan. That may well be why.

This said, CJ has not yet lost the Bijuu inside him, and I have doubts he will. Never doubt a drunkard

I guess that's it for the moment; remember folks, you can always check out the official Shinobi Legends Role-Play forum, though, at the moment, it's not very active either:

Alright, Thanks and Sayo,

I'm not afraid of dying, it's something we all do, but I'm scared to death of living my life without you.

07:15 am CEST - Am I Akimitsu - Who is Darkshinobi?
Hits: 12219
Alright, time to talk about myself, I guess. I've seen a lot of others do it with their first blogs, and, why not? It seems like a good thing to do.

So, my character name is Darkshinobi,
[[obviously,]] and I've been playing this game sometime since mid-late 2006. Obviously, I remember what I call " The Golden Years" of Shinobi Legends, the best times when everything was active, when it was hard to log on, and times were fun. To those that weren't around, Shinobi Legends as it is now is just a shadow of it's former self, if even that--you can't imagine the grandeur that used to exist in this place.

Out of life, I'm Fifteen years old at time of writing[[
My birthday is November Thirteenth,]] and, doing the math, I've been playing since I was [[admittedly elderly]] eleven years of age. If you want a physical description--as pointless as it is--Why not? I'm about Six Feet Tall,[[Somewhere around 187-190 Centimeters,]] With usually bushy afro-like hair. I hate it>_> I wet it down when I can to get rid of it. I have hazel eyes and tend to wear darker clothes. I'm slightly over-weight, though, in modesty, I don't seem to have too much fat...>_>

I used to be a huge naruto nerd, though I'm not that much so now. I don't get into anime/manga, or, really, any type of literature, much anymore.

I study supernatural arts to a great degree, though not as much as I've been asked--I will say no more about this.

I'm in love with an amazing girl and have been since January 8th, 2009. I started talking to her before then, and met her a little after...
I will not date on here, not that anyone would ask>>, nor would I date anyone but her. My goal is simply to make her happy.

In Role-Play here, I currently hold the Title of "Official" Anbu Captain to Konohagakure. Yes, the cold war between Konoha and [Konoha] is over; they are an accepted different village from Konoha--and I do respect Rare to a good degree.
Furthermore, I hold the title of
Yonbi no Saru.

When I was here in
The Golden Years, I was somewhat of an Anti-Social bleep...I'm not that way anymore. Although, some of my fondest memories of the site is having a 4 on 4 fight, with Ryomaru, Afighter, and a few others whom's name sadly escapes me.

I've been in a fair number of clans, though, actually, less than most--I can recall many, if not all, of them.

I have been in:
The Original Otogakure,
LONG dead>_>
SK The first time around>_>
For an exceedingly brief period of time, mainly to see if the village was a nice one. By brief, I mean perhaps two hours.
SK The third time around

Ehh, Actually, that's all I can remember.
If any from my past remember me being in another clan, please message me, and make sure it was me o_o

I would like to note that almost immediately after I left in 2008, another Darkshinobi showed up--They were not me.

Oh yeah, because I didn't mention that: I quit Shinobi Legends in 2008 due to harrowing real life issues; mainly, not having access to a computer, and, though I'd rather not speak more of it, My Deceased Great Aunt's Leukemia. I returned early in 2010.

I do play a number of other games apart from Shinobi Legends, but haven't been on them in sometime...
Things like

Okay, come to think of it, that's the only other online game I've really played in a while...I used to play GhostX, but kinda quit it too...

I guess that's all, thanks for reading if you actually have, and if you want to know any more, just message me.


I'm not afraid of dying, it's something we all do, but I'm scared to death of living my life without you.

06:52 am CEST - Am I Akimitsu - All the Info.
Hits: 12197
So, I finally got around to buying blog ability a few weeks ago. I've thought about it for some time, but I finally picked up the initiative to do so.
This is the first blog, and, instead of telling about myself, it's going to herald the coloring for the types of upcoming blogs. So, without further ado:

This shall be used when writing for stories. 0
This shall be used as quotes, talking, speaking, etcetera, in stories, songs, or the like. l
This shall be the color for songs/poems. J
This shall be used for Important Announcements--Real Life. 4
This shall be used for Important Announcements--Role-Play. k
This shall be used for Personal matters. 1
This shall be used for Author Comments, Feed-back questions, etcetera. 2
If you see this, it's asking for feedback of your own. q

If I'm unsure what to label it as, I'll just do what I think works best. If I make any amendments to this, it'll be titled "All the info: Part 'X'," depending on which amendment it is.

So, that's all for this one. I'll be posting another one soon, So long as there is no limit as to how often they can be posted.

Thanks Guys and Gals,
I'm not afraid of dying, it's something we all do, but I'm scared to death of living my life without you.