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Saturday, April 02, 2011
10:32 am CEST - Hashimoto Daichi - Visual AIDS! °_°
Hits: 13311
So I think my GPU is failing :((( Lately I've been experiencing a slight decrease in performance when playing some newer games in general. Well, at first I thought it was because nVidia didn't roll out any new graphics drivers since January, but I tried updating to beta drivers, which seem nice and stable, but the issues continued to occur.
Like, for example, I recently tried playing Crysis 2. I never got around to finishing the first one because, simply put, I wasn't drawn to the new features of this FPS because of its difficulty; I guess when it comes to shooters, I just don't have the patience to think about what I should do. Yeah, I like to go all-out-psycho Rambo on their a***s. C2 seemed much better and I was right, but the problem was graphics. My rig isn't all that old, I've had it for about two years, and the only game I experienced (only slight) problems with was Bulletstorm, but I was able to play it without crashes and bugs. Crysis 2, on the other hand, starts failing on me after 10-15 minutes of gameplay; the graphics get scrambled and the screen starts to tear, until finally it just shuts down, and I'm left with a black screen and sound. Bleh! I tried cleaning the GPU's fan, but that didn't help; a few months ago I realized my GPU ofttimes operate on much higher temperatures than it used to. Like, instead of 44-45 degrees Celsius it constantly runs of 50-56 degrees, but the fanspeed rarely changes from 35-40%. So, yeah, at first I just assumed C2 just can't handle itself without the third GB of RAM.
But then I installed The Sims Medieval and had the same problems until I lowered all graphics settings to low.
But, if nothing else, Windows 7 still works like a charm, and GPU acceleration in Internet Explorer 9 is still top-notch :D

I can't believe it's April already. No matter how bored I feel day after day, time passes by really, really fast. After so much time out of a job, mom presses me with more chores. Which isn't all that bad, of course, but it gets annoying after a while. I barely finished painting the fence around my house due to the simple fact that the design is horribly complicated, and I was able to finish only about one framework or two per day. So yeah, painting the fence seven days non-stop was incredibly annoying; at least without beer xD
I keep my fingers crossed, hoping to get a call from my boss who gave me an indication that she may put the through some easy management training so I could be promoted from one of the store clerks to actually managing the whole store from a cosy office with leather chairs and internet access xD I've never had an office job before; the position of (chief of) security over at the Hungarian Embassy/Consulate doesn't count, since they mostly treated me like a Courier rather than Security >_<

On the other hand, April means good weather in Serbia and more parties 8D
In fact, there's a party next Saturday night that I cannot miss, seeing as how I'm a part of the organization, lol. The two DJs are pulling our tails, and I think this will be the last time we hire them to spin the music; not that they aren't good, but they ask too much, lol, even though they know our parties aren't all that big and that the profit barely covers our expenses. But who the hell cares? We do it for our community, not for the money, the point is to have fun.

Oh, and someone should remind me never to eat seafood again! Tyron (i.e. one of my best friends) ate some on Friday and then met up with me and Venom (THE best friend for almost 10 years) for a beer and some D&D; later on he got really, really sick. I was concerned, seeing as how the guy went through Military service for 6 months and despite the low standards of life, harsh training and other stuff, mostly had good things to say about his experience. He is always the physically "tough" one among us, so seeing him unwell and kinda weak... you get the picture. Luckily, he's better now, so I'm relieved.

So, yeah, that's it for now. I haven't blogged in years, especially not in English 'cause I never had the need to; blogging on SL is jsut blowing off some steam instead of keeping a regular blog up.

... and a sudden plunge in a sullen swell, ten fathoms deep on the road to hell!
Suum Cuique