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Friday, July 02, 2010
08:14 am CEST - Káshï - Changes...
Hits: 7533
Yesterday, we went our seperate ways. [a roach climbs up my leg] ehh.. what the hell man ._. I hate this!

[sighs] Today was a weird day. Everything was going so good. How did things turn around like this? My Assistant Manager was being goofy as usual, which is great. Then I recieved a call from my DM; and he wanted to speak with Jay, my AM. So, Jay goes to the back and picks up the phone. Right after, I get a call from Abdul, our V.P. [UGH! I HATE THAT GUY] and he starts with his shit >_> as usual. He really seems to like Alahaji. Anyways he decides he wants to speak with Jay as well. After about half an hour or so, Jay finally hangs up the phone. He comes up to me and says,
"Rafael...I have bad news and good news." My heart drops a little and I feel my facial expression changing from calm to worried/anxious. A bunch of thoughts raced through my head. ~~What did Abdul say? Does he want to fire me? He likes Alahaji better; and Alahaji does make more sales than I do! That must be it! Abdul, that mother fucker is at it again!~~ Jay finally says "I'm no longer the Assistant Manager..." I start to feel all kinds of wrong. Then he continues "I'm now a manager" I get a puzzled look on my face and start to wonder what happened. Jay explained what happened and I remember feeling joy for him as well as resentment. Joy, because he deserved the title. Resentment, because I knew things were about to change big time. Today, my carefree spirit was shot down. I feel stress on the rise. Me and Alahaji are put against one another in a competition for the Assistant Manager's title. And I am found at a crossroad. I had the opportunity to work as an Assistant before. Every minute and every hour of it was hell. I can feel the stress starting to take a good grip on me now. "You have to. YOU HAVE TO make commission," [which by the way is almost impossible] "or you will be fired..." says Jay. And that's all I keep hearing in my head YOU HAVE TO...OR YOU WILL BE FIRED...[groans] Gaaaaayyy! Dx

And another thing. That video I took of Jay and Andre [pauses] Yup, I think Jay is really hating me for that. Abdul found that video on youtube and used it against him. Poor guy. I'm sorry. I didn't know >_< Pinche indo culero! Por que estava metiendo su pinche nariz grande por mis personales! Fucken mamon! I hate that fucker Abdul! D:<


Sunday, June 27, 2010
07:19 am CEST - Káshï - =/
Hits: 6974
Things aren't so good for me. I know what I must do. But I don't even know how I would go about it... Maybe it's best if I be blunt, to the point. Nooo? I never was one to hurt other's feelings like that. Cruel, without any sympathy.

"Face down [censored] up that's the way I like to [censored] we dont need no room we can take it to the trucck!" "Ge ge ge get get get Freaky!" ♥

-Loving it xD I wish I was at a club right about now, with this song.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010
05:55 am CEST - Káshï - Pitbull Concert
Hits: 5900
Oh man the concert was amazing =)
Mr. Worldwide Carnaval Tour 6/10/10 Club Escapade. I still can't believe I was so close to him. [thinks back] Haha. I still remember when Pitbull first came on stage, my heart started racing. I could have fainted you know. :P I was super excited the whole time. I did things I never would have imagined me doing in public like that. Lol. Argh! Why didn't I take my camera!?! >_< I can't believe I forgot it at home :( Well yeah, that night was pretty much the highlight of my life so far LOL! I LOVE PITBULL!

Oh and I bought me a nice Pitbull shirt along with a poster xDDD I'm sooo gay. Ugh. But what can I say. He's my nigguh!


Sunday, June 06, 2010
07:05 am CEST - Káshï - So...
Hits: 6288
My brother moved the beds and furniture, in our room, around and everything seems crowded now. I don't like it. However, there is an upside to all of this! He put the computer right in front of my awesome Pitbull posters! =D Man, his music is great. Personally, I prefer how he used to rap when he first came out. "Toma" was my favorite song right next to "Dammit Man" lol. Good times, good times. I can't wait for this Thursday [has butterflies inside my stomach] I'm actually kind of nervous now. I'm going to go see Pitbull in concert for the first time. Isn't that awesome!?!?! =D hahahaha xD
I just hope I get to be at the front row so when he passes by I can touch his hand. Lol I know...I'm a creep like that -_- Lmfao xDD
o_O hope he doesn't pull me onto the stage and punch me right back into the crowd, like he did to this one last guy cuz the dude wouldn't let go of Pitbull's hand. And I know if that hand comes my way...MAAAANNN =D I'm not letting go! I'ma be holding on to it like there's no tomorrow!
"OMG, OMG, OMG! I love you man! I can't believe you're really here! *squealing!!* EEEEEeeeeEEEEeeeeEE~! xD"
Shhhhiit, I'll take a punch from him any day =D I'll even take a picture of my swollen face.
[takes a pic] "Yeah! He got me goooood! =D"
I'll make him sign my pic after the show haha ♥


Saturday, May 29, 2010
01:00 am CEST - Káshï - Feelin' Good
Hits: 5911
I just got back from the dentist's office [puts on his rubber bands] and I have to wear these things 24/7 or else my teeth won't ever get fixed. Having these things on make me feel so uncomfortable. I can barely speak anymore. That will help me out at work [he says sarcastically]. I can't believe how horrible they look! As if i needed anymore objects to be added to my face. Glasses, Braces, Rubber Bands, Cheap-O haircut. LOL! I guess [he sighs]. Well, according to my significant other "Yay, now others won't be looking at you. That way they won't steal you away from me" Hahahaha! What a jealous goose ^_^ [Idk what I just said] xP

Anyways, things are good between us. Relationships aren't meant to be easy. They take time and hard work in order to really appreciate one another and make it last. I really wish things will only continue to get better ^_^

Prince of Persia, tonight? Hellz Yeah!! We are so there! =D


Sunday, April 15, 2007
02:16 am CEST - Káshï - Coolness
Hits: 6360
Man finally I think I have bought everything in Mission Head Quarters. This was the last thing on my list ^,^ Horray! Now, I guess, I might start donating some Points to needy children.

*hides behind some bushes*

... Now don't PM me for points cuz if you do,

*takes out his blade*

Its pushing up daisys for you

Oh Crud! I forgot to name my mount >_>

The Kakashi