Shinobi News

Ramen's the best, dattebayo!
Warren2024-06-15 17:51:54
A certain bombastic blonde shinobi might be lurking around the site one of these days >^> maybe if you play nice with him, he might even help you out in the forest time to time

News for Sun, Jun 30, 2024
Kuro Shimui has been slammed into the ground in the forest by Deadly Young Neji.
"You know, you really shouldn't have a Kage-Level Suiton unless you know how to use it," suggested Deadly Young Neji.

Fuzaken defeated Grizzly`s Sin of Sloth, King in fair combat in the fields of Konohagakure.

Fuzaken defeated Little Lilly Sayuri in fair combat in the fields of Kirigakure.

Fuzaken defeated Marisa in fair combat in the fields of Kirigakure.

Fuzaken had a grave encounter with the VampireLord Baluski in the forest.

Fuzaken survived an encounter with Mistress Temari and ANBU members in the woods of Kirigakure.

Fuzaken was beaten to a pulp for peeking by half-naked ladies!

Fuzaken survived an encounter with the local ANBU in the woods of Kirigakure.

Fuzaken had a grave encounter with the VampireLord Baluski in the forest.

Fuzaken has found a path to Orochimaru's former hideout!

Fuzaken survived an encounter with The Bride Of The VampireLord Baluski in the woods of Konohagakure.

Fuzaken has slain the Chipmunk Boss, and earned a great reward.

Fuzaken was beaten to a pulp for peeking by half-naked ladies!

Fuzaken has slain the Chipmunk Boss, and earned a great reward.

Fuzaken has beaten a couple of bounty hunters.

Fuzaken survived an encounter with The Bride Of The VampireLord Baluski in the woods of Konohagakure.

Fuzaken spent a few hours pleasantly conversing with Hinata in the woods.

Fuzaken spent a few hours pleasantly conversing with Hinata in the woods.

Kuro Shimui has been resurrected by Shinigami.

Lethal Bandit slapped Kuro Shimui senseless in the forest with her own Kage-Level Suiton !
Lethal Bandit laughs at Kuro Shimui, "You actually tried to win? Not even your Kage-Level Suiton did help against my Huge Cleaver!"

Kuro Shimui has found a path to Orochimaru's former hideout!

Harue has found a path to Orochimaru's former hideout!

Kuro Shimui got roughed up by Hanzaki and his cronies for having little of value.

Kuro Shimui had a not-so-grave encounter with the The Bride Of The VampireLord Baluski in the forest.

Kuro Shimui has been resurrected by Shinigami.

Kuro Shimui was killed by ANBU members in the woods of Konohagakure.

Revenent Shimui has become known as Kuro Shimui.

Shimui has earned the title Hokage for having slain Orochimaru 72 times!

Revenent Shimui has slain the hideous creature known as Orochimaru. All across the land, people rejoice!

Marisa has been defeated in the forest by Six Paths Sasuke.
" Marisa, your lack of posture is a disgrace," Six Paths Sasuke states.

Fuzaken did fall before Human Sacrifice in the graveyard.
Human Sacrifice was heard saying to Fuzaken, "Feeble child... You should have fled when I gave you the chance.."

Fuzaken had a fatal encounter in the forest with Sasuke.
Sasuke laughs and says to Fuzaken,"I recommend you go back to the academy"

Fuzaken spent a few hours pleasantly conversing with Hinata in the woods.

Fuzaken has slain the Chipmunk Boss, and earned a great reward.

Fuzaken survived an encounter with the local ANBU in the woods of Kirigakure.

Fuzaken has beaten a couple of bounty hunters.

Fuzaken has found a path to Orochimaru's former hideout!

Shizune slapped Jounin Alex senseless in the forest with his own Dragon Soldier's Wakizashi !
"Maybe next time you won't be so cocky!" laughs Shizune

Academy Student Axicas has been mauled to death by gold hungry Chipmunks.

Frequented Moose has been resurrected by Shinigami.

Frequented Moose has been slain while attacking Matosai Cloud in the fields of Jiseigakure.
Matosai Cloud laughs and says to Frequented Moose,"I recommend you go back to the academy"

Marisa has been slammed into the ground in the forest by Lethal Itachi.
Lethal Itachi is giggling while Marisa lies on the ground, "Oh well, Magic Missile? My mommy had those in the kitchen too!"
