Shinobi News

Many happy returns and all that good stuff
Warren2024-07-14 12:23:56
To our admin boss man, Neji \o/ feel free to drop by at the gardens to celebrate him a little. Don't get too rowdy though~

News for Sun, Jul 28, 2024
Uchiha Shimui survived an encounter with the local ANBU in the woods of Konohagakure.

Genin Rakuzan defeated Genin Shusui while they were sleeping in their Dwelling.

Genin Rakuzan has been resurrected by Shinigami.

Genin Rakuzan has been slain while attacking Shodaime TakiKage Murasaki in the fields of Kirigakure.
"You are dishonorable, Shodaime TakiKage Murasaki!" Genin Rakuzan cries.

Genin Rakuzan survived an encounter with the local ANBU in the woods of Kirigakure.

Rakuzan has earned the title Genin for having slain Orochimaru 3 times!

Genin Rakuzan has slain the hideous creature known as Orochimaru. All across the land, people rejoice!

Genin Rakuzan defeated Academy Student Darkstryke in fair combat in the fields of Konohagakure.

Genin Rakuzan defeated Matosai Cloud in fair combat in the fields of Jiseigakure.

Genin Rakuzan defeated Genin Illusian in fair combat in the fields of Kirigakure.

alby has earned the title Anbu Captain for having slain Orochimaru 21 times!

Hunter Nin alby has slain the hideous creature known as Orochimaru. All across the land, people rejoice!

Hunter Nin Excalibur has been resurrected by Shinigami.

Excalibur has earned the title Hunter Nin for having slain Orochimaru 12 times!

上忍 Excalibur has slain the hideous creature known as Orochimaru. All across the land, people rejoice!

上忍 Excalibur has been resurrected by Shinigami.

上忍 Excalibur did fall before Malignant First Hokage in the forest.
Malignant First Hokage is heard to say to 上忍 Excalibur, "I guess my cuteness is too much for you, 上忍 Excalibur!"

上忍 Excalibur has slain Kabuto, and saved the entire Earth Country from death and destruction.

Chuunin Excalibur quietly passed from this world.

Fuzaken has been bruised in the graveyard by Giant Maggot.
"I see London, I see France, I see Fuzaken's underpants!" reveals Giant Maggot.

Fuzaken had a fatal encounter in the forest with Multi-headed Wolf.
"Oh man! I didn't think you had it in you, Multi-headed Wolf," Fuzaken exclaims.

Fuzaken spent a few hours pleasantly conversing with Hinata in the woods.

Fuzaken has beaten a couple of bounty hunters.

Eternal Angel CrystalisedMaiRose had a fatal misunderstanding in the forest with Obito which lead to a fatal development.
"Maybe next time you won't be so cocky!" laughs Obito

Fuzaken survived an encounter with the local ANBU in the woods of Kirigakure.

Fuzaken spent a few hours pleasantly conversing with Hinata in the woods.

Eternal Angel CrystalisedMaiRose was seen splashing around in the town fountain!

Fuzaken defeated Marisa in fair combat in the fields of Kirigakure.

Hunter Nin Alex defeated the Onbaa in the Forest Ruins! The legendary artifact has been recovered!

Hunter Nin Alex and Tenten were seen heading up the stairs in the inn together.

Marquann has earned the title Genin for having slain Orochimaru 1 time!

Academy Student Marquann has slain the hideous creature known as Orochimaru. All across the land, people rejoice!

Hunter Nin Alex has slain Kabuto, and saved the entire Earth Country from death and destruction.

Academy Student lily has been defeated in the forest by Young Tenten.
Academy Student lily screams, "What was I thinking?"

Karikode has earned the title Kage for having slain Orochimaru 47 times!

Karikode has slain the hideous creature known as Orochimaru. All across the land, people rejoice!

Karikode has been resurrected by Shinigami.

Karikode had a fatal encounter in the graveyard with Needle Demon.
Needle Demon is giggling while Karikode lies on the ground, "Oh well, Sword of Kusanagi? My mommy had those in the kitchen too!"

Karikode has been slain when she encountered Orochimaru!!! Her bones now litter the cave entrance, just like the bones of those who came before.
"Oh man! I didn't think you had it in you, Orochimaru," Karikode exclaims.

Karikode defeated Eternal Artist Greager in fair combat in the fields of Konohagakure.

Uchiha Shimui has slain Kabuto, and saved the entire Earth Country from death and destruction.

Uchiha Shimui defeated Academy Student lily in fair combat in the fields of Konohagakure.

Karikode survived an encounter with The Bride Of The VampireLord Baluski in the woods of Iwagakure.

Uchiha Eternalx has found a path to Orochimaru's former hideout!

Karikode has beaten a couple of bounty hunters.
