Shinobi News

Many happy returns and all that good stuff
Warren2024-07-14 12:23:56
To our admin boss man, Neji \o/ feel free to drop by at the gardens to celebrate him a little. Don't get too rowdy though~

News for Tue, Jul 23, 2024 (Items 1 - 50 of 71)
bran has been resurrected by Shinigami.

bran has been slain while attacking Gambling Nightmare in the fields of Konohagakure.
Gambling Nightmare was heard saying, "My strength is far superior to yours bran"

bran and Tenten were seen heading up the stairs in the inn together.

Karikode has slain Kabuto, and saved the entire Earth Country from death and destruction.

Uchiha Shimui has been resurrected by Shinigami.

Uchiha Shimui has been slain while attacking Academy Student lily in the fields of Konohagakure.
"This both sucks and blows!" wails Uchiha Shimui.

Shimui has earned the title Genin for having slain Orochimaru 2 times!

Uchiha Shimui has slain the hideous creature known as Orochimaru. All across the land, people rejoice!

Genin Rakuzan defeated Academy Student kyloren in fair combat in the fields of Iwagakure.

Genin Rakuzan has been resurrected by Shinigami.

Genin Rakuzan did fall before Genma in the forest.
"Just wait for my revenge, Genma. It will be swift!" Genin Rakuzan declares.

Fuzaken has been defeated in the forest by Kyuubi Naruto.
Kyuubi Naruto was heard to say to Fuzaken, "Wake me up when you get resurrected."

Fuzaken had a grave encounter with the VampireLord Baluski in the forest.

Fuzaken spent a few hours pleasantly conversing with Hinata in the woods.

Fuzaken has found a path to Orochimaru's former hideout!

Fuzaken had a grave encounter with the VampireLord Baluski in the forest.

Fuzaken has found a path to Orochimaru's former hideout!

Fuzaken has beaten a couple of bounty hunters.

Fuzaken has beaten a couple of bounty hunters.

Fuzaken spent a few hours pleasantly conversing with Hinata in the woods.

Fuzaken was beaten to a pulp for peeking by half-naked ladies!

Fuzaken has slain the Chipmunk Boss, and earned a great reward.

Fuzaken has been resurrected by Shinigami.

Fuzaken had a fatal misunderstanding in the graveyard with Living Fossil which lead to a fatal development.
Living Fossil is heard to say to Fuzaken, "Your pathetic use of 緑運命 Green Destiny +1 makes me laugh!"

Hidan slapped Fuzaken senseless in the forest with his own 緑運命 Green Destiny +1 !
"Maybe next time you won't be so cocky!" laughs Hidan

Fuzaken defeated Shadow in fair combat in the fields of Konohagakure.

Hunter Nin Alex and Tenten were seen heading up the stairs in the inn together.

Hunter Nin Alex has been resurrected by Shinigami.

Hunter Nin Alex tried to plunder a nameless dwelling but ran into a trap and got killed!

Hunter Nin Alex has been resurrected by Shinigami.

Gai slapped Hunter Nin Alex senseless in the forest with his own Unicorn Blood-Forged Scimitars !
Hunter Nin Alex bangs his head against a stone..."Stupid, stupid, stupid!" he was heard to say.

Genin Rakuzan defeated Fluffy Wolfie Emil in fair combat in the fields of Kumogakure.

Genin Rakuzan has been resurrected by Shinigami.

Genin Rakuzan had a fatal misunderstanding in the graveyard with Hospital Patient Who Never Made It which lead to a fatal development.
Hospital Patient Who Never Made It was overheard saying, "his Genin's All-out War Wakizashi was no match for my Pain and Suffering!"

Genin Rakuzan had a fatal misunderstanding in the forest with Kikusuke which lead to a fatal development.
"And to think I was considering sparing a worthless soul like you..." said Kikusuke.

Azran had a fatal encounter in the graveyard with Shape-shifting Demon.
"You lack hatred, young one. Perhaps the future?" suggested Shape-shifting Demon.

Fuzaken had a fatal misunderstanding in the graveyard with Orochimaru's Test Subject which lead to a fatal development.
*Hopeless sigh* "All I had to do was poke your stomach.." says Orochimaru's Test Subject.

Fuzaken has been slammed into the ground in the forest by Gai.
"You know, you really shouldn't have a 緑運命 Green Destiny +1 unless you know how to use it," suggested Gai.

Fuzaken has found a path to Orochimaru's former hideout!

Fuzaken has found a path to Orochimaru's former hideout!

Fuzaken survived an encounter with The Bride Of The VampireLord Baluski in the woods of Amegakure.

Fuzaken was beaten to a pulp for peeking by half-naked ladies!

Fuzaken has beaten a couple of bounty hunters.

Fuzaken spent a few hours pleasantly conversing with Hinata in the woods.

Fuzaken has found a path to Orochimaru's former hideout!

Fuzaken spent a few hours pleasantly conversing with Hinata in the woods.

Fuzaken has slain the Chipmunk Boss, and earned a great reward.

Azran had a broken heart and vanished into nothingness...

Azran defeated Sage in fair combat in the fields of Amegakure.

Azran defeated Uchiha Shimui in fair combat in the fields of Konohagakure.
