Shinobi News

Many happy returns and all that good stuff
Warren2024-07-14 12:23:56
To our admin boss man, Neji \o/ feel free to drop by at the gardens to celebrate him a little. Don't get too rowdy though~

News for Wed, Jul 17, 2024
Always cool, Marisa was seen walking around with a long string of toilet paper stuck to her foot.

Uchiha Shimui survived an encounter with The Bride Of The VampireLord Baluski in the woods of Kirigakure.

Uchiha Shimui got roughed up by Hanzaki and his cronies for having little of value.

Uchiha Shimui defeated Academy Student Marquann in fair combat in the fields of Konohagakure.

bran has beaten a couple of bounty hunters.

bran has been resurrected by Shinigami.

bran was killed by Kakashi and ANBU members in the woods of Otogakure.

bran survived an encounter with the local ANBU while entering Otogakure.
