Shinobi News

Many happy returns and all that good stuff
Warren2024-07-14 12:23:56
To our admin boss man, Neji \o/ feel free to drop by at the gardens to celebrate him a little. Don't get too rowdy though~

News for Sat, Jul 27, 2024
Grizzly`s Sin of Sloth, King had a fatal encounter in the graveyard with Hospital Patient Who Never Made It.
Hospital Patient Who Never Made It was heard to say, "This 緑運命 Green Destiny +1 that Grizzly`s Sin of Sloth, King had will make a great toothpick"

Grizzly`s Sin of Sloth, King has been slammed into the ground in the forest by Shinnou.
Grizzly`s Sin of Sloth, King bangs his head against a stone..."Stupid, stupid, stupid!" he was heard to say.

Grizzly`s Sin of Sloth, King survived an encounter with the local ANBU in the woods of Kirigakure.

Grizzly`s Sin of Sloth, King spent a few hours pleasantly conversing with Hinata in the woods.

Grizzly`s Sin of Sloth, King spent a few hours pleasantly conversing with Hinata in the woods.

Grizzly`s Sin of Sloth, King has found a path to Orochimaru's former hideout!

Grizzly`s Sin of Sloth, King defeated Alexia while they were sleeping in their Dwelling.

Grizzly`s Sin of Sloth, King defeated Uchiha Madara while they were sleeping in their Dwelling.

Grizzly`s Sin of Sloth, King defeated Marisa in fair combat in the fields of Kirigakure.
