Shinobi News

Many happy returns and all that good stuff
Warren2024-07-14 12:23:56
To our admin boss man, Neji \o/ feel free to drop by at the gardens to celebrate him a little. Don't get too rowdy though~

News for Thu, Jul 18, 2024
Malignant Arashi slapped bran senseless in the forest with his own Shark Skin Sword !
Malignant Arashi sighs, "Next time stop and think about it, before you challenge me"

bran has been resurrected by Shinigami.

bran had a broken heart and vanished into nothingness...

Academy Student Polar had a fatal encounter in the graveyard with Haunted Lantern.
"It appears you still need to grow, Academy Student Polar!" states Haunted Lantern.

bran has earned the title Hokage for having slain Orochimaru 50 times!

bran has slain the hideous creature known as Orochimaru. All across the land, people rejoice!

Academy Student Polar has been defeated in the forest by Kid Konohamaru.
"Watch your back, Kid Konohamaru, I am coming for you!" Academy Student Polar warns.

Uchiha Shimui survived an encounter with the local ANBU in the woods of Konohagakure.

Yukishiro Misao has become known as Yukishiro Misao.

Shimui has earned the title Genin for having slain Orochimaru 1 time!

Uchiha Shimui has slain the hideous creature known as Orochimaru. All across the land, people rejoice!

Uchiha Shimui has been resurrected by Shinigami.

Academy Student Misao has become known as Yukishiro Misao.

Uchiha Shimui has been mauled to death by gold hungry Chipmunks.

Academy Student Misao has been resurrected by Shinigami.

Academy Student Misao has been defeated in the forest by Shinobi Traitor.
"Even Sakura can't help you now, Academy Student Misao!" chides Shinobi Traitor.

Academy Student Darkstryke has been resurrected by Shinigami.

Academy Student Darkstryke had a fatal misunderstanding in the forest with Drunken Lee which lead to a fatal development.
"Next time, eat your Wheaties," Drunken Lee suggests.

Marisa had a fatal encounter in the graveyard with Oni.
Marisa bangs her head against a stone..."Stupid, stupid, stupid!" she was heard to say.

Marisa had a fatal encounter in the forest with Lethal The Sage of the Six Paths.
"Next time, eat your Wheaties," Lethal The Sage of the Six Paths suggests.
