MoTD Petition for Help
Below are a list o' other LoGD serverz that have registered with th' LoGD Net.
It should be noted that this list be subject t' editin' an' cullin' by th' administrators o' Normally this list be a comprehensive list o' all serverz that have elected t' register with LoGDnet, but I'm makin' changes t' that, arr. Because this list be a free service provided by, we reserve th' right t' remove those who we don't want in th' list.
Reasons we might remove a server:
• Altering our copyright statement outside of the provisions we have provided within the code,
• Removing our PayPal link,
• Providing deceptive, inappropriate, or false information in the server listing,
• Not linking back to LoGDnet
Or really, matey, any other reason that we want.
If ye've been banned already, chances are ye know why, an' chances are we've got no interest in removin' th' ban. We provide this free o' charge, at th' expense o' considerable bandwidth an' server load, so if ye've had th' gall t' abuse our charity, don't expect it t' be won back very easily.

If ye are well behaved, matey, we don't have an interest in blockin' ye from this listing.

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Donations to the site admin (Neji) will be credited instantly while logged in.
Donations to the author (Eric Stevens) can not be checked and you have to claim your points manually via petition.

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Creative Commons License This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License.
Game Design and Code: Copyright © 2002-2005, Eric Stevens & JT Traub, © 2006-2007, Dragonprime Development Team © 2007-? Oliver Brendel remodelling and enhancing
Design: ANBU theme by Natanael Del Valle for, based on vancwest ©2005 by MacBladez Celtweb Designs
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