MoTD Petition for Help
Create a Character
How will ye be known t' this world?
Enter a password:
Re-enter it fer confirmation:
Enter yer email address: (required, matey, an email will be sent t' this address t' verify it befere ye can log in)

And are you a Female or a Male?

Welcome t' Shinobilegends =)

We take data privacy seriously, so please be sure t' read our agreements an' yer rights t' yer data!

   I have read th' Terms and Agreements.

   I have read th' Privacy Policy.

Please note that th' followin' email providerz will most likely not even deliver our mail or at least put it into th' spam folder:


Th' reason be simple: People report verification mails or similar as spam, hence th' providerz block us often.
That's a great improvement, really -_-

If ye want t' get mail, ye need t' email yer providerz an' tell them ye did not receive anythin' but would like.

Then use "Forgotten Password" t' retrieve a new verification email.
If ye choose an insecure password like yer first name or somethin' that be in a dictionary, ye RISK LOSING YOUR ACCOUNT!

Characterz that have never been logged into will be deleted after 7 day(s) o' no activity.
Characterz that have never reached level 2 will be deleted after 90 days o' no activity.
Characterz that have reached level 2 at least once will be deleted after 360 days o' no activity.
Staff Characters (1 players):

Online Characters (3 players):
doku Satomi

Check me out on Myspace!

Donations to the site admin (Neji) will be credited instantly while logged in.
Donations to the author (Eric Stevens) can not be checked and you have to claim your points manually via petition.

Donation Goal:

Monthly Goal:
Current Donations:
Creative Commons License This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License.
Game Design and Code: Copyright © 2002-2005, Eric Stevens & JT Traub, © 2006-2007, Dragonprime Development Team © 2007-? Oliver Brendel remodelling and enhancing
Design: ANBU theme by Natanael Del Valle for, based on vancwest ©2005 by MacBladez Celtweb Designs
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Privacy Policy
Terms and Agreements
Version: 1.3.0 +nb Edition
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